Galnet Wiki
Crimsor, the Red Knight

Crimsor, the Red Knight

He was the leader of the Red Knights from 4910 to5030 OTT. Crimsor was associated with Sata and was killed by Alice Enigma.
He was replaced by Lord Munth who returned  and gave the direction of the remaining Red Knights to an association with the Lord of Bones (the new Necro King )
(TheCircle of Seven collapsed after the Rise of the Dark One and made their existence obsolete)

The Red Knights and the other high lords of the Supreme Order of Avondur are enforcers for the Lord of Bones occupying the Throne of Bones.
There are seven Orders and circles known on Avondur. Each circle os independent from each other and believed to have developed out of Olour groups. 

A recent report revealed that the Light Knights are known to the Red Knights, but are not associated. The Red Knights have great knowledge about the location and the function of many portals and rifts, that can be found on Avondur and other planets within the system.
