Galnet Wiki
Dark imperoas

Dark Imperials 

Faction oposing the Loyal Imperials . The Dark Imperials do not beleive Imperia Regina is the daughter of the vanished Invictus Rex . (He formed an alliance with A group of 14 beings  and became a new entity)
The Dark Imperials beleive in a continuation of the original Empire and its brutal values. They are led by a Steward who acts as a temporary leader until Invictus Rex returns or announces a genuine successor. Invictus Rex never returned and no genuine successor with the blessing of the original ruler ever emerged.
The Dark Imperials kept clashing with the Loyal Imperials. Both factions broke up in many smaller splinter realms and eventually ceased to exist.
The office of steward was first occupied by the Protector of the Realm (TORGUR AGAMA ). Torgur appointed a successor to his office and went on to create the first Knights of Darkness .
