Galnet Wiki


A general term describing a facsimile projection or tele presence of a person away from the physical location. Virtu Theaters use Avatar technology to emerge audiences into the story, most commonly used in Avatar Enabled GalNet terminals. Where one person can send his or her simulated presence to any location across the entire Unionif desired. Of course Avatars can take other shapes and forms. There are so called Legal Avatars that are the verified true representation of a person used in court proceedings and such. Some proceedings still require the actual presence of course.

A small robotic artigrav enabled sphere able to roam up to 100 meters from a Galnet Console, creates an exact force field form replica and paints the three dimensional picture onto that shell. Mass simulators give the construct substance.

Large Consoles can recreate up to 20 Avatars.

Only SII -GalNet offers this service at the moment
