Galnet Wiki

Trans Neptunian (TNO) Object in the Sol System. Eris and its small Satellite Dysnomia are Union Worlds and together are represented at the Assembly.

Eris has a population of about 900,000 and is a heavily industrialized world,producing Advanced Robotic Machines. De Noir has its main robot factory here and operates a small cybernetic research facility on Dysnomia.

The World is connected via System Tram to TNO Huband has a dedicated Black Light tunnel for materials and products.(To TNO Hub)

The main settlement is Erispolis

Civics : Corporate / Civilian Council – Represented

Laws: Union + Local

Imports: Metals, Electronics, Components, Lux, Groceries


Note: Due to the fact that Military Grade robotics are manufactured on Eris, security is very tight and visitors must go via TNO Huba and undergo a security check before visiting Eris.
