Galnet Wiki

Earth Trojan Yards

from 21092208

It begun as a small Earth orbit based facility to assemble the first Arks to colonize Moon, Mars and Venus. It was then moved to point almost equidistant between Earth and Earth moon at a so called Trojan point (orbit) It was ever since known as the Earth Trojan Yards.

At first it was a government facility, then it was government supervised but leased to companies such as GE, SII, Enroe,DeNoir, Toyota and Huevey. The yard grew and eventually was a floating construct of 30 kilometers x 50 kilometers with attached orbital factories and assembly lines.

By the year 2208 it was outdated and too small to built the massive ships UE ordered.

ETY was purchased by Luna Salvage and Scrap and towed to a new orbit between Earth and Venus in 2208. The plans to scrap it were delayed for a while but eventually carried out.

Thousands of Arks had been built at the ETY , almost as many as at the competing Luna Yards (that still exist)

Space sis
