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When I read story offerings, I justify format them; set to Times New Roman 12 pitch, line spacing to 12pt before & 0pt after the line. All this to help my tired old eyes to read them better.

As I go through them I “edit or proof read” them to fix typing, grammatical & spelling errors that often occur because the author can get so caught up in the writing that they can miss words that the mind has put there, also wrong letters can be added by accident. I have done this.

All that being said; if you find a story with these problems don’t bitch about them, do something. But also read the story for what it is – the content. This why I do my proofing, not only for myself, but also for some writers who have asked for another set of eyes to pick up things. They can then adjust the story for themselves.

The Rev.

This is my take on this story for Vanessa's consideration.

Eric Olafson, Space Pirate

by Vanessa Ravencroft

Copyright© 2018 by Vanessa Ravencroft


The Year is 5019 (Old Terran Time ). The Milky Way Galaxy is teaming with life and sentient species. Earth is now known as Terra and part of the United Stars of the Galaxies. A multi-cultural mega civilization that stretches across two quarters of the Milky Way Galaxy and has a foothold in the Andromeda and the Fornax Dwarf as well as in the Large Magellan Cloud. There are now 5031distinctive member civilizations calling themselves members of the Union. The United Stars Space fleet protects this mega civilization against external threats.

Eric Olafson, born on a cold world called Nilfeheim raised under harsh conditions of a very traditional inward looking society of Neo Vikings left his planet to fulfill his dream to become a Starship captain. He managed to get accepted into the fleet academy and reach the third and senior year, along his way he made many friends and also powerful enemies.

Eric is 198 cm tall and weighs almost exactly 90 kilos. His usually long blonde hair now cut short according to regulations. He has gray eyes and some say he moves with the same purpose and grace as a Tiger or Nubhir Wolf.

Like everyone from Nilfeheim he has a greater tolerance to freezing temperatures and is able to stay submerged under water for a very long time because of gills and eyes that are adapted to see well under water thanks to a second set of clear eyelids. His muscles are denser than that of a standard human, allowing him to swim longer and deeper. Due to that he has great endurance and is much stronger than he looks.

He loves fish, has a very clear sense of honor and hates unfair situations. Even though he doesn’t like to admit it, he carries the same short temper of his father and is more often than not ready to face a challenge with his fists or weapons. This and a secret desire he tries so hard to suppress, get him in more trouble than the average guy. He is still oblivious to the fact that he is destined to play a central role in an ancient conflict of cosmic proportions.

The Author

Chapter 1: Alone

The last thing I remembered was the stinging prick into my neck and then a nauseating spinning sensation that dragged me into nothingness.

I was supposed to perform an Orbital assault jump as part of the final challenge and to win the Reagan trophy for the Devastator.

My friends and I equipped with heavy battle suits had boarded a Drop ship. Strapped into the drop rack, my suit malfunctioned and nothing worked.

At first I believed I was dead, but I felt still nauseas and I opened my eyes. I was not dead, but lying on a metal floor. My hands were tied to my back and I was bare feet, someone had stripped me of most of my uniform, but to my surprise I still wore the leather shoulder holster and in it was the antique colt 45, Admiral Stahl had given me. If I could only free my hands somehow. I wiggled and strained my arms into an awkward, painful position and glanced at my wrists. It looked like Memory material tape. Plastic fibers that stuck only to each other, but with an incredible tensile strength, no matter how much I strained it didn’t budge. All it did was cut deep into my skin.

Still sick to the stomach I sat up and looked around. I was in a holding cell and I cursed, “Not again!”

The memory of my last time stuck in a holding cell was still fresh; even though it happened almost three years ago.

This prison cell had the shape of an inverted half pipe that was set like an alcove into a metal wall. I estimated it to be about four meters tall three meters deep and perhaps also three wide. There was no bed, no bunk, no hygiene unit, nothing. The front of the cell appeared unobstructed, no bars or barriers of any kind. Only at its edges I could see a shimmering distortion and it became clear to me there was a force field in place.

I tried to spit into the hallway beyond but my spittle hit the invisible force field with a sharp hissing sound and it was turned into a puff of molecular smoke. No Union holding cell would utilize an aggressive force field.

The room beyond the cell had two similar alcoves but they were empty and so was the hallway between them.

The loud vibrating hum of engines told me that I was aboard a space ship it ran with its engines near red line. The hum did not sound like a fine tuned Union engine.

What had happened? How did I end up here from being aboard a Union Drop Ship and inside a Quasimodo?

Was I alone or were my friends captured and in similar cells? That something worse happened to them I didn’t even want to think.

However if my past experiences were any indication, it was most likely just me and I was almost certain Dent had something to do with it. Just how did he do it right under the nose of the Immortal Admiral of the Fleet?

I did not think of McElligott the same way as I felt about Admiral Stahl, but I trusted him and didn’t want to believe that he might be involved in this. I also had to admit that the worm managed to get us to Quagmire Bog and acted within the Devi. I just wondered why it always had to be me.

While I was still contemplating my situation, there wasn’t much else to do after all, a humanoid man came into view. He appeared almost human except for the fine scaled skin. I recognized him immediately as the half human, half Shiss Lieutenant that shared a dinner with us right after we had arrived on Newport.

“Ah my guest is up, splendid! I was already concerned I used too much energy on the paralysator.”

I said nothing.

“What no questions? I expected you to ask me all sorts of questions!”

“I doubt you would tell me anything I really want to know.”

“Oh but I would. You see you are dead as far as the world is concerned. I think they are holding a ceremonial service for you right now. No one is looking for you.”

However they did it, I believed him. Somehow they managed to fake my death and that was how they managed to fool my friends and the Immortal Admiral. I did not want to give him any satisfaction so I kept silent.

It appeared he didn’t mind and he confirmed what I just was thinking. “We did it right under the nose of the Old Admiral too.”

I laughed at him. “If you think you and that goon Dent are smart enough to fool an Immortal who has seen every trick in the book, you are certainly on the wrong ship. He is going to figure it out.”

“They do not look for you. I told you. They think you are dead. You see your suit malfunctioned and most of you burned up in the atmosphere, the rest that slammed into the planet surface had a few traces of burned DNA left, your DNA.”

He was very proud of himself and I could not figure out why they went through all this trouble just to get me.

“It was quite a challenge to get you of the marine ship, but we did it. Oh I wish we could have taken the Quasimodo along, but something had to burn up and what they pay me for you is enough to buy me a new ship.”

“Why me?”

“I was not told why they want you.” He started thinking. “I bet I could get even more money for you if I knew what it is.”

He suddenly left.

I was in dire need of relief myself. No telling how long I had been unconscious, but by the soreness of my body it could have been several days. I was hungry and very thirsty. I was already contemplating to face the indignity and the discomfort and relieve myself when he came back holding a Kermac Line Blaster.

“We have arrived sleepy head. I am going to be very rich and you going to be dead or something.”

He deactivated the force field aiming his blaster at me. “Get up and let’s go. If I have to deliver you with a leg or an arm missing then so be it. They said alive, but I assure you there are many nuances between alive and dead and I don’t mind delivering a half cooked cripple.”

I struggled to my feet, which wasn’t easy. “Can I use a toilet? I really need to go.”

He actually spat at me and said. “I don’t care what you need. As soon as we are outside you may simply let it go. Just don’t soil my ship. He kicked me hard into the groin and laughed.” This is just a taste what I am going to do to you. If you don’t shut up and walk.”

Through the excruciating waves of nauseating pain I grunted. “I’ll get you. I promise I will get you for this.”

His answer was an elbow blow into my kidneys. “Move!”

There was no sense fighting him now, he had the upper hand while I was tied and he was armed, so I obeyed. We stepped on a platform and it lowered itself to the ground.

From what I could see now I was certain it was a Karthanian Jihhif type Courier ship, slightly larger than the Sturgeon class of the Union, it was at last 200 years old.

He kicked me and made stumble onto the Duro-Crete surface of a space port.

The air reeked of rotting garbage and the stinging putrid stench of smoldering burning plastic.

The sky had a sickly greenish shade coming from a pale sun that barely penetrated the thick smog that lay like a blanket over everything.

It was very warm; I estimated the temperatures to hover in the upper thirties.

The landing field was made out of Duro-crete or something similar, but it was heavily cracked and big sections had already crumbled into big chunks, thick patches of weed growing in those cracks.

Piles of trash everywhere I looked. Not far from us was the burnt out wreck of what looked like was once a Togar pocket freighter.

In the distance I saw the skyline of an immense city with tall sky scrapers and structures, none of which looked alike. There was no distinctive or predominant architectural style. Even from here I could see black smoke rising from many sources beyond that skyline.

At first we were alone and I wondered if whoever was to meet him had missed the appointment, but then a sleek looking skimmer of an unknown type approached. It was armed with two energy cannons mounted on articulated arms sticking out from its roof.

My captor laughed. “My payday and your final fate is approaching.”

But before the skimmer had reached us, a bright energy bolt suddenly hit the speeder and a second one hammered into the Courier ships drive section. The skimmer lost its Arti-Grav cushion and screeched over the duro-crete engulfed in a cloud of dust and fire and crashed into a large pile of debris.

The second blast had done considerable damage to the Karthanian equivalent of an ISAH pod and I was certain it wasn’t space worthy anymore.

My tormenting captor had forgotten about me and ducked behind a piece of scrap metal and cursed on the top of his lungs in a language I did not understand.

That was my chance and I bolted as fast as I could, ignoring the very likely possibility of another energy bolt across the uneven ground, leaped with all the strength I could muster over a busted shipping crate and rolled over my shoulder to lessen the still painful impact. Just as I did, a blaster shot cracked directly over my head. It came from the Half-Shiss that brought me here. Obviously he had remembered me after all.

The crate had been ripped open and there were jagged metal edges. As fast as I could I turned and started to work on the plastic tape that tied my hands.

I worked franticly. I could hear him yell and scream obscenity laden predictions my way telling me what he would do to me as soon as he captured me again. He came closer; I could hear his steps. Blood trickled into my palms as I had missed the tape several times but I didn’t care. The scaled face of my tormentor appeared over the edge of the crate. The tape finally ripped released my hands. I rolled on my back, the good old colt 45 in my fists a fraction of a heartbeat later. He had spotted me and was about to aim his weapon. The antique gun made a satisfying deep roaring bang and the heavy slug punched an ugly hole right between his eyes, blood and brain spraying from the back of his head as it was violently thrown back.

“That’s for not letting me piss, asshole.” I vented my anger cursing at the now dead man but I knew I was far from safe.

I crouched close to the ground as possible and edged forward, risking a peek around the crate.

Three men emerged from the damaged and smoking speeder. They all wore battle suits that did not look like any I knew and were certainly not Union fleet issue. I was certain the suits were shielded and that was the reason they came out alive from their damaged and smoking vehicle.

All three were armed with blaster rifles, one of them was limping and it appeared that his suit had been damaged.

They did not look into my direction so I extended my arm and reached for the Line blaster my captor had dropped as I ended his miserable existence.

Out from under the burned out wreck emerged a powerful looking assault tank, crushing debris and waste under its wide tracks. From the organic lines of its design I assumed it was Nul hardware. The tank was armed with two cannons one of them swiveled around aiming at the men. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stand in the firing line of a Nul cannon that close even in a Quasimodo.

All I could determine that they were humanoid, but as I only saw them from the back I could not tell much of anything else.

A loudspeaker squealed from the tank. “You don’t do business on our space port without us getting a share. I suggest you drop your guns now and deactivate your force fields. Then we will talk fees and decide if you are allowed to continue your business.”

I had no idea where I was, but I knew sticking around was not a good idea. While they were busy with each other I crawled to the next pile of dirt further away and kept on creeping from cover to cover putting as much distance between me and them as I could.

I was now a good distance away and chanced a peak to see what was going on. Two men and a Quadiped floated right above the tank, apparently against their will. The three men used Telekinetics and had disabled the tank by snatching its crew with that cursed power.

One of the armor wearing strangers yelled. “You mindless scum! Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?”

The Line Blaster I had taken was a decent weapon and fired long bolts of energy. It was this fact that gave these weapons their common designation.

However it was next to useless against men in shielded armor suits and with telekinetic abilities.

Besides even without armor and psionics the numbers were against me and the only sensible thing for me to do was get as far away as possible.

However I hoped to hear some clue as to where I actually was and perhaps get some idea who it was that wanted me so bad.

Who were they and what did they want of me?

The next possible cover was a pile of Duro-crete pieces but it was at least a hundred meters from my current position, I glanced back once more. No one looked in my direction so I risked it and dashed as fast as I could, then dove behind the pile, skinning my knees in the process.

The still floating tank crew floating started to scream in agony. One of them was ripped apart in mid-air by invisible forces in a gruesome display of what could be done with telekinetics.

At the same time the tank fired again, and the powerful energy beam vaporized one of the armored men and tumbled the other two through the air. Only one of them got up right away, it seemed the one that had limped would not get up again.

Yet another hover-speeder arrived at high speed firing at the tank, melting much of its front section. More armored men scrambled from that newly arrived speeder and I could hear one yell. “Where is the Narth friend?”

The Narth friend, all this had to do with my friendship to Narth?

However reinforcements had arrived and there was no reason for me to wait any longer and give them time to search for me. Maybe they had scanners or some Psionic way to search.

The tank was burning now and if its energy source was anti matter or a reactor and containment failed, that possibility was another good reason for me to split. I ran again, towards the end of that trash littered landing field and toward the alien city in the distance.



The inquest into Eric’s death already lasted more than two hours and continued behind closed doors. So far no one had called any of them to make a statement.

Har Hi held a PDD, he wanted to write an eulogy, he was sure he had to give one during the memorial service after the inquest was over.

He had not written more than Eric’s name. “He became the best friend I ever had. He was like a real brother to me; even though he was not Dai I am sure he would have been among the first warriors in my tribe.”

Wetmouth said with a dry voice. “You should simply write that then. I just realized how little I knew about him. We all talked about our origins and where we came from, but we never really asked Eric.”

Har Hi said. “He has beautiful sisters and an uncle or grandfather who is the representative of his world.”

Mao wiped his eyes. “We should all go there; to his planet I mean and bring his remains to his family.”

Krabbel spread upper arms. “Yes we should go there, but I think he would want to be released into space.”

Wetmouth worked her PDD and said. “They gave me access to his personal file maybe there are some things we can use.” She switched to field screen output and Eric’s file was displayed on a larger force field screen they all could see.

Hans and Wetmouth started to cry again as Eric’s image came up and Har Hi said after reading a few lines.” We don’t need a file to remember Eric, turn it of Wetty.”

The door opened and Admiral Webb came out and motioned them to remain seated, after Har Hi got up and wanted to announce the presence of an officer. He approached the group and said. “Sorry kids, but the inquest is still on. They are waiting on the Devastator to arrive. Admiral Stahl and General Lichfangh are on their way and should be here within the hour.”

Shaka finally spoke; he had not uttered a word since he learned that Eric was dead. “What will happen next, Sir?”

Webb the Ult had spent most of his life among humans and non-Ult and had adopted a few distinctive human mannerisms; he sighed and tried to put empathy into his voice. “I personally am not convinced that this was an accident and it was me who insisted on PSI corps presence. So it might take a little while longer, but if we rule it was an accident then there will be a memorial service and we all go back to where we came from, in your case it will be the Devastator, of course.” Webb pointed to an empty seat and added. “There is a short recess now, would you mind if I sit with you a little? I did know Midshipman Olafson personally.”

Har Hi who became the speaker of the group said. “Of course Sir, please join us. We are trying to phrase an eulogy for the memorial service.”

Webb looked at them. “You are indeed quite a diverse group, just as they say. Your friend Eric managed to stand out the first day he was at the academy, you know.” He told them about how Eric organized a chain to fetch water for his moisture suit.

That made Har Hi smile. “Yes that sounds like him, alright.”

Krabbel said. “He hated unfair situations you know. That was the reason he got in the middle of things so often.”

Across from their seating group was a bank of IST tubes and a tall Shiss appeared from one of them. He wore Captain’s Black on his sleeves and was followed by a Klack Commander.

Webb got up and greeted the new arrived officer. “Captain Zezzazzzzz what a surprise to see you here.”

The muscular four armed Shiss growled. “We were only 70 light years from here when my Takkian Comm Officer heard the news on the Chit Chat channels. Is it true? Eric Olafson is dead?”

Webb unable to nod, declined his upper torso to imitate that human gesture. “Yes, the inquest into his death is still going on.”

The Ult made a sweeping gesture over the midshipmen, “these are his team mates and friends. We were just talking about Eric.”

The Shiss captain motioned to the Klack and said. “This is my XO Lt. Commander Xt’ Nartoo and I am Captain Zezz. We are friends of Eric and we are here to pay our respects.”

Not long after that another Ult also wearing Captain’s gold followed by Olia and Limbur joined the growing group. “I am Captain Wonn, of the Avalon, and these are fine crew members and the best midshipmen I ever had the privilege to have aboard my ship. They have been friends to the deceased and I am here to ask if they could remain until the ceremony is over?”

Everyone started talking how they met Eric and what he did. When Har Hi told how Eric busted a chair over his back thinking he was an intruder, there were the first giggles and Zezz made a hissing sound as he started to laugh. “Yes that sure is the Eric I remember. He saved my life and that of my brother in an incredible display of courage and fighting skills and I wish I could tell you about it, but I was there when he earned his Medal of Honor.”

A new voice said with an amused tone. “This is how he should be remembered, with laughter and tall tales.”

Everyone turned, Admiral Stahl was there. No one had really noticed him coming and with him was Captain Harris. “I have lost many individuals. Some in battle and some to time as it is the curse of an immortal, but I truly feel the loss of this remarkable young man, who in short time impacted so many lives and made such a deep impression on all those he met.”

There was nodding and agreeing expressions. Admiral Webb updated the Immortal and concluded. “It may matter little in the great scheme of things but I would really like to know what really happened. I did not agree on what form that final challenge took in the first place, these are Navy Cadets and not Marines.”

The immortals expression was stoic but his eyes did show regret and even sorrow. “General Lichfangh came with me and she has already begun her investigation. If anyone can get to the truth and find out what really happened it will be her.”

He sat down as did the Captain of the Devastator. Har Hi got up and took the Reagan trophy and handing it to Harris, said: “Sir, we know Eric wanted you to have this one.”

Harris took the bowl and said with a dry voice. “You all made me very proud.”

A black robed being, completely shrouded came over from the IST bank and saluted looking at Stahl. “Midshipman Narth reporting as requested, Sir.”

The Immortal made a sad face. “I am sorry Midshipman Narth, I completely forgot about you.” Then he looked to Har Hi and the others and said. “This is Midshipman Narth he was supposed to join your group. He too was a friend of Eric.”

Mao got up and went to the newcomer, put his hand on his shoulder and said. “Eric told us often about you and we know he considered you something like a brother. Come sit with us, we are talking about Eric.”

Elfi sniffed and said, “Narth, do you want to know how he died?”

The voice of the mysterious being had a cold emotionless character and it was as if there was a slight echo when he spoke. “One wishes to know the identity of the being that ceased to live, before one wants to know how this being died.”

Elfi actually felt a little afraid of the mysterious Narth, but she came closer never the less. “There is no easy way to say it, Narth, but Eric is dead.”

“One was under the assumption this gathering was to discuss his rescue. One can assure you Eric is not dead.”

Shaka said with thinly veiled anger in his voice. “Denial does not bring him back, and he is not a supernatural Narth that cannot die. We saw him burn up.”

“I must apologize if One caused anger, however this Narth is an all-natural Narth. I do know about the existence of a supernatural Narth. Perhaps your definition of nature is not the same as the definition Narth understands.”

Wetmouth touched Shaka. “Don’t be mad at him, Eric loved this Narth deeply and everyone grieves differently.”

The shrouded being was silent for a moment and then said. “One has not interacted with humans and other beings like one did with Eric; One does not understand most of the emotions and feelings that motivate you, but I assure you Narth can die, as one would have if Eric had not risked his life to save me.”

Galmy and Limbur nodded at the same time. “That is true, we were there when it happened. We thought you were dead.”

“One was very close to this state of non-existence and the reason for my long absence was the need to completely reconstruct this physical shell. So my Hugavh can be anchored in this shell and this reality. Eric and this Narth shared the Hugavh and for this reason there is a bond between Eric and Narth that is not easily explained as it is beyond what you define as Psionics, but I assure you Eric is not dead. No physical distance can prevent Narth knowing this. Eric is alive.”

A stun grenade could not have had a greater effect on the group. It was the Immortal Admiral who first found words. “I have seen Narth do things I believed impossible. If he is not dead, then where is he? Can he be saved?”

“That I do not know. Eric is well shielded against Psionics even for Narth and he has not yet learned how to control his abilities. I do know that he is quite far from here and he is fighting for his live and in great danger.”

Har Hi slammed his fist on the low coffee table, making the Reagan trophy jump. “If he is alive then who died in that suit and how did he get to wherever he is?”

Alycia Lichfangh, the Commandant of the feared PSI Corps arrived stepping into the room through a glowing portal of red light that disappeared as fast as it had flashed into existence. While most of those present still marveled at her method of arrival she said to Stahl. “I am done, Richard. I know what happened.”

The Immortal got up. “Then let us go in there and end this and then we are going to find Eric.”

He went to the conference room door, turned halfway and made a motion with his hand. “I meant all of us; you deserve answers just as I do.”


The inquest into the death of Eric Olafson was chaired by Dent of course, as it was his Academy. He lorded over the proceedings and enjoyed the attention and the fact that he had accomplished what his associates wanted.

The others present were commandants of other academy branches and his inner staff. If it was up to him, the procedure would have been over, the incident declared an unforeseeable accident and everything would be back to business. Most of the other commandants agreed with him, for to them it was just an accident. The evidence provided was good, the eye witness accounts solid, the Poly Analyzer well rigged and even McElligott with all his detail questions appeared ready to call the verdict. It was Admiral Webb that stalled the proceedings, had the evidence reanalyzed and personally questioned every witness and then had asked for a recess.

Dent had enough and leaning forward said: “I don’t see any reason to prolong these proceedings any longer. My esteemed colleague of Arsenal Academy seems to have different ideas about what a short recess is. We agreed on twenty minutes and he is gone now for almost an hour. This is still my academy and I call for a resolution. We all agree it was an accident and by God’s name it was just a Cadet. We all had men die under our commands before.”

He saw most of them nodding or agreeing. McElligott glanced to the door probably waiting for Webb to reappear, but he too appeared to call the verdict and get on with other business.

Just then, door did slide open and Admiral Stahl walked in.

Dent did not expect the old Warrior to be here before the verdict was made. Somewhere deep inside him fear started to grow. He had little respect for McElligott as he considered him an old fool, easy to manipulate with fabricated reports and false evidence, but the man that just walked in was a different story. He’d never met Stahl in person before. The man they often called the Eternal Warrior brought an aura into the room that was not explainable, but almost touchable.

Other beings followed Stahl into the room. He recognized Webb of course and he smirked as he saw Harris. The woman in the black cat suit and the long silver colored hair he knew he should know who she was, but he could not remember at the moment.

He said. “Even though it is an honor to greet you Admiral Stahl. You are not part of this. Please step back outside, this is an orderly proceeding and we are about to come to a verdict. I will gladly give you a briefing afterwards.”

He then pointed his gavel at the cadets. “You need to leave too, this is a closed hearing.”

Stahl crossed his arms. “General Lichfangh here has conducted her own investigation and she is going to enlighten us all and these proceedings are far from over.”

All blood left Dent’s face and a cold fist clenched around his stomach. General Lichfangh, he should have recognized her right away. There was a rumor that no one could lie in her presence and everyone knew she was among the most potent Telepaths known to exist.

Commander Decker actually got up before anyone else could say anything. “I like to confess...”

Stahl’s voice had a razor sharp edge. “Sit down, traitor. It is far too late for that.”

Alycia said. “Eric Olafson is not dead. He was abducted. All you saw burn up was a rigged remote controlled Quasimodo. The charred bio matter you found was manufactured bio tissue from Olafson’s DNA. The Lab technician who made it has confessed.”

Dent’s hand slowly disappeared underneath the desk. All his plans and all his future had ended and he knew it.

The Psi Corps general continued. “While you all saw the accident and the sabotaged suit explode, Eric was stuffed in a message capsule and sent on his way out of the system, the same time the Orbital Assault began. No one noticed because the officer on the ship’s sensors was an accomplice to Commander Becker.

Eric was collected by Lt. Zyzahan at the outmost orbit; Zyzahan was also an instructor on this Academy and part of the criminal conspiracy that is the dark secret of this so called Elite School.”

Wetmouth could not stop herself and said. “Where is he, where is Eric?”

The Psi corps General who had faced the petrified audience of Academy Commanders and Officers said. “No one here knows. The destination was only known to Lt. Zyzahan.”

Dent hissed. “He will suffer for what he had done to the Worm! He will be sold to the Togar for flesh food. His eyes turned up and he made a gargling sound then his hand came up with a PPD.

Alycia said with a warning tone. “He is under the influence of a very strong Hypno implant.”

The PDD projected a field screen into the middle of the room and a purple clad being appeared. It had the basic proportions of a human being but its head was that of a faceless worm, segmented, and with an ugly ring mouth.

“I am the Purple Worm and my plan has succeeded. You are all here. Admiral Stahl, Admiral McElligott, the famous Alycia Lichfangh and a host of high ranking officers.

With one single strike I am going to accomplish what no one has ever dreamed to do. I am going to kill you all!

Don’t try to flee or leave. You have one chance and one chance only. You are to order Centron of the Devastator to accept Dent as its Commanding Officer. You are immortals and old enough to know that I am not bluffing. I have the means to kill you all in an instant and you Mr. Stahl will give Centron the Natrahee Command, the same command that made it your ship so long ago, the Celtest sequence code you alone know that overwrites all others, that will make it Dents ship and opens all the legendary X decks filled with working Celtest weapons and technology. You’ve got five minutes to think about it.”

The projected being faded away.



The being in the purple suit leaned back. When Dent told him that the Admiral of the Fleet himself would show and that the Devastator was on her way, there was a chance that both Immortals would be on the same planet, feeling safe with their ships in orbit on a Union fleet installation. A planet, however that controlled through Dent and his other minions. Setting up the trap was easy, Dent was an Admiral and had free access to any weapon including the 1000 kilo AM Bomb he had them place in the basement of the administration building. That the game was up, and Dent exposed was only a matter of time. The little man had been too ambitious for his own good. While losing the Academy and thus a convenient back door into the command structure of the Union fleet was a setback, eliminating both Immortal admirals, the mysterious and legendary PSI Corps general and a host of other high ranking officers was easily worth the losses.

Without the immortal guides, the fleet was a fruit ripe for the picking.

The Worm crawled for almost as long as the Union existed through every crack and hole of its shiny armor and burrowed deep, finding information and learning secrets.

What would the eternal soldier say if he ever found out who the Purple Worm really was? The being chuckled silently at that, since it would never happen. Stahl was never going to reveal the Celtest command code for the mighty Devastator, so they all had to die.



I had reached the end of the landing field and stood before a wall at least twenty meters high, made of the same reddish colored Duro-crete material as the crumbling landing field.

The wall had cracks as well but none big enough to even look trough. I could no longer hold it and relieved myself against that wall. In all my misery and my hopeless situation, I found true bliss in taking care of this most simple of all needs.

After walking a short distance along the wall I found a large sewer pipe and crawled in.

Not a moment too soon as I found. Three beings in hover suits flew by at a slow pace.

I heard one say. “I don’t think he could gotten this far. Let’s go the other way. I bet the Union boy went south towards the water.”

His companion agreed and both zipped into the other direction.

Something with tentacles, milky white and oozing with slime crawled from the back of the pipe. It took several blasts to make it stop moving.

I waited till the sun set. Neither of the flying men had come back I sneaked back, hoping the drive section of the Courier ship was not completely destroyed and maybe I could lift off into space using Arti Grav. Also the ship must have had communication equipment. Something I could use to call for help with and find out where in Odin’s name I was.

As careful as I had left I went back. Crouching behind a piece of torn landing gear I peeked between ripped hydraulic hoses to see what was going on.

The Nul landing tank was destroyed, is front section completely turned to slack and still glowing cherry red. The fire that was burning inside was out and whatever powered the tank had not exploded, at least not yet.

The first flier, the one that was hit by the tanks blast no longer smoked or burned either. Not far from it, two of the bodies of the armor wearing individuals that had come to get me.

A shallow crater was all that was left of the third. The crew of the second flyer, I counted five stood at the boarding ramp of the Karthanian Jihhif, one of them arguing with someone inside I could not see while the others had their weapons aimed at a group of about 20 ragged looking beings, humans and non-humans, most of them belonging to species I did not know. Everyone of that larger group was armed and wore some kind of armor. None looked new or complete and the weapons ranged from blasters to clubs and knives.

The night wind brought cooler air and also carried some of the heated debate over into my direction. I could not hear every word and the language they used was Freezone-squak, a mixture of Union standard, Kermac Rhodom, Shiss Hiz and a dozen other sources that developed over centuries into the trade and Trans-culture language of Freespace.

Freezone-Squak was part of the Lingu packages uploaded into my brain at the academy during the first year, but it appeared they used a version of it, a local dialect perhaps and I could not get it all. Despite my difficulty to understand what they were saying I had no problem understanding what it was all about.

The larger group was some sort of scavenger gang claiming the ship as theirs, the crew of the second flier was much better armed and their battle armors looked factory new and certainly had shield capability, argued that it was unhealthy to interrupt their business.

I was certain violence would follow soon in one way or the other and I was actually surprised they did talk first, from what I learned of this stinking and dirty place so far was, shooting came first.

This however reduced my prospects to take possession of the Karhtanian courier considerably. This idea of mine was a dead end and I was screwed like a Fangsnapper diving for Tyranno eggs and finding the mother instead.

No one however paid any attention to the first damaged flier, maybe not everything was destroyed inside and there was something I could use to improve my situation.

I was close enough and could make it there unseen. It was a Union Manufacture, a Daihatsu-Enroe armored ground skimmer and from the looks of it a recent model. Now at closer inspection it looked as if the flyer did have shields active while it was hit and the armor also deflected some of the blast energy. The damage was less severe than it appeared at first, but the thing would not fly without major repair work. The left Arti Grav was completely gone and the thrust turbine was a twisted molten mess. I poked my blaster into the open rear hatch first and then risked a peak.

A dead human was still sitting in the driver’s seat; the sudden impact had broken his neck. A small palm sized flat box with the logo of the First Union Bank caught my eye. I put it in my pocket and was elated as I took the weapon of the dead man. It was finest Terran Weapon Tech, a genuine H&K Raketen Gewehr and he had even two spare magazines with him.

His boots looked like real Union manufacture Terran All Terrains. I took them off the dead man’s feet. Like all good Union shoes and boots they were Auto Dresser enabled and thus vari-sized.

My naked feet were dirtier than the socks of Egill when I first saw him and my soles were bleeding from at least a dozen cuts, thankfully small ones.

It was a Union flyer and so it didn’t take me long to find the first aid kid. I cleaned and treated my wounds as fast and as good as I could. The possibility that someone remembered this flier and decided check it out was very likely.

With a thankful sigh I slipped into the boots, ripped the size adjuster open and waited for the faint hissing sound to end that signaled the re sizing was complete. I closed the seams of the re-adjuster, gave the dead man a thankful pat on the shoulder. It was perhaps not the nicest thing to steal from the dead, but he was part of a crew that was involved in my abduction. Thinking about that made me wish he was alive so I could kill him.

I also put the dead man’s jacket on, not for warmth but to disguise my uniform as much as I could; not wanting to be recognized as a Union Officer until I knew where I was. While I had no idea where I was, I had a fair idea it wasn’t inside Union space.

He had a sizeable bag of radshield coated polonium coins with him and a wicked looking combat knife of unknown origin.

I felt much better, armed to the teeth, boots on my feet. I knew I was somewhere in Freespace, but not too isolated from the Union. Maybe there was some sort of communications center in that city beyond the space port from where I could call for help.

The expected fight broke out; I could hear the sharp crack of blaster fire and the deep thud of a grenade launcher followed by a thundering explosion. Through one of the fliers view port, I noticed now three distinctive groups battling over the Courier ship. The grenade had damaged the second flier, another grenade came in like a bright blue shining meteor in a steep ark, I was sure it was some sort of Nul Graviton weapon as it connected with the other flier’s shields and with a rumbling explosion sucked dirt, matter and two men into a small dense ball and collapsed the last remnants of the fighter’s shields.

Someone used heavy ordinance out there, lingering here any longer was pushing my luck.

Quickly I searched the rest of the flier and the small cargo hold. The Hold was clearly designed to transport a prisoner. It was equipped with a stasis box and there was one of those transparent plastic prisoner suits complete with activation and punishment collar. They sure came prepared to take me to wherever they had planned to take me.

The night had fully set in and it was quite dark out there, except for the flashing lightning show the battle provided. I hoped they did not have any night vision equipment or at least weren’t looking into this direction and I ran.

With good boots on my feet and my Nilfeheim eyes wide open, I sprinted as if I was chased by a dozen hungry Nubhir wolfs across the wide open patch, past the half melted tank and past the burnt out wreck, the assault tank I had used to hide inside. Running as fast as I could towards the skyline of that alien city. I chanced and looked over my shoulder. No one was following me, at least no one I could see. Hopefully no one with a Cloaking field was on my trail.

The Wall with the pipe was according to the flying guy to the north. Making the distant shore and the ocean beyond to be in the south.

The skyline of that city could be seen to the north behind that tall wall and to the west. I had no clues or ideas what might have been towards the east.

This was a landing field of a sizable space port and while there was garbage, debris and scrap strewn and piled everywhere it had huge wide open areas and I estimated the skyline to be at least twelve clicks away.

The Air above that city was alive with fliers and even from this distance and I could see aerial dog fights and flashing weapon fire.

Some of the Sky scrapers were brightly lit and I could see colored signs and lights, others were dark and just cutout silhouettes against the sky. One tall scraper had a blazing inferno what must have been the 200th floor, but I saw no emergency or first responders.

I had kept a steady pace parallel to the tall wall in a western direction for more than two or perhaps three hours now, taking short breaks whenever I found a place that had enough cover for me to feel at least somewhat safe.

I closed onto a group of buildings, what I assumed was the passenger terminal of this space port.

It was dark, no lights anywhere and what once were tall transparent wall panels, were busted and shattered and only pieces of the transparent material remained in the frames of these large façade covering windows.

On the far side of that space port terminal was a thick looking Duro-crete tower with a massive gun turret on top. Up there I saw a faint light. The shadow of a man was leaning against a hand rail and he was smoking something similar to Shaka’s cigarettes and every time he sucked on it the orange glow illuminated his face. He was too far for me to make out any details but he looked human.

He flicked his cigarette or smoke stick away and disappeared through a thick armored door back into the turret and it slowly rotated its barrels pointed to the sky.

Now I could make out some of the project-a-signs beyond the wall and the terminal buildings. Some of them in clear Union Lingu advertising Casinos, Gambling, Hotels and restaurants. The name of the planet was used in many of the advertisements and I knew where I was, this was Sin 4, the hell-hole Wetty was born.

The walls of the building before me were pocket marked with thousands of blaster holes and scorch marks.

I had to go through that building as it appeared to be the only access to the city on the other side.

That strange space port ghost building so close to a bustling city felt like a trap as I thumped the safety to off on the H&K Missile gun and dialed the mini missiles to bio-track.

This weapon did not fire beams or rays but small rockets, each with an armor piercing ceramic tip of monofilament sharpness and a few grams of a very potent explosive. Each of these little rockets could be programmed to do a variety of neat tricks, like follow the Neuro impulse pattern of a specific individual, linger in midflight for several minutes until the target appeared or explode behind or above a cover to shower anyone below with deadly shrapnel.

That was the good part, the bad part was you needed a Neuro jack and a data brain or a combat helmet to access and use all those wonderful abilities of the weapon, the man I took it had the Neuro jack, I did not.

Inside the building it was even darker. The exit doors on the other side were about 500 meters away.

The Interior of the place stank of feces, urine but mostly of decomposing flesh, the stench of death.

I stayed as close to the walls, picking my way slowly and as silently as I could, through the trash and debris that littered the floor. I almost stepped onto the rotting corpse of a semi humanoid life form, much of its head was gone and so were most of its clothing and the flesh of its upper torso.

As I stepped over the badly mangled corpse I knew I was not alone, there were others hiding between stair wells, behind columns and underneath the trash. I heard a whispered word, just a few hissed syllables but enough to know it wasn’t vermin or the rustle of paper moved by a draft.

Something grabbed my left leg, just as I stepped over the body.

I looked down and a hand sized spidery thing that looked almost like the boney claw of a skeleton hand scurried up my leg.

I fired a three round burst into the direction of the whisper and drew the large knife and used its blade to cut that thing in half.

The smart little rockets homed in on infrared signatures and exploded with force, killing something or someone the flash of light of the explosion revealed six beings, hiding halfway behind a toppled metal structure of sorts. The brief light also exposed hundreds of these bony spider things, crawling everywhere.

One of the beings I think was a Spindlar, judging by the silhouette and the others could have been Ogahr. The light of the explosion was there for no longer than a fraction of a second. I didn’t waste the opportunity however and fired six times, this time in optical recognition mode and ran as fast as I could to the exit.

The six missiles found their targets and reduced the scum population of this world by at least the same number.

As I ran I crunched and crushed several of those spiders beneath my feet and I felt a stinging pain on the calf of my left leg just above the boot.

With horror I tried to shake one of those whitish spider things off. Even in this light I could see pencil sized needle sharp fangs burrowed into my own flesh.

I swiped the knife again. Cutting the parasite away, but its fangs remained. I had to ignore the pain, I simply had to and with five more steps I made it through the doors and into the streets of Sin 4.

A being with four arms and the general shape of a Shiss wearing a golden shimmering, truly vintage looking battle armor hovered only twenty meters distant and about six meters of the ground and yelled elated. “I found him first. He is mine.”

Both of his arms ended in weapons and he fired.

He was obviously not the sharpest harpoon in the boat. First he advertised himself by yelling in a gleaming golden suit and only then he fired.

The blasts hammered into the dirty Duro-crete where I had been standing a heart-beat before. I was rolling shoulder first down the five steps that led to the Space port entrance, and fired a quad burst after him. The little rockets exploded and engulfed him in a billow of fire and smoke and I could see the bright white lightning spider webs of a collapsing shield.

I invested four more missiles and was rewarded with a shower of body parts and pieces of golden armor.

He was out of the equation, but he had not been alone. His triumphant yells of finding me had been addressed to two similar floating and equipped beings in the distance. I limped across the plaza before the space port and beyond a mind numbing steel, light and duro-crete labyrinth of sky bridges and street canyons.

The pain in my leg turned to a burning sensation that spread slowly like the pain of a Galler-goob sting; that beautiful brainless almost transparent umbrella shaped life form that appeared during short summer in the Uhim grounds back home.

The spider thing had injected me with a venom, I hoped I would last.

The second armored fly man had spotted me and circled around in a tight loop, only to get a well-aimed three burst of missiles into the exhaust of his turbine, the only place that could not be shielded.

I did not wait to see if the missiles ruined his day like I hoped they would and dove sideways into an alley way.

The sound of a deep throated explosion followed me, confirming my hopes.

The alley was like a knife cut between two tall buildings I did not have to stretch my arms to reach both walls.

I stumbled over something and slipped through a broken grating into an empty foul smelling wet basement.

The tumble had stunned my left shoulder and scraped a patch of skin above my left temple right of my skull. I thanked Odin for making that skull of mine thick enough to not break after that sudden fall into that hole I was in now.

Here in the almost completely dark basement of some kind of building, found myself completely and utterly exhausted. My leg swollen and throbbing in pain, my shoulder stinging and hurting in competition with the leg; not to mention the dripping blood from the wound on my head; I listened trying to hear if someone was up there looking for me, then with shaking fingers, pulled the fang pieces of the spider thing out, opened the First aid kit. It was a very rudimentary kit, not an Auto Doc, but it was still union and lots of thought and planning went into this little accessory of the Enroe Daihatsu flyer.

A little light came on as I opened the lid of this brick sized box. A sensor on the little box noticing the lack of light responsible for this, this simple little light that shone over neatly packed and labeled things kindled a little spark of pride and hope. I used some derma Glue and spray bandage, a broad band anti infection agent and a pain killer patch to doctor me up as good as I could.

Then I wadded the jacket I had taken from the dead man under my head and wanted to close my eyes just for a little. There was a deep fear inside of me, that if I surrendered to my tiredness now and let the venom of the spider spread I would not wake.

I had no auto doc, and there was nothing in the kit that could be used to counteract an unknown poison.

Sleeping a little was not giving up, now wasn’t it? All I needed was a little rest.

Chapter 2: Sin 4

The poison had not killed me, but the pain that radiated from my swollen leg made me almost wish it had. I was terribly thirsty and wondered if I had ever felt that miserable. I was able to answer my own question, yes I had. I had it much worse back on the Burg of my father, and back then I did not see any chance of escaping but here I was not out of options. I was still alive and I had weapons.

I used the little light of the first aid kit to check out the room I was in.

It was not as empty as I thought it was before. There was a pile of garbage and waste in one corner and there was a rusty metal door.

Something between the dark plastic film bags and discarded boxes, moved. I was certain I had seen a pair of shiny eyes. I thanked Odin for watching over me while I was out and nothing decided to have me for dinner while I was sleeping.

I cut the leg of my pants open, my calf and thighs had swollen and there was an unhealthy looking white blister around the area the spider thing had bitten me. There was no other way; I had to cut it open. Part of my training was first aid and I had served a spell in Sick Bay, combat and emergency aid was a subject they stressed.

I disinfected the sharp blade of the combat knife and my leg with a disinfectant spray that was part of the first aid kit. I put the blaster in reach of my hand, eyed the pile of garbage one more time and then bit down on the sleeve of my jacket, so I would not cry out too loud and cut the wound open. It was not as bad as I thought; I was already in tremendous pain so a little more did not really matter. Puss and blood drooled down on the wet and dirty Duro-Crete floor. I had to let it bleed out a little but also had to make sure I would not lose too much.

Again the pile of trash moved and I readied the line blaster, whatever it might be was big enough to move the sacks of waste. “If you are sentient say something, if not I am going to shoot.”

Even though I was ready for some reaction, I was completely surprised as something jumped out of that pile in an explosion of garbage.

A dark shadow catapulted itself towards me. All I really saw was fangs, gleaming eyes and claws. I fired but did not hit it, that shadow of fangs and teeth was lightning fast and it collided with me. Needle sharp claws penetrated fabric and skin. My eyes were still blinded by the bright bolt but I saw the outlines of a humanoid face, and an obscenely large-mouth filled with teeth snapping after my throat. I hammered my left fist across that face as I tried to bring the line blaster in line with that monster. My blow connected and whipped its head back; it screeched and I could not tell if it was a human voice or the sound of an animal.

Claws raked over my shoulder; my eyesight was clearing and I managed to get my right arm free enough to move. I pressed the muzzle of the blaster against that furious thing and fired. This time I could not miss and burned right through its chest.

It gargled and collapsed. The stench of burned flesh mingled with the foul odor of waste and the reeking smell of this creature.

In the dim glow of the first aide box light I examined the thing, it was humanoid in shape but was partially covered with fur; its face looked as if a human had been merged with a deep sea fish, with bulging eyes and a huge maw.

It was mortally wounded but not quite dead. From the garbage pile it had come I could now see a rugged hole in the wall that led to even deeper regions of this place.

At this moment the rusty steel door flung open with a creaking sound and a muscular Oghr like creature appeared, holding a Karthanian Flamer stomped past me and held its weapon towards that hole and fired a stream of superheated plasma, into the crack. A chorus of high pitched screams and the sizzling sound of fire consuming flesh echoed from below.

The being cursed in Squawk, “Damn Subzombs, I knew they had a hole coming in somewhere.”

He turned and said. “We don’t like Skaakh squatting in our basements either. You are certainly not a tenant.”

The brutish Oghr stomped his heel on the skull of the mortally wounded Subzomb I had fought moments ago which crushed with a sickening sound. “Get up and get out of here, before I change my mind and have you for dinner.”

I struggled to my feet, gathered my meager belongings and put my jacket back on.

The big brute eyed me in the faint light coming from the still open door. “For a Skaakh you are well armed. I wonder where you got that Union fleet Uniform.”

“I am on my way out, I fell through that busted grating up there.”

“I don’t think you need all these weapons and that nice first aid pack. Its way to good for a Skaakh and seeing you fought a Subzomb, you don’t even know how to use them.”

Like most Oghr species he was almost twice my size and I knew how strong and tough they were, as I had seen Az-Az in action. With all the energy I could still muster, I kicked his gun arm. Putting weight on my bad leg was a bad idea, it sent waves of pain up my spine but I had no choice. With all the pain and misery I was getting angry and I felt my own rage coming up like a storm surge. He yelped and dropped his weapon as I pointed the line blaster right at his broad nose.

“I am new on this rotten planet of yours, but one thing I noticed, you all talk way too much and think you are all so tough. So far I am not impressed.”

He howled. “You aren’t a Skaakh. You’re Union! I’ll rip you to pieces.”

He raised his massive arms and I fired.

I hissed, “Yes I am Union and proudly so” and watched as he fell back with a burning hole where his nose used to be.

He didn’t wear much in ways of clothing but I took his wide utility belt, slung it across my shoulder and used its pockets to arrange and carry my small arsenal and to holster the Flamer.

He carried a handful of dark gray coin like discs, more of the same rad shielded polonium based currency I had found on the other dead man. I am certain it would come in handy.

Not wanting to make this wet hole my permanent home, I finished bandaging my leg and took another pain killer. I had only four pain killer patches to begin with and was now down to two. By the rate I got wounded and attacked I wanted to hang on to the rest until I absolutely needed them.

I limped to the open door and looked down a sparsely lit corridor with a dozen doors just like this one and a steep flight of Duro-Crete stairs leading up at the far end. While I wondered what kind of building this was I heard the wailing of a baby from one of the doors. It was not closed completely so I peeked through the crack. There was a woman and I was certain she was human despite the rag she had slung around her head, nursing a baby on her thin empty looking breasts, while another kid not much older sat by a smoking little fire, the smoke wafting out a similar crating I had fallen through in the other room. This wasn’t a basement for storage.

Those were rooms, apartments for the poorest. The kids and the mother were filthy, now I noticed a third kid banging with a hammer on a piece of metal. A pile of bowl shaped metal pieces on the side.

I should have gone on and left this depressing scene behind, the money I had taken from what perhaps was the landlord or rent collector would be invaluable to me, but I could not.

I opened that door wider and the woman wrapped her arms even tighter around the baby she was nursing and stared at me from underneath that rag she wore with a hollow haunting look of fear, hunger and resignation. I could only imagine how I looked to her, blood caked, dirty and bandaged, armed to the teeth.

I held my hand out and said.” I am not going to harm you, Lady. I wanted you to have these.” I put a number of the coins before her on the floor. “It’s not a lot but I hope it helps you to get you and the kids some food.”

There was utter disbelief in the eyes and the face of the woman. Now as she looked up I guessed she might have been about twenty or twenty five. She had ashen skin and large dark eyes that reminded me of Galmy.

She looked at the coins then at me and I nodded. “Yes Ma’am I am not sure you understand me but you can take the money.”

She shivered and groaned then she put the baby aside and opened the rags she wore exposing her naked body.

I stepped back and turned to the door. She would take the money eventually. I had to leave and somehow find a way to contact fleet command. I wondered if Wetmouth was born in a hole like this.

The woman said. “You give me money for nothing?”

I turned to look back at her. “It is for you and the kids; I don’t want anything from you in return.”

“Who...” She stopped and then begun again. “Who are you?”

“I am Eric Olafson.”

“Lows usually don’t have two names, Skaakh don’t give Lows money and don’t have weapons.”

“I am not from around here, lady and I need to leave now and take steps to make sure I won’t lie the next time I have to say that, but maybe you can tell me where I am exactly.”

She grabbed the coins and said. “I never seen that much, these are nine Twenty-weights. We earn a Twenty-weight in a year.” Then she looked up again and realized I had asked her something. “You are in the sixth Skirt district, just outside the Spaceport. This is Bottom level; below us are the Subs and the old Sewers where the Subzombs and Light-Shys live. You better stay away from the Subs, Stranger Eric, not many that went down there ever came back. Not even the Uppers dare to go there.”

I said. “I have no intention to go explore the underground of this Hell Hole.”

Her information did not help me much. I was in no real condition to linger, but I said. “You are not a Skaakh?”

There was almost something like pride in her face as she shook her head. “Oh no, I am a Low, Bottom Low but not a Skaakh. I have a place and me and my kids scavenge for metals and we make half-a-weight every week.”

I left her and did not want to know how the Skaakh lived.

I managed to get up the stairs without meeting anyone and after a while I learned how to keep my leg stiff and walk decently fast without too much discomfort.

After the stairs I looked down a similar corridor and an open door to the outside. A Shiss stood guard holding a spiked club and a wicked curved Vibro saber in his upper hands, his lower arm pair he kept crossed before his chest. The Shiss turned as he heard me coming and barked. “You don’t look like any tenant I know. When did you move in?”

I had my hand on the line blaster and held it so he could see it. “I am not a tenant, your friend the Oghr showed me a room but it didn’t have the ocean view I wanted and it had one hell of a vermin infestation. Now I want to leave and I suggest you let me.”

I had been around Shiss for a while and Captain Zezz told me much about his species so I knew this red throated lizard was agitated, by the way he ruffled his throat folds. He held up his lower arms. If Nugth has shown you in, then that is fine by me and you can leave of course. I just wanted to make sure you are not a Skaakh or trying to steal something.” Under his breath he muttered in his native Shiss. “I am going to kill you little human.”

It wasn’t that hard to pronounce Shiss correctly if you simply kept your teeth clenched and uttered this vowel free language as if you would eat hot soup. I was certain Zezz was a better teacher than any Cortex uploads and said. “You try that Red Throat and you are going to see your own guts exposed to the night air.” This was a slight variation of a Shiss curse I heard Zezz say to another Shiss while we boarded their ship.

He stepped back and lowered his weapons. “This little human knows much about the Shiss and speaks our language like a nestling. Go Human and be safe”

I went past him, not letting him out of my sight for a second and then went as fast as I could around the corner.

This was the bottom street level of a towering city, none of the buildings were the size of the mega structures of Pluribus and no city planning had gone into the placement of the buildings but these were still sky scrapers of towering heights. Some looked well maintained and others were dark ruins, the sky was black and either it was still night or I had slept longer than I thought I had. I had lost all sense of time that was for sure.

The road gleamed wet as if it had rained just recently and even out here the air smelled dirty and foul. I found a piece of dark plastic tarp and fashioned it into a makeshift cloak, in the hope the thing would blend me at least somewhat into the shadows and hide most of my weapons.

I must have walked for at least ten klicks. The pain killer had worn off and the pulsating pain of my leg was killing me. I had to force myself to make each step. I knew I could not really slow down. Not that I had a clear cut target or destination, but I hoped that I would find some kind of Elevator or stair system that would take me up to the higher levels, where the Light signs were. One of the hotels or Casinos up there must have some kind of communication system I hoped.

I was not alone; there were beings of every size and shape, scavenging through the ever present garbage and waste. Lingering in those narrow alleys and at all times I felt as if there were thousand eyes watching every move I made.

I witnessed a brutal beating in one of those alleys, three beings of humanoid shape beat on a tall being that was either a Spindlar, perhaps an Andorian or member of a species I did not know. The beating was savage and I heard the wet blows of clubs and the painful groaning of their victim.

I should have gone on the other side of the street and put as much distance between me and them, but my cursed values of hating unfair situations overtook all common sense, but before I could intervene. Another group of five beings broke from out the shadows and attacked those who did the beating, from the few words and curses I heard, friends of the victim. There was no way I would get involved now and I increased my limping walking speed to get away before they decided to turn on me. Part of me wanted to fight everyone I saw, simply kill everything and everyone in sight and cleanse this cesspool and as I was thinking those thoughts with the still bubbling anger in my stomach. I suddenly remembered my ring and for a moment I thought it felt almost hot. If I only had Mjördaren or that axe I had found. I shook my head freeing my mind of these strange thoughts, most likely fever delusions caused by the spider poison polluting my body.

Among all those foul smelling odors, a new scent wafted across my nose. Seared meat! It was a mouthwatering smell, making me painfully aware that I was thirsty and hungry. This smell banished all my fever fantasies and put me back into reality.

The smell of flame broiled meat directed me towards a dimly lit flickering light sign displaying alien writing, mounted over a hole someone had busted right into the foundation wall of a skyscraper.

A sturdy board had been wedged across the lower half of that hole. Behind it was an Oghr, wearing a filthy apron and working a fire grill with strips of meat on a steel grid. Several sod blackened pots with something that bubbled and steamed on the other side. Skinned animals of various sizes and shapes hung on steel hooks all across the low ceiling of this improvised food kitchen. A dozen beings, seven Oghr, three human shapes, a Quadiped and a Togar stood before the hole talking to each other and eating whatever they sold here out of paper wrapped packages.

Half concealed by the flickering light sign I also noticed crude but deadly looking automated Nuc Flamer heads, mounted on a remote arm. The red blinking sensor over the remote weapons made it clear the thing was active. I wondered how many non-paying customers had been roasted instead of the meat on the grill.

I felt into the pocket where I had more of the coins and hoped it was enough for whatever they sold here. I probably did not want to know what it was exactly but at the moment I didn’t care and I did not plan to ask too many questions about the origin of the food.

Several banged up looking heavily armored flyers were parked near that group and they all were painted black and orange, had gun turrets of various weapon systems mounted on their hoods and roofs and each of those flyers had a lit sign on the roof. The signs switched writing and lettering every five seconds or so and the word Taxi was displayed in clear Union writing in regular intervals.

I crossed the street walking towards that food stand when one of the Oghr, dressed in black rhino leather yelled. “Skaakh, get away from my Taxi if you want to live.” As he yelled the gun turrets on the nearest fliers swiveled around and targeted me and I stopped in my tracks.

The Quadiped laughed throaty. “Maybe he needs a ride. Never turn back a fare, Sigpah.”

The black dressed Oghr yelled again in my direction. “I only take Polos, Telluriums, Union Creds. Not recy scrap.”

“I have money. I want to buy some food and I need a ride too.”

He waved his big hand and the gun turrets moved to point into the sky. “Come over then, if your money checks I take it, Skaakh or not.”

I stepped into the reddish light from the sign above and they noticed the H & K which I could not hide like the other weapons under my make shift plastic cloak.

“He isn’t a Skaakh, not with this kind of hardware.” The Quadiped grunted.

The Oghr behind the counter leaned forward. “Don’t see too many hunters around here, but I ain’t buying Skaakh meat regardless of the species. I fry only Lum-Lums and Kultis, but there is Bonguu’s five blocks up towards the District border, they take anything that bleeds.”

I pointed at the grill. “I want to buy some of that and if you have water I like some too.”

The cook said “You must be new around here. No one in their right mind asks for water in these parts. I sell Ogahr Brew but I think I have a squeeze bag of Nul Milk if you prefer that. I don’t know how fresh it is, never had a Nul customer but I heard humans can drink it.”

Since the selection was limited and I had no desire to experiment with Nul food I said. “I’ll have Ogahr brew then.”

He wrapped a piece of seared meat in a flap of white dough and put it in a round Oven made of sud blackened Duro-Crete bricks and added a few pieces of wood into the fire underneath. “Be ready in a minute. Brew and Lum-Lum Chew that will be half-a-weight and I only take Telluris. I don’t have a fancy Credit strip like my Taxi friends here.”

I handed him one of the big coins and he snorted. “Hunting must be good, paying with a twenty.”

He handed me a handful of smaller coins, a round plastic bag filled with a yellowish liquid and then took the meat and dough combination out of the oven, wrapped it in brown paper and gave it to me as well.

I went to the side and leaned against the wall so I could keep an eye on things. The plastic bladder had a metal clip that when removed allowed the yellow liquid to flow through a short tube from which it could be sucked. Ogahr brew, so I found, was a flat and extremely bitter tasting beer, not even a drunken low man would touch it, but it was wet and quenched my thirst. What he had called a Lum-Lum Chew was actually quite delicious. It was a strong tasting very spicy piece of stringy meat inside a bland bread pocket. While I was eating I was watching them and they were watching me.

The Black dressed Oghr said, after I had finished the last bite. “I mistook you for a Skaakh, but sometimes these hungry bastards do crazy things. Still needing a ride?”

I nodded. “Yes I do.”

He directed me to one of the armored and armed flyers and at his command the door opened. He said. “I have not lost a customer yet and my Hoogley is well protected. So hop on in.”

I climbed into the passenger compartment, there was a bare steel seat and two Neuro Rippers pointed at whoever would be sitting on that seat.

I heard his voice through a speaker. “A word of advice, hunter, touch your guns and the Computronic will fry you on the spot. Fare is 10 Union Creds per 15 minutes or Two-weight Telluri coin.” I saw him turn behind the transparent barrier that separated us and he pointed at a slot below.” First payment is upfront and don’t try to cheat. I don’t take Kerms, too much of a hassle to fly out to the Kermac enclave and try to argue with those white skins.”

I dropped one of the bigger coins in the slot and he grunted satisfied. “A fiver will certainly do the trick. Very well then, where would you want to go?”

“A decent hotel.”

“You’re in luck. My wives’ brother works for a fine establishment. Clean, heavy security, right in the Donheer District and all Insurances paid to the Syndicate.”

The Cab whisked up through these artificial crisscrossing canyons diving underneath sky bridges into a higher region of the city where the advertisement signs became brighter and the sky bridges were lit.

After about eight or nine minutes the cab slowed down before the entrance platform of a Hotel with a bright blue sign reading ‘Sleep save on a Budget Hotel’ and two line blaster armed Oghrs guarding a heavy looking steel door.

The Cab pilot turned again and said. “Here we are and be so kind to deposit another one weight, that is the Opening Door fee.”

I swallowed what I wanted to say, arguing with an Oghr behind a trans-plast shield and looking at two Neuro rippers was not a good idea so I dropped another coin in the slot and the door opened with an oily sounding groan. The speaker connection was still open and I heard a voice from his Com System saying. “We are looking for a male human shown on this holo likeness, there is a rew...”

I was already out as I heard him yell. “Get back in now.”

I ran as fast as my leg let me away from the hotel door across the sky bridge. I had to get some kind of cover before he could fire. There was another Sky bridge, about six meters below diagonal to the one I was on, I prayed to Thor to give me strength and courage, flanked over the hand rail and hoped I could land favoring just one leg and roll over my shoulder to lessen the impact of the fall. I was still in the air as a blaster shot melted the hand rail where I had just been.

Trying to use only one leg didn’t work out so well and the impact of the landing made me feel as if I had been hit by a gigantic sledge hammer. I was certain I heard the breaking of a bone. I rolled over on my shoulder and almost tumbled over the edge, this Sky Bridge turned out to be a service pipe or sky tunnel, and it had no hand rail or safety force field of any kind. The surface was slightly curved to each side and slippery metal, still wet from the last rain.

I almost slipped as I struggled to my feet, hoping the All-terrain soles would still work and adjust to the slippery condition at least somewhat.

There was no time for safety; the Taxi Cab was already coming after me to get a better firing position. I doubted the H & K rockets were strong enough to damage an armored flier, but I had to buy me a little time, so I turned, knelt down, aimed carefully and fired a five round burst in armor breaking mode right at the narrow wind shield sandwiched between two armor plates.

The mini rockets peppered the windshield and perforated it, one of the taxi cabs guns fired but the blast went at least two meters above my head and slammed somewhere into a wall; the cab went into a steep dive and collided with a sky bridge below me. I limped to the end of the bridge, pulled myself over a railing onto a balcony type side walk circling around this building.

I simply kept on going, to put some distance between me and that cab, who knows if he survived or managed to tell someone that he had seen me. Up here there were few places to hide, but luckily there weren’t many beings out on foot either.

How many hours I limped through that strange city, always staying in the shadows as much as I could, I could not tell, but the sky above me began to brighten and a new day was dawning. My leg was completely numb and my right shoulder throbbed after taking the brunt of the fall, I was sure it was broken. I was at a point where I actually contemplated jumping, simply to end it. What was the point of trying to keep on going? There was no one and nothing on this planet that I could reach out to for help, and at this point I needed help badly. Then I saw what looked like a Dance Club with bright lights and expensive skimmers whisking from and to the Entrance platform.

From a lofty sidewalk I saw heavy armed guards and robots and there a little to the side stood Wetmouth, smoking one of Shaka’s smoke sticks. My friends had found me.

That this could have been any Sojonit did not come to my delirious mind at that point. I balanced across a small ledge on the side of the building to make it from the sky bridge I was on to that platform and approached the Sojonit.

“Oh thanks Odin, Wetmouth. You guys found me.”

She looked at me and said. “I am not Wetmouth, I am Moistpromise, I am a Sojonit but do know of Wetmouth.”

A robot and a security guard were approaching but she waved them away and then she looked at me from behind her mask and said.” You are a mess, soldier, you better come with me.”

A sporty pink colored Mercedes open roof Skimmer came floating to the edge of the platform and its doors swung open. The Sojonit took my hand.” Get in fast, before anyone really sees us.”

I did and she sat down behind the controls. The floater was neither armed nor had it any visible armor, but then I saw the controls of a state of the art SII Security shield and knew why she didn’t need armor or guns.

She gunned the engines of this quick luxury skimmer and pulled it in a steep climb into the sky above the buildings. I wanted to say something, tell her who I was but everything became blurry and I passed out.



There was no panic among the officers in the hearing room, but most of the ones present stared at Dent, his eyes rolled up, drooling from the corner of his mouth and yet he was speaking and making demands. “Six minutes left before this side of the planet and most of this continent are atomized and all of you with it.”

Alycia said. “He is under hypnotic control, but I know he speaks the truth. There is a bomb somewhere near and ready to be activated.”

The Narth declined his head slightly. “One would wager that such a device as the one that is directly below us is not sufficient to atomize half the planet. It is only a 1000 Kilo Bomb of Anti matter, it will however be sufficient to kill. Having been reincarnated so recently I must say I do not look forward to dying again and this time permanently.”

Richard said. “Alycia and Narth you can teleport yourself and hopefully some others with you to safety. Take McElligott and whoever you can. I will stay and try to negotiate.”

Cirruit said to Narth, can you teleport me to that bomb? I am sure I can deactivate it.”

Before Cirruit even completed his last word, Narth and he vanished into thin air.

The hypnotized Dent cackled with a strange laughter, “Too late, you all die now.”

Nothing happened, but Dent’s eyes rolled down and he looked completely surprised and baffled around. “What did just happen?”

One of the Academy Commandants looked at his PDD. “The ten minutes have just ended.”

Out through the window next to the glaring sun a new star flashed into existence and send blinding light erasing every shadow on this side of Newport for a long moment.

Stahl spoke into his PDD giving orders. McElligott got up and spoke for the first time since the ordeal begun.

“I don’t care what it will take or cost, I want every resource, every man, every ship to hunt that Worm. No one sleeps, takes a break or a vacation until we have eradicated this disease from our fleet.”

Dent still standing behind his desk said. “Never get into something without a Plan B. He pointed his PDD at Stahl, two streaks of sliver hissed through the air one decapitated Dent and the other severed his hand, while an energy bolt from the PDD hit the wall only inches above the head of the ancient Warrior.

Stahl brushed his hand over his singed hair and then gave Har Hi a brief smile. “Marines from the Devastator are dropping on Newport as we speak to secure this place, but you, my Dai friend, saved my life.”

Cirruit came in carrying the Narth who appeared dead. “He teleported the bomb into space, he said it would drain all his energies and he was not sure if he could teleport so much weight far enough away so it would not do any damage. He did it, but he collapsed and hasn’t moved since.”

A solemn silence fell over the room and everyone stared at the limp shrouded body in Cirruit’s arms.

Stahl was about to break the silence and say something when the Narth stirred and lifted his arm. “One is deeply moved by the feelings directed toward my person. I did somewhat overextend myself and need to return to Narth Prime.

Stahl said to Har Hi. “Take that Barracuda of yours and bring him as fast as you can to Narth Prime. She is the fastest ship.”

Har Hi acknowledged the order, gathered his knifes, spat on the dead Admiral and went to the door followed by his friends, but Wetmouth turned. “Sir, what about Eric?”

“If anyone can find him or know where he is then it is the Narth Supreme. Now go, I promise you we will turn over every rock to do our part to find your friend.”



When I came around I found myself in a large bed with peach colored satin sheets. The bed had curtains, a mirror above the bed and it stood in a large girlish decorated room in matching colors.

My arm was bandaged with a stiff Bone-Mender Patch; I was clean and otherwise naked under the thin soft sheet. There was no pain from my leg and it was bandaged with a rigid plastic film.

The Sojonit sat in a chair reading something on a PDD and noticed me waking up. She looked exactly like Wetmouth with pink hair and a mask displaying a beautiful stiff woman’s face with an open mouth. Unlike Wetmouth however she did not wear a Union uniform but a pink sheer outfit with a skimpy bikini beneath it covering her only barely. She had her long legs crossed with long heeled boots on her feet.

I noticed her voice was different from Wetmouth’s when she said: “So you are Eric Olafson. Half the planet is looking for you. Someone put a huge bounty and a very good description of you in circulation. That is bad news on a planet without laws and full of bounty hunters, assassins, killers and pirates to name just the tip of the iceberg.”

I wanted to make sure and asked. “I am on Sin 4 right?”

“Yes you are and I just talked to the Mother Superior. She sent a message to Wetmouth to tell her you are alive.”

A rock as big as Nilfeheim rolled of my chest and I said. “Thank you, Moistpromise. Thank you for rescuing me.”

She laughed a friendly sounding laugh. “If anyone ever needed rescuing, it was you. Eric, but I am very glad I could help. Mother Superior ordered me to give you all the help you need.”

I asked. “Is there a GalNet Terminal somewhere, or some other means to get a message to fleet command?”

She nodded. “Yes, at the SII-Bank and business center in the Uppers District, but getting you there will not be easy. Those who are looking for you will have eyes and ears all around that place and perhaps even scanning equipment. We are 170 Light years away from the closest Union Planet. Only the Union developed this marvelous instantaneous communication net. The Katharians have faster than light communication but slower than a space ship and it would take weeks to get a message to a Union Planet that way. Of course the Kermac have a PSI-Sender on their Enclave Island but entrusting any information to a Kermac long range telepath would not be advisable and I am not sure if there is a connection of the Kermac Psi Sender net to the Union anyway. As soon as Wetmouth receives the message, I am sure she will inform your superiors as well.”

She got up, walked over, sat on the side of my bed and held her PDD over me. It made the characteristic sounds of a med scan in progress. She turned the display around and said.

“You are one of the lucky few who survived a Bone-hand crawler bite, the antidote and blood cleansing drugs are working and you will soon be as good as new.”

I looked at the display and it confirmed her diagnosis. I said, “Thank you for patching me up and taking care of that. Before I saw you, I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. You saved my life.”

I saw her smile behind her mask and she patted my shoulder. “Mother Superior commanded me to help you and besides it is a nice change of pace to help a young man instead of doing the other things.”

I asked. “Is it possible to leave this planet, perhaps booking passage on a ship? These Casinos need gamblers and they have to come from somewhere, right?”

She laughed again. “Eric this is Sin 4, we are in Free-space. There is no Space bus service. Yes I am sure you can get a ride on a ship, but you would have to hire one of the Privateers that run passenger services, and whoever is looking for you will have the two space ports under close surveillance as well. I heard there is a bounty of five million Telluri coins on your head; you could not trust anyone right now.”

I swallowed and almost whispered. “Can I trust you?”

She spread her arms. “You have to trust me, but no worries. We are bound by the rule of Mother Superior and the Goddess and no amount of money can make us sell out! Mother Superior wants to see you and that is where we go next.”

“Thanks again you for rescuing me.”

“It was a pleasure, besides I am a friend of Wetmouth and she has told me about you in many letters. I know you are close friends.”

“What happened to my uniform?”

“It’s somewhere on the bottom of the South Ocean. There was a tracker tacked to it and hopefully, if they manage to finally track it they will think you are dead.”

I felt my heart slump.” There was a piece of metal, in a leather holster I had. Is it on the bottom of the ocean as well?”

She shook her head. “No, I have sent your weapons to the temple, they are safe there and you can collect them there. All I kept here is that Union Bank Credit box of yours.”

I thanked her again and was glad that the Colt was not lost. That present I got from Stahl was not only quite dear to me; it had saved my life twice now.

The Sojonit turned off the PDD and got up. “We need to leave soon and get you to the Temple Island. Only there will you be really safe and Mother Superior will know what to do.”

I felt quite naked without any weapon, despite the fact that I was under those sheets, “Someone knows we are here?”

She shrugged. “I took as much care as I could, while bringing you here but this planet is also called the world of a million eyes and someone could have seen me carry you in. Besides this is only a love hotel and if they want to see who my customer is I can’t refuse. We Sojonites are under protection of the Four Families by old contracts, but whoever is searching for you, appears to have the blessing of the Four Families to find you. The temple island is off limits but we need to get there.”

I wanted to get up and said.

“Then we should go.”

She held me back and said. “Not like this. My flyer is open and everyone can see who is inside. You need a disguise.”

I nodded and said. “Alright.”

Her voice had a serious tone as she said. “It is forbidden by our highest laws that anyone who has not taken the oaths of our order shall impersonate a Sojonit. We command very high prices and respect for our services and there are those who want to cash in on our brand. We kill without mercy those who do, but our highest laws can be overruled by the will and command of she who is the Mother Superior and she told me to disguise you as a Sojonit so you can move and travel freely and go to the island. “She pointed at an Auto Dresser. “It looks like an old model but Mother Superior had sent it while you were still unconscious, it is a Saresii model and can do some temporary plastic surgery. Go use it.”

She laughed as I wrapped the bed sheet around me to walk over to the machine and said.

“Who do you think undressed you? Besides there are no physical secrets you hide underneath that sheet a Sojonit hasn’t seen thousands of times.”

I blushed and said with a meek sounding voice. “I can’t help it, I am from a very prudent and backwater society and being naked in front of a woman is one of those things.”

She stepped on the seam of the sheet and I had to get in the machine without it. It seemed like a small eternity ago when I last used an Auto Dresser this way on Wichita Planet.

It took longer than usual and the process was not entirely pleasant. I felt as if I was a piece of dough Midril pounded, rolled and shaped with her round and strong underarms.

When I stepped out I wore a corset style top, a short skirt and long boots, over it a sheer jacket and all in shades of pink. The body underneath all this was quite feminine and filled the skimpy outfit in the right places.

She nodded approvingly and then handed me a Sojonit mask and said with a solemn tone. “To a Sojonit it is a very special day when she receives her mask and wig. You are the first ever as far as I know who is allowed to wear these without being initiated by the order.”

I put the mask on. It felt warm and was soft and pliable. She helped me with the wig. I had not forgotten about my other persona, the side of me I called Freya came to the surface and the change in me was quite intense. This female persona that was part of me burst to life and brushed all maleness aside and I felt free once more.

Moist clapped her hands. “Either Wetmouth was a very good teacher or you have hidden talents of your own. I know few females and even fewer males that could walk like that in those heels.”

I said, and was surprised of my soft female voice, “These are hidden talents. Wetmouth had little chance of wearing anything but a Uniform since I knew her.”

She stepped back to inspect me with an approving nod. “Impractical they are and not exactly healthy. Fashion comes and goes but high heels have always been a hallmark of human female fashion the Galaxy over.”

I had no real response, but simply enjoyed the feel and was certain no one would recognize me now, not even my friends. “There is a voice changer in the mask?”

She nodded. “Yes these masks are way more than disguises. Now help me delete any trace of your presence.”

Under her instructions, we stripped the bed, threw the sheets down a garbage chute. She pressed a contact on the Auto dresser, it fell apart in dozens of pieces and they too went down the chute. We sprayed everything liberally with a strong smelling disinfectant. She explained.” This will destroy any DNA traces of us being here, just in case someone is checking.”

I wondered if she had done such clandestine things before, as it seemed she had quite the experience but I decided not to ask. I spotted the Credit box on the night stand and just out of curiosity checked the readout and almost fell over. The readout showed a secure account with 10 million Union Creds.

She came out of the bathroom and looked around. “As good as it gets. Let’s get out of here and pay for the room and for extra cleaning.”

We left the suite and went down a glass elevator into a plush decorated foyer. A truly white faced humanoid with sunken eyes wearing a tuxedo like outfit bowed slightly behind the counter and greeted us as we approached.

“We are always very grateful for Sojonit patronage. I hope everything was to the Sisters satisfaction?”

Moistpromise declined her head gracefully. “The Velvet Pasha meets the expectations of our customers, as always. We had a rather extensive session and I would like to order immediate room service and book the room for the rest of the week.”

He pressed a contact and nodded. “Room service has been dispatched right away.”

The read out on his terminal showed 1900 Creds and I swiped the box and left a hefty tip. I batted my eyes behind the mask and said. “That is for you. Your attention to excellent service is well received.”

He pushed his chest out and smiled proudly. “You are too kind! Thank you so much. This is very generous.”

Just then six beings came through the main entrance door. They wore armor plated uniforms, and were armed to the teeth. One of them came straight to the counter, touched a control on his left gauntlet and a projected a holo of my face appeared floating above it. He barked at the white skinned man behind the counter. “Have you seen this man?”

The Desk attendant looked the man down. “This is the Pasha. We are operated and owned by the Maroni family. We do not divulge such information even if we had it.”

On his signal a big Quadiped appeared from behind an alcove and planted his massive body behind the Desk clerk and rasped with his steel barrel voice. “It is very unhealthy to mess with the Maroni. I suggest you bounty hunters leave now.”

“We have permissions from the Cartel to search. So tell us, have you seen this man?”

The desk clerk shook his head. “No I have not.”

Moistpromise took me by the arm and guided me towards the exit, one of the Bounty hunters, more Cyborg than man, stepped in our way and he too produced the Holo. “Have you seen him? There is a nice reward on his head.”

“We serviced no such man.” She said. “Now let us pass.”

He grunted something unfriendly but one of his colleagues pulled at his shoulder. “Let the Sojos go. They are protected in ways you do not want to mess with. I could feel their eyes on my back as we left for the park deck.

Her pink Mercedes was already waiting and only after she piloted it in a steep curve above the peaks of the sky scrapers did I relax. “Whew, I thought he noticed something.”

She giggled. “Yes he did, your ass. He had lots of machine parts but he was still a man.”

The city was as dirty and gray during the day as it was at night. The air was full of smoke and soot and I looked around and sighed. “What a place.”

She looked at me from the side and said. “Sin 4 is not just Casinos and prostitution. It produces lots of illegal wares. Drugs and weapons being on top of the list and companies take advantage of the cheap labor Lows, Skaakh and Slaves provide. There are no regulations, no laws. All waste is simply dumped anywhere. The City as you see it below us spreads almost over the entire continent and there are estimates that there are between eight and twelve billion beings living here, and most of them living at the bottom of the social feeding chain. Not even counting the true owners of this world, the native Stiks.”

I asked, “Who are the Stiks?”

She answered. “A tribal pre industrial species that is native to Sin 4. They are treated even worse than the Skaakh. Most of them live on the Southern continent, but often they round them up for meat or for slave labor. It is very depressing.”

“I wonder why anyone wants to live here.”

“Because Sin 4 is within reach of the four big powers, not to mention the Shattered Kingdoms of the Oghr, the Karthanian, the Togar and hundreds of smaller Civilizations not associated with any of the Big Four.”

She must have noticed despite my mask that I wondered who the ‘Big Four’ were, because she added. “Out here in Freespace we call the Union, the Kermac, the Nul-Nul and the Shiss simply the Big Four. You know by treaty of the last cease fire agreement, this is Freespace. None of the four powers are allowed to send warships here and all four closely watch that the others don’t violate this treaty. So this world became a haven for the scum and criminal elements of the Galaxy and it is big business. Anything that is illegal in any of the four powers can be bought or sold here. It is a neutral meeting ground, hostages and blackmail money can be exchanged, as you learned yourself.”

I sighed. “Whenever I think I know a little about the universe, I find out I really know nothing.”

She steered the flier towards the open ocean and said. “I think you need to be one of those mystical Immortals the Union claims to have, to really know and understand it all.”

I agreed with her. “Yes I think you are right, maybe Stahl and McElligott have a chance to do that.”

Moistpromise said. “Not that anyone believes they are real, but you mention the name of the eternal Soldier around here in a spacers bar and you can see real fear in the eyes of hardboiled privateers and pirates that usually fear nothing. Some believe he is just well done propaganda, or some kind of Avatar projection, but there are quite a few who think he is a Demon or a God.”

“He is real and he assured me he is no god. Even though he comes pretty close to a deity aboard the Devi.”

Her eyes went wide behind the slits of her mask.” You actually met Admiral Stahl and have seen the Devastator?”

I could not help but feel a deep surge of pride and said. “I am a Midshipman aboard the Devastator and I have talked to the Immortal in person. And so has Wetty by the way.”

Just as she wanted to respond we were over the ocean. Two armed skimmers came close; one was open and filled with rough looking warriors. They looked us over, then they waved, yelled obscene suggestions and then turned around and left.

She said. “That is why we use open skimmers. So they can see we never have anything to hide. It is part of our agreement with the Cartels. In exchange we are untouchable and no one dares to attack a Sojonit.”

I noticed the gray unhealthy looking water of the ocean around the continents shore turned to a beautiful shade of azure green. There were small islands in the distance with expensive villas. She made a big circle around them and said. “Those are the family villas, belonging to the top bosses of the Cartel. They have every weapon money can buy, the best mercenaries that rarely ask questions and shoot first if you get too close without being expected.”

After a few minutes of flight we approached a larger green Island and I realized what a feat it must have been for a little girl rowing a little make-shift boat all the way out here and Wetmouth’s story took on a whole new dimension in my mind.

The Island was covered with well tendered green parks and in its center was an immense Statue of a reclined naked woman in a very provocative position. The Statue’s face looked exactly like the masks all Sojonites wore.

I estimated the Statue to be at last 200 meters tall.

She chirped with a happy tone in her voice. “Welcome to Sojo Island. This is our sanctuary and our temple.”

Small structures that looked like frilly Garden pagodas turned with us and I saw the muzzles of modern FTL projectors extending from white roofs following our flight path.

She noticed it too. “The island is perhaps the best defended place on this planet and this fact is well known. Here you are as safe as can be as no man is allowed in the inner sanctuary. You will be the first. Do not reveal your true nature to anyone even other sisters, till we met the Mother Superior.”

“I won’t.”

“Your mask and wig are registered and you can freely move around. Anyone trying to use a fake disguise would not make it that far.”

I said “I am glad I’m wearing the real thing then.”

She steered the pink flier towards one of the gigantic perky breasts of the statue and a hidden door opened at its base and admitted us.

We landed in a spherical hangar and there was a small fleet of these pink Mercedes Fliers parked.

I knew the price of a used Opel flyer and could only guess at the price of these, especially here so far from Union markets. “Well it seems business is good.”

She laughed. “It is often called the oldest business in the universe and no matter the times, we always have a steady stream of customers. Our reputation is old and well earned.

It was cool in here and the air smelled of a faint feminine perfume, the same scent I always noticed on Wetmouth and the same perfume Moist and I wore now. The corridors she was leading me through had no straight lines and had an organic round asymmetric design. The floors were covered with soft carpets muffling our steps, even though I did enjoy the staccato of our heels in the hangar we had just left.

There were Sojonites everywhere and only a few wore masks. Some wore simple white robes and others nothing at all. Moist explained to me as we walked. “Here in the temple we do not have to wear our masks. But some of us have worn them for so long that they became such an integral part of us that we feel naked without them.”

I could understand that and kept on looking around taking in the sights of this unusual place. Antiques and artwork from all over the Galaxy depicting humans and non-human species in all forms of sexual contact were displayed everywhere. I noticed a statue of a Quadiped in the middle of a quite obvious act and asked, “How is it you can offer your services let’s say to a Quadiped and yet I see no non-human species here?”

She responded. “These are secrets I cannot reveal to you, but a fully educated Sister can service any being. We know all about the most intimate practices of every known life form as well.”

We stepped into a small elevator that followed the arched body of the female statue into its head and from there she guided me into a very tastefully decorated room with antique looking furniture. A Sojonit awaited us. She was the first I saw that did not wear pink but a deep red gown. The hair of her wig was much longer but cut in the same style. It too was not pink but had a deep red shade, the lips of her mask were closed. The masked woman inspected me with glittering eyes and then said. “Welcome Eric, I am the Mother Superior of the Order of the Sojonit Goddess who is the Mother of the Universe and source of all pleasure.”

I instinctively bowed and said. “It is an honor, Ma’am.”

She said to Moisture. “Thank you for bringing him here and keeping him safe.”

Moistpromise spread her arms and curtsied. “I live to serve the Goddess.” With these words she turned and left the room. I was alone with this mysterious woman.

She gestured towards a soft and comfortable looking seating group arranged around a low table with a single big candle on top that was burning and appeared to be the source of the sweet perfumed scent of the room. “Have a seat and get comfortable. You are welcome to take off the mask of course.”

I sat down and took the flexible mask off.

She walked to an expensive looking, delicate carved armoire and asked, “Would you care for something to drink? I have real Terran Line Aquavit here and a nice selection of beers.”

I wanted to decline but the prospect of a cold beer was quite alluring so I said. “A beer would be great.”

She opened the Armoire revealing a modern Union style Serv-matic, produced a frosted mug and handed it to me along with a bottle of Budsteiner, one of the most common and quite good Union brands. “I am sorry, I don’t have Holsteiner but I will have it on hand if you ever return here.”

I thanked her, poured the golden liquid into the mug producing a nice white crown. My mouth became dry in anticipation and taking a long drought, if there was a heaven or a Valhalla, I was near that state at this very moment.

A little ashamed, I put the glass down. There was nothing left but some foam on the bottom. She laughed with a pearly silvery voice. “By the goddess, you are the first Neo Viking Sojonit and it clearly shows.”

I squinted my eyes. “Ma’am it appears you know a lot of details about me.”

She sat down crossing her legs. “I believe your security clearance is Blue-Blue-Red. You are a Midshipman in the third year and you are currently posted aboard the Devastator, and your graduation is only 2 months off. Am I correct?”

She knew more than a person outside the fleet should have known about me and I became suspicious. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Ma’am but are you associated with those who brought me here?”

She shook her head. “No worries, young man. I know Richard and O’Brock. I know both of them trust you very much and had lots to say about you when I informed them you had been found.” She made a gesture that incorporated the room and everything around her.

“You see, this is not only a Sojonit temple but an outpost of the oldest known Intelligence service known to an elect few as the Gray Cat society of Sar.”

I was surprised by that, I had never heard of the Gray Cat society or even knew the Saresii had an Intelligence Service. I said, “I thought all national, military and intelligence services had been consolidated into Fleet and NAVINT at the signing of the National resource unification act of 3000.”

She nodded. “That is the official line, but we still exist and so does the elusive Terran Space Intelligence service that is still operating under the command of another Terran Immortal.”

She shifted her position and tugged on the skirt of her dress. Because you are here and because I think you need to know, I am going to initiate you into our most guarded secrets over the next few weeks.”

If she was more than the head of a religious order, I thought she might know and so I asked her “Do you know how and why I ended up here?”

She nodded, “Yes I do. Admiral Dent was a deeply entrenched agent of the Worm. The Worm fears the new activity of the Narth as shown by their willingness to boost the ranks of the PSI Corps and so do the Kermac. The Kermac have tried to abduct you before, if you recall your ordeal at Camp Idyllic?”

She knew everything about me and I said, “Why me? I am just one of many and come from a very unimportant planet.”

“Because you are the first who can claim to be the friend of a Narth and more so the Narth confirm that by making you a High Representative of their species. You are young and new to all this, I know, but in terms of Galactic Importance, there isn’t much above the Narth. They are not only the most enigmatic species known; they have been around for far longer than even the mythical Pree and the Uni. Now comes along a human, from as you say an unimportant planet and befriends the first Narth to ever join the Union Fleet. They tried to abduct him to study him, to use him as a tool to lift the secrets of the Narth and when that failed you became the next target. They think that you hold a key, that you are important enough for the Narth to reveal their secrets. As much as the Worm fears the Narth, the Kermac are truly terrified and they believe their very existence is threatened if the aggressive Earthers gain access to Narth knowledge and technology. So they worked through their agents and are paying the Worm to get you.”

I frowned. “Little would it do. I know very little about the Narth and there is nothing they could do to me to sell out my friend and tell them what little I do know.”

The mysterious woman leaned forward and patted my knees. “I can only imagine how terrifying and big these things must appear to you, but you have managed to stand on your own and you are far from an average Midshipman. Do you know just how many people have ever met both the Eternal Soldier and the Administrator?”

Before I could answer she continued saying. “It is a small group. For most, these men are nothing more than legendary figures that existed at one point long ago. Others believe these are titles bestowed on new beings, but you have met them and they know you. The enigmatic Coven welcomed you on their world and they too raised you to utmost importance within their society. You are a declared friend of the throne by the Queen of Saran, the Queen of Klack and the Pan Saran Emperor knows of you. Not to mention that your great grandfather, Egill, is known to be one of the Wise men of the Assembly. All this, Eric, makes you far from average.”

I had held my breath as she said all this and somehow I knew she was right. I was different from the other cadets in that regard.

“I never thought of myself as anything else but normal and average.”

“How many average cadets do you know who have the Medal of Honor and are cleared to the highest classification level? There have been less than fifty individuals that ever commanded the Devastator ever since Stahl came back with that mighty battle ship. I have it on good authority you even commanded her during a space battle.”

Her pointing all that out made me actually feel quite uncomfortable and I wondered what this all meant. “It sort of happened; I did not plan any of this.”

Mother Superior laughed again. “I am certain you haven’t. No one can plan his or her destiny. I don’t know what destiny holds in store for you, but Algear told me to give you some tools and knowledge that will help you in the future.”

I wanted to know, “Who is Algear?”

“The best friend of Egill. Did you not meet him during the Crystal Ball?”

“If I have it must have been very brief.”

“He is one of the wise men. And he is a Saresii, and when I told him of you he wanted me to reveal all this to you and reveal knowledge to you no outsider has ever gained, in the hopes this knowledge might be useful to you one day.”

I tried to digest all this and then I said. “If Dent is an agent of the Worm he could put his goons anywhere. Admiral Stahl must be informed.”

She had an assuring tone in her voice as she said. “He knows. Admiral Dent has been killed by a certain Dai you know and your friends have been informed just a few hours ago that you are alive. Your friend Narth is with them. You will be reunited with them, eventually.”

This was the best news I heard so far. I sighed deeply and was so relieved. I could not help but grin when I heard Har-Hi had killed the traitorous Admiral. “So Wetmouth is an agent too?”

“No Eric, she does not know, only a select few of the High Priestess of this order are aware of this. This order has existed for a very long time and it is much more than a cover. The Sojonites know all the secrets of sexual pleasure of almost every being in the known Universe.”

“How can they?”

“We are not human Eric; we are shape shifters and can take on any form.”

“I never heard of a species that can do that, but then I’ve seen many species unknown to me in the last few days.”

“It is a great secret, Eric, however it appears you attract and collect the great secrets of this Universe like others collect pottery pieces. Maybe it is because you are keeping secrets well and can be trusted with them.”

“I never really asked for them.”

“Well you are not very good at keeping your own secret to well. It seems you are quite comfortable in this costume. Much more than a Neo Viking supposed to be”

My cheeks started burning and I felt ashamed, as she was right.

She leaned forward and patted my knee. “Don’t be ashamed, there are no secrets of this nature that are a mystery to us and perhaps one day you too, will learn how to shape shift. It is a gift that can be learned you know.

I tried to feel more relaxed and said. “Well I bet it sure helps to get into the nice outfits.”

She laughed. “Indeed it does.”

I showed her the Cred Box. “What do I do with this?”

She checked it and whistled behind her mask. “This isn’t small change anymore. I assume it is the sum brokered between Worm and Kermac for you. The Worm spends quite some money on this operation but the Kermac can afford it. I think you should keep it. You could retire from the Navy right away and be a very wealthy individual.

I shrugged. “My grandfather left me much more than that and I have no idea what to do with all this money. I don’t think I am going to retire anytime soon.”

“Keep it anyway, it might come in handy. There are few more potent weapons in the universe than money.” She got up, tugged at her skirt and listened to something I could not hear. “It’s time we leave and remember you have never been here and all I told you was never said.”

“I will not mention anything to anyone.”

“Now be a Sojonit again, put on your mask and follow me.”

== Chapter 3: Sojonit Secrets ==

The woman in the red dress led me through a labyrinth of hallways, corridors and after an elevator ride, into the secret basement facilities of the Temple far below the surface accessible only through a complicated process of ID verification that made the Blue-Blue-Red Code process look like child’s play.

We ended up in a small conference room of sorts with several chairs and a kidney shaped table in the middle. A Sojonit entered and handed the Mother Superior a PDD and said. “Arrangements have been made and we will get a ship in three weeks.”

The masked leader of the Sojonites glanced at the PDD, nodded and handed it back. To me she said. “By then everyone who is looking for you will think you are dead. Death comes quickly here on Sin 4 and in three weeks you are old news. By then we should have no problems to move you off planet.”

She pointed at my leg and added. “That gives you time to heal completely and we can teach you a few useful skills.”

A modern looking SII GalNet terminal rose from a hidden compartment in the table. A field screen flickered into existence and the logo of fleet command rotated in the middle for a short moment only to be replaced by the face of Admiral Stahl.

Suddenly I wished I was not dressed like a Sojonit. While I deeply enjoyed the role and the quite provocative outfit I somehow didn’t want Stahl to know my secret.

The woman motioned me to remove my mask and the wig and I did.

Stahl looked at me; his face did not reveal what emotions he felt as he said. “Midshipman Olafson I am very glad you are unharmed and safe.”

I wasn’t sure if I should stand at attention. Military protocol required such behavior only when in uniform so I decided against it. “Thank you Sir.”

He nodded and said. “As you know military ships cannot enter Freespace and so we cannot come and get you officially. While we do have extensive other resources I think the current plan is the best, to let things cool down and make sure no one connects your rescue in any way to the Sojonites. I am sure you understand that we must be subtle and move carefully through very secure channels so we do not jeopardize the Sojonites or the Saresii Intel Operation on Sin 4.

Your friends know you are alive and I told them that you are reasonably safe for the moment. However no one but I and Mother Superior know where you are at the moment. Most of your current adventure and the details of your rescue are classified beyond Blue-Blue-Red, meaning you will not divulge any details of this to anyone.”

“Yes Sir I understand.”

He smiled briefly and continued. “I expected nothing less of you. For the time being you are transferred to the Saresii Intel service and you will take orders from Mother Superior as if they came from me, understood?”

“Yes Sir.”

He leaned back and the optical sensor now revealed that he was sitting in his office aboard the Devastator. “It might interest you that your friend Har-Hi killed Admiral Dent, sparing him an execution and we are currently cleaning up on Newport.”

I could not stop the grin that crept over my lips. “I can’t say I am terribly sorry to hear that, Sir.”

“I am looking forward to seeing you soon and in person for a complete report, Midshipman Olafson, until then good luck and god speed. Stahl out.”

The transmission terminated and the field screen went dark.

I felt much better now after talking to Stahl. Everything didn’t seem so confusing and there was a clear direction once more.

Mother Superior said with a warm tone in her voice. “I’ve known him for a very long time and I can tell he is very fond of you.”

I was still staring at the dark field screen and said. “I am very proud to know the Admiral. It is very reassuring to know he is one of the men in charge and to know I can trust him.”

She nodded. “That you can indeed, there is no one with a reputation like his. In all the centuries I’ve known him, he has not changed. No matter the situation or crisis he is like a sturdy rock. Even his worst enemies respect and trust him.”

I looked at her masked face “It seems you are fond of him as well.”

“You have keen senses and I think your feminine side goes much deeper than you know.”


During the next few days I was taught how to override and hack into advanced locks, break into Computronics, operate Bioflex mask makers and use make up and other means to change my appearance. I learned that the Sojonites did not only teach the art of love making but had a special squad of enforcers that made sure the Sojonit brand was not exploited by others. The tall Sojonit, so I learned, was from Earth and she taught me a new and different secretive martial arts technique that had only one goal, to kill the opponent as quickly as possible by recognizing the weak spot. Most of the training was given by neural upload and ancient Saresii Hypnotic techniques. I was told that they had to revert to these old techniques as I was immune to Psionic Learning. After each extensive upload she would go through a series of physical exercises to make sure the upload had taken hold. The martial arts technique was unlike any of the ones I knew as it was based on the incredible deep knowledge of the Sojonites into the weaknesses and nervous systems of hundreds of different species.

Another woman introduced me to the world of poisons and neuro-toxins. How to identify some of them and how to effectively use them; again the Sojonites drew from a deep knowledge base of many species, some of them unknown to the Union.

The range of weapons the Sojonites used was wicked and deadly. None of them obvious and all of them hidden. Micro-needlers, monofilament blades disguised in jewelry, masks, wigs and clothing. A seemingly innocent and playful looking wispy veil used as part of the costume or in seductive dances could be transformed into mono mesh nets slicing through flesh and bone was especially nasty in my opinion.

None of the weapons would do much good in real battle or during boarding action, but reap terrible havoc in a night club, an urban setting or in a bed room.

I learned much about the Sojonit and their secrets, that this order was only one aspect of the Goddess and that another much more secretive Order worshipped and studied the destructive aspect. To them the Universe was a female spirit giving life and light but part of the Universe was also death and destruction. This innermost circle of the Sojonites enforced the laws of the Order quite effective as Assassins, killing without mercy those who did not pay for services or those who tried to cash in on the reputation and dress like Sojonit Sisters.

While I was not really buying all the metaphysical stuff I learned that the Order existed long before Terra ascended and had collected, preserved knowledge and age old skills for a very long time.

After two weeks of the most intensive training that barely left time for eating or sleeping I wondered why I was receiving these instructions.

I was certain it would come in handy to know these things and I eagerly wanted to learn more. The Viking Warrior in me recoiled and abhorred the wicked and hidden ways to kill and assassinate, which was not really my style or character, but knowing such things existed would help me to identify such threats easier.

I had just completed another practice session with the tall Sojonit when the Mother Superior came and inquired about my progress. After she received a satisfactory answer and a little demonstration of the skills I had learned she asked me to follow her to a small sacral looking vaulted room with a statue of the goddess Sojo dominating the back. The statue was about the size of a human and the material had a waxen bone colored appearance. The figure was dressed in the same deep red as the Mother superior. Hundreds of Candles were burning and the scent they produced was almost too much.

“The Godess herself wants to get to know you.” She said in a matter of fact fashion.

I wanted to object and tell her that I wasn’t the religious type and whatever room I had for religion was reserved for the Aesir, but then this wasn’t the first time I participated in a religious ritual. I had danced before the statue of a Saran goddess along with other Sarans, Elfi and the Queen herself. And what would it hurt? The Sojonites had saved my life and shared much of their knowledge and taught me many of their secret skills, so I would endure whatever ritual was about to take place. Paying respect to their ways.

A faint sound of silvery bells could be heard; it wasn’t really a melody but appeared to be generated randomly. I also could hear the gurgling of water somewhere.

She sat down on a large silk cushion, folded her legs underneath her and asked me to do the same on a cushion across from her. She made a gesture towards the statue. “To us Sojonites the Goddess is quite real and I am going to tell you our story so you may understand us better. After that I will arrange to improve your education in certain areas.”

I blushed and said. “I don’t really want to know all the things Sojonites do. I respect it and all that and I do enjoy being female at the moment, but I am quite sure I am not interested in the ... uhm ... you know what you Sojonites do.”

She laughed heartily. “Oh now young student, fear not, there are no intentions of that nature. Even though you would be surprised how powerful and useful such knowledge could be. The skills we hope you will acquire here are of a more practical nature and your Admiral has approved it.”

I nodded and was glad that there was some knowledge I needed to acquire. Still I wondered what it could be she wanted to teach me.

She pressed the palms of her hands together and placed them above her lap. “To learn something it is often best to start at the beginning.”

I had to agree with this basic wisdom and simply nodded, while she begun. “In a time where humans on Earth barely learned to walk upright and had yet to bring forth true sentience, the Saresii had developed into a strong and mighty civilization with many achievements. We were blessed with Psionic gifts and talents few others species could dream to match and with these powers and the achievements of our culture came pride.”

While she talked a dark sphere established itself between us, expanded until the temple room had vanished and deep space was all around us.

Just like a virtual tour we moved without effort to a Star system with seven planets.

I knew as soon as I saw it, that such a system could not have been natural, as all Planets were on the same orbit around their sun. The orbit was not elliptical but a perfect circle, placing all the seven worlds into a perfect distance from that star.

Her voice explained what I was seeing. “Our pride grew and, while pride is a good emotion, it can easily grow into haughtiness and arrogance and it did so with us.

The Saresii became obsessed with our own beauty, our own power and this self-importance affected and infected our entire society.

The Saresii were as condescending as the Kermac are now. Yes there were voices of warning and those who tried to make us see the true reflection but to little avail.”

“We used our combined Psionic powers to re-arrange our own solar system. As you can see there are seven perfectly groomed and perfectly identical worlds.

“We were not content with one home world but showed the Galaxy we were powerful enough to rearrange star systems and shape entire planets with little effort to our ideals.”

“The Saresii spread over many worlds and colonies and each colony competed to be the most beautiful and aesthetic pleasing.”

“We Saresii cared little about what others found pleasing and sterilized many worlds to brand them and remake them in our image. During this phase of expansion and arrogance we exterminated many other perceived lesser civilizations. And then we met another civilization, the Seenians. Just as arrogant and even more advanced. They commanded an empire that stretched across most of our Galaxy, with untold resources and mighty fleets.”

I actually enjoyed her history lesson and it did give me some insights into one of the leading societies of our Union. I was sure her story would drag on for a while longer, but after running through an alien city wounded, poisoned, hunted and near death; I found this a nice change of pace.

I also had the suspicion that the scent of the candles, beyond that visual illusion had some sort of tranquilizing, calming effect. My mild interest changed as the image showed a fleet of ships, hundreds of them, each appearing in size and shape exactly like the Devastator.

To the entire known Galaxy, the Devastator was a sign of Union might.

I had unleashed her terrible power myself and now I stared at a fleet with hundreds of these immense ships.

I knew how difficult it was to fight a small courier vessel of the Seenians. These images brought home just how powerful the Seenians had been.

I heard her say, “The Devastator is an old Seenian ship as you can see now. The Seenians showed up with fleets of thousands.”

I remembered the words of Admiral Stahl about how dangerous the universe could be, regardless of how big your ship was; there was always someone with a bigger or better one.

I wondered if even the combined might of the Union fleet would have stood a chance against such an adversary. While I still tried to wrap my mind around the image, she continued. “We welcomed them and felt we finally met a species worthy of our attention.

The Seenians impressed by our achievements and Psionic powers, accepted us as equal and offered us to join their Alliance.

She paused only a few moments while the enormous fleet of Devastator sized ships were met by an impressive fleet of smaller very elegant looking ships. I could clearly see Saresii design but I never heard about the Seenians having a fleet of ships like that.

“The Seenians told us that they were at war against a brutish force and recruited others to join their fight. They also warned us that if we would not join them that we would certainly perish trying to stand alone against the Dark Ones.”

Seeing the might of the Seenians and the ancient Saresii displayed, I wondered what opponent could hope to stand against them. Yet the Seenians were no longer around and everyone knew the Saresii lost the war with dire consequences.

I could not see her and only heard her voice.

The Mother Superior kept on talking and commenting on the visual before me. “The Saresii, as you most likely know from school, fought with the Seenians against the Dark Ones much like the young civilizations of the Galaxy now fight against the Y’All every time they return...

The Dark Ones were relentlessly unstoppable.”

I wondered what the motivation of that enemy was. No matter how advance or beyond human understanding this conflict seemed to be, it had to have a reason.

The projection field between us displayed grainy and blurry images of a spherical ship that moved into a star system and she said.

“These images are the only visuals we have of the Dark Ones and no outsider has ever seen them. We enhanced the quality as much as possible but these records have been copied many times and are over a million of your years old.”

The view switched and whoever took the image was standing on a planetary surface. I could see troops on sleek, artistic looking battle tanks and other beings wearing similar suits as Cateria the Seenian commander had worn and they all looked into the sky as an immense shadow darkened their sun. In that eerie twilight I could see little darks spots in the sky. The troops on the ground poured withering fire of powerful weapons into those spots, yet the spots became bigger and descended unharmed. The eyewitness who made these recordings had the camera mounted on his helmet so it appeared and he looked around and I saw Celtest and Saresii troops ripped out of their battle suits by unseen forces. I saw blood and gore and the painful screaming of men everywhere. Four legged creatures hellish looking beasts that made Fangsnappers look tame and cuddly. The recording ended and the projection field went dark.

While I was impressed by the intensity of the fight. It did not look very advanced or the conflict of civilizations technologically so far advanced.

Once more I became aware of my ring; Every time this happened I wondered why I never thought about this piece of jewelry and why I kept forgetting that I had it. While I watched these ancient million year old recordings, something struck a chord somewhere deep inside, as if I had seen these images before; familiar images that meant something to me.

A new voice spoke in the darkness. “Indeed you are not just an avatar or another precursor. Come, come to the hidden world of Sojo. Come eternal one, you who will rise and answer the question, I too guard a piece of thine.”

I was in a strange dreamlike state, unable to form a clear thought. “Who are you?”

“I am Sojo.”

From within me a voice that was mine yet of a different person or consciousness spoke. “Neither Crea nor the host of all elders. Nothing can stand before me and no one and nothing can deny me what is rightfully mine.”

“Your ascent is foretold and expected, but a new answer dawned. Sojo will not deny you what is yours, I invite you and want you to come.”

Without really knowing why anger rose in me and I clenched my fist. “I will rise and bring the order and silence of death to punish all those who worshipped the chaos of life and light with the final peace of darkness. As it was the preordained faith of all who conspired against...”

“Your time has not yet come.”

The Images displayed on the projection field now showed an elegant glittering object that appeared like a precious jewel floating over a deep blue ocean. These powerful emotions and thoughts that had gripped me just moments ago faded away and I wondered who conspired against whom and how I would know all this, as the thoughts faded away like a puff of smoke in a fresh breeze of air.

That crystal object that was now coming into focus, I had seen it before. Recent memories flooded my mind. It looked exactly as the crystal construct on Pluribus where the Diamond ball was held.

These new images made the other dark thoughts fade away and as much as I tried to hold on. What was that voice in me? What just occurred slipped away and after a moment I wondered what I was trying to remember.

As if waking from a dream that had taken me away from reality, I remembered where I was and I heard the voice of the Mother Superior once again reach my ears as she said.

“I know you recognize this sphere, it was the original hall of the Saresii council.

The Sphere was donated to Pluribus as a symbol of Sares commitment to the Union.”

I still felt as if I had cobwebs around my mind and, while I did not feel tired, I could barely keep my focus on her presentation. I knew I had seen something that was profound and important. More important to me than anything and yet it was gone. I could not remember.

It had to be the scent, the candles.

Her voice went on and inside the projection field we now saw seven white haired men in floor length robes standing in a semi-circle inside the crystal hall. They looked regal and wise and full of authority. While I looked at these images she said. “These seven men represented the seven Core worlds and they had made the decision for all Sares to join the Seenians and to fight the Dark Ones. Now after we were soundly defeated at an engagement they demanded that we fight even harder, that we invent and develop new weapons and that our greatness as a civilization would only be measured by our success in fighting the Dark Ones. Yet there were other voices and these voices culminated in that woman you see that is now standing before the Seven.

The image showed a woman looking very much like a Saresii with a skin tight suit and long silver hair. She argued with the seven men and then as her demands were not immediately accepted she made a sign and a group of twenty more women entered the room and they pointed little silvery devices at the men and as the men collapsed to the floor in withering agony I knew what these little things were. I recognized the small mushroom shaped projector head of Neuro Rippers.

The voice of the Mother Superior on the other side of the projection screen said. “This was Deepa and her followers. They believed that it was men’s aggression that caused the war and it was she who contacted the Dark Ones and negotiated conditions of surrender.”

Her voice became harder as she said. “The true reason why the Dark Ones did not destroy the Seven Worlds, but every other Saresii location, was her act of treason. She revealed all the locations and the positions of every Saresii ship and promised to destroy all means of Saresii space technology and knowledge in exchange for the safety of the Seven Worlds.”

“This part of our history is not taught in any school and not even Saresii know, but her actions succeeded.

For the prize of thousand Colonies and billions of lives, the seven Sares Worlds were safe. The Seenians are nothing but memory.”

I could see her outline now through the projection and she spread her arms. “Some think that she was a spy of the Dark Ones and that was the reason she could contact them in the first place. Some say the Dark Ones were not an outside force but Seenians themselves, following not the Queen but another leader.

Some of the few that still remember call her a savior. Whatever she was she is no more reduced to fading legends.

As you know it occurred a long time ago. This however is also the beginning of the Sojonite story.”

Most of the facts she told me about the Saresii from that point on I had heard in some form or another.

Her presentation and narration however kept on going as she continued.

“Saresii women blamed the catastrophe and the war on the power hunger and the aggression of male leaders and swept everything away that was an expression of male gender.” She sighed.

“While there is a sad truth to it, women are just as power hungry and capable of violence as men. During that time, as Deepa and her group overtook government and plunged Sares culture into a long, dark epoch of our history, there were those who believed the Dark ones might come back.

Neither Psionics nor any known weapon could really harm or stop the Dark Ones.

Two hundred women left Sares Prime in the last space ship and begun a long journey. Following the legend of a vault that contained weapons capable of slaying the Dark Ones.

The projection sphere showed a Saresii tile ship leaving its star system. If these images were as old as she said, I wondered why their ships had not changed much in all that time. While the Saresii technology was considered highly advanced to at least Tech Level Nine, it seemed to me they had not made all that many new advances especially in terms of design and form. The Tile ship design was one of the worst hull designs, and the interior layout was not exactly practical, but I kept my observations to myself and listened to her almost boring presentation. I was sure all this was fascinating and educational. I wished it was over soon.

She however went on to tell me the story of the origin of the Sojonites. “After a long and fruitless odyssey following tales and legends they found a planet that should not have existed, at least not naturally. The world was as beautiful as any Saresii world, a green and blue world with crystal clear oceans but no higher life forms.

It was clear that the hand of a sentient culture had groomed this planet and yet there were no cities. After landing and a closer survey they found a single temple, looking much like this one, just magnitudes bigger.”

I was mildly interested and said. “I don’t think it is unusual to find the remnants of an old culture on a NiOx Garden world. To find such a world near the Galactic Core however is unusual with all the radiation there sterilizing the area.”

She agreed. “As I said the planet should not have existed by any common scientific wisdom, there was no detectable force field and the magnetic field of the planet was way too weak to deflect all the particles and radiation.

There on this planet only one structure was found. A huge temple in the shape of a naked human adding to the mystery as we determined that this statue and the technology inside was neither Pree nor Uni.”

I shifted my position, the Auto Dresser that made me look like a girl did not change my skeleton or added that incredible flexibility girls seem to have and sitting this way had made my legs fall asleep. I said. “I know very little about the Uni or the Pree, but I ran into Pree technology and I know that there is this general consent between Scholars, that the Human Mystery can be explained by either the Pree or the Uni seeding human life. I never heard of a third ancient civilization mentioned but where there are two unproven legends, there is certainly room for a third.”

Again she agreed. “You are quite wise indeed. The Statue and the Rainbow temple does exist. It is there we found libraries and archives, books, scrolls, and every data recording device and medium you could imagine filled with only one topic but in seemingly endless variations; documents describing in detail how beings of all kinds made love, and procreated. Details to the finest nuance about sex and everything related to it. To it all we met the entity guarding it, revealing to us the secret of shape shifting.

It is the world where our goddess, Sojo the spirit resides in this universe. She invited you to meet her there, no man has ever been granted such an invitation.”

“Something did happen to me, something or someone else spoke to me, but I can’t really remember anything.”

“You will when the time for your visit is at hand.”

She then added after a short moment of silence. “You are the first outsider who has been told all this.”

“But why, why am I told all this? Why are you training me?”

“The Narth have chosen you to be a representative. We know of the Coven and we know you have been the first outsider to ever visit their planet. While we know little about the Narth, and even less about the Coven, we know these societies are truly ancient and traveled the Universe when we Saresii discovered fire. We are certain it is wise to follow their example.

It is the voice of the goddess we obey and she too wanted to get to know you.”

I did feel uncomfortable about that. Why would all these be interested so much in a simple Neo Viking. Was it my friendship to Narth or was there another reason?

“It sort of happened, and I think it was coincidence, that I met Narth and became his friend; and it seems that my friendship to him sparks interest in others to a point they want to abduct me to get to him. I don’t really understand what you just said and it did not sound like an explanation.”

“In many ways you are of course just a Neo Viking from a little known planet, but your friendship to the Narth elevates you into a very unique position. I wanted to train you and give you as much information as I can about us. As you know we left Sares so long ago on a quest to find an alternative way to defeat the Dark Ones should they ever return, and we have not yet accomplished that quest.”

“What has all this to do with me?”

“We think that the Dark Ones might return and we believe that if anyone has a chance to defeat them, it will be the Narth. You might be the only human, the only person in the universe, who will eventually understand and know who or what the Narth are and perhaps it is you who will fight with them and defend us all. We want to make sure that if that ever happens you have all the knowledge possible and that you remember Sares and the Sojonites.”

My head was spinning and I didn’t feel too good. I was certain there was more to all this but somehow my head didn’t work as it should have. I tried to concentrate and said. “Somehow I have the feeling I am getting prepared for an event I know nothing about. I still don’t understand what all this has to do with me. All I want to be is a Starship captain.”

The field screen sphere dissipated, but everything seemed as if I was inside a cocoon of foam padding. The candles had big soft auras around them and even the Mother Superior appeared out of focus. I knew I should have been concerned, ask more questions but I didn’t really care, nothing really mattered, even the smell of the incense no longer bothered me.

Her voice was distant and she said something and I was sure I understood what she said, but I could not recall a single word. Deep down I knew something was wrong with me and in a state like this I would be very receptive to hypnotic suggestions, but this concern was far away and did not feel very urgent.

She came closer and I could hear her say. “Embrace your female side, make her part of you, and don’t shut her out even when you return to being Eric. There is so much more to being a woman than looks and outer differences. Use your hands, your touch, your senses and let them guide you. Forget logic and reason and let go of the penetrating aggressive nature of maleness.”

Her voice was soft and so was the skin I touched underneath the wispy chiffon and satin I wore. It was a different corporal awareness than anything I had experienced before. She was close, and her voice was almost like a song, a soft melody. “There are secrets of corporal existence the Narth have long forgotten, the Coven try to regain but only humans can experience. Let the Goddess, the spirit, give you the answer you seek more than any other.”

Something happened to me, I felt it. I was changing, not at all like the mechanical manipulations of an auto-dresser; it was different and came from within. The skin I touched was soft as foam and what should have been there was no longer. Pure electricity pulsated through every nerve ending in an exciting, animalistic fashion where reason had no place, thought had no meaning. A feverish hunger that could not be quenched with food, a desire I could not explain or put in words. Never before did I really feel the clothing I wore, but now I could feel the satin that cupped the false breasts, there was nothing artificial about the tingling sensation.

Reality and dream were no longer separate. The waxen statue of the goddess no longer looked artificial but alive.

Somehow I realized I had taken the very same pose as the statue, arching back and then I touched something and it was like an explosion of stars, pain and pleasure indistinguishable, whatever happened. Then I could not recall.


I found myself in the cool little chamber they had given me as a room. Lying on the bed, my mind was as clear as ever, but the memory of what happened was foggy and unclear. I remembered the presentation and some of the things she had told me. I knew she spoke about the history of the Saresii and the Sojonites, but the scent of the incense candles must have knocked me out. I felt like I had woken from a night of drinking, but without the headache. I never tried drugs and after that experience I was certain I did not want to experience it again. Something had happened to me, something profound and yet I could not really remember any details. I didn’t like anything that messed with my head, but something felt different.

I received more training and the last traces of this surreal experience faded fast, but the nagging question why all this happened became stronger.

With all this, time flew, and on the first day of my fourth week at the Sojonit temple, the tall Sojonit from Earth told me that this would be my last day. Again I was taken to the vaulted worship chamber with the Goddess statue and the first thing I noticed, however, was the absence of the strong incense smell.

The Mother Superior was already there and she said to me.

“We would like to welcome you as an honorary member of the Order.”

I bowed and said. “I am deeply honored by this and I respect the Goddess and your believers. However and despite all my secret desires, I am a son of Nilfeheim. I swear upon Odin and ask Thor for strength. I am also a Union Fleet officer and cannot put any other organization before that.”

She looked at me from behind the eye slits of her mask. “I respect that very much and I actually expected a reaction like this from you. I don’t ask you to believe in the Goddess or to abandon your religion. The Sojonit Order is not a fraternity inside the fleet. It is an honorary membership and not a commitment like a Sojonit Sister makes. It is simply a formality and a ritual to welcome you as a friend and not as an outsider and to give you access to our network.”

“I don’t mind that and I know I asked this before, but why me?”

“It is you who came to us for help and you have been allowed to hide behind the identity of a Sojonit. To us this is a religion and to us the commands of the goddess are quite real and binding. Yes we are part of the Saresii Intelligence network, but the Order is real. Making you an honorary member will please the Goddess and make the help we gave you legitimate to our laws and custom.”

There was nothing I could say against that, they did save my life and I knew that the members of this order took their religion and their commitment very seriously. From what I knew about Wetmouth, she too took all this very seriously as well, so I agreed.

I was asked by her to take everything off, and stood naked in the middle of the room.

Somewhere a bell rang and twenty Sojonites entered. All of them wore black versions of the outfit and their masks had an angry almost evil expression and the false lips were closed.

Mother Superior stood before the statue and said. “The Goddess has welcomed a new member and she is no longer an outsider. The gate to the Rainbow Palace is open to her. We welcome her as honorary member of the sinister aspect of our Order.”

She took a mask from a pillow and motioned me to put it on. A wig and a similar black outfit followed and she said. “The Goddess will know your true name: to the world you are henceforth known as Nightshade.”

The others bowed and said in unison. “Welcome Sister Nightshade.”

Mother Superior and I flew aboard a Mercedes flyer back to the mainland and to the very same space port I had arrived almost four weeks ago. It did not look any different from the air and to me it looked more like a garbage dump than a space port landing field, but now I could see how big it was and that there were space ships in the process of being loaded or unloaded. A Karthanian Mega cruiser with heavy battle damage was being repaired by a gang of men while another group stood guard.

Mother superior leaned over and said. “That is the Galactic Terror, the ship of a ruthless and infamous pirate named Agus Denann, but better known as Captain Terror. It looks like he had a rough time.”

Our flyer landed next to a small fast looking ship. I was not certain, but judging by the sharp edges and the oversized landing gear, it could have been of Togar origin.

Without delay we boarded the ship over a side ramp and were greeted by a thin looking mostly humanoid being wearing a blue and yellow uniform. He bowed deeply and said with a muffled sounding voice. “In the name of my lord and master Duke Donheer, I’d like to welcome you aboard. It is as always a pleasure to do business with the Sojonites.”

She nodded. “And business it is, when can we leave?”

He walked us through a short corridor into a luxurious and expensively furnished lounge with a large balcony like view port and said. “We lift off shortly and should reach Alvor’s Cove in 84 hours. Please make yourself at home, while I get us underway.”

She thanked him and he left closing the door behind us. Mother superior unzipped her coat and sat down in a single fluid move, crossing her legs and motioned me to do the same and she said. “Duke Donheer is one of the big crime lords of this planet and we have a long standing agreement with his syndicate.”

Before she could continue with what she wanted to say the thin man opened the door and said. “I am sorry for the delay, but we are ordered to be searched.”

She stood up and said with a sharp tone. “Who dares to order such a search? This ship belongs to Donheer himself and I am the Mother Superior of the Sojonit Order.”

He bowed again. “Yes Ma’am it is an outrage and the Patriarch is furious and said he is sending Enforcers, but the Port Rats aimed their turrets at us and demand we let them search the ship! No ship is to leave without them searching it!”

She inhaled sharply. “The Port Rats answer to Duke Malvit, let me talk to them!”

The man walked over to a wall console and made the connection. Three beings appeared on the screen, two of them looking like black furred cave bats with big ears and deformed looking naked snouts and the third one in the middle was a strong looking bald human. It was the human who spoke with a barking unfriendly tone in his voice. “We accept no further delays, you are to be searched or destroyed.”

Her tone was just as sharp as she responded, “Your demand alone is an insult, is Duke Malvit really prepared to deal with the consequences of his actions?”

He barked back. “No discussion! Grant access to be searched or we will open fire. Our Duke wants to know who leaves this planet and that is all you need to know.”

She terminated the connection and said to the thin man. “Prepare to take off. I have a feeling they are going to be way too busy. A friend of mine is sending a little distraction.”

Just as she said that a huge spherical shaped ship descended darkening the sky. The graphite colored giant was engulfed in the characteristic purplish shimmer of active TransDim Shields, on its side the logo of SII Corp. It was about to land between us and the space port defense batteries.

The Port rats probably never seen a real battle ship, they fired. Perhaps aiming at us, but the shots sizzled to nothingness, absorbed by shields that could deflect solar eruptions.

Out tiny yacht climbed into the sky.

The SII ship returned fire and most of the spider infested space port building and the cannon turrets were gone, replaced by a smoking crater of molten matter.

She laughed. “That was one of the reasons we had to wait, so this ship could be here and give us a little protection. You see private corporations do not have the same political limitations as the Union Fleet. Not the Cartel, not the Worm and not even the Kermac really want to make Schwartz Intergalactic angry.”

“I said the same thing to Captain Harris”

“Was it when the Old Battleaxe gave you command over the Devi?”


“Ever since the Corporate War of 3422, Corporations are prohibited to have ships armed with Military grade weaponry, with the Exception of those who built ships and weaponry for the Union. They can use and build ships as test platforms for new systems and such. Of course no one stipulated how many such test platforms a Corporation can have. It’s an open secret the entire Galaxy knows, SII builds over 60% of all fleet tech and has a state of the art fleet. The real secret is that SII’s security fleet is not much smaller than the Union Fleet and in some aspects even more advanced.”

“Is that not very dangerous to have such power in private hands?”

“Very much so! It is a two edged sword. It means added security to Union assets. SII also controls GalNet, owns three of the seven Space Bus lines, three of the main banks and produces most of the food consumed. SII is so interwoven in the Unions daily life that it would be almost impossible to fight them and win if that ever became necessary. But SII keeps out of politics and most wars. They do not do business with the enemies and saved the Sol System during the second Kermac War.”

Our small ship had left the last traces of atmosphere behind and was steadily accelerating to reach the Trans light threshold. As usual I could feel the fine vibrations and found that whoever owned this ship had not done a very good job in calibrating the engines. The harmonics of the vibrations were off.

Finally the point was reached and the stars outside the viewports became long streaks of light for the duration of a heartbeat and then it was completely dark. The view port was obviously not quasi space enabled and normal human eyes could not see in this spatial condition.

The mother superior sat back down and said. “It will take us about 70 hours to Alvor’s cove; they have nice baths and comfortable cabins. The small crew will not come in so you can relax and take off the mask and the costume if you like.”

I sat down and did take off the mask and asked. “What is Alvor’s Cove?”

She took of hers as well and revealed a typical exotic looking Saresii face with large purple eyes, ivory complexion long silvery hair and despite the marks of advanced age she was quite beautiful. “Alvor’s Cove is worse than Sin 4 in some regards, a den of pirates and slave traders. It is much deeper in Free Space than Sin 4 and very far away from Union space.”

I felt disappointed after the elation of finally leaving that cursed planet. “I thought we are going home. I mean back to Union Space?”

She smiled and dialed herself an orange looking fruit drink from the Serv-matic integrated in the coffee table before us. “We will my dear, but we are in the spy and spook business. This ship belongs to a Crime lord on Sin 4. Its small crew always reports him where they take me. Since there is a Sojonit Temple on Alvor’s Cove it is perfectly normal for me to go there. After a few days on Alvor’s Cove we change identities and take a ship to Kaliment, a planet claimed by both the Togar and the Karthanians and occupied by both. A perfect place to catch a ship to Netlor. On Netlor we become Pilgrims and mingle with the thousands of other Pilgrims. Several companies provide travel services from Netlor to Checkpoint 96 and they are a Union controlled planet with a Space port, space bus, GalNet, clipper service and a sizeable Fleet base.”

She leaned forward and offered me the glass with the orange liquid. “Do try this, its Planuu nectar and delicious.”

I took the glass while she dialed for a second one and I said to her, “It sounds we are going to be traveling for quite a while then.”

She sipped from her drink and looked at me from over the rim of the glass and nodded saying, “It will make sure no one can retrace our route. Most likely not necessary, but old habits die hard, and in this business one can never be too careful. Sojonites can operate and go anywhere as they are considered expensive and neutral prostitutes and nothing else, losing this reputation would be damaging and jeopardize the lives of Sisters everywhere.”

What she called Planuu Nectar was fruity, ice cold and sweet, perhaps a tad too sweet for my taste but pleasantly flavored. “I understand the necessity for intelligence and clandestine operations of course, but I prefer wearing a Fleet Uniform.”

Her lips curled to an impish smile. “Do you really? It seems to me you are very comfortable in what one might consider revealing and provocative.”

I had completely forgotten my true male persona but as she mentioned it came back to me and as always I felt embarrassed. “I wonder why I am not able to make up my mind. I enjoy this and it feels right and yet I can’t make the final decision to be either way.”

“I suggest you enjoy both then. Be proud that you can so easily cross gender borders that are so rigid to others. It might be your greatest gift.”

== Chapter 4: Alvor's Cove ==

The rest of the flight to Alvor’s Cove was uneventful and we descended onto a brownish planet that somehow did not just look dry but dusty even from space. The Saresii woman who was also the leader of the secretive Sojonit Order dressed herself in a sand colored voluminous cloak and handed me a similar colored garment. Then she said.” If you touch the side of your mask, about here next to the eyebrows and tap the spot twice, a shield of thin transparent Duranium seals your mask’s openings. The local dust is really fine, getting it inside your mask is bad. No worries the masks filters the air very efficiently.”

I did what she recommended and an almost inaudible whirring sound hummed for a few seconds. She nodded satisfied and moments later went down the ramp and onto the surface of this world. The ramp behind us closed and the luxury yacht, which belonged to a Crime lord on Sin 4, flooded its Arti Grav cushions with positive gravitons and climbed back into the hazy blue sky without a single cloud but with smears of light brown colors.

A stiff wind caught the cloaks we wore as I looked around. We stood on a large plateau of bulldozed and leveled rock and compacted dirt. I estimated it was about five klicks in every direction. The excellent optic enhancements of my Sojonit mask zoomed in on things as soon as I squeezed my eyes and it mirrored environmental data directly onto my retina. This is why I knew it was exactly 48.9 degrees on the C scale and that the wind came from the West.

Beyond the landing field in the South and East was a cliff like rock wall that steadily rose and blended in high mountain peaks in the distance. That cliff wall tapered off to the North and when I looked into the direction from where the wind blew I looked over flat featureless land as far as I could see. It almost reminded me of the oceans of Nilfeheim during Longnight, vast, flat and featureless. However here a bright white sun glared merciless on that seemingly endless sea of sand, dust and rocks and baked everything with merciless heat and shade less light.

Like her I carried a bag with a change of clothing and a few personal hygiene items. She put her bag on the ground and explained with a sweeping motion. This once was a river delta, water would gush from that narrow canyon you can see to the East and then taper out and then join the waters of the ocean that once existed where you now see nothing but a featureless sand and dust desert. Of course that was many million years ago. Whatever water is left on Alvor’s Cove is now deep underground.”

She pointed to the sun and continued. “The local star flared for unknown reasons about a million years ago and became brighter and hotter, slowly cooking and vaporizing the oceans off this world.”

I wondered what she was waiting for, but I didn’t ask. I assumed she didn’t come all this way to just stand around a dusty landing field.

As if she was guessing my thoughts she said. “Fliers are very rare on Alvor’s cove, mostly because bringing one here is very expensive.”

She has an amused tone in her voice. “Worry not my Soja, our transportation is on its way but it will be a while till it is finally here.”

She sat down on her bag and put her hand shading over her brow. Not that she really needed to, as I was certain her mask had the same UV filtering built in that transparent material that now covered the eye slits, but it was a basic human unconscious gesture and I thought that Saresii not only appeared but also acted very human in so many things. She used her other arm to point east and said. “There it comes.”

Almost like a slow surfacing submarine, a large lizard became visible emerging from the mirror like shimmering mirage the heat had conjured up over the flat surface.

It had six legs and had to be bigger than four Fangsnappers combined. The Lizard’s color was almost the same as the dusty brown surroundings and it was fitted with some kind of harness on which a covered wagon on four big wheels was attached.

At the speed the lizard and the attached contraption approached I estimated it to take at least another half an hour before it was actually here.

I gestured towards the approaching ground transport and said. “Maybe we should meet it half way. It’s less than thousand meters away. I can take your bag.”

She laughed, but did not make any moves to get up. “Only you would suggest walking a distance like that in five inch heels. Be patient my Soja, be patient. Not everything needs to be rushed or done right away.”

“Sorry if I appear impatient, but we are even deeper in Freespace now and I am sort of anxious to return to Union space and meet my friends again. Not that I would mind to finally graduate and get started on my Fleet career.”

“I can understand that, but would that not mean you would have to be Eric again? I had the impression you enjoy this.”

“I do, but realize that I am also Eric and I have friends who do not know anything about Erica and I am not sure if I want them to know about her.”

“If they are your friends would it matter to them?”

“I don’t know and they are too important to me to find out if it did.”

Together we watched the lizard drawn cart come closer.

From above a sudden high pitched whistle of misaligned Arti Gravs made me look up and watch a Velorian Armed Merchant descent. The 180 meter freighter seemed loaded to the brim with whatever merchandise it was bringing and its Arti-Grav projectors struggled to keep it at decent descending speed.

Velorian ship architecture wasn’t the most practical in the first place and from the sound of it one or two Arti Grav projectors had to compensate for another that was either completely out or as it could happen misaligned and thus worked against the others.

Arti Grav projector alignment was an important job during any maintenance, something that had been overlooked quite obviously on the descending ship. Its shape strongly reminded me of those spiral shaped sea snail houses one could find on the pebble beaches of my home world. The thought alone of the cool fresh air of Nilfeheim made me feel the heat of this world even more.

The woman next to me said. “Whatever you see now, I urge you to keep your cool and ignore it.”

I wondered what she meant by saying that in such an urgent tone.

“I will.”

The organic shaped ship had settled down on nine landing pads extending from its keel, about six hundred meters from where we were. Thanks to the zoom enhanced vision provided by the Sojonit mask I could see that three of the hydraulic landing gear was leaking fluids, and a fourth was bent so it could not retracted or extended at all. The characteristic swirly red and black color scheme of silicone-carbon lattice ceramic hull was a result of the Velorian production process. The Velorians, like several other Galactic Council species used ceramics rather than metals for their space ship hulls. Ceramics had several benefits over metals, but also quite a few draw backs. Why the Union in general preferred metal hulls was that they could be repaired relatively uncomplicated in the field, while Ceramic Hulls once they were cracked or damaged could only be repaired in specially equipped ship yards. I was recalling these lessons from basic engineering classes as I saw the large crack in the side of the hull. It had been repaired by bolting metal braces over it and the gaps filled with some kind of resin or perhaps even Duro-Crete. It looked crude and I wondered who would be brave enough to actually go into space with something like that.

She also looked into the direction of that battered, badly maintained ship and said with a dry voice. “That is one of seven ships belonging to the Mulwhur Trading Company, they have their head quarter right here on Alvor’s Cove.”

“It doesn’t appear to be a pirate ship. I don’t see much in terms of armament and I doubt it would be fast enough to be an effective raider.”

“No, it is not a pirate. It is something much, much worse.”

A hatch opened and two Togar and four Oghar in crude but tough looking leather and metal gear appeared. They were armed with long whips and long handled fork like sticks.

Through the excellent optics I could see them yell and holler and moments later naked human men, women and children appeared, attached to each other by ropes attached to metal collars. They looked dirty and somewhere caked with mud.

One of the men had a tattoo on his arm and I could read it, it was a merchant marine. Those were Union citizens.”

I got up turned to her. “What are they doing to them?”

“They are herded to the slave pens in the Canyon of Tears and there they wait till for the bi-monthly slave market. Togar and other Slave dealers will then come and purchase them for the meat and slaughter kitchens of Togr, to the Death Fight arenas of Sin 4, to mines and fields of the Brnah, to the furnaces of the Karthanian smelter moonsa nd a thousand other hellish places of no return.”

I almost screamed at her. “Maybe you don’t care about humans, but I see two Klack now and a Saresii woman. I am sure your optics are as good as mine! Don’t you see her?”

She nodded. “I do see her and she will most likely end up sold to the Kermac, who will dissect her to find out why Saresii are better Psionics than them. The Kermac hate us Saresii far more than they dislike Terrans and her fate will be gruesome torture and then a painful death.”

“We got to do something! We must!”

“What would you suggest we do?”

“Call the fleet somehow. You said there is a Sojo Temple here, don’t they have GalNet terminals?”

“Alvor’s cove is beyond the reaches of the GalNet network. We use extended reach terminals on Sin 4, but even if we could reach fleet command what can they do? This is Freespace and they won’t risk intergalactic war to free those slaves. Alvor’s Cove once had been Togar space; they only abandoned it because it was useless to them. The fleet coming here means war. The Union would have to fight the Nul, the Galactic Council, the Shiss and all of Freespace including the Togar at the same time. It means decades of war and costing countless lives.”

I stared towards the slave trader ship. “I am a Union Officer and I have sworn to protect the Union against all enemies foreign and domestic. Those slaves are Union citizens and the Assembly should discuss nothing else day and night to make sure they are rescued and safe! If it means war then so be it. Every last Spacer and marine is bound by the same oath to fight and die to the last breath to ensure every one’s freedom. It does not matter if it is even just one unlucky unkempt colonist that suffers. Our laws make no difference between the rights of one and the rights of many.”

She clapped her hands together. “You speak like a Terran and sound like Stahl. As it may be my Terran friend, we can do nothing at the moment and must maintain our cover. Doing something would expose us and without the right resources it will amount to nothing. Choose your battles wisely my Soja.”

She got up as well and took her bag. “Our ride is here.”

A being covered in a similar cloak climbed from behind a crude fitted wind shield. The billowing cloak made it impossible to determine the exact species; it had the correct number of limbs to be human but was only about 150 centimeters tall. It wore the hood of the cloak buttoned up on the front, with just enough opening for a pair of dust goggles. “I came as fast as Xtry can walk after I heard your summon. Do you need help with your luggage? It will be 2 One-weights to Bennard’s Cut or three if you want the Air Condition.”

My companion pressed three coins into the gloved three fingered hand of the being and we climbed over a creaking ladder into the back and through a curtain into a single room interior with four wooden benches and what he had praised as air condition were three battery operated fans. A fourth one was there as well, at least parts of it and quite obviously inoperable.

The fans did little to really ease the heat, but the shade provided by the wagon’s canopy felt really good. The entire contraption croaked and creaked as it started lumbering the other way.

Through the veiled curtains on the windows I watched the sad, gut wrenching train of Union citizens, prodded and whipped. Most however seemed to have lost all hope and complied with the brutal and inhumane treatment. If there ever was an unfair situation then this one took the cake. It took all my self-control not to jump out of the wagon and stuff those whips and prods up those slavers arses.

But all the fancy Sojo weaponry would do me little good against these heavily armed bastards. Well I could take out the left with the needler and then use him as a shield to take out the ... She hissed.” Sit down!”

Only now I realized I was halfway at the door. I wanted to say something but sat back down.

The rattling of the wagon became more intense and looking past the driver I saw the Lizard now really moving. The Driver turned his head and yelled against the croaking noises, the wind and the thumping of the lizard’s feet. “Just got the word over the squawk-box, we got a Tornado of at least strength 8 coming from the Glagadrinn. I sure hope we make it”

I turned to ask her. “What does he mean?”

She pointed outside the back of the wagon and said as loud as she could and with concern in her voice. “Out there that is the Glagadrinn, it’s a huge desert of continent size.

That gray funnel cloud coming our way is a Tornado. If it reaches us before we reach the canyons we are in serious trouble.”

As I followed her pointing finger I saw it too, a monstrous funnel of dust brown swirls and dust was coming towards us over the coverless flat landing field.

The lizard was now running, whipped to speed by its owner, I could see sturdy stone buildings at the sides of a narrow gap between the enormous cliff walls. We were still at least two thousand meters away and the tornado behind us was gaining fast.

It just now reached the chain of slaves who tried to outrun this terrible force of nature, without any chance. Even though the same fate would most likely reach us too, I could not help but feel grim satisfaction to see one of the slavers ripped of his feet like a weightless toy sucked up and disappear in the swirling dust.

We had tornadoes on Nilfeheim as well and they were powerful and dangerous to any surface ship, especially in the first year of Shortsummer, but our burgs were sturdy and could withstand them.

Being out in the open on a flat surface in a wooden and metal contraption on wheels was something very frightening, the howling of the wind made any conversation no matter how loud I tried to yell impossible. A thousand meters or less, the narrow gap and the sturdy stone buildings much closer now, but the Lizard was at the end of its powers. I could tell as we slowed down.

Everything rattled, vibrated; the gray and dust brown whirling wind behind us now so close I saw it as one solid wall.

The tornado reached us. Up and down had no longer any meaning! I saw the canopy dissolving in a flash, pieces of wood. I tried to yell and hold her but she was lifted and disappeared. Sand grains whipped to speed sanded and pelted me. The cloak gone, feeling the sand hammering my face with a painful stinging sensation, made me realize the Sojonit mask was gone as well. Something hard hit me over the head, dazed but not completely out, I finally fell and slammed like a wet fur hard on the rocky surface, something hit me again and that was all I remembered.

How nice it was to float in the ice cold oceans of Nilfeheim. I was gliding deeper into the dark green abyss, not far I could see the blurred dark outlines of Olafson rock as it looked from under water. I was not alone! Narth was swimming nearby and so was Har-Hi and Wetmouth, even Cirruit and Krabbel. I also could feel a huge unexplainable presence that reminded me of something I should know. Then my mind somehow reeled at the sight of seeing Cirruit and Krabbel swimming. Cirruit could not swim! Har-Hi hated water and Krabbel was equally unsuited for this environment. As I put my mind around this strange sight, I began to realize this was a dream and I was slowly rising to the surface. No matter how much I wanted to stay I drifted upward towards bright light and the closer I went the more I felt pain and the last dream images faded away, replaced by the sensation of lying on hard surface. The first thing I really noticed was the grinding dry grid in my mouth and nostrils. I blinked and remembered where I was. I spat and coughed and opened my sand and dust caked eyes.

I was lying on the landing field, and to my surprise it seemed that other than a few scratches and bumps I had survived the tornado’s fury otherwise unharmed. Yet I could not get up!

I cursed as I saw it was the Lizard’s tail that was pinning me down. It was thick as two men and still attached to the big animal, that was lying on its side, bleeding of numerous wounds and if I had to make a guess I didn’t think it would survive much longer.

I prodded myself up and tried to pull myself out from under that heavy fleshy weight and my efforts were successful, I was getting out.

Looking around I could not see the Mother Superior, just debris of the wagon, and several bodies of slaves and an Oghr slaver. Just as I was about to pull completely free, something hit me just above the shoulder blades and then while I could hear the hissing hum of high voltage and see blue sparks dance between my fingers, I convulsed in painful muscle cramps caused by some sort of shocker weapon.

“On your feet, you piece of shit, the wind didn’t kill you but if you don’t move and get back in line I will!”

I turned and saw a Togar Warrior Cat standing there like a black scissor cut against the blinding sun, bulging with muscles under its short fur, and holding a shocker prod with one hand and a whip in the other. “If you try to pretend to be hurt, I kill you right here and now. We lost much merchandise; one more won’t make a difference.”

“I am not a slave or your property. I came...”

He flicked the whip across my chest, “I can tell you have not arrived on the Sorrow with us, but you are property of the Mulwhur Trading Company now. Get up!”

I noticed I was almost completely naked, only a few shreds of the Sojonit outfit had survived the sand blasting fury of the tornado. The wig, the mask and most of the body altering costume accessories were gone; just a few shreds of bio-skin were hanging from my chest. To the Togar I guess I looked just like any other human.

He used his whip again, but this time I caught the whip’s end. I had been whipped by my father and I had been tied to the post at the exercise yard at Camp Idyllic, I hated anyone using this cowardly weapon and I pulled as hard as I could. He was a Togar, three or four heads taller, much stronger and like all members of his race known to be vicious fighters.

But I was getting angrier by the moment. Angry at the situation, realizing I was stranded on a planet even further away. Angry at these bastards enslaving humans, angry at Togars seeing humans as prey and food and angry at the world; and I was no longer just a brawler of a backwater planet. I was a Union Fleet officer and he would have to pay!

I put all my weight into that pull. From the uploads I had received from the Sojonites, I knew where Togars were most vulnerable and hammered my palm upwards aiming and hitting that gland and nerve cluster sitting right behind the cat like creatures lower jaw.

With deep satisfaction did I hear something break, and followed up with a left blow to his kidneys, while he raked his clawed hand over my back. I felt the trickle of blood, while the Togar staggered back. I noticed the handle of a heavy bladed knife on his leather harness, grabbed it with one hand as he tried to get a hold of my throat and plunged it deep and repeatedly into his abdomen while his left claw hand already closed around my throat.

He gargled, spat blood into my face and he sank to his knees. Holding the knife now with both hands I brought it down right between his eyes above the elongated snout filled with inch long fangs. I split his skull almost in half and kicked him in the chest. He was dead long before his body slumped into the dust.

A blaster shot peppered the ground before my naked toes, an Oghr out of my imminent reach, held an old Ult blaster aimed at me. He had rounded up three human slaves that now stood behind him. “You will bring much money. Now drop the knife.”

One of the filth and sand caked slaves, his hands already or still bound to his back lowered his head and with a short spurt of speed rammed his shoulder into the back of the Oghr.

This did not bring the Oghr down, but distracted him long enough so I could throw the knife. It was not well balanced and not a throwing knife at all. Instead of hitting the greenish skinned brute tip first in the chest as I intended, it sliced a big chunk of flesh right of his left cheek. The Oghr howled in pain, spraying blood and firing two randomly aimed blasts in my general direction. Grabbing the dropped shocker prod my first opponent had dropped I crossed the seven meters that separated us, simply ignoring the blaster shots and rammed the prod with force deep into his open maw, while pressing the activator at maximum intensity.

The Oghr gargled and collapsed and I shoved the long prod with a sharp push deeper and held it there until the Oghr stopped twitching.

The dirty man rolled over his shoulder grabbed the Blaster with his hands still tied to his back, fired and vaporized the head of a third Slaver Togar running towards us.

I looked around, the Slaver ship was still there in the distance, too big to be really damaged by the Tornado, towards the other direction were the solid rock buildings and the knife like cut into the thousand meter tall cliffs marking the entrance to the canyon system, the Sojonit Mother had told me about.

There was debris and bodies all around me and I counted about fifteen slaves on their feet or slowly rising, but I did not see the Sojonit, but if she had lost her costume and clothing like I did she could have been among those standing and I would not know if she was one of them.

I also noticed I could not see any slavers.

The dirty man caked with sand, sweat and stinking filth that smelled awful like human feces smiled at me and from beneath the dirt, bright blue eyes and a set of white teeth smiled at me. “You fight like a banshee unleashed from Hell, my friend.” Unlike the Squawk the guards had used to talk to me, he spoke Union Standard. “I cut his bonds and said. “And you shoot like the devil.”

He got up and we went to the other two slaves. One of them was human and now I noticed the short stance and the paper white skin of the completely hairless other being. Also basically human in proportions and shape, but with unusual high cheekbones, burning black eyes and a bloody crusted wound at the chin, this was a Kermac!

The Union man however cut the Kermac’s bonds as well and the rest of the surviving slaves slowly gathered around us. I called and yelled for the Mother Superior but I did not get an answer, none of the bodies I could see within reach looked as if it should belong to the woman. I knew next to nothing about the planet but I was sure we could not stay here for too long. There were more slavers in that ship I was certain and perhaps those buildings near the canyon entrance contained even more. Yet we had little options, we could try to reach the town, which meant certain capture. The desert meant certain death; there was no shade and no water. The only other alternative was to storm the slave trader ship; it would also give us a chance to reach Union space.

I told them exactly that and they all agreed this was our only chance.

Our ragtag group consisted of 15 humans, two Klack, a Saresii, an Oghr and a Kermac. With me we counted twenty one. I almost shot the Oghr, but he wore a slave collar and his hands tied as well. The dirty man with the blue eyes told me that the Oghr was from the Union Oghr and captured and enslaved just like the rest.

The humans were the first who gathered anything useable as a weapon and the rest followed finally even the Kermac, with obvious disgust in his face took a long piece of wood, he carried like a club.

I fell into a fast trot, to cover the distance to the ship as fast as I could, hoping to manage to board it before they closed the boarding ramp. If there was anyone in there watching our slim chance of boarding the ship would be gone if they closed that ramp!

We had to make, somehow we simply had to! That ugly piece of Velorian Fangsnapper dung, infested with armed Slavers was my only chance to see Union Space again and by Odin I would. I would see it again! I was a Neo Viking, I soon hoped to be a Union Officer and then I would do my share to keep them safe. The heat was almost unbearable. No longer did I wear boots, I had left them underneath the tail of the lizard, and every step on this hot stone burned like hell, I could feel the sun burn my skin and I would look like a peeling tomato if I ever survived this, but somehow I managed to run faster.

My eyes were no longer protected by that technical marvel of a Sojonit mask, the sun was glaring and the dust and grit chaffed what hadn’t been raw already, what an irony. I who was home in water, like a fish would now die on this bone dry world, running my feet to bloody pulp.

But somehow I reached that ship and now I saw why they had not closed the hatch. They had been waiting for us, two Oghr and a human.

The human stood behind a portable Neuro ripper, a big thing on a mechanical arm lowered from an opening in the ship’s hull. The two Oghr held Slave prods and were armed with holstered blasters.

The man behind the controls of the Neuro ripper commanded me to stop at about ten meters distance, I did but I could barely stand. He clapped his hands and said with a mocking laughing voice. “Most impressive, most impressive indeed, you look like a raw steak my Union friend. I am assuming you are Union right?”

All that kept me on my feet was the rage I felt and wishing I could twist of his head, slowly from his body.

I could not answer the man behind his cannon suddenly screamed, the muzzle of the ripper swung around and I heard the high pitched hum, the inhuman agony the two Oghr guards felt as they collapsed while every nerve ending in their body overloaded their brains with pain impulses. I heard similar screams of agony from inside the open hatch as the ripper sent its waves inside the ship.

I did not wait to find out why this miracle happened and bolted the rest of the way pulled the stunned and perplexed human of his seat and said. “I am going to expose piece by piece of your body to that Neuro Ripper beam until you tell me the access codes for this ship.”

He gargled and struggled. “There are no access codes! That thing has been stolen eighty years ago in the first place! Access codes. You must be a Union man, Psionic talents to boot. I should have fried you while I had the chance.”

I shook him. “I am Midshipman Olafson, currently assigned to the USS Devastator and you can tell that to whoever you meet next.”

He blinked, “You letting me go?”

I fired the old Ult blaster point blank in his chest while I held him with my other fist and grunted to his corpse. “Not bloody likely. Slave trading scumbag.”

The Kermac and the Saresii woman helping each other limping closer and the woman said. “That was the first known Kermac / Saresii Psionic cooperation in history: my Psionic energies, his telekinesis.”

“I think we can celebrate this later. Let’s get everyone in and see if there is anyone left alive and then I suggest we try to leave this place.”

The ship was in no better condition inside as it was outside, but at least the rest of the crew was either dead or on the verge of dying and we helped them along. Somehow I could not find an iota of mercy within myself when dealing with these slavers. I could somehow understand how a man or a woman could find piracy appealing. But to take a being’s liberty, to treat a thinking person like that and take away all their dignity, their freedom was worse than killing someone I my opinion.

The ship stank and its cargo holds had been transformed into cages with filthy rotten straw and sawdust on the floors for comfort and to absorb whatever bodily waste.

The engine room was a mess, and it reminded me of my Rosinante, the ship I had taken from pirates near the Igras expanse.

It had the appearance that the art of engineering and keeping a clean and well organized engineering department was something only looked after in the fleet.

At least it was all from the same technology. Not that I was an engineer or had any experience with the alien technology, but all the base components were there.

I was really hurting now, the sun burn was bad and I felt woozy and suspected I had a light heat stroke.

The ship to our combined relief did have a sick bay, and it was surprisingly well equipped. Dirty, disarrayed but well equipped. The dirty man explained that they, the Slave traders used it to treat slaves they thought could bring more money if healthy.

It took much longer than I liked to fix and doctor us up, identifying the various machines and drugs and patch up everyone. The dirty man and I appeared to be the only ones with any medical skills until one of the Klack revealed he was a MD.

At first I was angry at the antlike being for not coming forward but again the dirty man told me that it took Klack much longer to adapt to new social situations and once they did they functioned like robots.

Bandaged and derma patched as much as the equipment allowed I went to the bridge and after checking the basic systems. I concluded the ship was marginally space worthy. The dirty man who managed to clean himself up a little and yet to reveal his name delivered the bad news looking at a read-out on the panel he was checking. “We won’t get far, Soldier, the fuel tanks are nearly empty!”

I rushed over and checked, even though the gauges were quite different from Union tech. The red fields versus the blue fields of the fuel level indicators showed 90 percent red.

The Saresii woman came on the bridge and said. “We got more trouble, Human. The local lord is coming with a Kartanian landing tank and armed troops.”

Chapter 5: Slaves

I cursed the former owners of the ship; nothing was labeled or arranged in any way that made sense to me. Where were the controls for the viewers? Where did they put the weapon console? This would not been easy if I had time to figure things out.

The Comm. system came on and a rough voice said.” I repeat, land your craft or we will destroy you.”

I didn’t know who turned on the Communications or if the channels were open, but I had no time to spend time or concentration on talking. My mind reeled as I tried to recall what I had learned about Velorian technology in Xeno-tech class. I wished Wetty would be here, she would have no problems figuring it all out, just glancing at it.

The speakers blared with the unfriendly voice. “There will be a reward. If you give up now, I personally set you free and see that you are returned home. I take you to Netlor and from there you can reach Checkpoint 96. Just land the bloody thing and let us talk about things.”

“Liar.” I grunted and paid no further attention.

I muttered to the rest. “That was the biggest load of Fangsnapper dung I heard in a long time. Either he wanted to save the ship, no matter how old and badly maintained it was, a ship this size was still valuable. Or he was afraid I found the weapon and shield controls.”

I had seen the weapon turrets when it landed, nothing to really scare anything bigger than a D40 but more than enough to take care of a Landing tank and ground troops and liquefy some of the local landscape.

Maybe they had planetary defense batteries but they were useless against a ship already on the ground. I doubted they had the kind of hostile ship containment hardware needed to deal with a rogue ship on the ground.

I finally found the helm controls and flooded the Arti Grav while I tried to take reactor from standby to full.

I cursed even worse as one of the freed slaves pulled a lever that looked as if it was connected to the main engine control. Not that I had seen any levers on a star ship before, but it, was next to a panel that indicated the ship’s power generating status.

A clunking sound could be heard and the lights flickered. All my engine indicators went dead and the AM that had just lifted us a few meters of the ground cut out and we slammed hard back on the telescopic landing gear, most likely bending or breaking what was left. Someone pointed out the main view port.” Whatever you did human, they’re running like hell. Landing tank and troops they just turned around.”

The dirty man delivered the bad news.” I think we just ejected the reactor core.”

No wonder they were running, there was still enough AM in that core to blow a sizable crater in that landing field. However even if it didn’t blow, our chances leaving in this dung heap were gone.

The human who just pulled that lever turned holding a blaster drained at me. “I think I take that reward. He fired sweeping the bridge with paralyzing energies and my impulse to jump at his throat and strangle the traitor was stopped by the same rays that toppled the dirty man and the Saresii woman fractions of a second before me.

This place, this planet was getting to me; it felt like the amusement park ride I had taken on Twilight. Up and down and without any control where the ride would go. I found myself in a cavern like room with sturdy looking metal bars across the open end. The cavern’s floor was covered with reeking straw and about thirty others, naked as me were there. We all wore metal collars. While the others could walk around, mine was attached to a chain which in turn was locked to a steel loop bolted to the rock wall. It gave me very little room of movement. My hands however were free.

To the right of me was the dirty naked man and to my left the Kermac. The Kermac had in addition to his steel collar a blinking device attached to his forehead. Probably some device blocking his Psionic abilities, there were no women with us and no non humans, but on the other side of the cave leaning against the wall, the cursed coward who had paralyzed us.

Seeing his guilty face as he glanced over made my blood boil and I jumped up forgetting and then disregarding the chocking collar I tried to reach him, of course completely impossible, the chain was way too short to reach across the nine meters that separated him from my longing fingers. However the coward shrieked and scurried like the vermin he was further away into the opposite end of the grotto. I also noticed more than I heard a grinding noise from the loop. It wasn’t as solid attached to the wall as it looked. Two of the lower anchor bolts were somewhat loose and gave the whole plate a little room to move.

I settled back down but said in his direction. “You better hide, if I ever get lose and before I try to escape or anything, I am going to kill you.”

The thin man shivered and said. “They did not keep their promise. He said he would let us go.”

“You are as stupid as a bag of rotten Snapper fur, you backstabbing, cowardly slime fish excrement. Of course they didn’t keep their promise, they are slave traders and you are nothing but merchandise to them.”

The dirty man next to me said. “He is a Gal Drift; they are as whacko as they come.” He turned his head to look at me and exposed his bright teeth. “You did well out there, real well. We could have made it. Somehow I think you’re Fleet, right?”

I took the chain between my fists and began to rhythmically yank at it. With satisfaction I felt the play in it and the fine dust grit dropping on my naked and sweaty back and said. “Yes I am.”

The dirty man’s disposition that appeared so unshakable did change as he glared over to the coward. “We really could have made it, if it wasn’t for him.”

The Kermac spoke for the first time and his voice sounded weak. “What is a Gal Drift?”

Another slave not tied to the wall and one I didn’t recognize. “Galactic Drifters are a bunch of ideology whackos in need of Psycho Surgery. They don’t believe in Union laws and that includes Schools, Citizenship and so forth. Children of the Universe they call themselves and believe all war is wrong, weapons are for evil purposes only and think if you Kermac want to rule over us then accept it instead of fighting.”

The dirty man added. “He was probably a stowaway when whatever ship he was hitching a ride was caught and raided by pirates.”

The traitor hissed. “No, that agent of your establishment, the freighter captain sold the entire container we were hiding in to slave traders.”

I glared at him. “Lucky for you, if I had been that freighter captain, I’d spaced you.” Still I didn’t like what I heard, it reminded me of little Exa and her story how she ended up on Twilight.

Someone wanted to know. “What is going to happen next?”

Again the dirty man, at least that’s how I called him in my mind, responded with an answer. “It’s still early in the week. So we wait till market day in two or three days and then we are auctioned off and sold. The Union soldier here will go for much money to one of the fight arenas or if they realize he is Union fleet, some of the Kermac agents might purchase him. Where everyone will end up is hard to say, depends who shows up and what demands there is.”

I turned to the Kermac. “I guess that’s your ticket out of here, right? Your agents will recognize you and you’re back home in no time.”

He shook his head. “I am a Ranig, I am not important enough to be rescued. Our agents here try to stay low profile and would not risk exposing themselves by buying me. They are only here to pick the occasional Union Fleet member, Saresii or Union Techs and scientists. Picking me would serve no purpose.”

The dirty man said to me.” The name is Tirkov. You don’t have to call me dirty man anymore, not that I mind but we are all quite filthy again and it might be a tad confusing who you give orders too.”

I blinked. “Sorry, I didn’t even notice I said it out loud. I am Eric by the way.”

“You did as we raided the ship and on the bridge you barked orders. Again I didn’t mind they all made sense and I know I used to have my own ship.”

The Kermac looked at me and said. “It figures, you had to be Union Fleet. Terran even, I think.”

I didn’t want to give the enemy too much information. I didn’t like Kermac and he was one of them, but why I suddenly remembered Egill’s words while I had to clean his tower burg, I could not tell, but I could almost hear his dry voice: Don’t be so quick with your judgments until you see the whole picture.

So I answered.” No I am not Terran, I am from Nilfeheim.”

Tirkov laughed and slapped his hand on his naked thighs. “A genuine Neo Viking, now that explains the temper.”

His response surprised me. “You know Nilfeheim?”

He side glanced at the steel loop I was working on and gave me an almost unnoticeable nod and then said. “Years ago I had two Nilfeheim Lowmen in my crew. Hard men they were, reliable. Didn’t mind working, could drink Botnaars under the table and if they started singing their Valhalla Songs and praising the houses they had braved much hardship to escape the ship plate’s vibrated. Never been to Nilfeheim but I know a thing or two about it.”

I actually stopped yanking the chain and stared at him saying. “I was told I was the first one of Nilfeheim that ever joined the Fleet.”

He motioned me to continue working the chain and I did, feeling much more play now than before. The lower bolts now showed almost an inch of shaft. Tirkov said, answering me. “Maybe you are the first to join the Fleet and I didn’t say my ship was Union either. From those two I told you about I heard that it was rare but not uncommon for third and fourth born sons, for Lowmen to book a passage on a Space Bus or hide on a freighter and leave that world to find their destiny elsewhere.”

He didn’t have to tell me about the fate of those sons not first born and I had my eyes opened to the almost slave like conditions some Clans kept their Lowmen in. It was actually only natural that some would leave. I knew Uncle Hogun had spent some time off planet in his younger days, not that he had ever talked about it not even to me. Now I could tell that Richard the outcast who was one of my sword and fighting teachers also had spent time away from Nilfeheim. Only back then I was to blind and to inexperienced to see those tell-tale signs.

I asked him. “Merchant or freighter or something like that?”

He grinned. “No, not merchant but a mercenary, I ran a mercenary outfit until recently. Problem was that our Intel for the last job wasn’t exactly accurate and instead of a small band of local cut throats we faced two companies of Harlequin’s Jokers complete with Zealot Battle walkers and they had no problem to sell the surviving rest of my crew including me to the Mulwhur Trading Company.”

I had no real reply to what he just said. I knew what the definition of a Mercenary was but I never thought something like that existed in the Union.

It appeared he read my facial expression as he snorted and lost much of his toothy grin. “I know you Union Fleet types look down on us and consider us criminals, but there are many shades between the white and black.” He spat into the straw before him. “Now if I could just once, borrow a real Marine Heavy Destroyer Suit and maybe a few Cerberus robots. I would love to drop in on Harlequin and make his clowns weep.”

I followed his example and spat into the straw. “I am here more or less because I used a sabotaged Quasimodo.”

The Kermac tried it but didn’t really manage to spit on the ground. “You humans are disgusting.”

I grinned. “No one asked you to try that.”

He tried again with not much more success and then said. “I think I seen a Tri-visual on these Cerberus robots once, the high Wizard of Public education of course prohibits such Tri-Visuals.”

I had to slow down my efforts; I didn’t want the traitor to see that it would take little effort now to yank the chain of the wall. “So how come a Kermac can be found here among slaves? I thought you guys love enslaving others and promote the whole business.”

He actually sighed and said. “We don’t call it enslaving but giving lesser species the opportunity to reach their potential by having the great fortune to be guided by Kermac wisdom and tutelage.” He looked straight at me. “The Grand Wizard still believes that and you have to be very careful, the thought police takes subversive thinking very serious and in general Kermac’s love to denounce others to look good themselves.” He touched the blinking device. “We are a race of Telepaths and Psi talents without the ingenious Psi laws the Union has. That’s why we wear false beards with all kinds of Anti Psi technology just to provide ourselves with a little privacy.” He then touched the scared wound on his chin we had crudely derma patched on the ship. “The average Kermac envies your union for one thing more than anything else, your PSI laws. Simple laws that protect one’s thoughts and guarantees privacy to us that would be paradise.”

He paused looked at the straw then turned to look at us. “I was not completely truthful before, because I am the Grand Wizard of Information, or to be more correct, I was. I challenged the Grand Wizard and instead of murdering me which would have created strong and hard to hide emotions and thoughts. I have been abducted in my sleep. My Psi shield and other implants forcefully removed and dumped. How I exactly ended up with the Slave traders, I can’t tell because I found myself aboard that cursed ship.”

He actually tried to move away from me. “You have places to go, somehow I know you won’t be a slave forever, I have not. If I reveal myself to the Kermac agents, they won’t go against the Grand Wizard and have to make sure I never return to Kermac Prime. To this add the general dislike common Kermac feel towards us Wizards and I will be lucky if I end up in a mine or smelter farm and not on a Togar BBQ spit.”

I couldn’t believe my own feelings as I actually felt sorry for a Kermac, a Wizard no less, but I said. “You could try to reach Union Space you know.”

He laughed dryly. “Getting interrogated and then dissected in a secret Union Lab, what would be the difference to being eaten by a Togar family?”

Instead of simply shutting up aiding and abetting a declared enemy, I said. “”I think you believe your own propaganda then. We do not do things like that. You ask for political asylum at any customs office and you will get it. Once that is done, you become a citizen. Doesn’t matter in the Union if you’re one individual or a whole civilization, we even took in the Dai. I know from the news there are a few Nul living as Union Citizens and no one dissected them.”

He said. “You make it sound so easy.”

As I sat there I realized I also believed my own propaganda as well. The Union did have secret lab facilities and I had transferred two Y’All warriors to one of them. The entire facility was nothing but a research center conducting experiments on sentient species. True the samples I had seen were of the worst enemies but still ... maybe the Mercenary was right. Not everything was black or white and I caught myself to still think in absolutes. Of course as a soldier I understood that it was absolutely necessary to find out everything there was to know about an enemy and conducting research on Y’All warriors could lead to new tactics and new weapons. Yet by the strict sense of our laws and by the application of the fundamental core values the representatives at the Assembly recited loudly every year at Union week, we were as guilty as the Kermac. It did not matter if you did it only a little bit in secrecy or on large scale and in the open.

Something happened at the steel bars and that pulled me out of my brooding thoughts, two Oghr and a brown cloaked humanoid figure had approached. Under the hood I saw an ugly somewhat humanoid but certainly not human face and he said to the Oghr. “Take them out to clean the Moog’s Cut, but leave the ones chained to the walls; they are too dangerous to give tools.”

The guards opened the portcullis by operating a lever and herded the other slaves’ outsides. The coward came too close and I used a leg sweep to make him fall, followed up with a bare food heel kick to his nose then rolled to the side to evade a shocker prod. My hand was free so I grabbed it behind the exposed electrodes and gave it a hefty tug. The big Oghr grunted and yelled stumbled forward and I placed a kick against his jaw. Nothing that would seriously harm the Oghr, my seemingly madness had a reason. In the tussle and due to the restricting chain I came to close to the other Oghr and he took me in a bear hug of which I did not even attempt to escape. I had accomplished what I wanted. The guard that caught me laughed rough at his comrade. “I’ll pay money to see this one fight in the arena. The other rubbed his lantern jaw with the upward pointing brass topped tusks and grunted. “He’s a wild one indeed.” He hit me a few times with the whip and shackled my hands as well then they left, closed the steel bars and tended to the other slaves using their shocker prods liberally and then they got shovels and buckets and were marched off to so some kind of labor.

As soon as they were gone, I strained my muscles and with a grinding sound the last bolts gave and I stumbled forward almost colliding with the other wall, but I was free.

Tirkov shook his head. “You are crazy. They could have whipped and beaten you to death, why risk all those bleeding whip cuts?”

My answer were falling wrist cuffs and I held up a metal key. “Because I saw this on his belt.” In my mind I thanked the Sojonites for the specialized training I had received so recently and it had included a few lessons on how to pick pockets.

It took me no time to free the other two and even take our chaffing collars off.

The Kermac shook his head and said. “I am grateful that I did not have to meet you in battle you are one resourceful young human.”

Tirkov said. “I think am certain he is an officer, that’s the result of their fine academy training.”

I used the chain with the attached collar, looked through the bars as good as I could and saw other grottos like cut into the sides of sheer rock walls on the other side of this narrow canyon. As I stood there the magnitude of this became apparent. There were these alcoves fitted with steel bars in several tiers connected with steel walk ways. As far as I could see and there was reason to believe our side was looking the same. There had to be hundreds of these slave pens and from the looks of it most of them were occupied. There were dozens of guards lazily walking these cat walks swinging their prods in bored fashion. Even though I saw guards of different species, it looked as if the Oghr had the largest numbers. The escape would not be as easy as I thought it would be. I had planned to use the collar and chain to fish for the lever and open the bars, but it was still too bright out there and the guards on the other side would see us, raise alarm and could shoot us.

“It’s still too bright; I said we better wait till it gets darker.” I turned to the two and asked. “It does get dark here right?”

Tirkov nodded. “Yes and very dark, there isn’t a moon around this world. I think they will have a few flood lights, but other than that we will be able to leave.”

The Kermac also looked outside. “And then what will we do then?”

The Merc said. “I am trying to scare up some clothing and a few coins. As soon as you are not recognized as a slave we are as free as anywhere. We could try to find work, hire on as hands on a ship that goes out, but I am going to call a few friends and get me a ride of this dust ball. You two are welcome to come along.”

He gave me a glance from the side. “Someone like you could run his own outfit in no time and there is good money in it too.” Then he turned to the Kermac. “You could learn to pilot a walker too, you know.”

I said to him. “We need to get out of here first before we make plans for the future, but how would you make a call? I was told there isn’t anything here to make calls.”

The mercenary returned in making his toothy grin. “Maybe the rest of the Universe doesn’t have GalNet, but that doesn’t mean there is no way to communicate, I am sure there is a Myon Corresponder here, it’s not instantaneous like fancy GalNet, and only slightly faster than the average space ship, but it gets your message from one planet to another and there might just be a Kermac Long Distant Telepath, now that is instantaneous too.”

With a side glance at the Kermac I said. “I know about Myon Corresponder and Tachyon Radio. That’s how we hail mother ships when I order all channels open, but I am not so sure I would entrust a telepath with my secret messages. Every other long distant telepath can listen in, right?”

The Kermac said.” Wrong. First of all Long Range Telepaths are very rare naturally so we enhance their ability technically. Second they are social recluses and more tool than being and third you can always use code.” He said with a miffed tone in his voice. “Not everything the Saresii do is better or superior to our way of doing things, you know.”

“How can anyone take Kermac serious when all they do is being arrogant, trying to enslave others with their Psionics and send spies?”

I realized I was ruder than I wanted to be, but as I spoke I remembered the dead Garbini, I saw hanging in the wreck of the Seneca after the Kermac had attacked it and I remembered two Kermac agents unleashing Y’All warriors, most of all I was in this situation kidnapped because Kermac were the driving motor just to get to Narth through me.

He didn’t sound offended but tired when he said. “That is why I am here and not in the Great Tower. I questioned some of our politics, but you should not poke the stick into the plastic roof after it rained. I mean ever since the Union became so big it is often perceived as being arrogant. Go ask a Togar or a Karthanian or any number of Galactic Council member species what they think about the Union or the Terrans.” He raised his hands and said. “I am not defending what Kermac Politics and attitude did over thousands of years and it is hard for me to accept that. I still love Ker and my culture; I don’t want it to become Union. I want it to reform, remember that we are an old race and could be respected for achievements. I disagreed with the increasing delusion and the blindness of the rest of the Wizards to the obvious facts and one of those facts is that there won’t be a Kermac Culture if we continue in the same direction. They play with forces we don’t really understand and that even among the Wizards any form of discussion is no longer acceptable. Everyone has to agree with the Grand wizard.”

He was talking himself into a rage and while he did so he more and more realized that he lost his home forever. Maybe it was the shock and the stress of the last days for him, that kept him level but now he was close to a breakdown and then he started crying. I didn’t even know Kermac could cry. I still hated them, those white skinned, meddling bastards. It was them who got me here. Yet I had to tell myself that several times to make sure I still believed it. Maybe not all Kermac were the same and maybe shared misery like a Slave prison made me realize there weren’t as many differences between him and me.

Tirkov said with an urgent tone as he glanced outside.” Someone is coming. Armed Guard, a dealer and the robed ugly one again.”

We went back to the wall and pretended to be tied. I hoped they didn’t notice that our chains were no longer attached to the wall.

The robed man with the ugly face was accompanied by a well fed Golden. I knew little about the Golden who were distant cousins to the Kermac and the Blue, other than that they were merchants and maintained big bazaars in all corners of the Galaxy. This one had an ugly cross like symbol burned or etched in his otherwise bald head. The Kermac whispered. “That cross shaped scar means he is a disgraced Golden and is not allowed to sell or buy anything or conduct business. If the Golden find out he deals in sentient beings they might send assassins.”

I simply made sure that he knew I heard his explanation. At this point I didn’t care what kind of species the Slave Business Owner was, I also would save the Golden the expenses. I had no plans of keeping him alive.

The man with the brown cloak and the ugly alien face pointed at me and said. “How much for the fighting boy?”

The Golden had a laboring way of talking and somehow he didn’t even get all the words in Squawk right. “He caused much damage and we think he is troublemaker. But he brings good Polo for Company when sold to arena.”

The Ugly one had big ears and a hairy nose that seemed like the rest of his skin too big for the skull underneath and hung in loose skin folds down to his chest.

The Kermac again supplied me with some information. “That is a Yotenen, they are native to what you call Downward and I have never seen one in this part of the Galaxy. Broody, mistrusting race, not pleasant to deal with.”

What the Kermac called a Yotenen held up a heavy little bag. “Who knows what tomorrow brings, who knows if the Arena purchasers come and buy or believe your stories about him. I saw him fight and I offer 100 Big Polos Full weight.”

“I could part with him for 200.”

“I take him and the Saresii girl and I give you 250”

It was demeaning to be there and hearing two beings to haggle over you. They were still outside and the Guard was armed, they had to come in before we could rush them.

The money bag changed owners, the Steel barrier lifted but only the guard came in. For our impromptu plan to work they had to come. There was no other way I had to jump the guard.

As the Oghr came closer Tirkov made a groaning sound to distract him and as he turned I rushed up, slung my chain around the Oghr’s fat neck twisted my body to close the loop of the chain and pulled the chain with all I had across my own shoulders. The guard gargled and chocked, the Kermac jumped up took the knife from the guard’s belt and stuck him.

Knowing we had seconds, I turned to rush after the other two when I saw the cloaked Yotenen push the Owner forward and inside our prison. The disgraced Golden staggered a few more steps and fell over, several fine steel needles had penetrated deep into the back of his head. The Yotenen man snarled with an urgent tone.” Quick Eric I brought a second cloak and let us get out of here.”

Of course. Wasn’t it the secret ability of the Sojonites to change shape? This was the Mother Superior.

Tirkov was already stripping the Guard and putting the things on, when he stopped and laughed. “It looks I am not the only one who has friends around here. The Kermac was over the dead Owner pulling on the smudgy golden robe and also stopped. “You are full of surprises human.”

I took the offered cloak and slipped it on. The Merc grabbed my underarm and looked at me with flashing blue eyes. “I still try to figure your rank and specialization, age wise you might already be full Lieutenant, but I could be wrong. You haven’t told us how you ended up here, other than some cryptic remarks. I doubt you be the kind of officer herding a bunch of scientists at a distant outpost that got raided by pirates. I think you are a spacer. Come on tell us the name of the last ship you served.”

“I don’t think I am breaking any regulations saying that. It was the USS Devastator.”

I took hold of his underarm the same way. “Good luck Tirkov.”

“Take care Eric, this is a big universe but I think we might run into each other one of these days.”

Actually I was more surprised about my own emotions and reaction, I took the offered hand of the Kermac, and grabbed his underarm in that greeting Nilfeheim warriors reserved for each other and said. “Good luck Wizard. I doubt we will run into each other, but you opened my eyes to a few things.”

He bowed slightly. “I never thought I would say that, but I respect you, Union man. You too gave me much to think about.”

The hooded Alien slid close to me and whispered. “I am sorry it took so long to find you but there are a lot of slave cages to go through.”

I slipped in the cloak and moments later we left. It took us a while to get to the ground level but none of the guards paid any particular interest in us, there was a steady traffic of coming and going. Slaves being transferred sold or used in work gangs for some local purpose or another; as we reached the ground, she pointed at a waiting two legged lizard with a saddle on it.

My new friends waved once more and disappeared moments behind the bend the Canyon wall made.

She asked me to climb on the back and after I did, she did the same and sat behind me. The lizard made a screeching sound as she forced with a tug on the reins to get walking.

The lizard moved fast and we had soon left the Canyon of Tears as this side arm of the local canyon was called and reached a more active area. Everything was built in or at the Canyon walls. Either in recesses or like balconies dotting the canyon walls all the way up. Bars, restaurants, bordellos and other small businesses advertised with illuminated signs. Here on the Canyon floor was a steady traffic of carts, people on foot and Lizards either pulling wagons or being ridden.

Only now did she speak again. “You caused quite a stir, stealing a slaver ship, dropping the Core directly before the feet of the Local Lord and his cronies.”

“I didn’t know if you were still alive. I had planned to find the local temple as soon as I was able. I had to do something. I didn’t want to end up on a Togar table.”

“I was worried sick about you. I promised Richard to keep you safe. That Tornado was the strangest thing. Normally they don’t occur around here at this time of year and rarely if ever exceed a T4; it was our bad luck to be caught in it.”

I frowned and said. “Bad luck isn’t even coming close; I think Loki personally is out to get me.”

She asked. “Who?”

“The god of mischief and trickery in the mythology of my people,” then I asked her, “did you get hurt? I tried to hold on to you but it was too late.”

She steered the lizard down a side corridor and said. “I took the form of a Heentok. That is a storm rider from a planet where hurricanes and violent storms are the norm, but I lost sight of you.”

She made the Lizard stop and jumped off. We had reached some sort of corral, a man height fence separated about a dozen of these animals and another one of those short three fingered beings took our mount and she received her deposit back.

The lizards smelled putrid but here it was even worse and I was glad to follow her away from it. I almost lost her as she suddenly turned left into a narrow cleft in the rock. Here too were little businesses and the dwellings of individuals.

She turned to see if we were followed and then pushed me through a curtain that hung from a cave entrance and into a sparsely lit tavern. Neither the being behind the counter nor the few patrons took any notice of our presence. They weren’t consuming drinks but ate little flower buds from small bowls. We didn’t really stop but passed through a second set of curtains, down a windy corridor that was almost completely dark.

We resurfaced in another canyon corridor and did this sort of thing four or five times more. I doubted I could trace our way back. Finally we went through the back door of a dirty, low tech hotel of some kind and ended up in a room with a mattress and a few pillows on the floor. The small round window was without glass, but had a set of curtains through which she looked outside. “I am pretty certain we haven’t been followed.”

She dropped the cloak and right before my eyes the shape of the ugly skin folds covered alien begun to melt and shift, become almost like a liquid and moment later she was the same older Saresii woman I had seen aboard the luxury yacht. She opened a trunk I only now noticed and said. “You need to get changed too. Once they discover you’re gone this place will become a witch’s cauldron. You and your friends had caused a nice little stire and the local Lord most certainly does not want to hear you escaped before you could be sold and punished in the arena. That is why we need to change now and leave this planet preferably before they notice. She changed again and into an Oghr Female just as brutish looking as the males, with pronounced jaws and tusk like teeth poking past the upper lips. From the trunk she put on the typical leather and metal garment outfit that appeared to be common for both genders of that race.”

Her green skinned hand with yellowish long claws and fine scaled skin pointed at the trunk. “The other costume is for you. Get cleaned in the hygiene cell, get dressed. We are in a hurry.”

I found the little shower and a sign in bold letters and in several languages warned of water wasting and listed the horrendous fees for using it.

I must have wasted almost 100 Polo coins worth of water and had spent a little longer under the shower than I should have. I doubted there was anyone as anxious as me to leave this planet, but the shower was pure bliss and rinsing my dried out gills made me realize I still had them.

She was standing by the window as I came out and said. “I estimate we have about 3-4 hours before they realize that I sent the other slaves to do work they weren’t supposed to do. That happens here all the time, but when they get back they will find the Owner and the dead guard and I am certain the local Lord will prevent any ship from leaving until you and the others have been found.”

I found that the seemingly primitive trunk had a set of controls that activated a portable Auto Dresser unit.

The Auto Dresser disguised me into a humanoid feline being with fine dotted soft fur, large ears and Whiskers and a twitching tail. Over it I wore a tight brown leather bodice with a red sash.

“You are a Togar Warrior now. Virtually unknown in Union space but a fierce race, quite aggressive and the red sash signals that you are in heat and just killed a suitor.”

I could not believe my ears and spouted. “I am what?” She crossed her muscular arms. “It keeps all nosy folks away. Togar Females are even more irrational than human women during that period and kill and maim for the silliest reasons. Best thing is, every Togar we meet will instantly fight anyone to the death giving you the slightest disrespect, and there are a lot of Togar on this world.”

I checked my new looks in the mirror field. “I sure hope no one wants to mate with me. I don’t really want to find out what love means to a crazed two legged Togar tomcat.”

She actually laughed. “Not to worry, they are a strict matriarch society. The retractable claws on your costume are monofilament Ultronit. You could claw a robot to shreds. Trust me I used that disguise many times.”

“Only you are a Sojonit Shape shifter trained in all those secrets. I only wear a clever bio flex costume. Can I not rather be some sort of human something?”

She shrugged. “This is what we had at the local temple. Trust me the other alternatives would have pleased you even less. Besides I booked us a flight on the next transport out of here and it is for a Togar Female with her Oghr bodyguard.”

At least I could wear weapons openly; a Togar blaster and two swords like knives were part of the disguise. I did like the claw part. I could not help being fascinated by my tail. It twitched and moved, probably part of some random neuro impulse program incorporated into the costume. I had no control over it and that was a good thing.”

“Stop looking at your tail. It won’t fall off.”

“I never had a tail before.”

“Well technically speaking ... sort of.”

She pressed another contact on the portable auto dresser and it crumbled and dissolved before our eyes into a pile of metallic dust. All that remained was a small Zero Point energy cube she put in one of her pockets. “Let’s go, Maguria my Togan beauty. The transport is leaving soon.”

On our way back to the spaceport I could not ignore to see the gangs of humans and other beings everywhere with brooms and shovels fighting what seemed a hopeless battle against the dust and sand, accumulating in doorways and on sidewalks.

Everyone on foot wore cloaks in probably every shade of brown, and it was getting dark now. I also noticed the strange hopping movements almost everyone around us and before us was making. She warned me and pulled me at the sleeve. I almost stepped in a big pile of reeking greenish dung.

She whispered. “The lizards drop them everywhere. Walking here is called the Alvar Two-step.”

Other slaves had as I saw now the disgusting duty to scoop those droppings into buckets.

She nodded towards the Slaves. “I detest it as much as you do, but open war is not the answer. Something has to be done, but subtle and not with the Terran sledge hammer.”

I gave her a side look and noticed my long whiskers twitching in my field of view. “I hear that all the time, but I think sometimes the sledgehammer method shows others who’s boss.”

She sighed. “As I said you’re a real Terran, no matter from what colony planet you come from.”

We reached the mouth of the Canyon and before us stretched the landing field. I could see the brown slave trader awkwardly leaning on its side. A make shift scaffold was growing around it, probably to hoist the core back in. Two other ships were there as well. There was a smaller courier ship and a genuine SII Poodle IV, known to be the first privately available long distance ship and a true antique.

She guided me to one of the stone buildings and into a sparsely furnished passenger lobby. There were only about a dozen beings in that bare waiting lobby. It had a glass front and a few crude looking benches, nothing else.

She asked after we sat down. “War will come again. It is certain all we can do, is delay it as long as possible.”

I remembered the Kermac Wizard who was a slave just like me, but he confirmed what I believed about them. “It’s the Kermac who agitate and pull the Tyranno’s fin. They do that even before Terrans were around. They tried to attack us with Psi spores. It was them who send spies and have abducted me.”

She patted my furry legs. “Of course you are correct but I am also a spy for a long time, and to be a successful one you need to learn to see things with the eyes of your enemy.”

I glared at her and said without thinking. It can be very dangerous to do that. One might lose focus and not only see things like the enemy but think like it as well.”

“I am very aware of that, and our common friend Richard Stahl said that to me more than I can count. You are in many ways very much like him.”

“I doubt Admiral Stahl would dress up as a Sojonit and enjoy every second of it.”

She laughed.” That is true. He actually would rather die.”

A fat human in blue robes and dust mask came in and he was followed by six naked slaves. Each of them carrying great loads. The fat man barked at his slaves and they set up a table and cylinders and boxes on top of it. The blue dressed man placed himself behind the table and yelled in several languages including Union idiom. “Water, refreshments, perfumes, carbo snacks and meat sticks. Get them before you leave on your long trip. There won’t be any refreshments on the transport.”

Twenty minutes later we boarded the old Poodle converted to something like a passenger transport, settled down. Two Togar males rudely pushed a Karthanian out of the way and then I realized they did that for me.

We found out seats and settled down and moments later the Poodle lifted off into space.

Chapter 6: Kaliment

As old as the Poodle was, it was surprisingly well maintained and the small crew kept it reasonably clean. I was not very comfortable, which was of course partially due to the disguise I wore.

The fine and soft pelt of my costume proved to be quite warm and for some reason they kept the cabin temperature well above the thirties on the C scale. It felt just like sitting in a Nilfeheim sauna wearing a Fangsnapper fur coat. Well maybe not that extreme, but certainly close.

“Cats like it warm.” She seemed to have no problem guessing my thoughts even completely disguised like that.

The Poodle space ship we had boarded, was an antique. This Poodle was at least two hundred years old, but its basic shape looked the same as the latest Poodle model coming of the assembly lines.

Two thirty meters diameter ball shaped spheres connected to each other with a short ten meters diameter cylinder. This elongated cylinder acted as a corridor.

While this odd bar bell shape seemed odd and impractical. It was a different story when the first Poodles were designed and produced over 1500 years ago.

It was one of the very first commercially available space ships and because of this was one of the most famous ship designs in history.

The bow sphere was called the Freight and habitat section and the aft section was the engineering section. The two segments could be separated in an emergency or used as a power station for a new colony.

On top of the first sphere an elongated pointed wedge was placed. It contained the bridge and other command and control functions. Two ISAH pods on each side of the aft sphere completed the outside looks of a Poodle. Terrans said that the ship was ugly as sin and if it stood on its long landing gear it looked just like a groomed Poodle.

The passenger area and living quarters were inside the first sphere and freight, fuel and engineering was in the second sphere.

Due to the shape of the passenger compartment we did not sit in rows as one would in a Union space bus, but the seat rows followed the curve and completed an almost complete circle. The center was occupied by the ship’s access shaft and two hygiene cells. There was a little bar and currently un-staffed small galley.

The set-up had room for about hundred passengers, but only perhaps twenty five took the journey with us.

I pretended to be sleepy and curled up on that unyielding passenger seat, luckily made big enough to accommodate the biggest Oghr. I did that to prevent any conversation with the two Togar males, sitting not too far.

They did keep their distance and I was glad.

My companion said whispering but with an amused tone in her voice. “Looks like the two Toms over there seem to contemplate considering getting mauled and injured for a chance with you.”

Why she found it amusing I did not know.

I found the situation anything but amusing. I muttered, not expecting a response. “It wasn’t me who decided I had to pose as a Togar female in the first place.”

However compared to the recent events and situations, this was not all that hard to endure and we had left that cursed dust ball a few moments ago. Through one of the view ports, I saw the welcome blackness of space and the light of a few stars brilliant and unfiltered by any atmosphere.

Not for the first time did I wonder about my own love of space and then whenever I had to step out into it I was afraid.

My body-guard snapped at the two Togars and said to them. “She has chosen and if you want to cause trouble and disrespect her go right ahead, but know that she is of the Lalhestes.”

Whatever a Lalhestes was it worked, the two males looked for seats as far away as possible and settled down.

I asked. “So where exactly are we going and what is a Lalhestes?”

She leaned closer as my real ears where covered with Bioflex material and my hearing was somewhat impaired and said. “We are on our way to planet Kaliment. It is probably more to your liking as temperatures never exceed ten degrees and usually hover around minus twenty on the C scale. There is no native life on Kaliment other than a selection of primitive amoeba and plankton that floats around in vast quantities in the planets oceans.”

I listened and found that a planet with decent temperatures and oceans could not be all that bad. She kept on telling me. “Kaliment has also an abundance of a rare crystalline form of Magnetite, a mineral absolutely vital to space faring civilizations.”

There I had to correct her, maybe she had spent too long in Freespace. “That stuff isn’t used since Dr. Isah completely redesigned the FTL drive Sarans gave to Earthers 3000 years ago. We don’t even use it in blasters anymore, because it is not very efficient, and unreliable compared to the reliable and 99% more efficient ISAH lattice that can be manufactured to the exact same specifications instead of using a natural rare crystal, that like all natural things never is completely the same.”

She patted my hand. “Yes my Union child indeed. No one in the Union with ready access to ISAH components considers Kalimun, as the Karthanian call it, anything but a nice export mineral. Consider this my Soja. Not every civilization is as obsessed with efficiency as the Terrans. The Sarans used Kalimun for thousands of years and were quite surprised when ships of United Terra out ran their ships only ten years after they had given Terra the secret of FTL propulsion. We are in Freespace, and we are now approaching an area that is claimed by both the Karthanian and the Togar. No one outside the Union can simply place an order for ISAH Pods over GalNet and get precise engineered FTL engines a few month later delivered by freighter. The process how the lattice is synthesized, that holds the anti-matter containing magnetic fields in precise balance is known only to ISAH Inc, Earth and they managed to guard its secrets even against other Union competitors.”

I swallowed the hidden critique at my ignorance and said. “So this planet we are going to, is not in Freespace anymore?”

She chuckled and since her disguise was quite real she managed to curl the enormous chops of that Oghr maw into a quite frightening grin. “That my Soja is a question that many like to be answered and a situation that simmers slowly to a boiling point that will mean war.”

She shifted her position so she could easier talk to me and said. “We are far from the influence of the Big Four now. Even the Galactic Council borders are over 700 light years from here and are only marked because a quite primitive and completely unimportant Thrall species of the Kermac occupies a few planets in that region. The Shiss, the Nul and of course the Union are even further away. Technically and by the original Freespace treaty this is the outer fringes of that area. Freespace is, as you know an area declared to be free of the influence and interference of the Big Four.”

That I knew, the entire text and the reasons for the Freespace treaty were discussed at length in Galacto-political class and were subject to detailed graded tests. I said. “I had to learn about Freespace and the treaty negotiated by the Blue, but I don’t think I ever heard about this world or the Togar being involved.”

She agreed with a nod. “The Karthanian were among the larger civilizations that signed the Freespace treaty but the Togar did not. They weren’t even asked, back then they were barely known and none of the Big Four considered them even remotely important or relevant at that time.”

She scratched her scaled chin with her long yellow claw like fingernails and continued.

“To get back to the actual subject, no one paid particular interest in this system and the planets in it, until the Togar more or less by accident found that Kaliment had more Kalimun than all their other sources together. Bad part is that, there was a Karthanian survey ship in the system at that time as well and overheard their planet to mother ship conversations. Now both claim that world and both have built a permanent basis that grew into a city, a clearly divided city of course.

Now the Togar are much more numerous and have the far bigger fleet than the Karthanian, but the Karthanians are technologically almost on Union level and have built their entire culture around building space ships. So the Karthanian fear that the Togar catches up on the technology and the Togar are concerned that the Karthanian begin to build war fleets on their own instead of relying on Oghr services to do the fighting for them.”

“Isn’t it dangerous for me to pose as a Togar female then?”

She shook her head. “No it is not, the Karthanian are not ready to light the fuse on this explosive situation by harassing a Togar female. If my intelligence in that situation is correct, the Togar are itching for a fight.”

I shrugged and said. “I don’t think a war between them out here would have any influence on the Union. I say let them fight, but after we returned to Union space.”

“Wars have a tendency to spread, my impatient Soja.”

I assumed that Soja was the name associated with my Togar outfit, so I didn’t ask her what it meant but I did ask. “Why are we going there anyway?”

“Because there are no flights from Alvor’s Cove to Netlor and hiring a privateer to get us there is tricky, dangerous and with the short time we had to leave impossible. We will however do just that and hire us a charter to get us to Netlor as soon as we landed.”

“So we won’t stay long?”

“No, because eventually one of the many Togar will ignore the sash, work up his courage and see if he could not convince you to abandon the way of Lalhestes.”

I protested. “You said the costume is safe and I would not be bothered. What is that Lalhestes thing anyway? I think I asked that before.”

She rolled her yellowish eyes. “It is reasonably safe. You got a body guard and you got claws, use them freely, no one is going to ask you why. If one of the Togars over there makes any gestures you don’t like go over there, take off half of his snout and he get the message. So don’t worry I promise you, everything will be fine. “She then added a Lalhestes is a Togar female that prefers other females and they are considered exalted in a matriarchal society of course. It might keep them away for good or it might heighten their interest as their minds in that regard work very similar to human male brains.”

I spend the rest of the flight clutching my blaster and one of the long knives and did not dare to really sleep. Every time one of the Togars moved I was ready to fight.

My companions assurance that she was watching and that there was no cause for alarm, did little to convince me that it was indeed that way.

We reached Kaliment, seven days after we left Alvor’s Cove. One of the Togar males had to be carried out on a stretcher. He had been bandaged but had received no other medical attention. My fears had proven to be right. Just as my companion started to snore, one of them came sneaking over, making no noise on his cat like paws, clearly excited and not thinking straight anymore.

I found out what terrible weapon finger long claws could be as I raked them across his face and plunged the long knife in his abdomen.

After that I actually found a little piece of mind to doze a little.

We left the Poodle right after the stretcher.

Now I was glad for my pelted costume. The wind was howling and drove fine ice crystals over the landing field. It wasn’t nearly as cold as it could be on Nilfeheim, but still a stark change to Alvor’s Cove and the overheated passenger compartment of the Poodle.

Mother Superior in her Oghr form didn’t seem to mind the cold wind as I followed her and the other passengers to a flier. I didn’t know the local time or if it was morning or evening, the dense gray cloud cover did not allow me to see the local sun. After the floater had taken us into the air I could see the city beyond the landing field. The city was split in half just as if a giant had used a knife. Each side was lit by many thousand lights. The one of the right slide had an orange glow to it and the lights on the left shone a greenish hue. In between them was a dark strip that extended over the landing field and became a narrow black line that extended all the way to the horizon. She noticed me seeing it and said. “That is an artificial trench, ten meters deep, forty meters wide and follows the imaginary line of longitude from pole to pole. There are no bridges or tunnels connecting the two sides. All traffic and interaction is between the two sides is limited to the City and done by flier only.

I followed her explanations but my eyes caught a sleek ship that was most certainly not Karthanian, Kermac or whatever. It looked Union, had big oversized ISAH Pods. It was armed with Loki torpedo launchers and had several retracted gun turrets as I could see by the closed gun ports. The entire ship was colored in a bright metallic red.

I estimated her to be about 750 meters long. A yellow rendering of a snake with claws and wings was painted all along its sides. I always prided myself as a space ship expert and even before I joined the Fleet, did I try to learn all the ship types. As much as I was certain this came from Union designers, I had never seen any ship quite like it.

I looked to her to ask, but she appeared to be as surprised as I was. Her eyes glued at the red ship as well. She finally said.

“That is the Red Dragon. It belongs to a new and mysterious pirate. He appeared only recently and with a ship that no one is able to identify, and many think it is a complete custom job. The Pirate captain running and owning it also calls himself the Red Dragon. He managed to become one of the most wanted Pirates in a short time. There are rumors that he has excellent connections to the Karthanian Consortium and that Jibehs the guild master of the Hull makers is his friend.”

I pointed with my snout towards the ship and said. “I see two Loki Torpedo starters on this side and despite the red coloring I am certain that’s Ultronit. That ship isn’t Karthanian.”

She grabbed me by the arm and said. “Just this time let’s keep the details of that Pirate ship a little longer a mystery. We have a schedule to keep and you have an appointment with Admiral Stahl.”

I sat back down and said. “I am the last to argue that. I want to get back home real bad.”

“Then don’t get up and think about ways to get over that trench and closer to that ship.”

At first I wanted to argue and protest, why would I want to get myself into more trouble or another side-tour so close to getting back? But then I realized she was right. I had stood up and I did check out that trench and the layout of things and somewhere inside I had already begun to hatch a plan to somehow sabotage that ship, blow up those Lokies and find out where he got them from.

Meekly I crossed my arms and lowered my head. “Am I that predictable?”

She nodded. “After knowing you a little while I am afraid so. There are those who live their entire live doing their jobs and nothing will ever happen to them and then there are those like you who could walk into a flower shop to buy a bunch of roses and end up fighting a galaxy wide conspiracy. You my friend belong most definitely to the latter type.”

There wasn’t much I could say to that, reflecting on my life so far, she certainly had a point.

The flier descended and landed a few seconds later at a terminal that looked sturdy but incomplete. Some window panes were missing, not all lights were working and as we walked inside, I noticed cracks in the walls, sloppy paint jobs. She whispered leaning close. “So you noticed famous Togar workmanship. It gets worse the further away you get from the Queen’s Palace.”

“I really don’t want to see a Togar engine room then.”

There weren’t any entry checks or custom controls to speak off; every Togar around us was armed. I wasn’t the only female Togar with a red sash and it was no problem moving through a check point as the controlling Togar did not really want to ask me for credentials and let us pass.

We took another flier to the other side, where Oghr guards performed all the security related tasks for the Karthanian who as I learned did not like to interact with Non Karthanians. My knowledgeable companion told me that Karthanians were Xenophobes and only a few of them managed to overcome their phobia usually for commercial reasons.

Unchallenged we reached the Karthanian side of the space port and boarded much to my dismay a Velorian freighter, brownish red and black ceramics and pretty much the same organic sea snail looking hull as the slave ship, that most likely was still sitting on the landing field of Alvor’s Cove. This one had been maintained much better and didn’t stink as much.

This time we had a tiny passenger cabin for ourselves, barely enough room to stretch out, but we could close the door and have some privacy. I looked out the small view port and saw Oghr and other aliens service the ships, disconnect service and fuel transfer hoses and said to more to myself than to her. “I wonder why there are so many Oghr here in Freespace. I thought they were a Union species?” I remembered Az-Az.

She answered never the less. “The Union Oghr are called Oromals and they are as loyal and dependable as any other member. The Oromals once belonged to the Oghr Empire before it fell apart into dozen smaller kingdoms almost 8000 years ago. The largest of these kingdoms, Oromals joined the Union, I think about 1200 years ago, but there are nine such kingdoms left in Freespace and most Oghr hire out as Mercenaries and laborers to other civilizations.”

“You are much like Narth or Wetty. Narth I think tries to memorize the entire Encyclopedia Galactica and Wetty can remember the slightest details of anything she ever came across.”

“I am glad Wetmouth found her place and friendship. She would never been happy as a Sojonit.”

Shortly after she said that, the Velorian lifted into space.

Chapter 7: Netlor

We managed to reach Netlor without incident or pirate attack, which would not have been unlikely in this region of space.

As we debarked the Velorian ship seven days later, we were greeted by a warm yellow sun and the surrounding area beyond the landing field was green. Netlor so I learned had its own life and had oceans. The temperatures hovered around 28 degrees on the c scale and that felt nice compared to the baking oven conditions of Alvor’s Cove or the freezing winds of Kaliment.

Netlor was, just like Alvor’s cove in Freespace, but it was so Mother Superior told me well organized. While there was no real government, it was run by a consortium of several syndicates and a council of temple and faith leaders.

Here on Netlor was the head quarter of a religious sect called the Church of the Golden Whispering Spirit of the Universe. It had according to the Mother Superior several million members not only on Union Side but also among several Kermac Thrall species and Freespace Civilizations The members of that church had to travel at least once in their life to this place and bathe in the light of the Whispering Statue.

On special dates advertised by that church, the light of the statue was in alignment with the Heart of the Galaxy and during these times, believers and pilgrims by the hundred thousands arrived on Netlor and participate in a number of religious events, culminating in a light bath.

Visitors by the millions were big business. The syndicates that ran the Hotels, shops and restaurants in the planet’s only town, as well as the Church leaders made sure Pilgrims could travel relatively safely to and from Netlor and enjoy their practices and worship activities in safety on the planet itself as well.

Pilgrim convoys were well protected. Pirates usually stayed away from the planet as well.

It was risky business to make these syndicates and the Church your enemy.

All this I had learned from the Mother Superior on our thankfully quite event-less passage to Netlor.

The landing field belonged to a small space port, the field was clean Duro-Crete and there was a fleet of open top flier taxis waiting for passengers.

We managed to hire such a taxi right away and flew the short distance into town.

Only a few buildings looked permanent, most of the town consisted of stacked prefab containers and tents.

Mother Superior in her Oghr disguise acted a little as a tour guide and explained. “The actual light bathing ceremony only occurs during a special season of about a standard month. During this time the sun is perfectly aligned with a hole in this world’s tallest mountain.

According to this religion the sun of this system is then also aligned with the center of the Galaxy.”

“Isn’t every star more or less always aligned with the center of the galaxy?” I asked. It doesn’t make much sense.”

“Do you know any religion including ours that ever really made sense?”

“I am not a real religious person, but there are situations I like the Aesir approach. I really do ... not that ice giants, thundering hammers make much sense either.”

I was certain she smiled even though her Oghr face translated a toothy grimace. “All that sugar and spice of your female side can’t really erase that Viking inside you.”

“Vikings and Neo Vikings have always come in male and female.”

“You are correct of course. Well to finish your little education regarding Netlor and the local religion I have to point out that it all centers on a gigantic statue of great age and unknown origin. When said alignment happens, light from that mountain hole hits the head of that statue and the color prism installed in its head. The believers of this fate then stand in that light and receive the blessing by the Spirit of the Universe.

Some even believe this light has curative effects and they can hear the Universe whisper to them.”

I shrugged. “To each its own I guess.”

The Taxi dropped us off before one of the permanent buildings. I estimated it to be about 70 meters high and was made mostly of glass and Duro-Crete. It had neatly groomed grass surrounding it and a water fountain right before its main entrance.

A modern multi language sign identified it as Hotel Netlor’s Light and welcomed guests and pilgrims.

Check in was simple and we received a clean double bed room with a view over the make shift looking town.

She put the one bag of luggage down she was carrying and said. “Go ahead and enjoy the bath and order room service.

She produced a black Credit Strip Box and said. “I think that belongs to you and they do take Union Credits here.”

It was the same Credit box I had found in the damaged flyer on Sin 4 and I thanked her for keeping it for me. She touched her tusks in a typical Oghr habitual gesture and said.

“I am going to do the same and then we are going to visit the local Sojonit Temple to make a few calls and change our identities one more time. We should be on our way to Checkpoint 96 and Union space in about two days.”

“Those are the best news I heard in a while.”

Refreshed and feeling much better we left the hotel and took another Taxi flier. Leaning closer she explained.

“The last pilgrims for this season will leave soon. The last light bathing ceremony takes place later today. After that the believers go back to their respective planets and we will be among them, then this town shrinks to one third of its size. Most shop keepers strike their tents after this season and return with the start of the next. But a core population remains, because besides being the center of a religion, this place is also a playground for probably every intelligence service in this Galaxy.”

I asked. “Why? What is so special about Netlor?”

“It’s a neutral ground for one. Services can meet, exchange caught spies, watch each other and use this place as a gate into the territories of each other.”

She pointed at a tent with a sales stand attached to it. Sacks and boxes spilled out all around the front of the tent and a bluish cloud of smoke hung over it all.

“That incense and spice dealer is also the field office of NW3 or more precisely of the Shiss Intelligence service Naxxxtuu-www.

The dealer is human and he does good business with his incense and spices, but he and his crew also send regular briefs to the palace of the First Nestling, among other things.”

She laughed as she made me look to an impressive modern tent with force field reinforced Intelli-fab canvas walls, neatly stacked wares and project-a-sign advertisement showcasing fruits, bread and meat products. “Can you guess who is hiding behind that grocery merchant’s front?”

I rolled my eyes and said. “Naval Intelligence, even I can guess it, would that not be a little too obvious?”

She nodded. “You got it right, it is the front for the NAVINT service, but then seven minutes ago all these tents were just tents to you.

I am sure NAVINT has other operatives around, and they receive Intel from me and the Sojonites in a roundabout way. But sometimes it is just as good to loudly proclaim your presence and thus attract lots of eyes and ears while you have friends of yours do something very quietly.”

What she said made sense and I pointed out a stack of three Universal Containers towering over most of the other tents and temporary buildings around. “This is probably the Kermac outpost, right?”

She patted my shoulder. “Very good indeed, my young student, tell me how you figured that out.”

For one it is taller than the others, it is a building rather than a tent. It is close to the Union Outpost and tall enough to overlook and watch the NAVINT tent.

The keeper sweeping the front is a Turotonk. They are, if I recall correctly a Freespace species leaning towards the Basil who are in turn a Kermac Thrall species.”

I could not tell if she smiled or wanted to eat me with her big Oghr maw. “Lots of conjecture but all correct. The Kermac, the Shiss and many others cannot afford not to keep watch on the fancy and flashy tent of NAVINT.”

I sighed. “All I wanted to be is a star ship captain, not a spy or Counter Intelligence officer and I find myself sliding down that path, being involved in more clandestine stuff than Nubor Santini.”

She asked. “Who is Nubor Santini?”

I watched her as she gave the Taxi pilot a few coins and explained. “He is the hero of a GalNet show that comes on every Thursday on the Action-Teen Channel and he catches Kermac spies and such with his Ultra Power Team from Planet T.”

She seemed amused and motioned me to get out as the flier had landed in the middle of an alley way between those rows of tents and huts and after we stepped off she said.

“You might not be Nubor Santini, but consider all what you experienced as school of life and maybe one or the other thing you learn now about the Universe will help you later when you are a Starship Captain.”

I really missed pockets where I could shove my hands. This Togar costume of course had none, at least none for the hands, so I crossed my arms instead and said a little gloomy. “Right now I simply hope I graduate or if I am lucky they let me repeat the month I missed chasing through Freespace.”

She took my hand and patted it.

“No worries my Soja, Richard is keeping tabs of everything you do and I don’t think he misses much even if he pretends otherwise. Even if you and I think he does not know about it, he does.

He let you command that big tub, and I am sure there is a Ship Command for you somewhere down the line. You are still young, very young and it might take years sometimes decades before they offer you a command chair and you got to fill the time till then doing something.”

“You know the Admiral well?”

Her voice had a solemn quality to it as she said. “No one knows the eternal Soldier well I would think. With the exception of Alycia perhaps. He is as much an enigma as he is the rock and the unshakeable foundation; there is no one in this universe I respect more.”

I liked her even more after she had said that.

We walked not very fast and without apparent hurry along the gravel paved alleys between tents and huts where merchants praised their wares with coarse voices and pilgrims in golden cloaks and frocks rushed in every direction. She explained to me that a running person or someone in an apparent rush would draw more attention than a relaxed strolling person.

I looked at her and said. “What made you decide to become a spy? I mean besides being the Sojonit leader.”

She spread her arms and added. “Only a very few chose to be in this business, usually it chooses you. Spies are made by others, it’s not a choice and it is an old game that is played behind the shiny facades of civilization since time begun. I sort of slipped into this business because I started to believe in our Union and I believe if our Union wants to survive and stay on top of things, we have to play the dirty game too. I even want us to play it better, dirtier and more efficient than all the others, do you know why?”

She didn’t really give me time to answer as she said. “I love our Union as much as you do. It has its faults and isn’t perfect, but I am around for much longer than even the Eternal Soldier and I have not seen anything like it, since I left Sares Prime a million of your years ago.”

I gasped. “You were talking about yourself when you told me the story of the Sojonites. You found the Crystal Place, right?”

“Yes I was one of the Saresii that left Sares Prime with our last space ship.”

The realization that she was that old made me wonder who she really was. I didn’t doubt her word one second. In my own short life I had met several immortals, but even the age of everyone I had ever met combined did not come close to her life span.

She gestured to a big pink tent with a large Sojonit Goddess statue about two hundred meters ahead and said. “That is where we are going.”

After walking another hundred meters or so she said. “You are very quiet suddenly. Have I frightened you, it is not often I reveal this aspect of me.”

I answered. “Frightened? No I am not frightened, but deeply in awe and really unable to understand it, to put my mind to it.”

Only now I noticed she had her hand on my back and said with a warm tone in her voice. “You met immortals before, have you not? Egill, Elkhart the ancient keeper, McElligott, Richard Stahl who takes particular interest in you. There are your Coven friends who are older than me and of course the Narth. It is very conceivable that you too will go this lonely path eventually. If you do indeed join the Narth then your age is no longer measured in years or even centuries. I think the Narth don’t even count and perceive time as the rest of us does.”

I never thought about that and said as we closed on the Sojonit tent. “Narth is my friend on a level I can’t explain but I am not sure if these meta physical things he says always mean something to a human. I am a simple Neo Viking of Nilfeheim, how could I possibly become a Narth. I know so little of them and they are so completely alien. And besides Egill does not count, he is only something like 400 years old.”

“After what point do you think immortality does count? Your distant grandfather, especially after he received help from the Saresii can get as old as he wishes to be.”

I listened to her and then said. “You know much more about me then you let on.”

She didn’t respond to that directly but said instead. “You still think in human terms Eric, you barely begun your second decade. Even in human standards you’re just became an adult. Understanding will come when it is time to understand those things.” Then she laughed. “Yes you are a child of your world but you have long ceased to be simple my young friend.”

I frowned and said. “Not that I mind the company of immortals and all that, but I wish all of you would stop talking in this cryptic fashion. I always feel like I am getting an answer but too stupid to get it.”

She laughed. “No my Soja, not to stupid. To impatient and too young. No worries once you get to be my age you will find there are as many questions and things you don’t understand as when you started. It happens to me every time talking to a Narth.”

With that we entered the Sojonit temple tent.

Inside it smelled just like in the temple on Sin 4. It was a fresh, feminine perfume not as sweet and thick as the smell of the incense candles I still remembered.

It was cool and a typical Sojonit in the standard pink uniform sat behind a frilly desk and greeted us with a voice as frilly as the desk.

“Welcome travelers. Let the sorrows and tribulations of the outside world stay behind. May the Goddess Sojo bless you with a joyous journey into the blissful heights of sexual ecstasy and carnal satisfaction we servants of the Goddess will provide to you.”

Mother Superior said in a strange language I never heard yet perfectly understood. “I am the Mother Superior.”

The Sojo got up only to bow deeply. “Your neural patterns are indeed those of our most exalted leader and your aura matched the one on file. Welcome to the Netlor Temple of the Goddess, Mother Superior.”

She touched a flower like inlay on the artfully decorated desk surface and a pink sheer looking curtain flickered with purple energies and vanished. The seemingly wispy curtain was actually a Holo-disguised TransDim force field. This so innocent looking large tent, could probably withstand the onslaught of a large caliber FE-cannon.

The tent was about the size of a Nilfeheim three family home and behind the force field entrance were several separate service chambers arranged around an indoor pool filled with perfumed water and fed by an illuminated color changing water fountain. Two Sojonites bathed with a human customer. He paid little attention to us.

We entered one of the separates, she closed the curtain behind us and I could hear the fine humming sound until another force field was established. The room was filled with satin pillows, rich carpets, the light came through the crème colored canvas walls, giving the illusion they were indeed just thin fabric tent walls. There was kitschy looking, elaborate styled divan with satin sheets and more pillows. The entire divan, big enough to accommodate three Pertharians slowly lifted and revealed a steep spiral stair case.

After descending the stair case for more than five minutes; I got dizzy doing it; and walking through a narrow corridor we passed a solid looking Ultronit door and into a comfortable, cool and modern furnished lounge. Before the Ultronit door hummed shut, I turned and saw the entire corridor shrink and turn to solid rock.

The Oghr female shimmered into the form of a Saresii and the now far too big leather and steel outfit simply fell all around her to the floor.

She motioned towards the now closed door and said. “The power we use to shift forms is not limited to our own bodies. If we are together and link our abilities we can affect other matter too. To affect such vast quantities of matter we use Saresii Psi enhancers and pre-determined patterns. That of course is the short version of an explanation how this works.”

Women, so I found had much less inhibitions to undress even before others. She appeared perfectly content being completely in the buff, but then she had a wonderful shaped body. In this regard the Saresii were as human as could be and very attractive to boot.

She waved her hand. “You can take that Togar costume off now. We will take the rest of our journey together pretending to be Union Citizens and Pilgrims on the way back from a trip to the Statue.”

It took a sharp knife and some careful cutting to get this tight suit open. Bioflex was living tissue after all and it did not require buttons, zippers or other closure systems, but like Intelli-Fab the seams grew together and had to be cut open to separate again.

A Sojonit came in gathered the items and said with a nice inviting voice. “If you would like to tend to your bodily needs Sister Nightshade, there are bathroom facilities if you step through that door.”

I was glad I could leave the room. Despite my recent experiences, I still liked to wear clothing especially in the presence of women.

The Sojonit opened the door for me and said. “If you like company or like to be washed, let me know.”

I blushed and thanked her for the offer but declined.

After the bath I was asked to use an Auto dresser once more and it gave me a golden colored flowing gown and once again female features.

Mother Superior wore the same golden garment. She asked me to sit and listen to the report one of the sisters gave.

“The Worm and the Kermac have stopped searching for the human on Sin 4; a Taxi driver was found who claimed he had seen the human fall to his death.

Luckily no one made the connection with the events on Alvor’s cove. There they believe the ruckus was caused by the crew members of an enslaved mercenary leader who managed to escape with several members of his crew, destroying the personal ship of the Local Lord and leaving his highness behind tied up and lying on the landing field for hours. The Local Lord is furious but no one is looking for a Terran or a Union Officer.”

Mother Superior nodded satisfied. “It seems your friends from the slave pen made it too and provided us with a good cover. I was really afraid someone would associate the events on Sin 4 with the ones on Alvor’s Cove.”

“That is why we didn’t go with him, right?”

“You begin to understand, my Sojo.”

The Sojonit that briefed us glanced on her PDD and said.

“I doubt the Local Lord will make too much fuss as he found out it was Tirkov Steen. He would not want the Steen’s Devils to repay him a visit. Unlike the fleet, private Mercenary units can go anywhere and that one is one of the famous ones.”

I decided to read up on this Mercenary business once I had a chance. Not that I had any plans to ever join such an outfit, but maybe I could send Tirkov a message one of these days and see how he faired.

Mother Superior was pleased as well saying.

“Nothing better could have happened, given the situation. The incident is just one of many like this in Freespace and no one will talk about it tomorrow.”

She gestured towards the PDD. “We have been out of the loop for a while, my Soja and I; any news from home?”

She nodded. “GalNet One transmitted a mass execution of sixty one individuals from a planet called Newport, all accused and found guilty of treason. The Assembly officially welcomed the Botnaars into the Union of Civilizations. Those war loving brutes from the Spin-ward section used to be independent Free-spacers after they left the Galactic Council 700 years ago. Also the arrival of 500 Narth at the PSI Corps Academy on Phantas caused big news and was hailed as a momentous historic event. The Narth Supreme addressed the Assembly for the first time just three days ago and finally Alycia Lichfangh and Admiral Stahl announced their engagement and their intent to marry. That is still all over the Talk channels.”

Mother Superior turned to me. “Alycia Lichfangh is the Commandant of the PSI Corps. She and McElligott founded it as a special task force and research group to develop means of Psionic protection and combat Psionic crimes and espionage.

Only beings with a HD-PSI index over 500 and intensive testing and training are admitted. Lichfangh has many Psionic talents and no one can lie or not answer her when she is present. If rumors are correct, she is hoping for Stahl to pop the question now for over a thousand years.”

I didn’t know much about the PSI corps, but I had met the General in Admiral Webb’s office when I was admitted to the Academy, but there was always plenty of talk and scuttlebutt about them and everybody knew something.

From Academy classes I knew the PSI Corps was one of the most potent Special Forces units primarily engaged in internal security and counter intelligence. It was, so I had learned mostly due to the PSI Corps that, despite all efforts of the enemy no outside force had yet discovered the secrets to several key technologies that made the Union and Terran forces as strong as it was. Chief among those technological secrets was the Translocator cannon. But the entire PSI Corps had only three or four thousand members and their resources were always stretched to the limits.

The Sojonit with the PDD said. “All that makes the Nul and especially the Kermac very nervous and you can feel the tensions especially here on Netlor. Five hundred Narth to become trained PSI Corps agents are bad news for anyone spying on the Union, especially of course the Kermac and the Worm. No one knows the true potential of the Narth, but no one doubts they are beyond anything we know so far.”

Mother Superior again turned to look at me from the side. “As you know now, that was the reason they tried to get to you, but now your Narth is just one of many and they won’t focus just on you anymore.”

I leaned back and sighed. “This is indeed good news then. I would rather be one of many and not the focus of an entire enemy civilization and a Criminal Organization to boot.”

She gave me a long look and now for the first time, perhaps because she didn’t wear her mask I felt that same eerie feeling that made my skin crawl, when an immortal looked at me. I got it when McElligott did and from Admiral Stahl as well.

I also was certain there was satisfaction in her eyes, but also a hint of fear or sadness. She said with a slight emotional vibration

“Yes those are good news, but I fear that you my Soja will never be just one of many anymore.”

She patted my hand. “If you reach your life’s goal, a Star ship captain is never one of the crew.”

I never really thought about it that way, yet both Admiral Stahl and Captain Harris told me the same thing, but then that was years in the future and with all the detours life threw at me, it might even take longer.

I asked her. “What is a Soja?”

She looked surprised and then said. “I did call you that didn’t I? Well it’s nothing really just an old word. I think we should go and see the Statue and take a little sight-seeing tour and after a good night’s rest we take the next transport to Checkpoint 96.” She got up and added. “But first I too have urgent business to attend. Something even immortals still have to do.”

She went to the bath room door and closed it behind her.

The Sojonit leaned forward and whispered. “Soja is an old Saresii word can be translated as: ‘beloved student’. You should be very proud of that, there are maybe two or three individuals she ever considered to be her Soja as far as I know. I think she revealed to you her true age and that should put that in perspective indeed.” She let it sink in for a moment and then added. “You are certainly the first male ever so honored”

I was still thinking about that and why she had chosen to call me that when we left the Sojonit tent. The lanes of gravel between the tents and makeshift buildings were now filled with human men, women and members of several non-humanoid species. They all wore these golden dress like robes, girded with a tasseled rope around the hip. On the feet they all wore simple slippers, just like we did.

Many wore additional capes with attached hoods. Not everyone wore them up, but we did and our faces were partially hidden underneath a veil that was supposed to keep the dust and local insects away. We instantly blended in and there was a busy din of voices as the pilgrims frequented the stores, shops and souvenir stands.

We too stopped at a few and looked over the offerings. There were miniature statues in virtually any material and sizes. The statues all depicted a somewhat human shaped being that stood inside a hexagonal frame with outstretched arms and legs. The figure had no feet or hands or any other details and was smooth and featureless. The head of the figure was a metal loop with five different colored glass segments: Green, Red, Blue, Yellow and White.

The most popular item appeared to be jewelry. Earrings, necklaces and bracelets adorned with the same symbolic figure.

Mother Superior who asked me to call her Gamia now and I had to answer to the name Renia, purchased a necklace and handed it to me. “Here wear that, it will look nice on you and it will be a souvenir reminding you of this time.”

I thanked her and put the thing around my neck. She bought herself a set of earrings and I took what looked like an incense burner.

“What is the meaning of this figure anyway?”

She put the earrings on and answered.

“You will see the real thing in a little while. About 12,000 years ago we Saresii and shortly after my species resumed space exploration, they found this world.

At first it was an unremarkable planet, but it had a suitable NiOx atmosphere and liquid water. A few indigenous life forms, mostly plants and crab like animals. But then the survey team noticed that the world was on a perfect circular orbit around a yellow star that had no flaws, no sun spots and its spectrum showed it was much older than a yellow star should be. The system has only this one planet and the world has no axial tilt. All these are strong indications that this system was not natural but had been altered by a very advanced civilization.”

We had left the jewelry dealer and slowly walked within the stream of others as she continued her explanation. “The Saresii expedition discovered a five hundred meter tall statue standing on a platform.” She reached for my necklace and held its pendant up. “It looks like this. The metal or better the material it was made of turned out to be some Neutronium alloy and is virtually indestructible.”

The buildings became more solid now and were mostly made of local stone and appeared quite old. She changed our direction by walking towards a Taxi stand where we had to stand in line as there were not enough Taxis, but the line moved fairly quickly, as there were only maybe sixty or seventy individuals before us and the arriving fliers took eight to ten passengers along.

She lowered her voice and switched to that old language. They must have uploaded me with the linguistics while I was at the temple, since I understood it just fine. “The Saresii had no interest back then in expanding and this world was too far away from Sares Prime anyway so they took notice, recorded everything and more or less forgot about it.

It was re-discovered by others after the Third Intergalactic war and by treaty included in Freespace.

Archeology teams of the Big Four started digs and excavations and it was generally accepted that the statue is of UNI or perhaps Pree origin.

They have found ruins of a much younger and very primitive civilization, but determined that the ruins had nothing to do with the statue itself. Some of the ruins excavated you can see here in the core of the Netlor settlement. These are all permanently occupied and serve the Pilgrims and tourists that come here outside the main religious events.”

It was our turn to board the next flier and we shared it with eight loudly and agitated chatting golden robed members of that church.

They paid little interest in us, all eight were human and spoke Union standard. Unable to ignore most of their conversation, I learned they all came from a Union Planet called Guzzler, 763 light years away and that it was not only their first pilgrimage but also their first time off planet. One of the female pilgrims unfastened her veil and took a long sip from a water bottle, fanned her hand before her face and complained about the dust and the heat. She then went into a long discussion how to make Mud pie for the Church coffee and tea gathering.

While I was not in the least interested, just how much coco powder was needed to make mud pie; she obviously felt the need to include everyone in her conversation and then pointed her finger at me. “Don’t you agree young lady?”

I was completely caught off guard by that and simply nodded. Since it was impossible for the Mother Superior to tell me more about the place, I was thinking about my return to Union space. It hadn’t been all that long, but it had felt like a lifetime.

The fat pilgrim lady from Guzzler begun to annoy me, especially since I had made the mistake of agreeing with her; she included me in her conversation and asked me again. “You agree, don’t you?”

This time I didn’t even know what she had talked about and said. “I think you should stuff some of that Mud pie in your pie hole. Maybe that will shut you up at least for a while.”

For the first time there was silence. She acted like a fish on dry land, opening her garishly pink painted lips and gasping for air.

I nodded agreeing. “That’s the ticket. Keep breathing for a while and we all can enjoy some peace and quiet.”

Now she turned colors underneath her hood and a chinless man with thin black hair, not wearing his hood up, patted her hand and hissed at me.

“Galria is the soul of our church group. How dare you tell her to shut up? You are one rude person. You should be expelled from our community.”

After all I went through the past weeks; this trivial, unimportant scene somehow annoyed me. From Psych Class I realized my nerves and my own balance had suffered more than I realized and I was about to stuff my fist in his face and show him just how rude and primitive I really could be, when someone said. “There it is, the Statue.”

Everyone including me looked and at the Horizon before a rugged looking mountain range stood a huge version of the symbolized being.

It was not bad or ugly or anything, but to me it was just some sort of huge piece of alien art. While 500 meters was quite tall, I had seen the Devastator land. I saw the Sphere of Assembly and the immense towers on Pluribus.

That statue was about as unexciting to me as seeing an Ult painting. No one not even the Ult could tell you what the smear was supposed to represent and yet everyone went Uhh and Ahhh when Master Nubb released another master piece.

The Mother Superior pulled me back down into the seat and whispered. “Let us keep this station in our journey a simple and short one. I don’t think we need the trouble and trying to hide from the local Syndicate guards because you pounded a Pilgrim group to pulp.”

That made me sit down and be quiet very fast. No way did I want to be in any more trouble, not so close before getting back. “Yes Ma’am.”

She leaned close. “You do have a short temper. I think you need to work on that a little.”

What seemed a life time ago; I accused my father of having a short temper and reflecting on my actions since I left Nilfeheim, and not for the first time either, I realized how much trouble I could have avoided if I had kept a cooler head.

We were dropped off at the base of the statue and I watched thousands gather on the platform before the statue and throw of their robes, standing completely bare, mimicking the pose of the statue. I never was much of a religious person but standing there in the buff seemed particular silly to me.

She leaned close and said. “I assume you do not want to join them and bathe in the light, right?”

“No not really. I told you before I respect your religion. I even try to respect this one, even though seeing this makes it quite hard, but I limit my religious activities to occasionally call on Thor or Odin and curse Loki.”

Even though I could not see her face as it was underneath the hood, I was certain she was amused, her voice certainly sounded that way. “Yes you told me and I respect your decision on that. I too find this a little silly. I think there is a Kermac or Saresii Telepath hiding somewhere, paid by the local Syndicates to give some of them a religious experience to keep the mystery and thus the donations and the business alive.”

She then said. “But I thought since we are here anyway we might as well see it, for one thing traveling educates as they say and it never hurts to see something new. That is a particular problem when you get into my age.”

She took my hand and pulled me out of the way of other arriving pilgrims that immediately climbed up the stairs.

I thought about that for a moment and whispered back. “Do you really remember everything you have seen and done in all that time? Would you not simply die of boredom having seen everything in one form or another?”

Now she really laughed. “Thankfully not, no I don’t remember everything, but occasionally I remember things I thought I had forgotten.”

Some sudden revelation came to my mind and I whispered. “Can I ask you something, Mother Superior?”

“Of course.”

“Are you the goddess? I mean are you Sojo?”

There was a moment of silence and she squeezed my hand she was still holding a little tighter. “No not exactly, but perhaps I am something in that direction and one day when you come into your own, I will try to explain it to you, but for now it does not matter. I am what I am and you have a long way ahead of you. At least I hope you do and don’t stir up trouble you can’t get out of.”

I didn’t feel like poking more as I knew she would not answer.

She pointed to the sun that was now disappearing behind the mountain range. “Those mountains are about 8 kilometers from here and when the sun reaches a particular spot it will line up with a hole in the tallest mountain and send a beam of light right at the head of that statue and it in turn will bathe the platform with colored light. It will last only for a few moments, but that’s what they are waiting for.”

As the first rays of light made the hole in the mountain visible, a collective sigh was going through the crowd and slowly the bright sun was filling it out and it was quite impressive to see the light hit the colored glass like material. The pilgrims started singing and waving and it all was not really my cup of tea. However as the sun filled the hole completely and perfectly, I suddenly remembered my ring.

It became warm and I knew there was something that belonged to me right underneath that statue.

As if veils were lifted of my mind, it became clearer and I longed for my ax to cut down this primitive left over of a race that conspired with my enemy Lord Lummis to keep me away from what was rightfully mine.

Here right below that statue were my gauntlets and not even the Neutronium covered statue and the million tons of metal they had poured over them, could keep me separated I raised my arms and thundered. “Feel my wraith.”

The sun passed the hole and the light subsided and I knew something had happened. Something that had to do with me, but why was I standing there just like the statue, my arms raised?

I also noticed that the sky had filled with dark clouds and it was started to rain. Lighting crackled and hit the statue, followed by thunder.

The crowds were scrambling for their cast of clothing, pulling up hoods and coming down the stairs. Someone complained about the lack of weather control on this world and another tried to explain that it rained here only very rarely and usually at night.

My mind reeled trying to remember something, perhaps I was more stressed than I realized and needed a good night’s sleep.

Mother Superior was still standing there and had not said a word since the light started to shine through the mountain. I said to her through the torrents of rain. “I hope I did not offend you asking you that question.”

The thin golden hood she wore was already soaked and clung to her head, and I could see her face much better and she looked me in the eyes and then her lips formed a fine smile under the equally wet veil.” No not at all. I am just as surprised and startled about the sudden rain storm, but then they don’t have weather control or even weather forecasting here.”

I pointed to the mountains. “I guess the clouds were too heavy to climb over them and that’s why they dump their load on us.”

I stretched out my arms again. “Sorry Ma’am but I simply love rain and water.”

We had to wait almost two hours before we found room in one of the taxi fliers to take us back. At least the rain didn’t last that long and stopped pouring about twenty minutes after it had appeared.

We went to another hotel, this one made up of large tents, but the tent bungalows were quite comfortable, had good hygiene facilities and appeared to be low tech but clean.

I found out that Pilgrims Gamia and Renia Herton, sisters and natives of Leno’s Colony had already booked this tent bungalow and our luggage was already there.

Mother Superior had not said much to me the entire time and I felt I might have done something to disappoint her or offend her after all, so I asked after we had changed into dry clothing that was basically the same, except no cloaks.

“Ma’am are you sure I didn’t do something? I apologize if I did. I assure you I am very grateful for all you did and I am very proud that you called me your Soja.”

She was sitting down combing her long hair and said. “No Eric you have done nothing to offend me. Did you hear anything or experience anything strange while the sun lit up the statues head?”

I touched my head and said.

“Narth did something to me so telepaths can’t read me anymore. So if there was someone doing any psionic tricks, I sure have not noticed. Not that I am all that comfortable with psionics in the first place.” “Did you feel something?”

“Not really, I found the entire spectacle quite boring to be honest and that sun didn’t even completely line up with the hole. There wasn’t all that much colored light.”

She put the brush down and thought for a moment then shrugged.

“I guess the rain ruined most of it. I think we should go eat something and then call it a day. We are booked for the first transport and it leaves at 0900.”

We had a light dinner at the Hotel’s restaurant. The menu even offered grilled fish from New Sweden, but the cook or the auto kitchen had no idea how to prepare fish right and it was dry and completely overdone, but it still tasted like heaven to me.

After we returned to our tent bungalow, she drew a curtain cutting the room in half and wished me a good night. For the first time in a while, not counting the uncomfortable naps on the flight here, trying to find a non-cramping sleep position in the upright seats of the poodle I had a bed and realized how tired I was.

Just as I was drifting into sleep I thought I heard her voice and she was talking to someone. “I think he caused the Tornado back on Alvor’s cove unconsciously with his rage seeing the slaves and something happened today, for a brief moment the Dark One stirred and was awake.”

I tried to wonder and think about what she was saying but maybe it was just a dream. No one could create a tornado after all and I drifted completely into deep sleep.


The next day I felt like a new person. She too appeared to be in good spirits and we had a good but astronomically priced breakfast. I insisted on paying for the rooms and the meals and even though they charged us a little over 3000 credits, it didn’t really make a dent into the amount available on the Credit Box. We went one more time to the bungalow to get our luggage that someone had prepared for us as part of our disguise.

We were on time at the small space port with at least a thousand others, again looking pretty much like we did.

There were no customs officers but the local authorities charged a 200 Credit Space Port usage fee per person. Merchants pushed carts around trying to make a last sale. One of them was selling little bottles of dirty water, praising them as Blessed Water from the Statue and the unusual rain event. To my surprise he did brisk business.

On the landing field I counted twelve old Leyland space busses, a Kermac T Cruiser and two Karthanian armed merchants. Even the old buses were fitted with weapon turrets and Mother Superior explained to me. “They fly in convoys and the T cruiser is there to fly protection. The Syndicates and the Temples here pay protection fees to some of the bigger pirate outfits and these armed convoys proved to be quite effective to keep the smaller and lone wolf pirates away. In rare cases pirate attacks do occur but usually not during the main season.”

I hoped she was right; I did not want to be captured and sold as a slave and headed for Alvor’s Cove again.

== Chapter 8: Checkpoint 96 ==

Non Union ships wanting to do business in Union space have to stop at one of these Checkpoints that dot the imaginary border between Union and Free space to get Customs clearance and a transponder code.

While civilian ships could freely enter Union space, they could only land on Union Worlds with the proper Customs documents. Detected warships of other civilizations would result in a border alert and cause an immediate response from the fleet.

Checkpoint 96 was a small ice planet with a rock core approximately the size of Sol systems Pluto. It orbited along with five other similar small planets around a very old bloated red sun named Herman’s Star that probably swallowed most of the bigger planets as it expanded.

We had made it. I was back in Union space. The dark gray inhospitable looking ball we approached looked better to me than Netlor which was a garden world.

It appeared our transport had received landing permission as it descended fast.

Now we could see the first details of a sprawling space port, vast Duro Crete surface, modern looking sturdy surface buildings.

There at the other end, as big as a mountain and shaped like wedge; sitting on enormous ISAH pods, a Union Fleet Battle ship. Seeing this beautiful symbol of Union might caused a knot of pride in my throat.

Octo-bots rolled busily around and brilliant flood lights bathed everything in cool bluish light, separating the space port from the stark darkness of the rest of the planet’s surface. There was an orderly business-like, efficient atmosphere over everything.

A mechanical arm took our transport like a toy and guided it with machine precision past a force field curtain into a passenger unloading terminal.

I could barely wait until the doors were opened.

Moments later we stepped on a spotless clean surface and at that moment as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders, I felt free again.

Working slide belts, advertising signs for McDonald’s, Arthur’s Swine and Dine and Fat Eddies Stir Fry made my mouth water. Outside on the landing field a fleet destroyer descended. It was a new Barracuda and a platoon of Marines stomped in perfect military precision towards the waiting ship. Even out here, far from Union core everything was in perfect repair and working order.

Never in my life was it clearer to me, that my decision to become a Union service man was the right one. It was my calling to join the fleet and defend all this and our way of life against slaver scum, pirates, scheming Kermac and whatever else out there trying to do us harm.

She said standing next to me. “It does feel nice to be back home, does it not?”

I could barely contain my excitement and said after giving air to a deep sigh. “I never thought arriving on a little Outpost would feel so good. I have to restrain myself not to get on my knees and actually kiss the ground. There were times in the past month I thought I would never return. It makes me realize how fortunate we are to be Union Citizens.”

She pointed towards public rest rooms. “Before we go through customs, we need to get changed.”

She didn’t wait for a response from me but walked briskly to the busy restrooms, deposited a few credits to secure a stall and said to the system. “Human Females.” The facility adjusted to the needs of human females and she basically pushed me into a roomy stall with her.

I said. “Can I not rather use my own stall? I don’t mind being frugal but I got millions.”

She giggled. “Silly goose.” She pressed her hand against a wall tile and the tile lit up. A voice said. “Deepa Lydaa NAVINT Commandant recognized.”

The entire floor of the bathroom stall turned into an elevator platform and lowered us fast through a metal shaft and stopped at the entrance to a short corridor. A beautiful Saran woman that reminded me of Elfi wearing a tight black velvet jumpsuit with only a stylized silver pin in the shape of a human brain on her collar greeted us. “Welcome back Admiral Deepa, it is such a rare pleasure to greet you here on this side, Admiral.”

“I am glad to be back Commander Alena, even if it is only for a while. I am bringing a wayward midshipman that is in need of his uniform and his other belongings.”

I was still processing what just happened. Not that I was surprised to find that a public restroom was also a secret entrance to a NAVINT post, but that Mother Superior was not just member of an old Saresii intelligence service, but the actual Commandant of NAVINT, and carried the rank of an Admiral. No wonder Stahl knew her.

Speechless I followed the two women through a slide door marked NAVINT into a typical Navy style Union Lobby with the same mustard colored carpet, the same wood paneled reception desk and the NAVINT logo illuminated behind it on the wall. There even was the obligatory pseudo leather seating group with a few magazines and a potted rubber tree in the corner.

We didn’t stop there and ended up in an office with a large shipping crate sitting on a table and an auto dresser.

The Commandant of NAVINT said. “You will find some of your belongings in the crate and the Auto Dresser received its uniform assembly program from the Devastator so you should be fine. I’ll meet you in ten minutes in the lobby. “Without waiting for me to say anything she left chatting with the Saran PSI Corps officer.

A few minutes later I had used the Auto Dresser and looked at myself in the mirror field. All the female things were gone. No Bioflex mask, but my own face, I was me again. Wearing a crisp black Uniform with mirror shine polished boots, the Uniform blouse diagonally parted with the white lining forming a triangle across my chest. My ribbon read out on the left and my name tag to the right, on the wide black belt a low slung holster with a Union TKU Hellbore Type VI side arm. Over it all, my leather jacket with the Fighter patch, black gloves and a black duck bill hat with the Navy logo at its center and white circular top completed the outfit.

I checked the crate and to my delight there was the brown leather holster with my Colt 45, the H & K Missile rifle and the Kermac Line Blaster I had found on Sin 4.

I put my 45 back where it belonged and TKU Side arm in a fast draw low slung hip holster. I felt right as rain, but I could not help but miss being female, that part of my adventure I had to admit to myself I enjoyed very much. However it was time to be Eric again.

Out in the lobby Mother Superior was gone as well, in her place stood a Union Admiral without any insignia that would tell what she was responsible for.

I saluted and stood in attention.

There was an Admiral on deck after all and this time I even felt joy in this simple military protocol routine. “Midshipman Olafson reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”

She smiled and returned the salute. “Seeing you like this makes me realize that you are also a very handsome young man. I guess I won’t be able to call you Soja anymore, but I think we still can forgo the military protocols. I am sure you heard my name and you can call me Deepa and as our time together draws to an end, let me say I feel blessed to have met you both, Eric and Erica your female side. I have enjoyed your company and I hope you can see past the Admiral and past the things you know about me and we can remain friends. I will answer your calls when I can.”

“Yes, Ma’am, I mean Deepa. I have no words I can use to express the gratitude I feel for all you have done for me. I am very proud I was allowed to be your Soja, to be Nightshade and to be allowed to call you friend.”

She stepped closer and simply hugged me. “I’ll keep an eye on your career and you, I promise and I am certain we will see each other again.”

I didn’t know if I should return the hug but I did and then we stepped apart and she said. “I will remain here to take care of a few things and then I must return to Sin 4. You however will take the elevator back up, pass through customs and report to the Fleet Office. They have standing orders for you.”

Ten minutes later, I resurfaced in the passenger terminal and with a purposeful swing in my steps almost tempted to whistle.

At the security custom point to access the concourse I swiped my CITI and the customs officer said. “Welcome back citizen. Did you bring any luggage, weapons or illegal wares?”

“No luggage but I carry weapons.”

He checked them and my readout. “The Kermac Line Blaster needs to be registered or disposed. The H & K cannot be carried loaded but other than that you are cleared. Your duty side arm is of course permitted.”

I simply left the Kermac weapon with him.

He pointed down the terminal and said. “Officers and fleet personnel do not have to go through civilian customs. Next time you can use the military terminal down there.”

I thanked him and joined the people and beings in the busy space port terminal. The golden robes were everywhere, mostly queuing at the space bus terminal for connecting flights to their actual home destinations, but there were also other civilians and service members of many different Union species. There was a Takkian merchant talking to a tall Spindlar and a Saran. Two flawless Saresii beauties with long silver hair and skin tight cat suits sitting at a Café in the company of a Klack and a Terran, discussing something, the Terran of course recognizable by his sunglasses.

A giant Pertharian in police uniform and his robot partner giving a group of tall Andorians directions.

Six Union Army soldiers with planetary defense patches laughing at jokes a Three-Ozian made.

This cauldron of species and individuals dressed in a myriad of colors and fashion choices, shopping, walking, traveling in a bright environment that was despite all these beings, clean and free of trash was such a stark contrast to Sin 4 or Alvor’s Cove.

No one here was afraid and tried to hide what they were. No one seemed it necessary to hide from where they came. My good mood observing all this got a serious damper as I saw a group of five smudgy, sloppy dressed GalDrifts, some of them bare feet others wearing beads and purposefully torn clothing.

They were sitting underneath a tree that was part of a grass and fountain area with benches and bushes. One of them was playing some sort of stringed instruments. Two of them smoked; a fourth and fifth simply sat there and watched. As one of them saw me he began to make obscene and loud remarks about the violence loving, government sanctioned murderers of the fleet.

This was Union and everyone had the right to express their opinion and lifestyle they preferred, but it still got to me, especially since one of these derelicts ejected the core on Alvor’s Cove and betrayed us all, thinking he could save his hide that way.

I wondered if that group would yell insults if they were in a slave pen, waiting to be sold. I could already see the entrance to the local Fleet office, marked by two Marines guarding it and below the Fleet logo. My temper had caused me enough trouble and I certainly didn’t need any right now.

So I told myself that there were only a few of them and that the entire Gal Drift culture was laughable small. Yet my fists clenched as I saw these leeches.

One of them, with long filthy blonde hair in long dreads got up and actually approached me in strange almost dance like movements. “Hey killer got a few Creds to spare? Instead of killing defenseless aliens, do some good and help out a few free spirits, trying to get of this ice ball.”

I was actually proud of my own self-control as I simply ignored him and walked on.

He didn’t give up and danced around me. “Come on, Killer. You love to be called Killer don’t you Soldier boy?” He kept dancing around me. “I know you government slaves got paid today, so how about some Creds?”

His choice of words and seeing that the jacket he wore was a torn, mutilated Fleet issue uniform blouse made me wish I could rip it off and stuff it down his throat, but as far as I knew it was not against any law to wear surplus uniform pieces.

“So what was your last assignment, oppressing a peace loving culture? Or perhaps forcing Union laws upon a civilization that rather wanted to stay free?” Then his eyes went big and he actually poked me with his finger.

“You’re from the Devastator, a Wolfcraft Fighter jock. How does that work out for you, government crook? Getting orders from a non-existent propaganda lie thinking it would impress anyone? If that legendary piece of garbage really existed he should be arrested and turned over to the Kermac and then we would have Universal peace.”

I said slowly and while reciting General orders in my mind.

“Why don’t you take your filthy arse and that ragtag bunch of leeches and go there if you don’t like it here? I also suggest you let me go now.”

“Give me some Creds and I think about it, but you can’t tell me what to do. No one can, that’s what we are all about. No rules, no laws just freedom. Not even if that swine Stahl would exist and be right here, not even he could make me do anything.”

He wasn’t finished ending his sentence when I grabbed him by his collar, twisted it tight and pulled him close. “I’ll say that only once, so listen carefully. If you ever insult the Admiral in my presence again, I will send you on a journey where you don’t need any Credits. Do you understand?”

He spat me in the face and snarled. “Go ahead Government bully, beat me up. I am not afraid of you and everyone will see what you are!”

Despite all my efforts, my stomach begun to cramp and I could almost physically feel my own rage boiling to the surface. He suddenly changed his facial expression. His defiant stare melted away and was replaced by sheer horror.

I had never seen anyone with so much fear. He groaned and cried. “Please, please take it away.” He screamed on the top of his lungs. “The black flames, they burn!”

I let him go and he dropped to the floor crawled backwards, one arm across his face still screaming. “Take it away, please let me go, don’t take me to that abyss, please.”

I wondered what he was seeing or screaming about. The Pertharian policemen came running, his robot right next to him. “What is going on here, Midshipman?”

I pointed at the Gal Drift that was now curling up in a fetal position, sobbing and crying.

“He tried to pan handle money and harassed and insulted me. After he started physically touching me, I took him by the collar and told him to back off. He then started to scream and that is pretty much all.”

The robot said. “Poli-Scan results complete, Citizens statement was 98 % accurate.”

The police officer glared at me from his six yellow eyes and then growled. “I am sorry, Midshipman Olafson. We usually don’t have many Gal Drifts on Checkpoint 96 but during the Pilgrim season they come like swarming vermin to panhandle and pick the pockets of pilgrims and travelers.”

More cops had shown up and they rounded up the rest of the Gal Drifts, while they protested loudly about police brutality and government oppression.

The robot lifted the still sobbing and almost catatonic dread lock guy from the floor and said. “Medical scan inconclusive, but subject carries a five gram vial of Califerm. Drug induced side effects are likely cause for mental condition.”

The Pertharian Officer made a sound like breaking rocks and I realized he was sighing. “Califerm, now that explains everything. Thank you Officer and sorry for the inconvenience, we’ve got enough now to arrest and charge the bunch.”

The robot carried the man away and he was still crying and muttering. “Take it away, please. No more fire. No more black flames, please.”

I didn’t know much about drugs or Califerm, other than it was some kind of illegal and dangerous drug.

With a handheld scanner the Pertharian scanned me and said. “Just checking if you got any Califerm on you, that stuff makes you an addict by skin contact alone.”

He checked his read out. “Looks like you dodged the beam, Sir. I still suggest you check with a medical facility for decontamination. You got lots of his genetic material and some body fluids on you.”

That statement made my skin crawl with disgust and had the cop show me the next such facility.

My good mood slowly returned after I had my Uniform deep cleaned and myself showered and decontaminated at a Med Facility. Detailed scans of the attending Med Technician showed I was clean and unaffected, but he diagnosed that I still suffered from badly derma patched sun burns and a developing skin cancer. He fixed me up in no time and declared me fit and healthy.

This time I made it to the Fleet post and reported at the duty desk.

A small furry being, not much taller than maybe forty centimeters, with a long bushy tail wearing Navy Black and the rank insignia of a Lieutenant, sat on a vari-matic chair that looked like a very tall bar stool and looked to at me.

The being had shimmering black button eyes, a tiny snout and long whiskers. I had to restrain myself and not reach out and try to pet the shimmering soft looking fur between the Lieutenants round ears. I said instead. “Midshipman Olafson reporting, Sir.” I swiped my CITI over the reader.

This cute as a button officer scanned over a read out on a screen only it could see and said.

“Yes, Mr. Olafson. There are messages and an order chip for you.” His whiskers shivered and it exposed two prominent yellowish teeth and added. “Midshipman I might be the first Holdian you see in Fleet uniform. Let me assure you I am serving this fleet for six years now and well aware of the strange attraction we Holdians seem to have on humans, but please refrain from petting my head.”

I blushed. “Sorry Sir, I wasn’t even really aware I actually did it. I apologize.”

A document conveyor snapped open and the Holdian took a black dispatch envelope out and pushed it across the counter. “Here are you orders. Please sign here that you received them.”

I pushed my thumb on the presented sign pad and apologized again.

He waved his little hand and said. “Apologies accepted. It happens more often than I can count. Just resist that strange impulse if you meet the Outpost Commandant. She is a Holdian too and hates being cute.”

“I will Sir.”

I went over to the seating group and opened the film cover that sealed the Order envelope. If anyone else but me tried to open it, the message and the Order chip would have been instantly destroyed. I did wonder why I did not received my orders directly onto my Fleet Com PDD I was wearing with my new uniform.

The envelope had the Seal of Fleet command printed on it and a message appeared flashing over the envelope. “Open and receive included messages in secure environment.”

So I asked the Holdian who directed me to an empty office that could be made secure. Once the base Computronic had identified me, it verified that all anti eavesdropping equipment was active and the room secure according to the Blue-Blue-Red protocol requested to be established by the Envelope.

I put the message chip in the desk unit and Admiral Stahl’s Holo appeared across me, the red band below told me that it was a recording.

The message begun.

“Receiving this message means that you made it back to Union space and you have hopefully arrived safe and uninjured. The reasons for these orders to be delivered in such fashion are the details of your rescue that exposed you to the Gray Cats and the Commandant of NAVINT. You are not to reveal any details of your rescue to anyone. Not to your friends, not to Admiral McElligott or Captain Harris. Or putting it in other words, to no one. Even I do not know all the details. The Commandant and I are friends, the nature of her business and her position make it absolutely imperative that you keep those details to yourself.

“I know you will understand that and you have been exposed to those secrets because we know we can trust you with them. I am aware that no Psionic trickery can make you reveal them; your friend Narth confirmed that with me.

“Please be aware that the level and nature of some of the secrets you now keep make it also necessary to deal with you according to Blue-Blue-Red protocol if there is any suspicion you might have or will reveal them.”

It meant that if there was the slightest suspicion that I was compromised, I was to be executed on sight.

He leaned back and continued. “I know your integrity is unquestionable, but I am forced by our protocols to tell you all that.”

I simply said. “Yes Sir, I understand and I will comply.”

The intelligent recording appeared to have waited for that response and he nodded with a smile. “I know I can count on you.

Now as for your current situation, we have dealt with the problems on Newport. Your friends are back aboard the Devastator. It was planned to also extend your team by one person, your Narth friend, however he overextended his own abilities saving us all and has returned to Narth Prime, but he is well and will also soon return.”

I could not help but grin from one ear to the other hearing that my friends were okay. Even though hearing that Narth did something that affected him, I knew instantly and without doubt he was safe and well.

Stahl had not stopped talking to me, so I backed the recording up a few moments and started it again. He said. “... return.” and then continued. “The Devastator is on the way to Checkpoint 96 and our current ETA is fifteen days from when I made this recording.” I checked the displayed chronometer date and compared it with actual time and found that the Devi would arrive in four days.

The Ancient Admiral smiled. “Don’t think we making this trip just to pick you up, Mr. Olafson but Fleet Command found it is overdue we show a little muscle in that area as there is increased pirate activity. Your orders are to stand by until we arrive. Take a day of R&R and then report to the Station Commandant for a duty assignment, which should help to keep you out of any unusual situations till I get there. Again welcome back, Stahl out.”

I destroyed the message. Knowing the Devi was coming with my friends aboard were the best news I heard in a long time.

With my personal mood once again completely restored, I left the base office and looked for a public GalNet terminal.

First I called home; the call to Olafson Rock was answered by my father. There was no hello or anything. We just stared at each other for a while and then he broke the silence and said. “It is good to see you son. You look every inch like the Starfleet Officer you always wanted to be.”

“Thank you father, how are things back on Nilfeheim and at the Burg?”

“Shortsummer is still three years away and it is a particularly cold Longnight this season. Ice fishers complain that the ice cover is thicker than usual and the fish even less active.”

He shrugged, “But you know how it is, they say that every Longnight around this time. Our Clan is doing well and I am very proud of Elena and I will step down as Clan chief after the next Yuletide meeting and plan to make her officially the first female Clan Chief of Nilfeheim.” He paused and looked down. “You are not opposed to that, right?”

“No father, I made my decision and recent events made me realize that it was the right one. I am proud of Elena too and I know she will be a good Chief. But will she be accepted by the others?”

He slammed his huge fist on the desk he was sitting behind. “I will break anyone’s neck who gives her any disrespect. She is Olafson. Besides most of our associated clans have long accepted her, she has been running things for quite a while now and she is doing a better job than I could have ever done. We are prosperous and our coffers are full with profit. She is courted by every single warrior, as she has truly become the most beautiful woman on Nilfeheim. I think there will be a wedding soon.”

I greeted the good news and asked. “How is everyone else, Uncle Hogun and Exa?”

“Elena, my brother and his family which includes Exa are off planet, they all went to a place called Para-Para. Ever since the first visit to Pluribus, the spell seems to be broken and everyone travels a little more. The space bus service is now weekly and the bus is always booked.”

We exchanged a few more words and then concluded the call.

Next I tried to reach Egill and got a connection too, but instead of Egill, it was Elena who answered. “Eric!” She yelled.

Then she turned and yelled someone outside the viewer field. “Hurry, Exa tell the others Eric is calling.”

Elena was wearing a dark red bikini and the PDDs visual sensor gave me a very nice look at her well-developed chest. Her hand manipulated what seemed to be a small PDD and switched its optical to wide view. Now I could see her sitting on a wooden recliner right at a beautiful beach with white sands and an azure green ocean. There were many others around them; no one wore much in terms of clothing. Like a beaching landing tank making gushing tidal waves, Uncle Hogun came running form the water. I had never seen him just in a pair of swimming trunks, he was truly humongous. Most of his chest and his arms were covered with black hair. Right behind him surfaced Aunt Freydis. I saw Exa hopping up and down the beach and waving at someone to come.

Elena moved the PDD around and heard her say. “Uncle Egill went to the beach store to get ice cream, his Saresii friend went with him, but the Narth is here.”

I saw a Narth in his typical get up, looking completely out of place at the beach, but floating in a very relaxed body position as if he was using a recliner, a few feet of the ground.

Next to him floated a basket like contraption that was partially covered with a blue cloth. Even though Narth looked alike, I knew it was not my friend, but most likely the Narth representative.

I could hear Elena. “Uncle Narth is watching over little Eric. The Narth representative takes his godfather duties very serious.”

The Narth turned his head without changing his position, but now I could see there was also a glass of something orange with fruits and a straw floating on the other side of him. “It pleases one to behold the sharer of what is Narth to be well and safe. One likes to convey that your Hugavh sharer is also well and will return shortly.”

His voice was very low and then he said. “One wishes to ask you all to reduce the level of acoustic expressions perhaps by a factor of 17 percent. One observed that noises beyond this tend to wake my godchild.”

Elena objected before I could say anything. “Eric doesn’t call all that often and he should see his nephew. He never has.”

The Narth did change his position now and got up. “Analyzing human social behavior indicates that you have raised a valid objection, she who is Elena.”

The Narth, most gently took a baby out of the basket. It was a healthy looking boy of about one year of age.

He wore to my surprise a little version of a Narth robe. The boy stretched his arms and clung to the Narth.

Uncle Hogun and Aunt Freydis followed by Exa came into view and the greetings and hellos were heartwarming and I felt blessed to have family after all. After exchanging the usual greetings and news, Hogun took the child from the Narth, brushed back the little hood and said. “Eric, meet Eric Narth Olafson, your nephew. Don’t ask why he looks like a little Narth, but that’s what the little bugger wants, besides this robe is supposedly be nearly indestructible and his godfather is more protective of him than a Tyranno Fin mother of her nest.”

Egill and the Saresii representative arrived carrying a tray of ice cream and I was instantly reminded of Krabbel.

Egill looked completely different now as he had when I saw him first. He was no longer as thin.

While he still looked like an old man, he appeared to be very healthy. His skin had a nice tan and his usual yellowish white stringy beard was now white and full and neatly trimmed. I knew the Saresii was male but there was no telling. He looked as good as any Saresii woman.

After I greeted them too, Egill explained that it had been Exa’s idea to take a little vacation on a nice place and so they all decided to spend a few weeks on Para-Para.

I had to promise to call more often and come home after I graduated and spend my vacation with them.

These calls managed to push the bad experiences further into the background and Alvor’s Cove and Sin 4 became just another set of memories.

I spent the rest of the day eating at three different restaurants. I even found a fish restaurant that offered something called Clam Chowder, Boston style and it was almost as good as Tyranno Fin stew.

Checkpoint 96 main settlement was right by the Space port.

There weren’t many local attractions worth visiting. The independent tourist development board of Checkpoint 96 praised an amusement park, a large Terran style forest with lake and camping area and an ice canyon tour. The very word Canyon made me decide against that tour and the amusement park did not really attract me.

So I went to the forest, protected by a large dome from the freezing near vacuum conditions on the outside. It was much better than I expected. Golden sunlight filtered through the green canopy of large trees. Birds made a pleasant noise and I saw a four legged animal with an elaborate horn thing on its head. Little un-intrusive holographic signs identified the trees as Oaks, conifers and birch trees. The animal according to the Computronic was a buck and all the plants grasses, trees, birds and animals came from a Terran region called North America.

The surroundings were soothing and had a calming effect and I actually wondered if I should try to visit Earth one day. The lake was clear and cold. At its shore was a rustic looking boat house made of rocks and logs, where you could rent little electric boats or sit on a wooden platform and buy drinks and snacks. There I rented a locker and purchased swimming trunks and a towel and moments later dove head first into the fresh cool water. It had been ages so I found that I was immersed in water and could swim and dive. I could not tell how long I swam, competing with the small fast fish that were abundant in this cool and clear lake, but this day so far turned out to be as perfect as a day could be. I was back on Union side, had talked to my family and had a long swim.

Back in my uniform, I was sitting at one of the little tables, drinking ice cold lemonade and watching the little boats glide over the shimmering surface.

Someone said. “I didn’t think I would see you so soon again.”

I turned to put a face on the familiar voice and stared in the smiling face of Tirkov the Mercenary, but this time he was clean. He wore a dark gray combination with reinforced knees and elbow pads and a leather jacket. I noticed the motion capture pads and neuro interface connectors on his suit and recognized it as a Battle Walker control Suit. Marines no longer used Battle walkers ever since the advent of the Quasimodo Main Battle suits, but I knew Orbital Assault Units of the Union Army still did. He was in the company of a tall red head. She would have been a beauty and she had a nice body, but half of her face was covered with swirly tattoos and her right eye and ear were covered or replaced by a cybernetic implant. Cyber Implants could be made invisible but I heard that most Cybers loved to show their hardware openly. She too wore a control suit.

Tirkov turned a chair so he could put his arms on the back rest and he was chewing something. His toothy smile however was unchanged. He waved at his companion to find a seat too and said to her. “That’s the tough as nails Union jock responsible for getting us out of the slave pens.”

He leaned forward and whistled as he checked out my ribbon display. “Holy Phoenix, Lagda look at that. Medal of Honor, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, Space Ace and that’s just the top row.”

He kept grinning. “You weren’t fibbing either you are of the Devi.”

Finally I managed to say something. “I did not expect to see you here either, but I am glad to see you made it of that cursed dust ball.”

He waved for the waiter and ordered Hatar. As far as I knew it was some sort of very strong alcoholic beverage made by a Galactic Council species I could not remember at the moment.

His companion simply looked me over with her left eye but said nothing.

He said. “Our mutual friends and I liberated the surviving rest of my crew and hired on a bunch more and paid a late night visit to the local Lord. He was very accommodating and let us borrow his private ship.” He laughed loud took the drink right of the waiter’s tray and poured the greenish liquid right down his throat, throwing back his head and smacked his lips saying to the waiter. “Get a few more of these, good man”

To me he said. “Of course he wasn’t all that happy that we left him tied up on the middle of the landing field. I wonder if he made it or if they found him after he baked for a few hours in the sun.”

I sipped at my lemonade and said. “As far as it concerns me, I would not mind to hear that a ship landed on him or a lizard dragged him away for food.”

He downed another drink and his companion did the same.

Then he said. “I guess it was bound to happen that we ran into each other here on this Outpost. It is the closest one to Alvor’s after all. The Union cits are on their way home. We got us a nice reward for each of them. Now we’re here to lay low and safe until the Hard Eight, my personal flag ship arrives. The local Lord as you might suspect is a little upset and has a bounty on my head, but as soon as the Hard Eight and my crew arrives this will not be a problem.”

He didn’t even wait for me to say anything and pointed at my patches.” I guess my offer could not compete with being a fighter jock aboard the Devastator, but if you ever change your mind give me a buzz.”

He snapped with his fingers and the woman handed me a business card and he explained. “I don’t advertise where I keep my HQ but I maintain an office on Pluribus and usually can be reached, unless of course I end up in a Slave pen again or worse.”

The woman spoke for the first time and her voice synthetically enhanced with a metallic background and echo gave me the creeps.

“Now we never had a friend inside the mighty fleet. Maybe you could help us with a little Intel. All we want to know is where that cursed Harlequin currently can be found. All you Union fleeter need to do is raise your voice just about anywhere and a Computronic provides you with all sorts of data.”

I looked at her as cold and business like as I could.

“I am glad you know that part. Only because of respect to Tirkov I am not raising my voice and call for security, but let me make that clear to both of you. I am not your friend inside the fleet and should I ever witness you breaking the law I will do whatever is necessary to restore order and bring you to justice.”

Tirkov raised both hands and leaned back. “Whoa, don’t get your black underwear all bunched up. All we did was ask. I owe that mercenary colleague of mine a nice vacation on Alvor’s Cove and I put all other business on hold until I can make sure he knows how much I loved his travel arrangements. For you it would be easy to check scanner results all up and down the line and find the last location of that SOB, but you got your regulations and laws and all that and that’s exactly the reason I run my own outfit.”

He got up and tipped his head. “Well thanks for getting me out of that cage; I owe you one for that. Maybe we run into each other again. Not that I want to be anywhere near where that flying continent does business.”

“Take care Tirkov.”

She got up as well but put her hands on the table surface and leaned close scanning me with her one good eye. “You’re just a little boy in a black uniform. I am not impressed by those medals. The boss says you helped him escape and that is the only reason I am leaving you alive right now.”

I got up and moved close almost touching her forehead. “Anywhere anytime, Cyberbitch. Maybe I should simply arrest you under the suspicion of espionage activity and see what other dirt we find. Starting with your Cyberware and checking if it is properly registered.”

Tirkov called. “Leave him alone Lagda, he has a short temper and I saw him slice and dice a Togar warrior with his own knife.”

She left giving me one more look and then after a few hundred meters they both disappeared behind trees following the winding forest path.

I could not shake the feeling that this wasn’t the last time I heard from him or her.

The next day I reported to the Fleet post commandant as ordered and reminded myself that she was a Base Commandant and reached the rank of Commander. Meaning she had completed Academy and basic training. Yet she was about the cutest thing I had ever seen. The fur that stuck out the black uniform had a peach colored shine to it and it looked softer than anything. The urge to touch it just once was almost irresistible.

She had somewhat longer and more pointed ears than the Holdian Lieutenant I had met first. Her nose was pink instead of black. The large all black eyes shimmered soft and I was certain she had long black eyelashes.

The Holdian Commandant sat behind her desk, or more correctly she actually sat on the desk and looked over my file.

“No sense to keep a young man idle, we are always short handed out here.”

She got up from the pillow she used as a seat and paced up and down her massive desk, and then she threw her small hands in the air and said.

“It’s bad enough to be out here as it is, but during that crazy religious season on Netlor we are simply overwhelmed. I only have one Battleship and two Super cruisers to keep an eye on 580 square light years of spatial border line, but we have the dubious luck to be the closest Union system to Sin 4 and Netlor. Every scum and every spy is trying to get past us into union space. Now they send me a Midshipman decorated like the Silver Rat of Mount Aktura, from the Devastator no less and orders directly from the Immortal Warrior.”

She stopped her pacing right before me and looked at me with quivering whiskers, her little fists stemmed in her sides. I could not say much as I was still standing in attention. She then pointed her pinkish paw like hand that was covered with the finest touch of fur at my nose.

“You appear out of the blue, no ship has landed that I don’t know about and no officers or soon to be officers have been transferred.

You are here to check on me right? Fleet Command doesn’t think a female Holdian can do the job and sends me Midshipman to give him something to do.”

She placed mimicked quotation marks with her fingers as she said ‘Midshipman’.

She pointed her little finger at me again. “What do you say to that?”

“Ma’am, I am still in attention.”

She snapped with her fingers in a very human gesture and said. “Oh right, sorry about that Midshipman Olafson, at ease!

“I worked very hard to be where I am and it wasn’t easy, oh no. Everyone thinks of me as some cute cuddle thing and rarely do I get the respect other Commanders get.” She glared at me. “Do you find me cute?”

“Well perhaps if I compare you to a Pertharian I might come to the conclusion but otherwise, you’re just another Officer to me, Ma’am.”


She accused me to be and I could not even defend myself without lying more so I didn’t.

Then she went back to her pillow and sat down.

Now since I could talk I said. “Ma’am I assure you I am just a Midshipman and I arrived here from Netlor. I am not here to evaluate you or report on you. I know next to nothing about this Checkpoint other than that it exists and until yesterday I had never seen a Holdian nor did I know a Holdian commands this base.”

She was still giving me a smoldering stare and said.

“Netlor, I see, perhaps you are a spook. I don’t trust you NAVINT guys one bit. Yes I know you are necessary and no disrespect meant.

“Perhaps you are not a spook and just a believer like the rest that goes to that place. I am supposed to give you something to do for four days and then what?”

“Then I hope to be reassigned Ma’am back on my ship to hopefully graduate.”

She waved. “Your ship is the Devastator; she won’t come here to pick up a Midshipman.”

She pressed a contact on her desk unit. “Command and Control, check for me what ship is supposed to come to pick up our guest?”

A voice responded. “The Devi is on her way, Ma’am. Mr. Olafson is scheduled to transfer in four days.”

She glared at me even more. “Simple midshipman my furry behind, excuse my language, Mr. Olafson. Now report to Lieutenant Yordat he is the flight boss here. You supposed to be a Wolfcraft ace and we got lots of patrols to fly.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

I turned and was about to leave, fighting to keep the grin that is creeping in my face long enough under control until I was out the door.


It took me a while to find and reach the base hangars. They were almost exactly on the other side of the small planet. After a trip on a Trans Planet Mover that traveled not in a tunnel but on a surface mono rail across the planet’s almost featureless ice surface. A TPM employee told me the trip would take about four hours. The TPM would travel at supersonic speed but still had to travel a little over 3,800 kilometers and would have to make two stops on the way.

I didn’t mind. While I was eager to get behind the controls of a Wolfcraft again, but I promised Mother Superior, the mysterious Deepa that I would try to be more patient. The Devi was on her way along with my friends. I was on a Union Planet and I was on my way to do a job I loved to do. Life could not be much better.

After shooting over the thin mono rail for maybe forty minutes, it slowed down and a voice announced. “Methane-Village, passengers with destination Methane-Village please prepare to debark in 3 minutes.”

The TPM train slipped into a transparent, brightly lit tunnel. A mother with a small child on her hand passed through the isle and towards the doors. She wore a bright red padded suit with a folded helmet in the collar. The child looked the same, except its suit had little blue dots all over.

Outside a lonely S-10 service bot pushed a cleaning tool over the floor.

I watched the mother and the child use a declining slide belt and could see a collection of dome shaped buildings and dozen yellow lights not far from the mono track halfway buried in the methane and carbon monoxide snow.

I wondered how it would be to grow up out here or why they had chosen to be there.

The train moved on and I made it to the fighter base.

The TPM came to a halt and I exited with three other Fleet men. Enlisted from the looks of it and perhaps back from a few days R & R.

Most of the Base so it seemed was built on the Surface inside a shallow but sizeable crater. In the distance I could see they had built Wolfcraft Revolving-starters right into the rim of the Crater aiming into the dark sky at a steep angle. Six large surface to space planetary defense batteries with long range Trans locators Mega Load capacity from the looks of it dotted the crater floor. I also counted twelve missile silos, most likely long range anti-ship drones and eighteen tall turrets with quadruple Loki torpedo starters.

That was some serious firepower for a little planet like that, but then it was near the most pirate infested and lawless stretch of space in the Galaxy and when the battle ship associated with the Checkpoint was on patrol, the base was not helpless.

Most prominent in the center of the crater was a humongous Deep Space Scanner array. I doubted the Devi had bigger scanners.

The installations looked like they could be reached via sub surface tunnels and IBT’s.

An IBT carried me right to the local fighter squadron.

I knocked at the designated door for the Squadron Commandant, was called in and faced a short, muscular man.

He had his flight suit sleeves rolled up to show his sinewy, muscle bulging arms. His hair sleek and black, regulation short. He had bright blue eyes and a goatee and moustache.

The Lieutenant came around his desk and shook my hand after I reported with the proper salute. “No need for that, Midshipman Olafson. I was just informed that we get a real Ace, from the Devi’s 12th no less to fly a few patrol sorties with us.”

I shook his hand more embarrassed and surprised by his greeting than everything else. “Nice to meet you too Sir.”

“Rock Hound, the Call sign is Rock Hound. Hey call you the Viking right?”

I nodded. “Well yes, that is because I am from Nilfeheim.”

He offered me a cigar. “Yes, yes. I just got off GalNet with Commander Cotton and he told me about you.”

He took me to the ready room where six Wolfcraft pilots and two more stood at a pool table and introduced me loudly. “Guys, don’t let the Midshipman rank fool you. We got a genuine Ace among ourselves, Flying Cross, Ace Ribbon, the works. From the Devi no less.”

This was really getting embarrassing and I said. “Guys, just let me do my stuff and then judge me. I’d rather like you to know me for what I am and not for stuff that happened light years elsewhere.” A Takkian came over and poked his sharp claw in my chest. “I like modest humans, but I am the hottest pilot this side of the Pegasus arm and I think I’ll take you up on that. Care for some dog fight action mano e takkia?”

“That’s what I am eager for, get some vacuum under my butt.”

I got a Wolfcraft IV not a V model but there were minor differences, and it turned out they all flew IV’s.

I almost asked the Auto Doc to give me a euphoria dampening drug as the Revolver starter catapulted me into deep space. I yelled on the top of my lungs, drew the Wolfcraft in a tight loop so I could feel a little of the gravitons come through. The computronic asked me if I was alright and I actually patted the Ultronit housing where the computronic was and said. “Girl, I never felt better. Let’s show that walking pine cone what flying means.”

Granted I did show off a little, despite my initial decision not to. Oh they were good, they were trained Union Wolfcraft pilots and I was sure they would do a fine job fighting pirates, but it was hard to be humble after flying against the best the Devi had and then holding my own against Har Hi.

I didn’t really want to land again. I would have been perfectly content to stay out here till the Devi arrived.

I was the last to land the Wolfcraft and joined the local jocks in their ready room. There was silence at first and they all looked at me as if a ghost had entered the room.

The Takkian who went by the call name Hot Stuff saluted and said.

“I never even considered the things you did with that Wolfcraft possible. I always considered myself a good pilot, but you beat us all even as we tried together. Viking we tried to make a fool out of you and didn’t believe the hype Rock Hound told us about you. Boy you showed us.”

Rock Hound handed out cigars to everyone.

“That’s what they smoke on the Devi, Commander Cotton told me. Maybe that’s their secret.” He laughed and pounded his hand on my back.

I received quarters and was assigned a regular duty roster and completed the first day flying wingman to a patrol through the system and escorting a space bus with engine trouble further out until a Bison came and towed it to the Checkpoint.

Rock Hound, Hot Stuff and two others told me we all would now complete the day having a drink at the Officer’s lounge.

While I was technically a Midshipman and not a commissioned officer yet, I was a Medal of Honor recipient and as such the lounge was open to me.

The first thing I noticed after the sprawling windows giving a view over the crater were the many different uniforms. There was a lot of Union Army green around, much more than Fleet Black or Marine Blue. Two light blue Science Corps Officers looked completely out of place sitting at the far end of the bar.

By an old Assembly decision it was decreed to maintain an Army. Despite the fact that all the tasks an Army would have in a space born society could be done by spacers and marines. Of course the only real reason to keep an Army were traditions carried over especially by the Pan Sarans and the Terrans.

To give the Army a legitimate task, Union Army was responsible for planetary and system defenses, Pluribus Assembly security and designated for full scale planetary surface warfare.

The Army also fielded and maintained several specialized units. Among them was the Planetary Army Engineer Corps, the prestigious First Guard of Pluribus, Orbital Para-Assault Divisions and technically the PSI Corps was an Army Unit as well even though it was independent of all branches. Unlike the Fleet it was not helmed by an Immortal and did not have the same budget or attention the Fleet received. The Army, could by Assembly decree not have any ships, so they maintained a fleet of Transport barges and Drop Boats and they compensated by equipping their troops with Mega Tanks, towering Battle Walkers and mountain sized Planetary Siege Engines. None of the 25,000 Leviathan PSE had ever been deployed in real war but every five years the Army argued before the Armed Forces committee they needed better and upgraded ones.

I was on my second Pilsner and Aquavit while I was thinking about what I knew of the Union Army when two Army men started an argument with a Navy Officer three tables down.

Hot Stuff, as a true Takkian looked more or less like a walking pine cone and came from a very hot planet, enjoyed a small vial of Water. To Takkians who were Silicone based life forms, water was as intoxicating to them as hard liquor was to me.

Hot Stuff sipped at his water vial and said. “How come you know so much about Takkians?”

I tried to ignore the argument that became louder and answered. “I had the good fortune to serve aboard the USS Hyperion under Captain Zezzazz. The Communication officer of the Hyperion, Lt. Miglar was Takkian.”

He shook his head. “I happen to know Lt. Miglar but he isn’t Takkian, but Takian, almost the same but we are pronounced with two ‘k’. The Takians are very close related to us, much like the Sarans and Terrans.”

I had to raise my voice a little to make sure he understood. “Seems you both enjoy water to get drunk!”

He downed the rest of his water and said.” We sure do but then we are the only Silicone species that can get drunk from water. The Piamee for example who are Silicone beings can’t do nothing with water.”

We both tried to keep our conversation neutral and ignore the argument, but then an Army Lieutenant reached for the Navy ensign and pulled him half across the table, Glasses tumbled and the Second Army officer actually whacked the Ensign across the face and I said.

“Come on gentleman, this is an officer’s club and not an enlisted bar. I suggest you take it outside and do be fair, two against one isn’t exactly honorable you know.”

The Lieutenant quite obviously drunk dropped the ensign. “Who asked you for your opinion? This is an Army base and we should not even have to share our facilities with the high and mighty Navy.”

He kicked the table aside and moved towards me, his intentions clear. Did I ever manage to stay clear of trouble? He was a Lieutenant, Army or not hitting him would be not a good idea.

But Rock Hound laughed and rolled up his sleeves even more and grinned deeply satisfied.” Welcome to Checkpoint 96, Mr. Olafson and welcome to the bi weekly club rumble. Well a rumble it will be until the Marines get mixed in, so be careful and duck.”

The wiry muscle packed Wolfcraft pilot catapulted himself past me and attacked the other Army officer, while the Navy ensign on the floor performed a leg sweep against the Army man and moments later it was a free for all slug fest. So far I managed not to get hit and evaded, I hoped I could manage to maintain that until Base security showed up, but then Rock Hound sailed past me and yelled. “Mr. Olafson we can’t let the Army win.”

As much as I wanted to stay out of trouble, he had a valid point...


The cute Commander wasn’t pleased at all. She was pacing before the holding cells of base security.

Her bushy tail twitched nervously and agitated and then she first chewed out the Lieutenant. “It’s the eleventh time this year that I am here to bail you out Lieutenant. Let me make that absolutely clear to you, there won’t be a twelfth time.”

We all stood in attention. It wasn’t long since Base Security and thus Marines finally moved in and only the more severe cases had yet received medical attention. Not due to lack of medical facilities, but due to a standing order of the Commandant. This why Lt. Yordat sported a split lip, and not one but a double set of colorful shiners, he belched out a stern. “Yes Ma’am.”

She stopped and said. “Now I understand the Navy is seriously under-represented with only one squadron on this side of our cold little world, and I am long enough in this Unions Fleet to understand that there are fundamental differences between our brave and strong Army and Fleet Spacers, so I am deeply and I must say very deeply disappointed to see not one Army officer in the brig as well.”

Her little fists clenched, “Next time you better call for back up and I will come.”

Rock Hound said with painful looking grin. “Ma’am as much as we could have used your help, there aren’t any Army here because they are all in sickbay. We had the great fortune to have a drunk Neo Viking on our side who did the Bezerker part after someone insulted his mother.”

I looked ashamed at my boot toes and said. “Sorry Ma’am.”

She looked up and said to Rock Hound. “Don’t tell me the Navy won this time?”

“Yes Ma’am the Navy won.”

Her voice changed from the shrill accusing tone to a satisfied one. “Well done men. Let’s get you out of here and then you need to tell me all about it ... just after I send my apologies to the Army Commandant.”

== Chapter 9: Red Dragon ==

The Holdian Commander sat across from me and watched Rock Hound working the controls of a Tabtil Tosser trying to win a game against the Takkian. Goal of the game was to maneuver a Tabtil that was a tetrahedron shaped object with different colored sides, inside the opponent’s colored holes, while tossing blockers with remote controlled catapults, to prevent the opponent doing the same to you. Almost every recreation room outfitted by the Navy had at least one of these boxy contraptions, usually completely worn out.

The Commander had kept her word and got us out of the holding cell and without any permanent records and she even had taken all of us to a Pizza restaurant that was part of the adjacent housing settlement attached to the base. Mostly the families of long term deployed army and navy personnel were housed here and it had a few small stores and restaurants.

“Tell me the truth Midshipman, we are off duty and nothing will get past this table. Did they send you to evaluate me and what are you really?”

“Ma’am I can do nothing else but repeat myself. I am a Midshipman and nothing more. The details of my journey here are classified, but I assure you it has nothing to do with you. I don’t know Admiral McElligott all that well, but I can assure you he isn’t biased towards or against any race or species. I am sure Fleet Command would not have picked you to run this difficult post if they did not have absolute confidence in your abilities, Ma’am. I am certain Admiral Stahl and the Devi are on their way for different reasons too.”

Her cute nose quivered and she took another bread stick.

“Here I am getting a pep talk from a Midshipman. There are many Holdians in the Navy and quite a few on this station as Holda isn’t far from here, but I am the first making it to Commander and being usually perceived as nothing more than a fluffy plush animal has its challenges.”

Before I could say something, her Duty PDD and mine went of the same time. It appeared that this was true for every service personnel in the restaurant. The message flashing over the screen accompanied with a blaring sound had only two words. ‘Battle Stations’.

Interbase Transports now switched to emergency distribution, worked fast to convey the various personnel to their duty stations.

Gone was any rivalry among Army, Navy or Marines. Everyone stood orderly in line until the next IST capsule was available.

Of course the little Holdian was among the first and gone several minutes before I made it. The capsule shot through vacuum tubes and right into the ready room of the fighter squadron.

The child like ready to play Lt. Yordat was gone and replaced by no nonsense, by the book Squadron leader. “Viking you’re the most experienced take lead of wing Alpha. You will be briefed in flight.”

I acknowledged jumped into the Battle dresser. The pre-set machine assembled a Mark 19 Flight suit around me and the floor parted the second I was done, sliding down a steep chute and right next to the waiting Wolfcraft. Thanks to the outer micro layer of the adaptive skin and thanks to my new Takkian friend the Wolfcraft was already black and red and sported the Olafson Wolf head logo.

The pilot seat with me in it rose from the floor into the cockpit, and while the fighter was already sliding inside the revolving starter, the neuro connections were made and I was ready.

The Communication equipment came on and I heard the Holdian Commander say.

“Checkpoint Squadron One, here is the situation. “One of the last convoys from Netlor has been attacked by a group of pirate ships. Emergency transmissions are just coming and identify the lead pirate as the Red Dragon.

We are under no circumstances allowed to cross into Freespace to assist, but our long range scan results confirm that twelve, maybe thirteen ships will make it. They are being pursued and you are authorized to use all means to assure the safety of the civilian ships once they are on our side. Our Battleship, the USS Makki-Grodno is on its way but more than 12 hours out, as she left for patrol early this morning. Super Cruisers USS Castro and USS Pollux are even further out. So until the pirates come into firing range of the planetary defenses, if they dare to cross the border, you are the only hope for those ships once they enter the system.”

“Rock Hound to Viking, take the lead, the entire Squadron is deployed. Don’t mind taking the back seat to you, Viking. You’re the Ace.”

The Computronic rearranged the symbols reflected into my sight to adjust them to my new status. “This was no time to argue or ask why he had done that and changed my position from wing to Squadron lead. I slaved the long range scanner results of the big sensors on Checkpoint 96 to my strategic view and counted nine armed vessels of Destroyer Size and four of Cruiser size pursuing seven transports and a Kermac T Cruiser.

“Listen up, guys. Beta wing take the Z axis and jump to the coordinates I am sending. Stay about a light minute over Herman’s star. Delta Wing you do the same at the opposite and then you activate your camouflage and wait.

Alpha, Gamma and Delta we stay in spearhead formation and approach openly. If it comes to a fight, there is not much those tubs can do to you, you’ve got excellent shields and Translocator Rotaries. Always keep an eye on the weapon scans of the enemy ships but for the most part you should be too fast for them to hit you in the first place, take out their engines first.”

Over the much slower comm. Channels of the civilian ships we heard a blood curling horror story unfold. Thirty ships had left Netlor and were systematically picked apart and raided by the pirate fleet. All pleas for mercy had been ignored. The pirates took their time to pick ship after ship and now the last fifteen, were less than eight minutes away from the outmost boundaries of Herman’s Star system and thus Union space.

The pirates caught up with two of the strugglers and shot the transport’s engines to scrap. Not many civilizations had developed means and weapons to scan, intercept and disrupt a ship traveling in quasi space. To see the red ship use Union Isah-field disruptors to pull the lightly armed transports from that semi-spatial dimension was more than disturbing.

Even more concerning was the fact that my scanners clearly identified Para Dim shields and Trans-Quantum resonators. Para Dim shields would make the pirate ship immune to the instantaneous destruction effects of Translocator bombs and could only be brought down by pounding the shields with Translocator bombs and Loki torpedoes.

A battle ship would have no problems defeating those shields with a few well-placed Giga loads, but it would be a hard nut to crack for the small loads our Wolfcraft fighters carried. I relayed that info to the base.

The rest of the thirteen transports made it across into Union Space and continued on their way to Checkpoint 96.

We had to watch on our long range scanners and optics as the pirates boarded the two ships they had crippled and to our horror we witnessed as the pirates spaced hundreds of pilgrims.”

The Comm. System reported an incoming GalNet transmission on military channels but without any coding and a metallic distorted voice spoke to us. “This is the Red Dragon speaking for the Sinister Alliance. I know your support battle ship is out. As you notice I can hear and listen in. You are so arrogant that you do not even code your military GalNet messages. My ship has the finest Union sensors and other surprises so I know where you tried to hide those Wolfcraft fighters and I can see the planet defense capabilities. Very impressive, and I would be scared if I was a run of the mill average space crook. But I am the Red Dragon, and I want you to remember that name. Well those who survive.”

The voice changed and became deeper. “However I will be your nightmare, Union! No ship, no colony and no base will be safe from me if I chose to attack. Checkpoint 96, you will be first.”

The voice laughed and added. “Oh I know you transmit that now to Fleet Headquarters and that fat, old fart face McElligott will send hundreds of ships this way, but you can’t go where I can and who knows where I will strike next?”

His fleet of pirate ships abandoned the two looted transports each surrounded by a thin cloud of frozen drifting golden dressed bodies and begun their attack run.

I had to go by the book, even though the pirate’s intentions were obvious.

“This is Squadron Leader Olafson, calling hostile craft. You are now entering space claimed by the United Stars of the Galaxies, you are hereby ordered to cut all power, drop shields and prepare to be boarded. You are identified as a hostile and criminal party and no further warnings will be given.”

Fleet Headquarters automatically sent out new code procedures and new channels.

There was a sharp laugh.

The pirate ships crossed into Union Space and attacked.

“All wings concentrate your fire on the other pirate ships. Stay at maximum range of your TL and concentrate on Engine targets. Viking to Base lead enemy ship has latest Para Dim and unique Terran TQ Resonator field protection. Scanner results hampered due to said shields. If this ship decides to attack it will be hard to stop, consider the evacuation of surface buildings.”

Load your surface batteries with Gravo-Bombs and lay double shots in the path of the Red Dragon Ship. Launch those long range Drones you have and target the other pirate ships.

“Base to Wing, Pilgrim ships were a rouse the ships are filled with ground troops. We are under surface attack...”

The connection to the base broke off.

I cursed the fact that this was an IV type. It did not have the option to switch to Graviton ammunition, but I attacked anyway. The Red Dragon was even better armed than expected. It had strong FTL DE’s of Union manufacture with union Computronic targeting. I only evaded being hit so far as I flew past red line almost the entire time. Twelve of the pirate ships were burning wrecks, they had little chance against the Translocator Gatlings of the Wolfcrafts, but two of my Squadron fighter symbols had just blinked out and I could not raise them, only register the intense explosions on my scanners where I knew them to be last.

I had no time to feel sorry for them now, but I knew I would. They had come too close to the Red Dragon and the Pirate ship caught both with a combination barrage of Union FTL FE’s and Nul Froth Casters.

I was down to twenty percent ammo, but risked a direct assault. I still had two Lokies and I would make them count. This time I could not evade the bluish Energies of the Froth caster but I managed to stay out of the firing cone of the FTL Directed Energy cannons. My forward shields almost died on me, but I deactivated the aft shield generators and reduced the side shields to 20% while feeding the freed energies into the front shields. All this while screaming at maximum acceleration towards its aft engines, His shields had to have structural gaps there, I released both Loki torpedoes and fired long burst into his aft section.

Without aft shields I turned and prayed to Odin to give me the 5 seconds to reset, hoping my almost insane attack had worked. Something did pepper my side and I checked on my squadron and gave flank protection orders. Only 15 of the original 20 Wolfcrafts remained and Rock Hound reported that Matchstick, Power Socket and Ronin were out of ammo completely.

Odin must have heard my prayer because Hot Stuff was close enough to hear my plea for flank cover and he peppered 20 TL loads on and inside the Hull of a Karthanian Cruiser that was part of the Pirate ship fleet. The coffin shaped Karthanian who had just fired on me, expanded in the middle as if someone pumped air in it very fast, bright white lines followed every armor plate and it was ripped to pieces by a series of explosions micro seconds later.

Now I had time to turn the Wolfcraft in a tight loop and check out my handy work.

The Red Dragon was fleeing with severely damaged aft section and only one ISAH pod left. As much as I wanted, I could not pursue. Three pirate ships remained and they were still fighting and approaching Outpost 96.

It took us still 12 more minutes to defeat the last Pirates and then flew with all due speed towards the Outpost. We still heard nothing over GalNet.

I called Fleet Command, delivered a very short report and transmitted scanner and battle data and requesting assistance. Fleet Command assured me help was on the way.

Could those freaking pirates not have attacked just 48 hours later? Of all ships the Devi was on her way.

But then the Pirate was listening in, he had a GalNet Terminal. I did not want to imagine what would happen if the Union had to face an enemy that had the same resources and the same advances. I wondered if Deepa was already on her way back to Sin 4 and hopefully was not caught in the middle of this.

We reached the planet and the so clean and spotless space port looked so different from before. Burning and twisted wrecks of the Transport ships, a toppled and destroyed Octo bot had crashed into the upper terminal building, the tough transparent Duranium window panes cracked. My stomach tightened as I saw a space bus, its side perforated with dozen of large blaster holes, still burning.

Most of the Pirate transports were undamaged and we saw Pirate troops carrying loot. I actually screamed in the audio pick up. “Let none escape, strive them with your DE’s.”

Flying just a few meters over the ground with my Artigravs and the engines pushing as slowly as they could, I pressed the FTL DE in pulse mode and mowed them down.

It took us no time to clear the landing filed and destroy every one of the transports, but we still received sporadic fire from individual pirates hiding behind cover. We dared not fire back, as it would have caused even more damage to the base itself.

I ordered half of the Wolfcraft to the base on the other side and ordered them to survey.

“Squadron leader Viking switch to secure channel protocol NPBM 6.” It was the Admiral, it was Stahl.

I found I had to use my Wrist PDD GalCom protocol as the Wolfcraft Com equipment did not have that option to go to Nano pulse burst mode. “Sorry sir that it took so long this Com didn’t have any NPBM capability.”

“I ordered all Fleet Com to switch. Some heads will roll in my Comm. Department as they should have known Wolfcraft IV do not have that equipment. We are still at least 20 hours away. The Devi is going as fast as she can. Assess situation and report.”

The Admiral cut out, but now we could reach the Base at least the other side of the planet and a Colonel of the Army responded. “Viking we are cut off from the city. They have severed the Mono line. The troops with flight suits, Cerberus Robots and the nine flyers we have just reached the City. There is heavy fighting. I have a battalion of Orbital Assault troops here but no way to get them there fast.”

“Get your men ready. We will shuttle them on the Wolfcrafts. Make sure their mag boots work, they will ride on the outside.”

“Giving the orders now Viking.”

It turned out we could move 40 men at a time, or 5 battle walkers.

The Army Units had suits that looked much heavier than the Quasimodo and I learned they had only a few recon units that could fly; the rest were only able to jump.

Each trip took only a few minutes as there was no atmosphere to speak off and their mag boots and claws held fine.

We rained the first units of angry as hell Union Soldiers onto the landing fields, only to return and get more.

It took us only a few flights each to get all 1200 Army soldiers over. After the last group was transferred only 35 minutes had passed and I landed my Wolfcraft, dialed the Auto Dresser to Quasimodo but the machine said. “All available Quasimodo assemblies have been assembled and distributed, Army Pandora Suits are available.”

Using heavy equipment I didn’t know was not a good idea, so I kept my flight suit, grabbed a TKU rifle from the open Armory racks and a Marine Chain Sword, then had Hot stuff fly me over as well. I could not sit idle while there was fighting going on, besides I had orders to assess.

Riding over an almost dark ice planet outside, glued to a Wolfcraft only by the Electro cohesive forces in my boots and gloves would have most likely frightened me at any other day, but not now. My blood was slowly starting to boil and I knew the feeling all too well, it was the cursed Neo Viking berserker rage but this time I tried to keep focused and I hoped the Army left me at least one of the pirate troops alive.”

I dropped not waiting for Hot stuff to land. My flight suit was, despite the name not flight capable and nothing more than an armored space suit, but it was flexible and I could move in it as if I was wearing nothing. The natural gravitation of the little planet was artificially enhanced at least locally for the base and the close by city.

I ran as fast as I could towards the terminals. All I saw were bodies, no one alive. Very satisfied I noticed the number of pirate bodies increased the closer I came to the busted entrance doors.

Even in all this chaos Union technology was something to be proud off. Yellow Nanite foam had sealed hundreds of blaster holes. Four S-10 robots, one damaged started cleaning the debris off the floor and an emergency membrane force field was established over the hole where once a transparent Duranium door allowed access to the space port concourse.

Never in my life did I see a scene as horrifying and depressing as what I saw now, for the first time I saw what war really meant. The once so spotless shining clean floor was littered with bodies of women, children, union beings of all kinds. There were large puddles of frozen blood, a woman cut in half, her shopping bags strewn around her, and her baby stroller on its side, pink blanket and a football sized burn hole right through it. That scum had actually fired on a baby stroller!

Arthur’s Swine and Dine was completely destroyed and looked plundered and so did most of the businesses. Around the body of the Pertharian Police officer I counted thirty Pirates troops all dead. The Pertharian had fought bravely and to the last.

I saw many Oghr among the Pirate dead, many Togars, beings I did not recognize and even humans. Nothing around me was alive.

It was eerie quiet. Only the occasional crackling and sparking from damaged advertisement signs. Somewhere in the distance I could hear the faint pitched hiss of a missile rifle and the deep throated whoop of TKUs. It came from where the Fleet base offices were.

I didn’t think it was that far, but then I had used slide belts before. When I reached it the fighting appeared to be over.

Six Army soldiers in their bulky suits guarded about thirty pirate troops; they were alive and had their hands up.

A sergeant with his yellow stripes prominent on his head piece almost shot me, a smoking hole in the wall next to me, made me reconsider running unannounced towards Soldiers fighting pirates. Someone in his troop had yelled. “That’s a Navy Suit.”

The Sergeant apologized and then said after he read my name tag. “You’re Viking, the guy flying us over here.” He then added.

“We are mopping up the rest and I think we got the place secured.”

I looked around. “How bad is it?”

The Soldier looked gloom. “Can’t give you any numbers or anything like that. The intruders did not make it far into the city. There are only three access tunnels and the city defenders blew up one tunnel and were repulsed by the arriving Marines and Cerberus robots on the other two. The space port and the base however I think have no friendly survivors. Those inhumane bastards killed everything they saw and most of them that are still alive are surrendering.”

A soldier standing point at the entrance to the Fleet Office said. “Sarge, Squad eight reports heavy resistance. It looks like a large group of enemies made it into the Fleet basements and they have Karthanian Battle Robots along. Whoever is down there is holding them off for now so it seems.”

The Admiral and the officers of the NAVINT outpost was my immediate thought. Million Years old or not, she could be killed by blaster fire, at least that what Stahl once said about Immortals.

I rushed passed the Soldier and said. “Where did you get that info?”

He looked at me from out of his Pandora Suit looking to me somewhat like a turtle with a half retracted head and said. “It’s suicide to go there now. Cerberus robots and Marines are on their way.”

I yelled. “Answer me now or die.”

“Army Com Channel 4 Sir, we got a Squad there. Down the Corridor there is a busted IST, down the shaft that’s where the figh...”

I didn’t hear the rest; I was halfway down the corridor and found the open IST shaft alright. I could hear the fighting from below. I looked into the shaft wondering how to get down when I noticed the handholds for a ladder incorporated into the shaft.

Using my feet as hooks around the handrail and regulating my speed of descent with my hands I slid down the rails as fast as I dared. I could see smoke coming from my gloves as the friction caused some serious heat, but as long as I didn’t feel anything, I didn’t care.

I reached the bottom through the open access hatch of a IST capsule stuck there, and three heart beats later was greeted by two blaster shots one grazing the side of my suit, the other melting the IST manual input panel next to me.

The Flight suit did have shields, nothing like a Quasimodo, but strong dual layer Para Dim. The Suits intelligent systems however were limited to Auto Doc and Emergency deep space procedures and had of course no ground combat capabilities. That also meant I had to activate my shields manually.

I learned that painful fact just now, as most of the blaster shot was dispersed and deflected by the suit’s integrated armor and its intelligent fabric was already mending the burn hole, but some went through.

The Auto Doc of a flight suit was first rate and the system began to act at the same time the first pain impulses hit my brain.

While all this was happening in my suit, I flung myself forward, rolled over my shoulder to avoid being hit again.

A fire team of four Army soldiers were pinned down behind a heavy support column while two Karthanian battle robots and an Oghr blocked the Corridor further down.

My shoulder roll was pretty fast but not fast enough for the fighting machines down there and three strong blaster shots burned my shields down to five percent.

I reached the Fire team and the cover.

A young Corporal and three privates armed with Enroe-Tri-Beam Laser guns and one H&K Missile Gewehr Type MIL greeted me and the Corporal said. “The robots fire only if they see movement, and the Oghr appears only to fire when his robots do, that’s the good news. The bad news is that those robots have very strong beamers, fast reflexes and the Oghr sports a Union TKU, that’s still the good news. The bad news is that there are about thirty more of them down the Corridor trying to get in an area not marked at all on our base blue print lay outs. It seems whoever is in there has managed to hold them off so far.”

One of the privates said. “I hoped you’d be the good news and bring us Fleet Cerberus and Marines.”

I grunted. “That is the day when I hear Army grunts pray for Marines. Don’t know where the reinforcements are but I was told they are coming.”

One of the privates was a human female and she said. “We have contact with the Navy personal on the other end. Do you want to speak to them?”

I nodded. “Yes of course.”

She handed me a PDD in Scramble mode and I said. “This is Midshipman Olafson. The Pirate invasion force is mostly contained and Union Army is cleaning the base. What is your status?”

I recognized the voice immediately. “Eric, this is Deepa, we are in serious trouble. The bathroom elevator is buried under rubble and we have a large number of wounded here. Our PSI Talents have erected a Psi Shield but it won’t last much longer, they are at their end.” Her voice sounded strained and I knew she was adding her energies to that shield.

I said. “No worries, I am coming.”

I could hear her laugh weakly. “My Soja, this is too dangerous, wait for reinforcements.”

My mind raced to figure out how to get down that corridor, without being roasted. My shields recovered, but I doubted they would hold even halfway when both bots opened up. Not to mention a TKU. I glanced around the corner and said “Soldier do you have a spare missile canister for that H&K?”

He responded. “Yes Sir but it is marked Heavy Surface Engagement and cannot be used in confined battle situations.”

I grinned and said. “Excellent. Corporal fire your weapons into the ceiling above the IST.”

He stared at me as if I was mad. “Sir the enemy is that way.” He pointed down the corridor, without exposing himself.

I yelled. “The next time you question or argue my orders, I will use you as shield while running down that corridor. Open Fire.”

The Corporal did and I said to the private. Toss that pack as hard as you can, and make it slide across the corridor floor. Show me what that Pandora thing can do.”

I ordered the other two to provide cover fire and the soldiers did as I asked.

As I hoped the intense heat created by the melting ceiling, the shower of liquid metal confused the sensors of the Karthanian robots and they completely missed the sliding backpack sized missile container sliding towards them.

I aimed carefully and fired. The third blast did the trick. Surface Engagement meant Antimatter war heads. Just a few molecules in each of the small rockets, but all 2,500 missiles of the Container together, hit by my TKU blasts.

The detonation was so intense it lifted us of our feet and despite helmet, support column and shields the sound and blast wave was so loud it almost deafened me.

I did not wait for my shields to recover or check on the Army soldiers, I ran down the corridor, Chain sword at the ready and through the spherical blast zone the AM explosion had caused. The blast had created a new 20 meter perfectly round underground chamber, I found the legs of one robot, there was nothing left of the second or the Oghr.

This I registered only passing by, on the other side I found survivors, Pirates struggling to their feet. I didn’t bother with the TKU, I used the Chain sword. Coldness reached my consciousness, I wanted to see blood. There were thirty of them at least until I lost count. Some of them had shielded suits, but it made no difference. I would have walked through twice as many; at least that is what my blood lust wanted. The truth of course was that I was near the end of my resources as well. My TKU down to the last blast, the chain sword energy cell on its last indicator bar, the shields of my suit had long been gone and the generator melted with no chance of a reset. The suit’s magnificent armor of woven Ultronit mesh and carbon fiber was the real reason I had made it that far. It too was beyond its repair capacity.

My arm felt like lead as I pulled the chain sword with protesting whine up the crotch of a pirate Oghr and up to his guts, through steel, leather and flesh.

I had reached a soap bubble like barrier and behind I saw four PSI Corps agents and the Admiral on their knees, their hands pressed against their temples. The pretty Saran PSI Agent looked more dead than alive and blood was dripping from her eyes.

I had to use manual controls to activate my PDD. My helmet controls were fried. “Deepa, Admiral! You can let the shield down. I am here.”

She raised her head saw me and the field collapsed.

Deepa slowly came to her feet, I rushed to support her. She smiled weakly and said. “You never listen when someone tells you something, you look terrible.”

A feeling of relief came over me and I too felt a little woozy in the knees as the Adrenalin levels in my body returned to normal, unable to keep my body in this state of activity any longer. I smiled at her as well and said. “Couldn’t let this scum get to you, Ma’am, not after you rescued me and put yourself in harm’s way to get me to safety.”

She simply nodded and then tended to her colleagues, two of which were in some sort of catatonic state and did not react to anything.

She sighed. “I hope our Saresii Specialists back home can help them. They extended their powers far too long.” I heard Marines and Cerberus coming down the Corridor and said. “I am sorry Ma’am. I tried to come as fast as I could.”

She knelt by one of the Agents and looked up. “And you did, you did come.”

Then my eye caught a tuff of fur behind a big planter pot at the entrance to the actual NAVINT post, I rushed past the PSI Agents and the Admiral and tossed the heavy thing aside. My heart sank and my rage and anger I had felt until now was replaced by deep sorrow, because behind that planter was the body of the little Holdian Commander who was so energetic and so brave, her shimmering black eyes, dull and her soft fur smeared with blood, in her right hand still a tiny TKU the energy cell depleted and three empty cells around her.

As gently as I could I picked up her small body that was almost weightless and placed it on a leather couch inside the damaged lobby and then took the Union flag someone had ripped of its stand and used it to drape it over the little Holdian.

I saluted her and said to her. “I will avenge your death, Commander. I promise.”

The Admiral said quietly. “She came down here with over 200 wounded and defended this entrance all on her own until we could get here. We were only moments away but still too late.”

Somewhere in the background of my mind I wondered what the cold sensation was on my cheeks and said. “I was too late as well.”

== Chapter 10: Reunion ==

Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl.

The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over 3000 raiders had participated, of which 2400 had died and the rest surrendered.

The damage to the base was not as severe as it looked and most of the environmental base functions were still working; as ordered I had sent my report to the Devastator and Fleet Command, but only got a short acknowledgement that they received the reports.

Rock Hound came over and looked over the long line of wounded. As he was the highest ranking Union Fleet Officer he was now the acting base commander and said to me. “The Makki-Grodno has just arrived and they are deploying every Med-bot and all personnel they have. Fleet Command just confirmed they have diverted the USS Albert Schweitzer.

Just as he said that, Med Bots arrived and with them the CMO of the Battle Ship followed by a large number of Med Techs.

The CMO exchanged only a few words with us and then went to work.

Now with the crew of a Battle ship reinforcing our efforts, things looked up and my services in the first aid line weren’t needed anymore.

I walked off and sat down on the knee high wall of a fountain that was no longer working and wiped my face. I felt tired and exhausted.

That Deepa was the NAVINT Commandant was of course a secret that had to be maintained even during this crisis. I knew she and the surviving agents of the NAVINT outpost were busy erasing any traces that their subsurface base was ever used by the intelligence service.

She had told me that she would leave Outpost 96 in a new disguise and that it was better I did not know who she would be.

As I sat there more and more Navy personnel filled the concourse. Teams of engineers rushed one way with their robotic tool boxes right behind them. A group of Special Forces Marines in full Quasimodo battle suits followed Cyber Dog K-9 units scanning the place obviously looking for survivors and pirate attackers that tried to hide.

A tall man, with a Marine Corps high and tight regulation haircut, wearing an all-black uniform walked briskly in my direction, several high ranking officers in his wake.

I got up and stood in attention. “Midshipman Olafson reporting as ordered, Sir.”

I did not know how he did it or what it was, but him just being here made everything look half as bad. I knew, that whoever this Red Dragon was, he had not made his calculations including Admiral Stahl. He would find a way to track him down.

He simply sat down and said. “Have a seat, son. No need to salute right now.”

I sat down next to him and looked at his sharp profile and followed his ice gray eyes scanning the surroundings.

He waved at his entourage. “Make yourself useful, assess the damage. Get repairs started and make sure all this is recorded in detail. I want to know the names of each raider, dead or alive. I want to know where they came from. I want the wrecks in space gathered to the last bolt and analyzed and know who built them, owned them and piloted them.”

The men acknowledged and scrambled to execute his orders.

Only then did he turn his head. “I received reports from the Army Commander, the Commander of the Wolfcraft squadron. Of course Deepa also kept me informed.

“I would like to say I am very proud of your conduct.”

His praise touched me deeply and I wanted to say something but he held up his hand and stopped me. “Eric, I know how you feel. You lost men flying with you, you let the transports pass and land and you feel responsible for all this, but at no point did you fail or do anything wrong. Despite all the things I know about you and what you have achieved, you are still just a Midshipman. Yet you have performed and served like a real Officer and there was nothing you could have done to prevent this. Don’t count the dead Eric; count the living that you saved with your actions. Without you, no one would have made it.”

He actually patted my shoulder. “If it means anything to you, Midshipman Olafson, you earned my respect.”

The numb feeling I had since I had held the dead Holdian commander, the blame and guilt I felt for not doing the right things left me and I felt much better. The Eternal Soldier, the one man I looked up too more than anyone else, respected me. The pride I felt was deep but still tempered by the recent event. “Thank you Sir.”

He got up. “Let’s go back to the Devi there are certain people who can’t wait seeing you, and I do have a surprise for you as well.”

“Sir what about the Red Dragon? What about Checkpoint 96?”

He turned and said. “We will hunt him, son. We will find everyone that was responsible for this and make them pay.”

He then gestured across the station. “It will be rebuilt and reinforced. It is terrible what happened here and every life lost will be missed by someone, but in the great scheme of things it was just a needle prick. We will survive and come out stronger.”

“Before we go sir, I want to make sure that the former Commandant of this base is honored and that her name and conduct is not forgotten. She might just have been a little Holdian in stature, but her spirit and person was as big and tall as the very best of us, Sir.”

He made a solemn face. “I know, she was one of those I had picked just I had picked you. I will make sure she receives the highest honors and goes home as a hero should.”


A shuttle was taking us up to the Devastator, as the ship was too big for the space port facilities.

Everything on the Devastator was gigantic, and so was this shuttle flight deck. In the distance I could see Captain Harris and a crowd of people, but chief among them nine I would have recognized anywhere. The Admiral was right, the ninth person standing next to Har Hi, was a surprise. There was a being completely shrouded in a black flowing hooded garment, it was Narth.

I knew it was him, not another member of his species.

I approached the Captain and saluted. “Midshipman Olafson reporting back as ordered Sir, permission to come aboard.”

Captain Harris saluted back and the Master Chief of the Devi blew the boatswain whistle and gave the traditional boarding signal usually reserved for high ranking officers and dignitaries.

Then the entire crowd behind him saluted at the sound of the whistle, all the Devastator’s Midshipmen, Commander Cotton and the 12th Squadron was there as well.

The Captain then said. “Permission granted, welcome back Midshipman Olafson glad to see you among the living.”

The Admiral behind me said. “I am the first to point out that military form and traditions are the backbone of our Navy, but today I say to hell with regulations. Mr. Olafson your friends are waiting.”

He barely finished what he said as my friends rushed me. Krabbel beat them all and embraced me in his long hairy legs.

It wasn’t really that long ago when I had seen the big Arachnid first in a Lobby on Arsenal IV and found his form frightening, but now I threw my arms around his body knowing what a good and gentle heart beat inside. “Krabbel,” was all I could say, my throat constricted.

Krabbel said “We all missed you so much.”

Har Hi complained. “Krabbel let us get to him as well.”

The big spider partially released me and Har Hi gave me a tight brotherly hug, and we patted each other’s backs, he said. “It’s good to have you back, brother.”

Shaka was next doing the same thing. “We thought we had lost you.”

Mao actually kissed me on both cheeks and then bear hugged me.

Cirruit said while he embraced me. “It doesn’t show Eric, but I am almost exploding of joy to see you.”

I hugged him and said. “I missed you just as much, my chrome faced friend and I always can tell how you feel.”

Hans scooped me up like a little child and pressed the little air I had left out of my lungs. “Mein lieber guter Fre...” He had said something in his native language and then added.” My dear, dear friend I have missed you very much.”

Elfi gave me a long kiss and it wasn’t on the cheeks and then said. “Never do that again, we all almost died thinking you were gone.”

Wetmouth slung her arms around me, kissed me gently on the lips and then she started sobbing and cried. “I missed you so much.”

Her body felt soft and tender and she was sighing deeply, I had to blink and fight my own tears as well and said in her ear. “Everything will be alright.”

Finally there was Narth. He took my hand and something passed between us that could not be described in words and no emotion, no human experience could be used to compare. Then he said with his deep non-human and yet so familiar voice. “May I execute the physical exercise of enfolding you with my upper extremities to complete the traditional greeting as I have observed your other friends do?”

I simply pulled him in and embraced him. “Will that suffice as an answer, I am so glad to see you here as well.”

“I have orders of a permanent transfer to the Olafson Gang. I am deeply pleased to say.”

Harris finally stopped the greeting orgy and said, “If we let them carry on we are going to be here till next week, so please everyone attention.”

It took us a little longer than usual but we managed to get to attention. Once more shoulder to shoulder with my friends. I knew then I was the richest man in the Universe.

The Captain said. “There is unfinished business and first and foremost, I hereby close the chapter on the Reagan Trophy.”

A Lieutenant next to him held up the large metal cup.

Harris pointed at it. “The Olafson Gang has won the competition officially for the Devastator. They were instrumental in uncovering a great conspiracy. Even after they witnessed the apparent demise of their leader and friend, the team performed far and beyond any expectations and brought great honor upon the ship and themselves and made me proud to have such individuals serving with me in this Fleet of ours.”

I whispered to Har Hi next to me, saying. “You won the Challenge?”

He nodded barely noticeable and said from the side of his mouth. “I thought you would have wanted it.”

I doubt I could have felt more blessed and proud of my friends than at that moment. “Yes Har Hi, I would have wanted it.”

The Captain added the Reagan trophy ribbon to our displays and stepped back.

Now the Admiral said. “There are still eight weeks till you graduate, but for you the testing and the school education ends today. There is plenty of education and learning ahead of you of course, but school is out. You are hereby dismissed from Midshipman country and allowed to move to the Officer’s Deck and you are as of today Acting Ensigns until your ranks are confirmed at Graduation Day.”

That caused the cheer that went through the crowd and I too felt a big worry dissolve. I had made it, I wasn’t a Midshipman anymore. I had a real rank and was an Officer.

The Admiral motioned everyone to settle down. “There is more official business before I dismiss you for three days of R & R.”

He nodded to the Captain who called us into attention again and said with solemn tone. “Some of you might find it strange or unusual that I am about to do. Some of you might think I do this so often it loses meaning, but I am here as directly requested by the President of the United Stars of the Galaxies and the Assembly who were direct witnesses of the events in Hermann’s System after the defacto declaration of war by a group of pirates. The Assembly had seen the actions of Ensign Eric and I was asked to decorate this young man on their behalf, for showing great courage beyond the call of duty, to represent and stand true to the values of Union and Fleet even in the face of great adversity. To preserve and protect many lives, both through his direct action and indirectly through his commands, he is hereby presented with the Great Medal of Merit of the Union Assembly.”

He pinned a physical medal to my uniform and then motioned me to say something.

“I am deeply honored by this, but it should go all the defenders of Checkpoint 96. To the fallen Wolfcraft pilots, to the dead and wounded civilians and to the Holdian Commander, who’s name I actually never knew.”

Stahl’s face did not change as he said. “I give you my word, not one will be forgotten.”


The move from Midshipman country to the Officer’s deck was both a milestone in all our careers and a bittersweet moment. We no longer would stay in a shared dorm but had our own rooms. In most ships the junior officers would still share accommodations with one or two others, but the Devi had plenty of room and everyone got their own.

We all went to the Village, as the central recreation area of the Devastator was called. There we crowded into one of the street cafes and I had to tell my friends everything that happened to me and I did except for the part I could not.

In turn they told me about everything that happened to them. They told me about the events on Newport and that Wintsun was a traitor and now a wanted criminal, who somehow managed to escape Newport and that it was he who shot Narth in the Crawler Cat while I was unconscious.

Narth told me that he teleported an Antimatter bomb past the outer orbit of Newport and that this had serious consequences to his Psionic powers and health and that he was still recuperating and that it would take a long time before he would return to his old levels. He could have been restored right away, but that would have meant to integrate his essence into the body of Narth and he would have lost his individuality and that was a price he was not willing to pay.

Of course the recent events at Checkpoint 96 were the main topic that everyone around us was talking about. Someone in the Café turned on a field screen and the most popular news show on GalNet came on, the Union Clarion. Images and footage of the attack were shown once again. I could not stop myself from turning and watching.

The newscaster’s voice was heard over a visual of the Assembly in session and it said. “In a follow up session to Assembly resolution 59 of the fifth October 5018 regarding the Events in Union System Herman’s Star and the Battle of Outpost 96.

A proposal to disregard the Freespace treaty and risk war with the signees of said treaty was narrowly defeated in a Union Citizen vote this morning. A surprising 48 percent of the Citizens voted for decisive military action, while 52 voted for a tempered approach.

This high percentage should send a clear message to the Assembly and our representatives that the Citizens of the Union are fed up with the ongoing pirate problems.”

The image changed and a reporter stood before SII Needle One at Omni Planet, which was the Corporate Center of SII and interviewed a high level executive of the Giga Corporation, all this information came across the screen in a ticker band.

The executive said. “On behalf of SII GalNet and as the provider of the Military GalCom network, we would like to send this message to the individual Red Dragon and the Sinister Alliance. We have sent destruct codes to your terminal. Furthermore since you have chosen to use GalNet services without paying for the call, SII Communications will take steps to collect the 45 Credits owed.”

An environmental specialist at the next table commented on that saying. “Now his goose is cooked. The Red Dragon pissed of the wrong folks.”

Somehow I didn’t like that. I wanted the Union Fleet to catch the criminal and I wanted him to be brought to justice. Dragged in chains before a Union Court and hanged and not killed by freelancing corporate assassins.

Captain Harris and the Admiral came and pulled chairs up, both were out of uniform and I had to repeat the story of my involuntary journey again. It wasn’t easy for me to lie to my friends and Captain Harris but I could not tell them about the involvement of the Sojonites of course and made up a story how I escaped. Of course Stahl knew the entire story and I was certain I noticed a blinked approval from his eyes.

Much later that day we found ourselves at the same spot underneath a big tree close to the lake that was in the center of the Village.

Once again we wore bathing suits, except of course for Narth, Krabbel and Har Hi. We had talked a lot and now we simply enjoyed being reunited and able to put the events of the past behind us.

I looked to Narth and said. “Why is it I can’t really hear you talk inside my head as we used to? I still can feel your presence and know how you feel no matter where I was but I can’t actually hear your words inside anymore.”

He had folded his legs, just like Wetmouth often did and floated a few inches off the surface of the grass. His hooded head turned and his glowing eyes had lost much of their intensity and he said. “You are blocked in the most efficient way from all external thoughts even from me your Hugavh sharer.”

“I don’t want to be blocked from you.”

“Then we must start your Psionic training. Only you can allow access through that shield and to allow only one and not all access is quite difficult to learn, but I am confident you will learn this in five to six of your decades. You are after all quite intelligent for a human.”

I boxed him in the side. “Only you can insult me and make me feel I just got a compliment. There is no faster way. I mean in fifty years, I might be retired from the Fleet.”

Narth boxed me back and said. “No Eric my friend. If I wanted to insult you, I would say thickheaded Neo Viking. This would be a proper insult if I understood the instructions of the Narth that spends much time with Neo Vikings now correctly. I personally do not understand as I have not observed that you have a thicker head than other comparable humans.”

Har Hi chuckled. “Human metaphors can be a tricky thing to understand indeed.”

The three days of rest and recreation were over. While I would not have complained about more, I was ready to go back on regular duty on the Devi without any particular huge responsibilities or associated problems.

However we were called to the Captain’s ready room, instead of receiving new duty assignments and shifts.

He was waiting for us sitting on his desk, the Reagan Trophy prominently displayed on his desk and asked us to forgo any formal behavior and to sit down. Ten Vari-From chairs had already been placed in a semi-circle.

He began right after we all found a seat and said. “Three days maybe not enough but this is the Navy and the Devi isn’t a cruise ship. There are still close to eight weeks before your final year is over and you officially graduate and get your commissions and a well-deserved leave of absence before you are dispersed to your new assignments and duty posts.

As you know we are at the fringes of Union space and recent events have made it clear that we must pay more attention to this area.”

A three dimensional projection of a tactical sector map appeared between him and us. Checkpoint 96 was flashing and a tiny symbol depicted the Devastator. He then reached inside the projection and pointed at a distant star system and the projection focused on it.

“This is Richter System; it has a new Class B Fleet base on planet Richter 4. There is an automated Long range sensor station on Richter 8 and the latest survey reports that there are possible ruins of a tech level one civilization on Richter 5. As you can see, Richter Base lies at the outer fringes of the Sagittarius arm and the 2500 light year void to the Orion arm.

“Technically the extension of the Sagittarius Arm in that area is Freespace as well, but due to the sparse star population in this area, there is virtually no space traffic and the three closest star systems on Freespace side, as you can see here are almost 80 light years away and contain no habitable planets.”

He pointed out the stars he was talking about.

He continued. “The reason for Freespace extending into this area in the first place is this planetary system, inhabited by a Tec level three civilization, the Bitllors. They are signees of the treaty and simply declared all this empty space and those three systems their empire and no one objected. As you can see their main world is 120 light years from Richter.”

Har Hi said. “Aren’t they still using Laser push sails and Ion motors? It takes them almost a month to accelerate to Threshold speed.”

Harris nodded. “Yes and it takes them the same time to decelerate at the destination.” He looked up and said looking at Har Hi. “I know what you want to ask. Why put a Class B Star base there if an Outpost would have been more than enough to keep an eye on things there.”

Now it was Har Hi who nodded. “That is what I was wondering about, Sir. A Class B is usually home to an entire Battle Group, or even a Fleet.”

The Captain acknowledged Har Hi with a smile. “Back when the decision was made to build a base there it was to be just that. Home to the 67th fleet and have a supply station at the edge of the big gap, to provide us with a back door into the Nosirrah Conglomerate as a war with them was at that time very likely. If fleets could be moved across the gap at this point, we would have been able to attack from two sides and through the proverbial back door, reaching the Nosirrah main worlds without having to fight through a large number of well defended systems at the other end where their territory reached Union Space.”

Now it was Mao who scratched his head. “Sir that was quite a while ago. And the Nosirrah joined the Union quite a while ago and so did the Shail who were the original reason for those initial hostilities.”

Harris sighed. “This is true, but our big wonderful Navy is also a big bureaucracy. The construction of two large Class B stations was planned almost 750 years ago. One here at Richter and one across the gap at Lyon Star and as the war didn’t come the project importance was reduced from high to very low, but it was not canceled. Construction orders were given by the Fleet Asset Bureau twelve years ago and now we have two new and big bases that are more or less obsolete. However since they are there, regulations also require them to be staffed and maintained by a crew of 600 enlisted and 25 officers.

Richter Station is 10 officers short of that required compliment.

The Personnel Allocation office at Fleet Command will dispatch ten officers in six to eight weeks. Since you are officers and dismissed from school. We thought it would be a nice quiet duty assignment for you before your actual career starts.”

After the briefing, Harris held me back and handed me a sealed Order chip. “Ensign Olafson, keep this order chip sealed and do not open it unless you feel or observe anything unusual.”

I took the chip and said. “Sir, would there be a chance that I observe something unusual?”

The captain responded saying. “You will be very close to Freespace and the station sees little traffic, so keep your eyes open.”

I knew this was all I would get as an answer.


Six hours later we found ourselves on a long range shuttle flight to Richter Base.



“Duty on a Class B Fleet Base sounds like a nice posting for a few weeks.” Said Hans leaning back as we sat in the Long Range Shuttle on our way to the Richter System and he added. “Class B is huge and designed to be home to serve an entire Battle Group. There will be Shops, First Class Recreation and lots of restaurants and they will have attractions too.”

Wetmouth who sat to my left and much closer than she had ever done before and looked up from her ever present Archimedes III science scan enabled PDD and said. “As the Captain said it is a new base, it has an attached base personnel housing complex called Richter Village and according to the Fisher Index rated 9.9”

Cirruit who appeared to be napping raised his shiny chrome metal head and asked with a sleepy voice. “What is the Fisher Index?”

She answered. “A fleet approved publication listing every fleet installation with detailed information like what businesses are available, recreation facilities, housing quality and prices and so forth. It is intended for civilians who decide to move to such facilities or are sent there by their companies.”

Cirruit leaned over and looked at the PDD and said. “I never heard of the Fischer Index. Does it list the shops and souvenir dealers and all that?”

She smiled as I saw by her eyes and she said. “You are more addicted to shopping than a bunch of teenage girls and yes it does.”

He spread his arms. “What can I do? This is how Mother Machine made me.”

Elfi who was watching something on GalNet said. “What kind of planet is Richter 4?”

Narth and Wetty answered almost simultaneously. Narth was a little faster as he didn’t have to consult a PDD but Narth then said. “My memorized data might not be as accurate or current as your PDD, Ensign Wetmouth, so please continue.”

“You can call me Wetty like all the others do, Narth.”

He cocked his shrouded head as he always did when he contemplated something and it made me think that he was starting to have individual habits. He then said. “Ah yes, the practice to address friends with nicknames is a common one among humans. I am however still not certain when such a nickname is used as a sign for affection among friends or when it is used as an insult to those one dislikes. Furthermore one needs explicit permission from a fellow officer to be addressed in such fashion since we have all advanced to this state. Finally I have yet to understand how a nickname is generated. Some nicknames appear to be a short version of a name, and then there are those that have no bearing on the name. Is there a formula or an equation you use?”

I almost laughed out loud as Wetmouth cocked her head. “What an interesting question. No we do not use an equation to come up with nickname. Nicknames are generated by the combination of many factors. I will attempt to make a list of factors by analyzing nicknames and see if it could be expressed in a socio-humanistic formula of some kind.”

Narth slightly bowed. “Such an endeavor would be very much appreciated. My previous attempts in addressing others with nicknames were not successful.”

Har Hi turned his head and actually had a smile on his usually grim face, as it was imperative for a Dai warrior to always look serious. He said. “I should not ask but I am actually dying, to use a human phrase, to hear of one such incident. Who did you address with a nickname and what happened?”

I noticed a feeling of embarrassment from Narth as he said. “I wanted to express my respect to Admiral Stahl as I heard others call him the Eternal Soldier, but since nothing is eternal especially not in the mono directional linear time model you humans use, I called him: Temporal wrong designated person who isn’t actually a Soldier but an Admiral person.”

I could barely contain my laughter. “That’s sure a mouthful for a nickname. What did he say?”

Narth answered. “He sternly insisted that I would address him properly by name and rank.”

It was Mao’s fault he started to giggle first and then we all laughed and Elfi actually hugged Narth and said. “No worries, I am sure he understood the sentiment and to make sure you know you can call me Elfi.”

Finally Wetmouth managed to answer the original question and said. “Richter 4 is a Type Nine Rock core planet with a thin Carbon dioxide atmosphere and temperatures in the range of minus fifty and plus ten on the C scale. The planet experiences strong sand and dust storms that can last for amonth. There is no open surface water and no reported native life.”

Hans crossed his arms and leaned back. The sturdy Vari-form seat protested with a metallic groan. “I am not planning to go outside very much, but that is actually the kind of environment we Saturnians were genetically designed to survive and work in.”

Passing the time like this we dropped out of Quasi-space six days later and into the Richter System.

As we approached the reddish brown planet, I was reminded of Alvor’s Cove. There wasn’t much difference between those two worlds looking at them from space. Richter 4 was only a few shades darker and had distinctive reddish tones mixed into the sandy browns.

Our shuttle had received landing instructions and went down on the night side of the planet. There on a dusty plain surrounded by tall mountains where four gigantic landing fields arranged in typical Union fashion, like the petals of a large flower centered on a shimmering blue half sphere. Brilliant flood lights and landing field beacons in various colors illuminated the base and made it stand out in the otherwise dark surroundings. I actually found the sight quite beautiful to look at.

Beyond the landing fields to the planetary east side was a large transparent hemisphere with much green and a shimmering surface what looked like a large lake. On the outskirts of the landing field, towards the south lay the service buildings and warehouses of a dock yard, big enough to repair dreadnoughts and the largest standard battle ships.

Har Hi looked through a viewing port and said. “It doesn’t look like a bad place to spend a few weeks. I am always fascinated by Union Bases, since we Dai do not have planetary facilities.”

Shaka was staring through the view port on his side and said. “Does it not strike you odd, that there is not a single ship on any of those four Landing fields?”

I did not see one either on my side and said. “It isn’t exactly a very busy part of space, or maybe they are underground.” I noticed that instead of the large robot arm often used to move landed transports to their final destination, we had landed on a big elevator platform and descended below the surface.”

Shaka was not satisfied with this answer. “This is a Class B; there should be at least some of the ships of the assigned battle group or fleet. There wasn’t even a single ship in the dock yard.”

The Shuttle pilot who had come from the flight deck to open the back door and lower the ramp turned and said. “I was thinking the same thing; never seen a Dockyard with not at least one ship being worked on, but then this is a quiet quadrant of space and a new base.”

We took our gear bags, and Hans shouldered the small container of additional gear we had taken along; wished the pilot a safe return and went down to the surface.

A team of new looking S-18 service robots approached the shuttle to refuel it as we stepped on a slide belt carrying us towards the spaceport buildings. This sub surface hangar was enormous but no shuttle or transport other than the Devi shuttle was to be seen.

More robots and a large cleaning machine polished the already spotless surface in the distance but there was not a living soul anywhere. No load handlers, no technicians, nobody.

Shaka turned to Wetmouth. “Does that Fischer Index say what fleet is assigned to this base?”

She shook her head. “No military information is included, but I am checking Fleet central, one moment.

The slide belt merged with a faster one and carried us into the main terminal. The usual shop signs and restaurants were all there, but most of them were dark or closed. Only a fully automated Swine and Dine seemed open. There was no one. The main terminal should have been busy.

Wetmouth said. “I just double checked, but as far as I can tell no Fleet or battle group is currently assigned to this base.”

The slide belt ended before the Entry check point that was not attended.

Mao dropped his bag and turned once around his axis. “Don’t tell me we are all alone here!”

“Maybe they are all hiding and do a big surprise thing. They only missed my hatchling survival day by seven days.” Krabbel responded.

Har-Hi’s hand went to the butt of his gun. “Someone is coming.”

A man on an Arti-G-Scooter floated from across the concourse and stopped behind the entry control point and simply deactivated the entry denial fields and lowered the barrier.

He was a human Commander and wore Fleet Uniform, but instead of boots he wore slippers and he was unshaven. He waved us to come in and said.

“Sorry guys I expected you a few hours later, but welcome to Richter Base.”

I called my team to attention and said. “Ensign Olafson and team reporting as ordered sir.” I held out our official Order chip for him to take and inspect. He wiped his hands on the seat of his pants took the order chip and put it in his pocket.

He didn’t look friendly or pleased to see us. The Commandant of such a base should at least be a Commodore or a one star admiral, but he was a Commander and he said with a grumpy voice.

“Here is the thing Ensigns, this is a completely obsolete and unnecessary Base. You see we are at the fringes of the Sagittarius Arm. There aren’t many star systems left around us and then there is a wide void of 1500 light years.”

I took the chance without him ordering so, and said to my team. “At ease.”

To the Commander I then said. “Yes Sir we have been briefed about the strategic location of the base.”

He snorted. “Splendid, did they also brief you that the war never happened, that there are no settlers or colonists pushing into this region because there isn’t anything to colonize?

Our sister station across the gap at Lyon Star had better luck. There are a few Nosirrah systems within reach and they became the base for the 273rd fleet.

Here the closest inhabited Union system is 62 light years from here and only technically in our jurisdiction, but they have the Union Ranger Sector office there and never need us.”

He raised his arms. “But Navy Regulations require a Class B Base to be staffed and so it is. It is a quiet and peaceful posting and those who are here like it that way as there is absolutely nothing to do.”

“Technically we are supposed to provide quadrant security, but there are no Union assets in this quadrant, so the battle ship that would be needed to do that was never assigned to us. The Wolfcraft fighters are still in parts in their original shipping crates because we have not received the necessary personnel, namely Wolfcraft fighter pilots and technicians.”

I already feared the answer when I asked. “What is it you want us to do then?”

He kept his arms in the air saying. “Do whatever you want, that’s what everyone else is doing here. I do have one order for you though: Stay out of my hair. I like my peace and quiet and I don’t want green nosed, wet behind the ears freshly graduated Ensigns asking me every five minutes what to do. Any questions?”

Narth raised his hand and said. “This is a very unusual request, Sir. I had no intention to stay in your hair at all. It would prove a very uncomfortable place for me to stay. I also do not have a nose that is green, and I can assure you my ears or any area that could be designated to be behind them is not wet. Since I do not possess any of these qualities does that mean that you do want me then to ask you what to do every five minutes?”

The commander blinked completely baffled and then said. “What is he, some kind of Joker? Well he must be dressing up like a Narth.” He pointed his finger at Narth. “Listen Ensign whoever you are. I don’t care if you like to play Halloween every day, as far as I care you can dance naked across the main concourse, but if you want to pretend to be a Narth, you should not make stupid jokes. I know of them, they do not make jokes. So before you decide to make any more of those mindless remarks, let me tell you I heard them all.”

Har Hi actually stopped Narth from saying anything more by putting his hand over the area where he suspected its mouth to be and whispered. “We explain later, just remain quiet for now.”

The Commander returned to talking to us all. “As I said, stay out of my hair and do whatever you want. This is a fully functional base and there are no waiting lists at all for the Recreational facilities. Find yourself a place to stay. There is a five star Hilton over there, no live service of course but it isn’t locked up. Then there are very exclusive Quarters for never visiting Admirals and foreign dignitaries on the top level of the Fleet guest accommodation building over there. You could take the inter base transport and go to Richter Town, a few thousand apartments, houses and more hotels all free for the taking.”

He climbed back on his Scooter. “Here are my orders. Stay away from Command and Control. We got that covered. Stay away from Sub levels 17 and 18. As they are still under construction, God knows why. I don’t want to write an accident report explaining why one of you got hurt by a tunneling robot. Other than that the base is yours and what you do for the next weeks, until the regular replacements arrive is your business.”

With that he started the scooter and simply left us behind.

Elfi said. “Pinch me, I must be dreaming or is this a joke?”

Narth reached out and pinched her and she jumped. “Ouch!”

He said. “If I observe your state of consciousness correctly I do not think you are dreaming. However my understanding of humor is still not well developed and I found his statements not amusing.”

Elfi rubbed her nicely shaped butt and her eyes sparked as she turned to Narth. “Your understanding of metaphors also needs much work.”

Mao rubbed his chin. “I think Captain Harris knew exactly where he was sending us, maybe so we have a few weeks of some sort of vacation. My gut however tells me this isn’t going to be a vacation after all.”

Har Hi shouldered his sizable and heavy looking bag and asked me. “So what do you want us to do?”

I said. “We set up a base of operations and get situated and unpacked, after that Krabbel and Mao are going to organize Dinner for 2000 hrs. Har-Hi, Cirruit and Shaka will check the hangars and see what kind of space craft the base has. Maybe we can use one to explore the system a little. Narth and Wetmouth, you find an access-terminal and pull the mission statement of this base. They have to have a mission profile and standard orders. Go over the recent station logs and see what they report to fleet command every day. You, Elfi make a list of the recreation facilities so we can include those in our daily routines.

Hans prepare an Intel and Security report for this Quadrant, if it is as quiet and out of the way as everyone says it is, I think those on the Freespace side know that as well. I would also see what Fleet has to say about the Bitllors. If they are as primitive as claimed someone might protect them.”

The Dai was shaking his head. “You do have a knack for this. I would have never thought of all this.”

I could actually tell now when Wetmouth smiled, despite her mask. She said. “He does indeed.”

We went to the Fleet visitor building. I did not want to use the Hotel as it felt like cheating to me. While we walked there Narth and Wetmouth discussed the comments the commander had made and she tried to explain to him what he meant with all the metaphors he had used.

Narth complained. “I have no desire to dance with or without garments and why would I want to pretend what I am already?”

Krabbel commented with his high voice. “I could dance naked, but I doubt this Commander has much interest in Archa cultural performances.”

Cirruit boxed Krabbel in the side as we reached the Fleet building and said. “We are all going to see you dance soon enough, over there is an automated Baskin Robbins store.”

Krabbel said. “What is so special about that?”

I turned with a grin and said. “They specialize in ice cream and have many flavors”

He shrieked with excitement and we all laughed.

The Quarters on the Top Level of the Fleet building tower where incredible, with huge view ports overlooking much of the base and the truly desolate and empty landscape.

Luxury baths, state of the art auto dressers, hygiene centers and Vari-Form beds with adjustable Arti Grav complete with Avatar enabled GalNet terminals and Virtu Experience Consoles. These quarters were meant as guest quarters for admirals, foreign dignitaries, ambassadors and the like. Everything had the feel of being brand new and never used.

After my friends had situated themselves, they all went to do the chores I had told them to do. I wondered if that sloppy Commander was already reason enough to open the special orders I had received from the Captain. How many posts and bases were there? Did the Army Engineers or Spacebees work on another project somewhere executing outdated orders and wasting resources? Was the Union Fleet too big to be run efficiently?

One thing was certain, we weren’t here by accident. We didn’t receive the orders to come here by someone who wanted to get rid of us. If Harris knew about these orders then the Admiral would too, and the briefing we received would not have been necessary to simply send us on a base to have a vacation. No, I was convinced there was a reason they sent us here, beyond the obvious and at least some of the answers would be in the second Order chip I carried in that secret skin pocket where I also kept my Code key.

I sat behind the desk in the study of my luxury suite and had the chair turned.

Looking past the floor to ceiling transparent wall panels and across the reddish stone and dust plain extending to the horizon.

There was nothing out there, no craters, no large boulders or rock formations, just a seemingly endless ocean of dirt. The mountains we had seen from space were on the other side; I could not see them from this vantage point.

A melodic sound issued from the GalNet terminal and made me turn, I had an incoming call.

It originated from the Eternal Warrior as I could tell from the message logo.

Stahl appeared, he was not on the Devi but somewhere outside and he wore his full dress uniform with his ribbon display on his chest and wearing the duck bill cap with admiral’s gold across the black shield. “Good afternoon, Ensign Olafson, I thought you would want to be present for the memorial service for Commander Orah Báct, here on Holda.”

I answered. “Yes Sir, I would like that very much.”

“Get into your dress uniform and join me via Avatar Tele presence.”

I used the Auto Dresser and then stretched out on the Tele presence couch and allowed the system to connect to my neural interface.

The world around me changed and became fluid, for a short moment I lost orientation and floated in the GalNet Avatar TP-Nexus. My senses now told me I was standing and no longer lying down and then I walked through a portal opening before me and stepped onto a raised platform where Admiral Stahl and dozens of other high ranking officers including Admiral McElligott were also present.

The Platform was raised overlooking a green valley with soft rolling hills and seemingly random placed trees. To the right rose a beautiful city with all white buildings. To the left was a calm ocean that shimmered deep blue with the sun reflecting off it.

The park like valley had neat rows of white spherical stone balls, of about 50 centimeters in diameter. There had to be thousands of them.

Stahl motioned me with a hand gesture to stand next to him and whispered. “This is the Valley of Memories on Holda. It is where the Holdians burry their distinguished dead.”

I whispered back. “There are so many.”

Stahl responded. “The Holdians have always suffered and went to many wars. Other civilizations often attacked simply because the Holdians are cute, little and appear easy to conquer. Yet they are a tough and resilient race, maybe because of how they are perceived. They joined the Union only about 90 years ago, before that they were an independent Freespace civilization.”

I felt guilty as I too made that assumption as I had seen her first, and considered her offer to help us fight in the brawl nothing more than wishful thinking. I too had looked at her as just an incredible cute being and not as an Union Fleet officer.

The ceremony begun and it touched me deeper than I thought it would, seeing the little Holdians carry a small steel sphere with the Union Fleet logo on its side and place it inside a new stone ball. The opening was sealed with a matching plug and the Union Fleet hymn was played.

Admiral Stahl then delivered the eulogy outlining her career and how he had noticed her. I learned then that she was one of the Midshipmen he had asked to command the Devi and that she did it to his complete satisfaction.

A Holdian with dark brown fur thanked the Admiral and expressed how proud he was of his seventh daughter.

Admiral McElligott announced that Checkpoint 98 had been renamed Checkpoint Orah Báct and that a new Carrier would also be named after her.

Stahl whispered. “She will be remembered.”

The ceremony was winding down and I wanted to talk to the Admiral about our current situation but he said. “Not here, Ensign and not now but I have full confidence in you and your team that you will do the right things.”

He made a gesture with his hand first pointing with two fingers at his own eyes and then at me as if he wanted to say: I am watching you.

Aloud he said. “This Remote Presence Avatar technology still amazes me after all these years and how easy it is for others to be somewhere else, even looking completely different from what they really do.”

I was certain there was a message for me and all I could think is that he didn’t want to speak openly in this way with me.

So I said. “Thank you Sir for letting me be present.” I saluted and told the system to sever the connection.

I found myself back on the couch and on Richter 4.

Still deep in thought I returned to the desk, just as Krabbel burst in the room all excited. “On top of this building is a five star restaurant and we have prepared dinner. I am telling you the Stasis Freezers of the Hilton Hotel are stocked to the brim with every delicacy you can imagine. We won’t go hungry for sure.”

I handed him my Cred-Box and said. “You had better pay for everything you guys take that is not Fleet.”

He took it and put it away. “I will do that right away and I actually came to tell you dinner will be ready and we have quite a few culinary surprises for you all. Mao is still up in the kitchen and he is cooking himself.” With that he scurried out again.

Har Hi, Cirruit and Shaka were next to deliver the results of their task. Har Hi said. “There is only one ship here ready to go. The fighters are just as he said still in warehouses and in boxes and need to be assembled if we want to use them.”

Cirruit added to this. “The ship is a Scooper Class Multi Role Brig. Minimally armed and shielded, decent cargo hold and a full set of science sensors.”

Shaka sounded a little disappointed saying: “No Virtu- but standard helm. It would be perfect to explore the system though.”

Elfi came in, sat on a sofa and crossed her legs, looking at her own PDD she said. “As for Recreation facilities there is everything you could want: Virtu Theaters, Restaurants, Bars and Clubs, Swimming Pools, Gyms, Amusement park, Aqua fun facility and a big Terran Style forest with lake, waterfall and hiking trails. The park has over 12,000 acres and is really big.” She tapped on her display and said. As for local attractions there isn’t that much listed as such things usually grow out of local observations and such but there is a list of geological surface features listed as worth visiting and there is supposed to be a cave system leading to a large underground lake with liquid water.”

I remembered how much fun I had exploring the caves with Brenda on Wichita, at least at the beginning when it appeared just to be a scientific exploration and said.

“I guess we could mount a geological survey expedition. Doing such things are after all part of our job description.”

Har Hi held up two fingers and said. “Especially now that we have not one but two Science obsessed friends. I bet they will be happy to hear you say that.”

I grinned at him. “I saw some of the hardware you packed. During such an expedition we could certainly test some of it. There aren’t any neighbors out there who would complain.”

He spread his arms. “Hey I like science and all that too. We Dai aren’t just about weapons and vaporizing things.” He mockingly tried to look insulted. “You’ll see I will go and scan rocks and go ahh and ooh when I find one that’s interesting.”

Cirruit looked to the ceiling. “Fat chance there is a rock in the Universe you would find interesting.”

Shaka added. “Except perhaps if they are living rocks of some kind he could fight.”

Har Hi crossed his arms and said. “I am going to show you just how scientific I can be and I am going to ask Wetmouth to explain every second rock and make you all listen.”

As if by cue Wetmouth and Narth entered and she said. “Did I just hear my name?”

Elfi pointed at Har Hi and said. “Eric suggested we mount a geographic survey expedition and Har Hi wanted to come along and learn more about rocks and such and hoped you would point out to him the more interesting features.”

Wetmouth’s voice had a surprised tone. “Har Hi said that? You guys trying way too hard to look serious, but since you mentioned it. I actually wanted to take the opportunity to visit Richter 5. There are ruins of a civilization and they have only been superficially surveyed.”

Cirruit said. “There is a ship available and it has decent science equipment, not to mention that the base here has an entire Science section with the finest Union Lab technology.”

I stopped them there and said. “We can talk about that later. We got lots of time so it seems. What did you two find out?”

Wetmouth pointed at her PDD. “Narth and I found the Mission and General Orders for a Class B station is a 17,323 page document and this one in particular. Narth has started to read it but it will even take him a little while to read it all and then summarize it. It is very dry stuff for the most part.”

Narth held up a PDD of his own. “Wetmouth was so kind to equip me with one of these. I am actually quite amazed what it can do. I am also engaged, as she said in reading the documents. So far I have found it all dry, none of the documents appear to be wet or mention moisture.”

I said. “It’s an expression to describe reading material that is not very interesting or easy to read as it contains only legal, technical or procedural subjects.”

Narth looked at his PDD. “I find it very interesting, the section I am consuming right now describes in great detail the maintenance intervals and procedures for Class B Star bases. Did you know that the acceptable dust and dirt particle count for Union Fleet Installations must not exceed 12.5 particles per cubic meter?”

I looked at him and said. “And there I was thinking it was 13.6 per cubic meter.”

For perhaps the first time since I knew him he actually sounded surprised. “You know about all that already?”

Wetmouth put her arm around his shoulder. “No he was being sarcastic and made a joke. You will get used to it. To them we are just walking Computronics and data repositories and then must suffer their mocking.”

I lowered my head. “That was a mean one, Wetty.”

She bowed. “Sarcasm is a dish that only tastes good when served to others.”

Narth actually laughed under his hood. “How have I missed all this. Narth often thinks it knows so much and yet since I am among you I learn there is a myriad of concepts Narth does not understand. But I can assure you Wetty; Eric does not think of us that way and appreciates us very deeply. His mind is currently closed to me, but his emotions and feelings are not.”

We bantered a little more when Hans came and found himself a seat after the chair adjusted to his size and delivered his report. “According to the Fleet Intel Report for this Quadrant, there were exactly 275 long range scanner contacts since the base came fully operational eight years ago. That comes to about 35 contacts a year. None of the contacts were identified as hostile or unknown. Twenty two civilian ships of various Freespace civilizations used this base as entry point into the Union and have been processed by customs.”

Har Hi frowned. “It certainly is a quiet corner of the Universe then and I can almost understand the Commander’s sentiment.”

Hans tapped on his PDD and said. Internal security however reported eighty nine fatalities including suicides and accidents, since this base became operational. Recent accidents include two officers who were crushed by a tunneling robot, about a year ago, an able spaceman second class drowned in the recreation lake after drinking too much and falling of his inflatable raft and only six weeks ago, ten just recently assigned officers perished in a surface mission as their crawler cat drove into a dust lake and the reactor overheated.”

I sat up straight. “That is a very high number of accidents for a quiet place like this.”

He agreed and said. “Fleet came to the same conclusion and an investigation was done. The investigation team of CID came here. In their final report they state that carelessness due to boredom was the underlining cause.”

Shaka said. “I can understand that. I mean if you are posted here for a year or more it might get boring. I wonder how many of these obsolete or unnecessary posts there are, staffed by bored crews.”

Wetmouth interrupted her reading and said. “These postings are usually voluntary but the so called Cabin Fever syndrome is well documented and known for millennia. Normally a good commander knows how to keep his troops occupied but after several years that might be difficult in a place like this. I checked into the personnel files and all the core officers are here for eight years and have not filed for transfers but asked for extensions. With few exceptions all officers and enlisted have been requested by the Commander.

I said. “It’s less than eight weeks for us and I am sure we can keep ourselves busy. I still want us to cross train each other. During my little odyssey recently I realized how little I still know about Xeno tech and that my Navigation skills are not anywhere near those of Krabbel or Shaka. Despite the jokes earlier I think we all need to brush up on general science some more. Since none of us is a real Medic I also want us to focus on learning more about battle field medicine and general first aid. I want to know what I can do if Krabbel gets hurt, or Cirruit and I am certain all of you have areas that could be improved.”

Har Hi grinned. “I thought school’s out? But you’re right. I sure could use some more science knowledge and I mean that seriously.”

I slapped my hand flat on the desk and said. “Well let’s figure this out tomorrow, it is almost 2000 hrs and I’d like to see you at that time in the restaurant on top of this building.


Krabbel and Mao had outdone themselves. A long table was beautifully laid out with a center piece of sculpted ice and set with fine Union logo decorated china and silverware.

There was beautiful music playing in the background which Wetmouth identified as Mozart, who was according to her a Terran composer.

Mao greeted us almost as if he was the restaurant owner and rubbed his hands. “Friends it is served, we’ve got steamed Slime Diggers of Calva IV, Stunned Humm-Beetles, carefully aged raw Dino Livers, Nuflug Larvae marinated in Nanda blood, Sucki-Lums, Baldarian Mud-mash and some really stinky cheese from Terra.”

I almost gagged just hearing the choices and I cursed. “Teaches me to ask a Spider and a Cannibal to make dinner.”

Krabbel snickered. “I think we really got you fooled this time.” He lifted the covers and said. “Pizza, roasted fish, mashed Quadtatoes, gravy, steamed veggies and roast beef; for desert of course ice cream but with a hot berry sauce over it. We do have Sucki-Lums but they are for Mao, he insisted.”

I glanced at the one remaining covered dish and was certain the metal lid had moved by itself. “Do I want to know what Sucki-Lums are?” I asked.

Har-Hi, Hans and Wetmouth simultaneously said.” No you don’t.”

Elfi stopped Mao from explaining anyhow and said. “Go eat those later or on another table.”

Wetti groaned. “You can’t be serious. You aren’t Oromal”

He smiled defending his choice and said. “Never judge before you tried. If you get over the fact that they...” Elfi said with a sharp tone. “Mao.” then glared at him with her trademark dark eye glare and he ducked his head. “Alright I’ll eat them later.”

At exactly 2000 hrs I delivered the toast and raised my glass. “Recent events made it even clearer to me, how blessed I am for having such friends. I am convinced beyond any doubt that I have discovered the greatest treasure there is to be found in the Universe, you.

So I raise my glass and thank you for the privilege it is to be considered a friend by you and be in your midst once more.”

They lifted their glasses and there was a moment of silence then we drank and started to eat.

I told them about the Pulse Stink Maggot incident during my first academy year because whatever Mao had under that covered dish reminded me of that.

They laughed but when Mao suggested to take a few out of stasis freeze, we quickly turned to another subject.

We ate and had a great time and just as we were almost finished and a tending robot, Mao had activated, served coffee and liquor; the Base Commander appeared from the IBT shaft and came over.

This time he did look much more presentable and how a Commander should look. He was clean shaven, wore a clean uniform and shined boots.

I called my friends to their feet and to attention. He looked somewhat surprised over the spread and motioned with his hand to continue and asked “What is the occasion, someone’s birthday?”

I answered him. “No Sir, we just like to do this whenever we can. It became somewhat like a little tradition with us, would you like to join?”

He shook his head. “No not really, Ensign. I tend to have dinner earlier and already ate.” He then flared his nostrils and sniffed.

“Either someone here has used the table for a bathroom or there are freshly opened Sucki-Lums.”

Mao grinned. “I found a whole case in the Hotel Stasis freezer.”

He pulled up a chair and sat down. “In that case I do accept. It’s rare to find someone who isn’t Shail, Shiss or Oghr that appreciates Sucki-Lums.”

Wetmouth shivered. “It’s even rare to find Shail that still do.”

Mao lifted the cover and picked something about the length of a human finger. It was oozing with a milky yellowish slime. The odor that wafted over instantly reminded me of the Environmental tanks Har-Hi and I had to clean once and I could not help but cover my mouth to suppress a gagging reflex. The semi translucent finger long oozing thing moved and suddenly made a hissing sound fighting the grip Mao had on it, and I could see a tiny mouth with teeth.”

With a face of utmost content, Mao stuck it in his mouth. I heard it hiss even louder and it seemed he had to fight whatever he just put in his mouth before he managed to swallow it.

To my horror the Commander did the same.

Mao proudly explained. “It isn’t entirely without dangers. You have to get them just right or you will know why they are called Sucki-Lums.”

Har Hi was no less affected than I was but had it somewhat better under control as he said to me “It’s considered a great feat in the Shail society to eat ten of them without getting hurt or killed.”

While Elfi pressed a Napkin before her mouth, Wetmouth said. “It is because Captain Elgar of the USS Wintergreen did just that, swallowing ten of these and during a Shail banquet. That the Shail begun to respect and trust humans and the Union. The Shail used their considerable influence over the Nosirrah and instead of war, dialog was started and it ended all with the Shail and the Nosirrah joining the Union.

I noticed the Commander’s name tag and only now learned that his name was Cardwell.

The Base Commandant nodded. “All this of course made the reasons to build Richter Base obsolete.”

He shrugged and after eating another Sucki-Lum and drinking a glass of water he said. “I don’t mind, I love this post. It is very quiet and leaves me time for my hobbies, but some can’t handle it and get crazy.”

I asked. “Like the Ensigns in the Crawler Cat?”

He swallowed his third slime thing and nodded while fighting the thing inside his mouth. He swallowed and said. “Totally unnecessary too, they held races across the surface, intoxicated with alcohol and drugs, way too fast and not wearing protective suits inside the Cats, which is required by the way and would have saved their lives.”

He burped, applauded Mao for doing what he just did and pointed at us. “That is why I was looking for you and came up here in the first place. I do not want to lose my cozy posting because you guys get bored and do stupid things. I was told you checked on the ship.”

“Yes we were considering taking the ship to explore the system a little.”

Wetmouth added. “I am certain you have heard of this, Sir. The initial survey team also checked on Richter 5 and found the remains of a primitive civilization and I was hoping to go there to examine that further.”

He leaned back and declined Mao’s offer for the last one and said. “I told you can do what you like. Just do it properly and with all safety precautions observed.”

I said. “I promise you Sir, we will.”

And was glad Mao put the cover back on the plate.

“Well then carry on and remember C & C is off limits.”

He got up nodded to Mao and left for the Elevator.

Mao followed him with his eyes as the man left and said. “Maybe he isn’t such a bad person. I imagine it would take a certain type of personality to take a posting like this.”

I could see his tongue moving inside his cheek while he was talking and then realized it wasn’t his tongue and Mao said. “Darn I missed the head!” Something crunched and he looked happy for a moment then leaned forward. “That is what my mind tells me, my guts tell me he was acting a role.”

Wetmouth almost whispered. “Do you know where he graduated from?”

Har Hi groaned. “Please don’t say Newport.”

She said. “Sorry, but it was plain to see on his ribbon read out.”

Narth who had until now and with great interest followed the Sucki-Lum proceedings said. “His pulse rate increased and I could sense a jolt of fear as you mentioned the crawler cat accident. He didn’t like that you knew about it.”

I put my coffee down and cursed. “To Hel with all those scheming, worm infested bastards. There is no way this is a coincidence. No one can be that unlucky to get postings like that all the time and run into those shady characters and strange situations all the time. Before the Fleet expends even one person and one ship, they should start cleaning their own backyard first.”

Har Hi also put his cup down and said. “Maybe that is why we here?”

Hans asked,” So what are we going to do about it?” while eyeing the covered plate that was moving.

I said “We continue exactly as ordered. He has not done anything wrong or treated us badly, but I think we should check our quarters for listening devices and keep our eyes wide open.” I pointed at the covered dish and we are going to make sure the food we eat is well done and not moving the tableware.”

Cirruit said “Those are high security suites we are in are equipped with the latest anti spyware to give Ambassadors and Flag Officers the required privacy.”

I just looked at him and Cirruit raised his hands. “I am going to sweep them never the less.”

I waved the robot to get me another coffee and said to him. “They have been here for years and had all the time in the world to circumvent things, if they are indeed up to no good. It was him who recommended these places in the first place.”

For the first week we explored the base and used the recreation facilities. Krabbel could not get enough of the vintage style thrill rides that were part of the local amusement park. Har Hi worked out a class schedule and we continued to cross train each other. Har Hi turned out to be quite a task master as he drilled us in the still empty Marine training facilities and in Zero G combat, where he was unbeatable. To my surprise it was Narth who deeply enjoyed the physical aspect. He in turn began to train me and Elfi, who was already somewhat talented in Psionics. The training at first consisted of simple meditation exercises, which weren’t so simple after all. He wanted us to sit in a darkened room and listen to our heart beats, our breathing. Har Hi and the others even Cirruit joined as well. Our sentient machine friend had of course no Psionics whatsoever, but Narth was convinced that even Cirruit could become more aware of these things.

Elfi deepened our knowledge in communications and Galakto Politics. It turned out she was very knowledgeable how the individual members of the Union worked together, what the issues were and how they perceived each other. The internal politics of the Union at Federal level were easy to understand but the nuances below were quite complicated and I learned many surprising little facts and issues I had never known to exist.

Hans, who knew much about that as well, deepened our knowledge about the various task forces, federal departments and law enforcement agencies that existed, about crime and counter intelligence efforts and challenges.

The Worm so I learned was only one of several such organizations. And even the Worm had independent cells. Old criminal organizations of the Ult, the Sarans, the Pan Sarans, Terra and all the others did not disappear after the Union was founded but adapted and evolved. Some united their efforts and some fought each other for territories and influence. It sounded worse than it was as he said that the Union was a very lawful and orderly Mega culture if looked at as a whole. Wetmouth considered crime and criminal organizations even to be a vital part of a civilization and that only a few completely totalitarian societies such as the X101 and Klack that did not know organized crime. Krabbel however told us that crime, theft and murder were virtually unknown in their society. Despite their carnivore origin, the Archa so it turned out were among the most innocent and open societies I had ever heard about.

Shaka gave us complicated helm exercises and also made sure we all understood the different helm systems and their technical aspects. Especially Narth and Elfi had still very little Helm experience.

Doing all this filled our days and time flew, even in this uneventful surroundings.

On the first Saturday after our arrival Wetmouth took us on a geological tour on the surface of the planet and surprisingly Har Hi did ask her lots of questions and I knew he wasn’t just pretending to be interested.

As we returned with the Crawler cat and several boxes of rock specimens, the Commander greeted us at the entrance. “I see you do keep yourself busy and I am actually quite pleased that you keep to yourself. Maybe I misjudged you to be just another bunch of busybodies. So what did you do out there anyway? We watched you as far as we could and didn’t see you do any races or other stupid things.”

Wetmouth opened a specimen box and said. “We did a geological survey and I think this world is quite rich in minerals and has an abundance of iron ore and if I am correct I think there is a wealth of rare earths to be found.”

He looked disinterestedly into the box containing the rocks and shrugged. “I guess that can be interesting, but Iron Ore is quite abundant everywhere, I personally don’t see the attraction, but I guess you science officer types find carpet mites interesting. I actually came to tell you that you are welcome to use the base ship to go to Richter 5. Maybe over the weekend and make me a nice long report about those ruins you mentioned.”

Without really giving us a chance to say anything he walked off.

Hans said holding an entire stack of sample boxes. “If you ask me I think he wants us off the base for the weekend. Every time this character talks to us, I feel I need a shower.”

Narth who stood next to Wetmouth looking inside the open specimen box said. “I can confirm that suspicion. He was quite nervous and hoped we would take him up on his offer.”

Krabbel said. “But we scheduled the rest of the day as free time. I wanted to go to the Amusement Park again.”

Mao laughed. “There are no scarier rides than the elevators of Archa and he can’t get enough of roller coasters.”

Krabbel spread his upper leg pairs and said. “Roller coasters are much more fun and besides there is a Robot vendor that sells freeze dried ice cream. It looks like colored sand but it is ice cream.”

I shrugged. “He didn’t give us an order or anything so we can do that tomorrow. Go and have fun you two.”

Narth held up his hand and three fingers. “You should say you three as I intend to accompany the Archa and experience the rides again.”

I grinned. “Don’t tell me you actually enjoy that?”

Narth cocked his head and said after a brief moment of silence. “One comes to the conclusion that I actually do. It is fascinating I think I just discovered what enjoying means. Besides one must sample freeze dried ice cream, again.”

Shaka, Hans and Elfi left the group to watch a Virtu- Theater show. They went to experience a new Saran opera. In it you could take the role of one of the performers but you ended up singing for three hours before you actually were allowed to kill the evil guy or kiss the girl. It wasn’t exactly my cup of tea.

Cirruit and Har Hi decided to go back to the Fleet house and sleep a while. There was nothing Cirruit would rather do than sleep, take a nap, except perhaps shopping.

Har Hi said before they left. “I’m actually going to read for a while and check out that book Wetty recommended: Rock Hounding for Beginners and I am sure it will put me soundly to sleep.”

Wetmouth could not be kept away from the Labs where she wanted to catalog our finds and do some further analysis.

So it came that I suddenly found myself alone. Riding a weird contraption with Krabbel holding to the ride car and listen to him scream at every turn was fun perhaps two times ... not twenty.

As much as I enjoyed our excursion, my scientific curiosity was well satisfied and I didn’t want to look at rocks through a micro viewer.

So I simply stood on one of the main artery slide belts and let it carry me through the sections of the base.

There were faster Inter Station transport tubes but I wasn’t in a hurry and had no particular goal.

After passing through the main complex and the connection tunnel to the Station recreation park, I stayed on the belt and it carried me to the third dome under which Richter town was located.

It was eerie to see an entire town, designed to be home to twenty maybe thirty thousand individuals. Neat rows of family houses near the rim of the dome. Clean streets and tree lined boulevards with little stores, shopping centers and businesses and all silent and empty of life.

The Town had an artificial sky simulating the open sky of a Terran type world with one golden sun, clouds, birds and light wind.

I wondered if anyone would ever live here, but there was no industry except the Fleet Base and thus no incentive to move here.

The Downtown Area had a nice little shopping district with small shops and restaurants. Most were empty but not all.

I had left the slide belt and was slowly walking along a pedestrian shopping area. A shoe store for human females caught my eye. It was a boutique with expensive brands, we had the same one in the Star port mall on Nilfeheim and it was one of those places I had visited with Sif, Astrid, Elena and Hedda. I wondered what they were doing right now. From my last talk with Egill, Sif was studying hard to catch up what she had missed and had become a very good student. Elena of course would soon be the first female clan chief in Nilfeheim history and would marry. Hedda and Astrid were dead. While I was thinking about these things I noticed the door was unlocked, it slid open as I walked by and so I went in. There was a fine layer of dust and I did not see a Robot attendant. The sales room was not all that big and the shop lights did not come on, but it was not dark, light came through the windows from the outside and cast the entire store in a mild shadowy atmosphere. It smelled of leather, perfume and new fabrics.

Rows of shelves and displays of shoes and boots mostly for humanoid females and looking at them made the other side of my personality stir and I could not help but wonder how some of those shoes might look on me an so with no one around I tried on a pair of heeled boots.

A voice interrupted the silence “Oh those are nice. They would go great with a mini skirt.”

I almost jumped out of my skin, and my hand dashed to my side arm, but I recognized the voice and with the guilty feeling being caught doing something wrong I turned to look. Wetmouth stood in the door of the shop.

A thousand thoughts went through my head. What would they think about me if they found out? What would Har-Hi and Hans think?”

She came in all the way and took a pair of sandals from a display stand and said. “I am sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t feel like examining rocks and decided to see what you are up to.”

My mind raced to find some sort of explanation, when she reached out for my hand. “It’s perfectly alright, don’t be ashamed. I am a Sojonit, I understand.”

Her hand was warm and tender and the gentle tone in her voice made me relax and I sighed. “I battle this demon, this curse all my life and I still don’t really know to which side I belong.”

She squeezed my hand a little tighter and I could see her big green eyes sparkle behind the slits of her mask. “I will gladly help you, but I don’t think you need to choose a side, but find a balance between them. You know not everything needs to be black or white; there is always a third option.”

What she said resonated with me from what the Coven sisters had told me, maybe she was right. Maybe I didn’t need to choose between Eric and Freya and could find a balance between both sides of my personality.

She kissed me on the cheek and said. “Let me try on these sandals and then we go to the shop I found across the street. They do have great outfits.”

It never came to that, as Har Hi called us. “Eric, could you come to the Swine and Dine. They got ribs tonight.”

It was our special code we had come up with, if one has an important issue and feared he could be overheard.

With my uniform boots back where they belonged we rushed to the next IBT and reached the main concourse of the Base Star port in a few minutes. After crossing the open area we reached the restaurant. We arrived almost at the same time as Krabbel, Mao, Narth and Hans. The others were already there. We purchased ribs to go and followed Har Hi to my rooms. We spoke the entire time about ribs and souvenirs. Har Hi praised the special sauce and Cirruit told us about the Souvenirs he had seen.

Only after we had closed the doors of my suite and Cirruit assured us the room was secure Har Hi said. “About an hour ago a space ship landed and it is a Karthanian Armed Freighter.”

Elfi said. “We are not exactly friendly with the Karthanian but we have trade relations with them and their ships are sold everywhere and to anyone.”

Har Hi nodded. “True that, but this particular Armed Freighter is the Blood Lust of Captain Grimgore, a notorious pirate and high on the Union wanted list accused of acts of piracy, the trade in sentient life forms and is suspected to be behind several Colony raids.”

No one spoke as he continued. “I saw Union personnel and robots starting to load Union fleet supplies into the cargo holds of the Pirate ship.”

Shaka cursed. “Holy Shit, there are warehouses with Wolfcraft fighters, Quasimodos, Cerberus Robots and I am sure there are secure warehouses with Translocator cannons and bombs.”

Wetmouth turned from the GalNet Terminal and said. “I can’t call out; the entire system is powered down.”

Just as she tried again the terminal came on in local comm. mode and Commander Cardwell appeared, he said. “It was just noticed you tried to use GalNet, I am sorry but we are upgrading Software components and a shutdown was necessary. Since I see you are all together, are there any Data Heads among you?”

I said. “Sir I fail to understand the significance of this question.”

He snarled impatiently. “I asked you a simple question and I expect you to answer it.”

“Sir this pertains private information and I am not compelled to answer it but if you can give us a valid reason.”

He almost yelled. “Because I am ordering a complete Communications Black out.”

I knew it now that he was fully aware of what was going on and said. “What is the reason for the Black Out? Are we attacked by that Pirate ship and are you under siege?”

There was a pause and we heard another voice outside the visual pick up. “So I was right my men did see the Dai snooping around and he did recognize my ship. I want them dead.”

I said. “Why I am not surprised Newport scum. I guess you missed watching the hanging of the Newport crooks. Dealing for the Worm and selling Union supplies, aren’t we?”

A man with a bearded face moved into the visual pick up. “Remain where you are and we let you live, do anything and we kill you all.” The bearded man made big eyes. “There is a Narth.” Right after that statement the terminal went black.

I said. “There is not a moment to lose. We need to get in our battle suits and take our weapons, before he opens this complex to the outside atmosphere or sends battle robots. We meet in five minutes at the Main elevator.”

Now I cursed my decision not to read the second order chip earlier. I did take it out of the secret skin pocket, but there was no time to activate and listen to it.

Wetmouth flipped open the manual input keyboard from underneath the terminal and her fingers flew over the symbols. “I have put the station Computronic in a deep diagnostic cycle and after a reboot it will have to be connected to Fleet main before they can use it, that means they need to go to Environmental and shut down life support manually and that isn’t done in a few moments and it should disable most of the intruder containment systems of the base.”

Narth said. “I informed the Narth representative and he will relay this information to fleet command.”

I praised them. “Good thinking, but now get going.”

The Auto dresser was not responding, getting a Space or Battle suit was out. So I girded my blaster and went out.

Twelve S 10 Robots with Shock batons stomped down the corridor and the lead unit snarled.” You are arrested. Resistance will be met with force.” I wondered why S-10 Robots were used for security on a base like this and not Cerberus Battle robots as usual. Not that I was complaining we would have had no chance otherwise. I said to the lead bot.

“No Robot may arrest humans without a Commanding Officer present.”

The robot snarled. “Correct. Remain were you are till an officer arrives.”

I said. “No robot may issue commands to a human without a human supervisor present.”

Again the robot followed its base programming and said. “Correct.”

The shock batons lowered. Those poor simple Multi Use bots without Computronic guidance were no real obstacle. So I said to it. “Robot weld all elevator doors shut except main shaft. Disengage communication equipment and follow verbal spoken commands only.”

“New Order acknowledged.”

The others came running.

“Krabbel holding four TKU blasters, Hans carrying his big blaster and Har-Hi wore his complete Dai battle suit and handed me one of the old TKUI Rifles he had secured at Quagmire Bog.

“Take this one, looks like we have to go against bots and suited troops.”

“Am I the only one not traveling with an entire arsenal?”

I said and looked surprised at Wetmouth. She carried not only a blaster but a long sword over her back, making me suddenly wish I had Mjördaren with me as well and I asked her. “A sword?”

She said. “It is a very special one, you’ll see.”

We went to the Main Elevator shaft. It was out of order, but Hans had little problem opening the sliding doors with force. I wanted to stick my head into the shaft but Har-Hi pulled me back and a laser beam singed my hair, luckily nothing else.

He said. “Part of the Intruder Containment System, independent from the main systems. We Dai lost quite a few men to those nasty shaft lasers in Union ships.”

While he said that he tossed a little round thing down the shaft.

We could hear the sharp shriek of laser beams and six sharp explosions. He then held one of his blades into the shaft and nodded. “My scan seeker has destroyed the nearby sensors.”

We all went in and climbed down the emergency ladder incorporated into the side of the wall. The shaft was barely lit and appeared to go on forever.

Har Hi had taken point and I was the last. He asked looking up. “Where are we going exactly? Fighting our way to C&C and kill that bastard?”

I responded looking down. “If they have battle sealed it, it will be as hard to penetrate as a battle ship bridge. We go to the Hangars and see if we can send a message with the Brig’s TransDim Radio.”

Elfi said. “That’s a long way. Let’s hope we won’t run into any Cerberus Robots.”

Wetmouth just climbing below me said. “He is using S 10’s all over the base because he cannot use Cerberus Robots. They are highly intelligent and have GalNet incorporated and their programming cannot be altered.”

Cirruit below Wetmouth looked up. “Then we are lucky because there is a Warehouse full of them. We wouldn’t stand a chance.”

I said. “That’s it then. We go and activate the Bots and let them secure the base.”

We had climbed all the way to the ground level and I could barely feel my arms. It must have been 1000 meters at least. Hans had forced a door open, Cirruit yelled for me to look up and I saw the elevator car coming down at great speed. There was no way we could all make it through the hole before it hit us.

I fired my blaster into the rails, hoping to cut the power and engage the security breaks. The elevator car did come to a shrieking stop only about ten meters above my head but molten metal showered down and one blob of molten metal hit my wrist. It burned so bad I lost my grip to the ladder and fell.

“A thin, barely visible silvery thread stopped my fall and Krabbel pulled me to safety; the elevator cabin rushed with speed centimeters past my feet, a heartbeat just after I had cleared the shaft.

We had reached the ground level of the Crew quarters tower. Access to the Base concourse was blocked by a massive reinforced Ultronit Door.

Commander Cardwell’s voice blared through the Base PA system. “I give you one last chance to surrender. I am no monster and I make you an offer. I have read your personnel files and I know that Mr. Olafson has the highest security clearance there is. I need you and your code key to open a few doors with me. In exchange I will let your friends go free with the Brig right away and I will let you go on the first Freespace planet we stop at. I’ll even throw in a million Credits. Consider it; it’s not a bad deal. To help you make up your mind you need to know that there are four men in Quasimodos on your heels and when they reach you the deal is off the table.”

Har-Hi whispered. “If he gets your key and codes and combines it with his key he can open the Translocator warehouse. You know we must first die before we can have these get into the wrong hands.”

To Cirruit I said. “Can you open that door somehow?” I asked

“No sorry, that thing weighs a hundred tons or more, made of molecular compacted Ultronit and the power is cut. It would take days to burn through it.”

Wetmouth pulled her sword and said with a confident tone in her voice. “I can cut it.”

At the same time I could hear the heavy stomping of Battle suits from the other side of the corridor.

I yelled “Find cover,” and threw myself on the floor behind a sofa seat group. I heard Cirruit. “Holy Mother-machine that sword is cutting the Ultronit like paper.”

I didn’t turn to look but yelled: “Everyone protect Wetmouth while she cuts.”

The doors that sealed the other end of the ground entry lobby and half the wall it was set in shattered as four Quasimodo Suits stomped in. Har-Hi said with a calm voice. “Everyone concentrate your fire on the left one.”

His strategy made sense, there was no way we could stop fully shielded Quasimodos with one or two blasters, but with all our fire power combined we could wear them down one after the other.

I fired and so did my friends, twelve thermo kinetic bolts hammered into the shields of the first suit. Due to the fact that we used these old style super strong TKU’s and Krabbel was firing four at the same time, the Quasimodo’s shields were overwhelmed almost instantaneously. The wearer did not use his additional force field shield he could have deployed from his underarm and thankfully it was not a Heavy Assault version. The first man died a heartbeat later. If he or the others had been trained marines we would have been toast by now. But whoever used those suits now had no training and it was obvious they still had trouble even walking straight. As easy as it might sound it was quite a challenge to walk in a Quasimodo battle suit, especially in a confined area since every move was augmented and even a little step ended up being a giant stomp.

A blast roared over my head, missing me by a good five meters, still the air became very hot. I fired into the ceiling above showering the next two with molten metal. One of them instinctively raised his arm to protect his face; it was a reflex even though the molten metal shower could not have hurt him.

It gave me time to send a second blast into the floor. This trick had served me well against the Y’All and it worked better here.

The man’s tumbled, actually backhanded the one next to him with his left arm.

Har Hi yelled: “Everyone close your eyes and cover your ears.”

A second later an ear shattering boom lifted me of the floor and a stinging hot pressure wave rolled over me pressing the air out of my lungs.

The sofa seats were on fire. I smelled the distinctive scent of burned hair. When I could see again, the rear half of the room was gone, replaced by a molten crater some 7 meters in diameter and two suited men dying in screaming agony as their suits melted around them. The fourth was still standing but his neck snapped suddenly inside his helmet and he collapsed as well.

Har Hi said with an apologetic expression on his face “Sixteenth of a Gram AM Grenade, was a tad more than I expected.”

I said quite angry. “You realize that we are on a planet with a hostile atmosphere?”

He apologized and said. “I calculated the safety margin to the outside walls from here to be adequate. I forgot you don’t wear armor.”

It actually hurt when I grinned and I expected to have at least first degree burns in my face. “Well it worked and I should be glad you even have such a thing with you.”

He said. “I always do, I am Dai.”

Krabbel assured me that the singed hair of his legs would grow back and Narth confirmed he was also alright.

We went back to the blocked entrance and to my and the others surprise her sword cut big chunks out of the several meters thick emergency door. Her mysterious sword sliced through reinforced molecular compacted Ultronit as if cutting butter with a hot knife.

All excited barely containing his amazement, Har Hi gasped. “What kind of blade is this?”

She had carved a neat tunnel into the metal and now made a final circular cut. She answered without stopping. “It is a very unique sword. I tell you how I got it at a later time.”

Hans stomped against the last piece she just had cut and a meter thick disc of at least two tons of Ultronit clanged onto the shiny floor of the space port concourse and the way was open. Har Hi glued something into the breach Wetmouth has just cut, and explained looking to me. “Proximity Mine, A full gram.”

We had made it into the Base main terminal. Six men armed but not in battle suits were totally surprised by our presence and were burned to atomic ashes before they could send one bolt into our direction.

Cirruit said pointing the way. “We have to make it across the main lobby, cut again through one of these Ultronit doors and into the connection tunnel, traverse it and cut into the Warehouse section and...” Cirruit collapsed as if someone had cut the strings of a puppet, simultaneous all the lights went out. Our weapons went into safety lock and shut down.

Elfi pointed at a Group with a Tech Stop projector across the hall and three of them struggled to put a P4 Paralysator on its tripod.

Hans grabbed the several ton piece of metal; Wetmouth had cut and threw it like a giant Frisbee all across the lobby, before the Paralysator beam hit him first.

The disk hit them with force and destroyed the Paralysator and smeared the three men into stains across the floor.

The other two manning the Tech Stop projector dropped to the floor with their heads twisted to their backs. Despite the fact that I would have killed them too, I felt sick to the stomach seeing how deadly Narth’s telekinetics were. I shouldered Cirruit, and noticed how heavy he was and said. “Everyone see if you can drag Hans.”

Without Narth we would have had no chance to get our big Saturnian friend across to the next door. Hans floated behind Narth and together we made it to the Tunnel entrance. Again Wetmouth’s Sword cut through the metal and sliced a big round passage. An enormous detonation rolled across the Lobby and Har Hi grinned. “Amateurs.”

We made it unhindered through the Tunnel, Cirruit was starting to move and I lowered him to the ground. He sat up in a very mechanical motion his head turned completely to his back and his eyes blinked in red and green colors. Finally his white expressionless mechanical pupils rolled into their sockets and his head rotated into the normal position. He got back on his feet and said with a coarse more mechanical voice than usual. “Tech Stop does things to me you don’t want to know. Any more of it and I would not be able to get up again.”

Wetmouth administered a drug into Hans, she had taken out of her small first aid kit and after a few Moments Hans also moved, still groggy but able to get up and walk.

With our friends back on their feet, Wetmouth cut the next locked door and I rolled through it first. Again two men were putting a large weapon together. Too far away to be jumped, my Blaster still deactivated I pulled the 45 and fired. Neither man wore shields but both had armor. One of them I hit square between the eyes, proving that this old chemical slug thrower was still quite deadly, the other was not hurt as the slugs careened off his helmet socket, but the impacts of the two shots made him stumble back and a flickering metal streak managed to hit past his raised arms through a tiny opening right into his mouth. One of Har-Hi’s knives, showing only part of the grip as it stuck between his teeth.

We rushed into the room and Cirruit said: “Down that corridor are the Cerberus storages.”

Twenty five men in Battle suits and a strange six legged being with purple fur all heavily armed dropped from the ceiling. One of them was the Base Commander in a fully operational Cerberus, and by his moves he knew how to use it, he was after all a trained Union Officer. He held a strange device. “This is a Saresii Psi Seeker, if the Narth even so much as tries a Psionic trick you all die. Your weapons do not work, ours do. Surrender now.”

The bearded man we had seen before stepped forward and the purple animal jumped the entire fifteen meters that separated us, I fired the Colt three times and all three slugs hit their target and into the belly of the being I was certain I killed it, but my slugs could not stop its momentum and it hit me full force. Something painful stung me into the stomach and chest and I fell backwards, buried almost completely by that purple animal. Everything around me begun to dissolve into a blurred mix of colors and lights, through this haze I heard a voice. “The Wurlag stung him, it’s over for him.” and then there was nothing.

== Chapter 11: Rewards ==

When I came around, I was still lying under that purple thing. The armed and fully armor suited men were close now holding their weapons ready pointing them at my friends.

The bearded dark skinned man wearing a battle suit of unknown origin argued with Cardwell. “I want you to open those Translocator storages now. We do not have much time.”

Cardwell barked back and pointed at me. “I told you that two command codes are needed to open them, the only one able doing that was killed by your idiotic pet.”

“Be very careful, Cardwell. Your usefulness has ended.”

The Base Commander’s Quasimodo hand snapped around the throat of the bearded Pirate and he hissed. “I am still in the Commandant of this base and I am wearing a Quasimodo. Unlike your goons, I know how to use it.”

The Pirate struggled and coughed.” You are nothing, now unhand me. Do you think I trusted you while you put on that suit? I put a Eugeletrian Sneegal in it while it was still open and it might just crawl to the base of your neck. Not even your Auto Doc can prevent the effects of those little suckers, poison.”

Caldwell dropped the man and opened his helmet, which was my chance. No one paid any attention to me and I fired, my last round, the bullet hit Caldwell right under the chin and the effect of the heavy lead projectile was quite gruesome. My friends didn’t need more distraction to react.

Wetmouth’s strange sword sliced one of the men from shoulder to hip battle suit and all. Hans hammered both of his fists and all his might on the helmeted head of the third.

The rest tried to use their weapons but they did not work. Cirruit said. “Nanites are so useful.”

The Armor of the next simply fell in pieces all around him and he stood there as naked as on the day of his birth. Narth’s eyes glowed no longer yellow but deep red and his voice was no longer recognizable. “You have harmed my friend. Now you shall learn that Narth has learned the meaning of rage.”

Twenty pirates slowly rose from the floor and with sudden popping sounds the inside of their helmets where splashed with dark red matter and they all dropped lifeless to the ground.

Several strands of Spider silk hit the bearded man, he was pulled with force close to Krabbel who turned him with dizzy speed between his hind legs and the pirate was turned into a cocoon, battle suit and all and in less than a few seconds.

Wetmouth came over and sliced his helmet off.

I raised my hand and said as loud as I could. “Cirruit, go activate the Cerberus, do not let anything distract you.”

Cirruit was a certified Translocator technician. A fact that was not mentioned in the non-classified section of his personnel file and had Blue-Blue-Blue clearance, I held out my code key and said. “Day code is Strawberry.”

Cirruit ran with machine speed and out of my sight.

Hans lifted the purple thing of me and Wetmouth dropped to her knees examining me. She looked up to the others and said. “The Wurlag has stunned him.”

I wanted to get up but I could not feel my legs at all. “Weird, I can’t get up. Is something still pinning me down?” I saw tears in Wetmouth’s eyes. “No Eric, that’s the poison of the Wurlag.”

With the weight of the animal gone I could still prop myself up and there I saw a beautiful sight. The massive warehouse doors exploded into atomic dust glittering in the air and Cerberus IX marched out in perfect robotic movements it was a display of Union Military might, like few other. Each of them exactly three hundred and fifty centimeters tall with four Myomylar-Syntho muscled arms, nearly indestructible, with the fire power equivalent to an entire platoon of fully equipped Marines, the very pinnacle of Terran Military engineering.

The lead robot scanned the room and approached me. With its deep modulated voice the robot said. “ID Verification Scan complete. Highest Command Authority recognized. Your Orders Sir?”

I said with a relieved grin. “The base is infiltrated by criminals and foreign intruders. There is an alien ship with stolen Mil Tech. Secure the base by all means necessary and prevent the ship from leaving.”

The robot responded. “Instructions received and understood.”

The robot battalion activated their flying capability and swarmed like gigantic angry hornets in every direction.

The bearded pirate laughed. “You still lost, the Wurlag poison will destroy every neural path in your body and there is nothing anyone can do in time. I do have the anti dote on my ship all you have to do is let me go and it is yours.”

I still was able to shake my head. “Sorry Scum, I cannot be bought.”

He cursed and said. “You fool. I have an even bigger ship in orbit and it will turn this place to slag.”

Har-Hi said. “You have no idea what Cerberus robots can do.”

Through a view port we saw Cerberus robots by the dozen shoot like rockets upward into the grey sky.

From behind I heard running boots, but by now I could not even turn my head. Marines and finally Admiral Stahl came into my view. Wetmouth cried. “He was stung by a Wurlag, Sir.”

To hear real concern in the voice of the eternal soldier was not something I wanted to hear in my situation but he said. “Oh shit. Get that man into Stasis at once.”


I woke and found myself in a med station diagnostic bed and said more to myself than anyone else. “Say is it always me, who loses consciousness around here?”

Wetmouth immediately came into view and she said with excitement in her voice. “He is awake. Eric is awake.”

She simply hugged me and I could feel her tender lips from behind her mask kissing me on the nose on the cheeks and then on my lips.

Then a warm deep voice said. “It pleases me greatly to see you are well.” Narth came into view.

Cirruit stood by the foot end and said. “No you’re not the only one. I was the one hit by Tech Stop, remember?”

Now a Med Tech with an MD Snake on her collar scanned me and she was obviously pleased with the results and said. “Welcome to the land of the living, Ensign Olafson, you now officially the first living being ever to survive a Wurlag sting, congratulations.”

I sat up and said. “Can someone please tell me what a Wurlag is in the first place?”

Narth motioned to Wetmouth and it seemed they came to a working agreement. She said. “It is a genetically altered life form that originally had been stolen from Green Hell about 200 years ago. It has been bred and changed so it can be held as an attack and guard animal. Its stingers are laced with one of the most complex Bio toxins known to science.”

The Med Tech said. “You have amazing friends, Mr. Olafson. The Sojonit worked tirelessly for five days to develop an antidote and this morning she succeeded, but then another Narth shows up and all the neural damage caused by the poison is reverted in an eye blink.”

As I turned I noticed another Narth and he came closer to the bed. I immediately knew who he was, even though he looked exactly the same as all the Narth I had met before. He put his hand on my shoulder and I could feel something like electricity pass through me, but it was not painful or unpleasant. On the contrary it felt uplifting and energizing and he said. “One could not let the one who shared the Hugavh pass into the beyond. One had to obtain the knowledge of your neural system before we could travel here and aid you in your recuperation. I am the one known as the Narth Supreme and you Eric are a child of Narth. Your well-being is important to Narth. I came as soon as I was able, but your friend Wetmouth was indeed able to synthesize the antidote. Her Intellect and its practical application is most noteworthy.”

I could not help but feel deeply in awe, my skin crawled with goose bumps. Only once had I felt this way, only once but I could not remember when or where. Something white and huge floated at the edge of my consciousness and I simply could not concentrate enough to focus and assumed it was an after effect of my poisoning.

I said. “I am deeply honored by your presence, Narth Supreme. Can you make me hear Narth again?”

He kept his hand on my shoulder and slowly nodded. “Your will is the key, Child of Narth and your will has done as you wished. One is pleased that Narth has such a friend as you. The concept of friendship has been understood and its deep value has been revealed through you two and in doing so opened the door to other concepts such as honor, love and affection.

All that is Narth is deeply thankful. Now one must go on and return to Narth Prime. Narth Prime that is now your home as well and one day you will come home and Narth will no longer be alien and strange to you.”

From one heart beat to the next the Narth Supreme was gone, but I could feel his touch a little longer.

I realized that no one around had noticed or heard what just happened, except of course for my friend and once more could I feel his thoughts and heard his words in my mind and as far as it concerned me, the world was alright again.

His voice and presence in me filled a void I knew was there the entire time since that time in the Crawler cat.

He said. “Time as you and I perceive it on this plane has little meaning for the one who is the Narth Supreme.”

I answered him in the same way. “I am sure glad he fixed that Psi shield of mine, I missed your presence.”

“He did not fix it Eric; it was you who made your shield transparent to me.”

Wetmouth not knowing I was talking to Narth said. “A week, I slaved a week in the lab and your Narth friend comes and fixes you in an eye-blink.”

She took my hand in a shy gesture and added. “Not that I mind, I am so glad you are alive.”

I blinked and said. “A week, I was out an entire week?”

The Eternal Warrior approached my bed and he said. “Nine days to be exact, Son. That amazing Sojonit friend of yours has not slept the entire time.”

With him was the Admiral of the Fleet, McElligott and a tall blonde with a truly angelic face, I had not seen or met before.

I suddenly realized, I was still an Ensign and there were two Admirals in the room, my Academy training kicked in and I jumped out of the bed and wanted to salute, realizing half out I wasn’t wearing anything and went right back.

“Sorry Sir, it appears I misplaced my uniform somewhere.”

I blushed as I noticed the snickering of my friends and the smiles of the Admirals.

Stahl looked over to McElligott and said. “I think we do not need to insist on formal greetings, not in a medical ward anyway.” Actually glancing at my medical chart read out he said.

“Even though you are technically fine and fit for duty, stay in bed a little while longer so we can fill you in.”

While I tugged the cover higher to make sure I was completely covered I said. “Sir that would be greatly appreciated. I had no time to check on the Order chip, Captain Harris has given me.”

Stahl simply acknowledged with a nod, and said. “We were pretty sure Cardwell was one of Dent’s planted agents but we wanted to catch whoever was in contact with him as well. If we had arrived with a big team or the Devi, we might have gotten Cardwell but none of his contacts. So my esteemed colleague Admiral McElligott decided to send you, as the proverbial monkey wrench so to speak to Richter Station. Where you would hopefully discover whatever went on and report to us so we can move in. That was pretty much what was on the Order chip by the way and the Devi was never far away.”

I could not help being sarcastic even in the presence of these two immortals.

“Great idea sending a bunch of expendable Midshipmen, in a situation that cost ten officers their lives before, there are plenty more where they came from.”

Stahl eyed his old colleague from the side.

“I told you he was going to say something cynical.”

McElligott said to me. “You are Officers and if you want to be one then you must realize that you will get orders that put you in dangerous situations, which is the path you have chosen. Now I have not found it necessary to explain my reasons for an order in a very long time, but I will make an exception.”

He pulled up a chair sat down and arranged the folds of his kilt over his stubby looking knees and fished for his pipe. His old grumpy looking face changed into a grin.

“You know this is the second time I find myself sitting in a hospital room before your bed to try to explain something to you.”

He looked for something and Har-Hi handed him his cigar lighter.

“Sir would you like to use mine?”

McElligott looked up to Har-Hi, took the lighter and said. “Ah you are the Dai. Never thought you lads smoked or carried a real old Dunhill lighter.”

Har-Hi raised one of his eyebrows and said. “Yes Sir, I am the Dai. It was an Ult that brought me to smoking cigars and the lighter was a gift I received from Admiral Stahl, Sir.”

McElligott started puffing his pipe and handed the lighter back. “You are the Dai I heard so much about. There is a certain Commander Cotton who sent me about 2000 requests for your transfer, recommending you to Fighter School, seeing your name pass that often across my desk makes you in my eyes ‘that Dai’.” To Stahl he complained.

“Where did you get this bunch? Now I am explaining myself to another Ensign and he made me do it by just raising an eyebrow.”

Stahl actually swiped on his feet while he had his arms crossed behind his back. “If I knew the answer to that, I’d get me a bunch more.”

McElligott puffed once more and then said to me. “You and your friends are not the average cadets and midshipmen and I can’t say if it is a particularly good or bad thing, but you are on my radar so to speak for quite a while now.

Since you were instrumental in exposing a Thauran connection to the Worm and later helped to shut down Newport I thought about you when the Richter 4 thing came over my desk again. Now there is another reason you are here, but I will come to that later. For now you have a day of R&R and then you will graduate and be assigned to your new postings.”


It turned out I was still on Richter base and not aboard the Devastator, but the giant ship had landed and occupied an entire landing field. On one of the other fields was the USS Shetland and especially on the ground where the eye had clear reference points the difference in size was mind boggling. Seeing a 3500 meter Arsenal ship, the pinnacle of Union technology against that gigantic ship of alien origin reduced to a toy, brought home once again how incredibly big the Devastator was. The Shetland looked small and insignificant.

The base was now busy with personnel off the Devi. There were engineers and technicians still repairing the damage from our battle.

Har-Hi said. “We thought we’d celebrate your return to the land of the living with a dinner. Mao found Tyranno Fin in the stasis freezer of the Hilton hotel.”

Wetmouth said. “But until then I am going to sleep. I am dead on my feet.”

I held her back and while it was not really regulations. I hugged her and said. “Thank you.”

She returned the hug and once again I could not help thinking how nice it felt to hold her.

Krabbel of course could not hold himself back and hugged us both. “It’s the second time I thought we lost you. If it happens a third time, I am going to get white leg hairs like an old spider. There is only so much a poor Arachnoid can take, you know.”


Krabbel managed to convince Narth and Mao to go back to the amusement park for a few more rides. This time I felt Narth and how much he enjoyed the company of my other friends and his growing affection for them.

Elfi, Shaka and Hans insisted on preparing the dinner this time. I saw Har-Hi in a deep conversation with the Admiral of the Fleet and from the gestures I knew he was talking about fighter craft.

The medical department of the base had the size of a major hospital. Exiting the Intensive care unit I came out on a fourth tier walk way. Leaning against the railing I had a great view of the main concourse below. Almost exactly across was the Fleet Housing building and I saw robots and technicians working on the damaged Ultronit security door.

To the left was the space port passenger facilities and right below me on ground level the entrance to the Space port mall and Arthur’s Swine and Dine.

A group of Officers and technicians stood by the Tunnel entrance towards the Technical area and the warehouses and even from here I could tell they were puzzled about the fact the massive doors could have been cut open like this.

I planned to ask Wetmouth about her sword as soon as I had a chance. The only thing tougher than molecule compacted Ultronit was Neutronium as far as I knew and there were rumors that R&D experimented with Neutronium based materials. But a sword made of Neutronium would weigh thousands of tons and no being could possibly wield it.

While I was leaning there and looking over the now busy concourse, I noticed men and women dispersed among the workers and fleet personnel trying hard to look inconspicuous and natural. I was almost certain those were NAVINT spooks.

The tall blond with the angelic face, I had seen with McElligott and Stahl leaned next to me on the railing and like me gazed over the lively scenery below.

She then turned her head and looked at me, her face halfway obscured by her hair.

“I have heard quite a bit about you and I think it is time I introduce myself, I am Cherubim.”

She wore a black dress that ended a hand width over her knees. It was belted at her hip with a broad shiny leather belt. It was a nice outfit but not a uniform. At least none I recognized if it was one after all.

I said to her. “Nice to meet you Ma’am and since you heard lots about me and you have been present with the Admirals you must be someone important.”

A fine smile curled her lips. “Do I detect an edge in your voice? You know who I am then?”

I shrugged. “Since you were with the Immortals I am sure you are a very important person, but I have not the slightest idea. There is no edge in my voice Ma’am, just whenever someone tells me they know all about me I end up in some kind of situation.”

She said. “I can understand that and I think given your past track record you will sooner or later be in another situation.

I am one of them, you know one of those Immortals, selected to protect and guide Earth.”

I turned to look at her not just from the side and said.

“Please don’t get this wrong Ms. Cherubim, but somehow it seems I am attracting the attention of you Immortals more than anyone I know, this can’t be coincidence.”

“Eric, there are trillions of beings in our Union and more in the galaxies around us. Some have life spans of a few years, others live to see centuries but they all have a limited time, but there are those who do not age and have the potential to see the end of time. It is a very small society if you will and while we are not all friends, we tend to know each other.” She paused looked away and said. “Eric, you are most likely one of us.”

I felt dizzy as she said that and protested. “Ma’am, I am going to turn 21 I am not an Immortal. My parents are Neo Vikings and we age and die, you must have the wrong guy.”

Even as I said that, I wasn’t so sure myself. Could she be right? Even in our small society on Nilfeheim I met two and was distantly related to one of them.

She left me time before she answered. “Narth Supreme calls you his Child and the Narth have made you one of them. It might take centuries or millennia before you become a Narth, but you are on your way, if you manage to stay alive of course, none of the Immortals I know, not even the Narth are truly invulnerable and can be killed, but time and age I am certain will have little meaning to you as it has to the rest of us.” She pointed towards the hospital.

“You know why the Pirates and even your friends paid no attention to you after you were jumped by the Wurlag?”

I shook my head.

She said. “Because they all thought you were dead, not even a Pertharian would have lasted as long as you have. You are changing, slowly perhaps but eventually you will be one of us.”

I tried to ignore what she said, tell myself that it was all wrong but I knew she was right and then I said. “Immortals always have some sort of task or destiny right? What is mine?”

Cherubim now smiled again. “Only the ones who were chosen by the Guardian of Earth received tasks and special gifts to perform them. Neither you, the Narth or your friends of the Coven have been chosen that way. Now we all have destinies, mortal or immortal but I guess we all have a say in how we shape it.”

I returned to lean on the railing and said.

“So if McElligott is the Administrator and Admiral Stahl is the Warrior, who are you?”

“I am the Hunter.”

“What does that mean? I see where McElligott is called the Administrator because that is what he does and everyone knows why Stahl is the Warrior.”

“I find the trails of those who want to harm our Union track them and hunt them down. I don’t do it with fleets and soldiers as the enemies I seek are often unreachable or to small and too slick to be fought with battle ships and marines. You should know more than a little about that part already.”

“More than I ever wanted to be honest. And you should hunt that Purple Worm and while you are at it that crook calling himself the Red Dragon.”

“That is exactly why I am here on Richter Base.”

She turned from the hand railing and slowly walked away. She waved her hand and said. “We will run into each other again, Eric.”

I watched her enter an IBT and disappear.

How long I remained standing there I could not say as so much was going through my head. The worst part was that I knew there was something I should remember but I could not.”

I was pulled out of all this by a warm presence that came into my mind and Narth said to me telepathically.

“One should not dwell on such matters, even the Admiral lives day by day and doesn’t think all too much about how many years or millennia he has lived or is still going to experience.”

Narth’s words of wisdom chased the gloomy thoughts away. I was just a Neo Viking and all this talk about Immortality, destinies and tasks was for Semi-gods and eternal Admirals and not for an Ensign at the beginning of his career.

I decided to find Narth, Krabbel and Mao after all and join them.


We had our formal dinner at the same top floor restaurant as before and this time there was no moving dishes but instead real, genuine Tyranno Fin steaks and I had roasted them myself on a portable table grill.

Tasting the first fork was pure bliss. I closed my eyes and let the taste of home melt on my tongue.

After I was finally done I actually had to loosen the snaps on my Uniform blouse, I doubted I had ever eaten so much.

Har-Hi also had a second portion and said. “I never been much of a fish eater, but this is really good.

Cirruit sighed. “What would I give for a stomach and taste butts, It looks I am missing so much.”

Narth said. “All that is Narth missed out for millennia, as eating and tasting can be such an experience. I wish I could share my experience with you, Cirruit as I do share it with all that is Narth.”

The X101 sighed again. “I am so going for that upgrade.”

Wetmouth said. “I think I should be able to install it. I have studied much about X101 technology and physiology thanks to the first aid and emergency procedures Mother Machine has sent me.”

Cirruit took her hand and said. “Maybe I can’t taste the food yet but if there is a better way to spend an evening than with your best friends then I sure did not know it. I am a blessed machine.”

It warmed my heart to hear him say that as I felt the same way and it pleased me to see that Narth fit right in and the others accepted him like he was there from the start.

As the dinner was near the end it was Narth who against his usual reserved ways stood and spoke a toast.

“In human terms, Eric is something like a brother to me, only much closer.

Through his eyes I knew of you before we met but in recent weeks I was fortunate to get to know you all in person.

We Narth are unlike any other species and we have lost and forgotten so much what corporal beings know and do, but through Eric and now through you our minds are opened to values we had lost and were so much poorer without them.

Here in this circle, the value and meaning of true friendship becomes apparent and I am now able to say the meaning of pride is no longer alien to me, pride knowing you all.”

There was silence then Elfi got up and simply hugged Narth. “That was so beautiful.”

Hans put his hand on Narth shoulder. “You’re alright, Narth and not just because you saved my life.”

Only Wetmouth appeared sad, despite her mask I could tell.

I asked her. “Is something wrong?”

She nodded. “I just realized this might be our last evening together.”

Everyone became quiet and looked at her.

It was Shaka who said. “Now that she mentions it, the Admiral said we graduate today and after that happens we all be sent to various postings.”

Mao sighed. “I wish it wasn’t so but I know from Lt. Merkus that there are at least 60 posting requests for Shaka, as he is not only a Virtu Helmsman but one of the best.”

Krabbel who just had hugged Narth balled himself together on his chair instead of hanging from the ceiling as usual said. “I don’t want to go somewhere else and they call me the monster and the Arachnid again and when they say it always sounds like they fear me or find me disgusting. Here I am Krabbel and I can be myself and no one finds me repulsive.”

Har-Hi played with his wine glass “It is a Commission you know. We could reject the commission and go private. I’d rather haul iron ore in an old Scow from Planet A to B and be with you than being the Commandant of a Battle Cruiser.”

Elfi looked up. “I am sure my Mom would let us have a nice ship. We simply could go exploring or something.”

I too recalled the words of the Admiral and I wondered what would be more important to me, becoming a Starship captain or go private with my friends and I knew the answer. I would not go private. I made a commitment and I wanted to do my part so little Holdians, Commander or not could be safe and hunt scum like the Red Dragon to the gates of hell. I wanted to help to clean this Navy from the curse that was the Worm. I wanted to be a Starship captain; even serving apart we could be friends. I knew I was arguing with myself, these friends were more than family to me.

The Elevator hummed and the three Immortals appeared and all three were dressed for the occasion, the Admirals in their dress uniforms and the woman in a daring black dress.

Before anyone could jump up, Stahl said. “As you were.”

McElligott said. “I was told about your fine little tradition and we wanted to join your festivities, but all I see are sad and long faces and it is deadly quiet.”

Stahl also looked surprised. “I would say it is us, but somehow I think there is another reason for the gloom.”

I stood and my friends did the same. I said. “Please join us and forgive our manners.”

We offered chairs for the high ranking guests and after everyone sat and the wait bot took their drink orders, Elfi simply said it. “It is not you, Sirs and Ma’am. We just realized that we are going to graduate.”

McElligott thanked Krabbel as he served the guests a plate of fish each and then said

“I was always under the impression graduation was an occasion to celebrate and all the Midshipmen and Cadets I knew always looked forward to this day.”

Wetmouth said. “We realized we will be separated as you said. We will receive our new postings and that could be all across three galaxies and a few star clusters. So this might be our last night all being together. This is a big Navy and the possibility for us all to have time and the opportunity to meet again is zero point eight percent taking into account the number of beings, the possible number of postings, the various times for leave of absence and the possible dangerous nature of our business.”

Narth put his head sideways, and then nodded. “I concur with this estimate.”

McElligott said. “That is how the Navy usually works I agree. Now I think it makes no sense to postpone things much further so we can start right away. With all these gloomy faces, I wouldn’t like the food even if it was a Burns supper complete with Haggis and Scotch.”

He glanced to Stahl and said. “I am still theoretically the boss of this outfit, even if I lately feel myself compelled to explain myself to Cadets. So don’t give me that look of yours.”

Stahl shrugged, had the same stoic face as always, but his eyes could not hide his amusement.

The Admiral of the Fleet got up from his place after taking a good swallow of the wine and made a waving gesture with his hand and said.

“Midshipmen get over there on the dance floor and get to attention, for what I am about to do it is simply tradition to stand in attention.”

We all scrambled to the empty spot between the tables and made a neat row and stood to attention.

McElligott flanked by Stahl and Cherubim slowly walked down the row and stopped, turned and faced us.

“I celebrate you on this important day, as you join these traditions and vow to support and defend the United Stars Constitution. The freedoms we enjoy depend vitally on the service you and your forebears have undertaken in our behalf. Indeed, I wish that there were more of you. You have jumped to planet surfaces, challenged your bodies and your brains and become mentally and physically prepared for service. You have our respect for your choices, our admiration for your commitment, and our deep gratitude for your willingness to confront dangers on our Union’s behalf in the months and years to come.”

He stepped before Har-Hi: “I hereby commission you to full Lieutenant of the United Stars Navy with all the commensurate responsibilities and privileges of that rank.”

That was unexpected.

He did the same to everyone down the line. It was a surprise that he promoted everyone not just Ensign, or Junior Grade but to Full Lieutenants.

Now he promoted Wetmouth and graduated her, I was the last standing next to her, but he stopped and did not promote me. As much as it surprised me, somehow I expected it. They marked my absence against me or something like that.

The Admiral said. “At ease Lieutenants.”

I remained in attention.

Wetmouth was the first saying. “Sir, have you by any chance forgotten to promote Eric? He deserves it at least as much as we.”

The old Admiral said. “No Lieutenant Wetmouth, I promoted everyone I wanted to promote at this point. Ensign Olafson you may stand at ease as well.”

Har-Hi stepped forward. “Sir, as I understand this is a commission and one of those rights you spoke off, is to reject it and give it back, right?”

McElligott gasped and said. “You want to reject your commission?”

Now they all stepped forward and as if out of one mouth they said: “Yes.”

Narth said. “I remember very vividly the injustice done to Eric, very recently and it was you who promised him improvement and fairness. You made this promises to keep Narth in the Union. What has he done this time to deserve... ?”

I held up my hand. “Friends, you worked hard for this, don’t throw it away. You won the Reagan trophy because you knew I would have wanted it. Now I want you to be good officers. That I have failed to achieve their recognition has their reasons I am sure. They are Admirals and Immortals after all.”

Cherubim’s face did not change, but her eyes glittered as she looked at the Old Admiral.

“Maybe some of us are a little out of touch with their humanity.”

Admiral Stahl’s face was as unreadable as always.

Something beeped and the Old Admiral looked at his wrist com. “She is here just on time, if everyone would follow me now?”

Stahl winked at me as we turned and walked to the Elevator.

As spacious as the elevator cabin was, it would not hold us all. So Wetmouth, Krabbel, Stahl and I waited for the second car.

Wetmouth asked. “Do you know why Eric wasn’t promoted, Sir?”

He looked at her and said. “Indeed I do.”

I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter anyhow, this duality of standards that hold true for some and not for others is a theme that follows me since I joined.”

Stahl sighed. “Eric I know. But this time it is really different. My old friend is a bit peculiar about how he does things. He was an old man before he became an immortal and he has forgotten how it is to be young. Do you trust me?”

“Yes Sir I do.”

“Then just wait a few more hours.”

After the elevator ride we joined the others in the main concourse of the Richter 4 space port.

And we all followed the kilt wearing Admiral onto a Slide belt.

A black skinned Captain, who was even taller than Shaka, but otherwise could have been a brother joined us on the belt and introduced himself as Captain Bangizwe. He greeted Shaka and said while bowing deeply. “I did not expect to meet the son of Chacka Chitauli. What an honor.”

Wetmouth whispered to me.” That means Important Leader, who tells us the law.”

Shaka returned the greeting and said. “It prides me to see a man of our tribe so far from home.”

The slide belt we travelled on changed directions at a belt junction and passed through a tunnel onto an alley between two of the petal shaped landing fields. One of the frequent sand storms pelted the transparent tunnel that protected us from the planet’s atmosphere and weather conditions. There on the landing field next to the Shetland stood another modern Ultra Battle ship. The black captain said to Shaka.

“Your highness that is my ship, the USS Atlantis. One day you might helm one of these if you get a rating high enough.”

McElligott laughed. “Captain, do you know how many posting requests exist for that young man? You would be lucky to get him. This Helmsman has a Fleet Helm position efficiency rating of 812!”

The tall Captain made a wiping motion with his hand and said. “That is impossible, only Virtu Helmsmen who have the gift could possibly get a rating like this and we all know Virtu Helmsmen with the Special talent and a rating of over 340 are barely able to talk and usually turn completely crazy after only a few years.”

As we were carried past the Battle ship Shaka responded angrier than I had ever seen him before. “You would not have greeted me as the son of Chacka Chitauli if you had seen me a few years ago, but ignored me as they all do. My father the King at first rejected me and only because the Navy puts so much value on persons suffering from this form of Autism he considers me useful. But the Navy isn’t any better because the Fleet treats Virtu helm talents like idiots, good for one thing only.

Autism is useful to the Navy but it is still a burden to those who suffer it. I managed with great difficulty to get into a regular Midshipman program for my third year and that made all the difference. Would it surprise you if I tell you that none of my friends are below a Helm rating of 300?”

The Battle ship captain looked at us surprised and McElligott said to him, most amazing is the fact that Lieutenant Shaka Chitauli has excellent fighting skills, is a Blaster marksman, knows tactical and is an excellent engineer.”

Wetmouth put her hand on Shaka’s shoulder. “Not to mention that he currently works on his biotronic science PhD.”

Captain Bangizwe gasped. “How is this possible?”

Shaka’s tone was still sharp as he answered. “Because my friends never make me feel sick or special. I was always integrated in everything and they helped me and were there for me when I fought the nightmares of my so called gift. My therapist says I am almost completely cured, without any psycho surgery and still I am a good helmsman and can use the gift. I say treat helmsmen like people and not like special outsiders.”

McElligott looked to Shaka and said. “Your critique has not fallen on deaf ears. I want you to help me write new guidelines and we will change how Virtu Helmsmen are trained and treated.”

While this discussion went on the slide belt had carried us way past the landing field now and moved across the dust and dirt plain towards the mountains. The old Fleet Admiral explained. “It might come to a surprise to you, but Richter Base was not built by accident or as a forgotten base project, as some bureaucrats green lighted. All this was a carefully planted story.”

He snickered. “You see, there is one thing we Immortals do better than others and that is long term planning. We set things in motion that bear fruit, decades or even centuries later.”

He looked straight at me as he said. “Some think of me as an old fool and perhaps in some ways I am, but ever since the Freespace Treaty was signed, I wanted a base as close to it as possible, yet no one really paying any attention to it.

Yes a base has to be manned and Cardwell and his cronies turned out to be criminals, but I made certain from the start that he had no access to the really important things and their days were numbered. Maybe he had told you that there was still construction going on.”

I simply nodded as he was still looking at me.

The slide belt tunnel merged with the base of the mountains and went underground.

Stahl wrinkled his forehead and crossed his arms. “You scheming son of a gun, I think I need to pay a little more attention to the little side things you do.”

The kilt wearing Admiral grinned like a Neo Viking in an Axe store and said.

“All this is part of Project Fish and now the project has turned into Operation Fish and those of you present will learn what this Operation is all about.”

The slide belt carried us moments later back into the open and onto the surface.

McElligott said. “Richter Base has more than one landing field and more than one space port.” He made a sweeping gesture over the mountain surrounded Duro-Crete landing field.

“This is Richter Port II”

A space ship was resting on its landing gear in the center of the field. I had never seen a ship like this. It had clear Terran lines, but there were no ISAH pods. Its bow looked much like the head of a Rock Shark, a broad round chisel shape that flowed into a streamlined flattened cylinder that softly increased to a massive aft. I estimated the ship to be between 800 and 900 meters long. At its stern it was perhaps four hundred meters across, slowly narrowing to that chisel shaped bow. It was not navy gray, but shimmered in an onyx gray titanium color and instead of armor plating I noticed a fine pattern of hexagonal shapes all across its skin.

It stood on four wide landing pads and an IST shaft was lowered to the ground, underneath and near its rear end. On the high end it featured the Union flag. There was no name stenciled on its hull as far as I could see.

I noticed my mouth going dry. The ship looked aggressive, elegant, fast and dangerous at the same time.

The black Captain spoke first. “What in the world is that?”

McElligott said with pride in his voice. “This is Project Fish. It is the ship that does not exist. The very first and so far only of its class and type, Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the USS Tigershark.”

His words must have been heard by someone or something as now the name appeared across its hull near the bow.

Elfi said. “It looks sleek and fast. It will be almost a shame when it is done and they add ISAH Pods.”

Cirruit spoke without taking his eyes off the ship. “If I am right, this ship does not need any.”

McElligott patted his metallic shoulders. “You are quite right indeed.”

Now I noticed the almost invisible purplish shimmering force field bubble extending around the ship, the slide belt carried us past that shield and ended thirty meters off the IST shaft.

Since McElligott stepped through the force field curtain at the end of the slide belt tunnel, it was apparent that there was a breathable atmosphere inside that ship encasing bubble.

The lowered IST shaft was guarded by two Marines and two battle robots that only remotely looked like Cerberus bots.

As we went closer I could see the blue diamond shaped insignia with the white skull and cross bones over the red rendering of the number one. I was not close enough to read the small words that were also part of that insignia, but I knew them of course as they were the motto of the Marine First Recon Battalion: Swift, silent, deadly. The most elite of all Marine Units, nicknamed the Deadly Ghosts.

There were rumors and stories about them but no one I knew had ever seen members of that Unit, McElligott explained. “The Marines are wearing the first prototypes of a brand new Battle suit design codenamed Gilgamesh-MBS. These new main battle suits are the first fully cloakable suits unlike the adaptive camouflage of the Quasimodos. The Marines and the fleet will eventually in three or four years see the first Gilgamesh suits that will then replace the Quasimodos. These suits are completely Psi-neutral and incorporate Micro Translocator Cannons, TKU Gatlings and Intelligent AM warhead drones which are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of offensive capabilities.”

Stahl whistled. “I need to get me one of these.”

McElligott was not done as he walked over to the robot and said and these are “SII’s newest development the still top secret FENRIR Type I Battle robots. I saw some battle tests and even I was scared seeing what they can do, and no you can’t have any, Richard. Only 60 exist so far and they are part of this ship.

The Marines saluted and Stahl returned the greeting said to them “Oorah and Semper Fi, boys.”

The two Marines lost their stoic facial expressions and brimmed with visible pride. “Sir I shall die a happy man now, meeting the First Marine in person. Semper Fi, Sir!”

McElligott rolled his eyes. “He simply can’t pass any Marine guard without doing this schpiel. You’ve been a Marine, what 15 years and you’re an Admiral now for 3000?”

Stahl grinned. “I have been, was and will be a Marine first. You should talk, still wearing a kilt 4560 light years away from Scotland.”

Despite all the incredible technology presented to us, I could not help but find this friendly banter between those two Immortals amazing. It made them, despite their titles and reputation, very human. The prospect that I might indeed become one of them seemed a little less frightening as I realized this.

McElligott ignored the last squib of Stahl’s and said to us. “The IST is the first functional Trans Sonic Inter Ship Transport system in existence and travel time to any deck is less than a second. During Battle Stations, the doors will open and close in less than a second. So you basically run in and without stopping you will come out running at any deck you chose. It’s almost as fast as teleportation.”

He added that the IST is limited to three standard persons, or one Saturnian. So who will go first?”

I was completely caught off guard as Stahl simply pushed me in and followed.

The door closed faster than an eye blink and opened again and we were already at the command deck.

That’s what a screen displaying a pictogram told me projected onto the corridor wall across the IST. The cross section of this corridor had the same contour as a wide based egg, smooth and round except for the floor of course. Corridors on regular Union ships were rectangular or octagonal. The ship smelled as all brand new machines always did, it was a scent that could not really be described but everyone instantly recognized it. The soft curved walls were about 5 meters apart and the corridor was perhaps 7 meters tall at its apex. Like in all Union ships the walls were white, but the floor did not have the usual mustard yellow carpet, but a black surface that felt like walking over an inch of rubber matting. I barely had time to look around when the others were all here.

Like a boy with his new toy, McElligott took the lead again and we followed him through that oval shaped Corridor. At intervals of ten meters were black and yellow striped sections. After we had passed three of these we passed a double robot guard and onto the bridge.

It had the usual horseshoe arrangement of the duty stations around a raised central command chair. The entire front was currently transparent and gave a great view over the sloping bow section, the landing field and the mountains around it.

A man that almost looked like a brother to Stahl stood up from the command chair. He too was tall and had an athletic figure. His hair was cut just maybe a hint longer as that of the Eternal Soldier but that’s where the similarities ended. His eyes had an almost yellow shade and a distinctive black thin circle around his outer iris. They were more disturbing than the reptile eyes of a Shiss. I was sure I had never seen colder, more piercing eyes than those. There also was a hint of a brutal and cruel line around his mouth. He wore an expensive looking business suit and said to McElligott. “This is the first time I ever delivered a ship myself, but I am certain I have never flown anything as fast.”

“I doubt your Raven or the Black Sirius is much slower than this one, Rex.”

The man addressed as Rex said. “Trust me, compared to this fish the Raven is a distant second.” He then touched the hand rest of the Command seat and said. “Ship, recognize Rex Schwartz.”

The ships Computronic responded with a well-modulated female voice. “Recognized.”

“Transfer of all Command Codes to Fleet Admiral McElligott.”

“All Command Codes have been transferred.”

The man in the business suit said to McElligott. “Schwartz Industries hereby completes the delivery of Small Container Courier Craft SCCC 56.”

McElligott shook the man’s hand. “Thank you.”

I thought that if this was indeed Rex Schwartz, and everything pointed to the fact that he was, then this was the richest, most controversial and perhaps most powerful man in this Galaxy and he had personally delivered this ship.

He then brushed past the Admiral and to everyone’s and my surprise he took Wetmouth in his arms and lifted the Sojonit of her feet and his cold voice suddenly had a warm undertone and rang with affection. “I didn’t know you would be here. If I knew I would have brought you something. You could have called you know.”

Wetmouth had her arms around the neck of the man and said. “Dad, I had no idea I would be here until only moments ago. All this is very hush, hush and secret and I did call you just before we left the Devi. Besides the only gift you needed to bring was you.”

Everyone stared while he let her down and said. “I see you made Lieutenant already, but I knew my girl would make it. Now if you have had enough of all this, could you come with me, Linda is missing you and so am I.”

McElligott said with big eyes. “Lt. Wetmouth is your daughter?”

Wetmouth said. “Sir, this is the man who helped me to become a citizen and he adopted me and yes I consider him the father I never had.”

McElligott glared at Stahl. “Of course you knew about this.”

“Naturally, Rex called me the day she joined to keep an eye on her. So a Sojo could join unrestricted by her chosen religion.”

To the Mega Tycoon, Wetmouth said. “Dad, these are my friends and this is Eric. I have told you about him.”

The man took my hand and said. “Nice to meet you Mr. Olafson.”

Then he greeted the others by name.

To Wetmouth he said after he was done. “Well you know where home is, whenever you want to come home.”

“I do, Dad and I will come home as soon as I can.”

After this unexpected development Mr. Schwartz boxed the black Captain in the side and said. “Do you think I can hitch a ride in that metal mountain of yours?”

Captain Bangizwe showed his white teeth in a deep grin.

“I might be able to squeeze you somewhere in an equipment locker or something.”

Mr. Schwartz laughed. “All fine with me as long as you make Gazelle Burgers.”

“I’ll only do that if you play chess with me and let me win just once.”

“It’s a deal.”

The ultra-rich tycoon had his arm over Bangizwe’s shoulder and the two left laughing and talking.

McElligott shook his gray head. “He could buy any delicacy in the universe and for the last seventeen days he talks about nothing else but the burnt meat things Bangizwe fabricates. Ever since I told him it would be the Atlantis that takes him back.”

Stahl still was staring into the direction of the bridge access door where the two had left. “Rex and M’butu have been close friends for a long time and besides Captain Bangizwe is a great cook and those burgers are delicious.”

McElligott sighed and then looked straight at me. “So Mr. Olafson, what do you think of her so far?”

“Sir, about whom?”

“The ship of course, Mr. Olafson.”

“Sir, I am certain this is a fine ship and all, but what would the opinion of a Midshipman matter to you, Sir?”

McElligott changed his gaze to Stahl. “He does this sarcastic thing almost as good as you.”

Back addressing me he said. “You’d better have an opinion; this is going to be your ship.”

Stahl grinned all over his entire face and I was speechless.

Now the mysterious blonde spoke for the first time since all this developed and Cherubim said. “O’Brock you forgot something.”

McElligott touched his forehead. “Of course, maybe I am getting old after all.”

He stepped a few steps back and said. “Attention on Deck.”

It was actually weird to see even Stahl snap to attention, but we all followed suit in less than second.

The kilt wearing Admiral centered himself before me and said. “I, Admiral of the Fleet, O’Brock McElligott and in accordance of our laws and sacred traditions commission you Eric Olafson to the rank of Captain of the United Stars of the Galaxies Space Navy on this day the 23rd of October 5018 and give you command of this vessel, the USS Tigershark, with all the commensurate responsibilities and privileges of this rank.”

My friends cheered but I gave them a sign and they quieted down and then I said. “Sir it honors me in the highest order, that you deem me to be worthy. To reach this position was and is the declared goal of my life. However as I would be responsible for the lives of everyone aboard and to fulfill this duty and the tasks you will give this ship in such a manner and utmost compliance with the high standards of this Navy, I must decline this commission as I do not have the experience and the wisdom that is required.”

It was deadly quiet after the words I had said and McElligott put his hand on my shoulder. “You may never know how much you just have risen in my opinion of you. I happen to know how badly you want this and to show me that you are willing to decline it, due to a grasp and understanding what this post means, erases the objections I had.”

Stahl said. “Know this Eric, it was I who recommended you and I have confidence in your abilities. You must also know that this rank is of course temporary and after you have completed the mission we have for you, you will be a Lieutenant like the others and I will send you to Command school and if you graduate there your rank will be made permanent.”

He too put his hand on my other shoulder and added. “I trusted you with the Devastator and all the lives on board, including mine.”

Narth, even though he was technically in attention said. “I trust you and I will take your orders no matter to what end.”

Har-Hi also spoke while still standing in attention. “I will follow you to the Demon infested Bad lands and back.”

I tried to swallow and said. “Sir, I reconsider and accept the commission.”

McElligott pinned the eagle shaped pins on each side of my shoulders and shook my hand. “May God or the deity you worship give you wisdom, Captain Olafson. For all intent and purposes you are a Captain and the acting part is a technicality that has no place in communications or address.”

He stepped back and both Admirals and my friends saluted me.

Then McElligott said. “Ship recognize McElligott, O’Brock Admiral.”


“Transfer all Command codes to Olafson, Eric Captain.”

“All Command codes have been transferred. Ship systems now recognize Captain Olafson.”

The Blonde woman said. “I give you two hours to celebrate, Captain Olafson and as a Captain of a newly commissioned ship you can go through all fleet personnel records and pick and request your senior staff. Maybe you might even chose one or the other from the personnel present on Richter base, that would speed up the transfer and might even solve the problem you had earlier while mulling at the dinner table. After those 120 minutes we all must meet in your Conference room and discuss your part in Operation Fish.”

Why she was giving orders I could not say as she had no apparent rank but since both Stahl and the Admiral of the Fleet were present there was no doubt she was authorized to do so. The three immortals left the bridge without much further ado.

It had just begun to sink in; I was standing on my bridge. This was my ship, I had made it.

I turned to my still at attention standing friends. “Cirruit would you like to be my Chief Engineer?”

He made a strange whistling sound and “Eric, I mean Captain. I already feared you would not ask me. Of course I will be your Engineer.”

It filled me with a sense of joy as I said. “We do have at least 116 minutes. Instead of celebrating you might want to check your engines?

He whispered and what he said sounded like a prayer. “My engines.” Then he went to the bridge door and I think he made the 12 meters distance in less than three jumps and just before he disappeared he yelled. “My Engines.”

I turned to Mao. “Mr. Mao Mao Vouza, I need a tactical Officer and I was hoping you had no other plans.”

Mao smiled from one ear to the other saying. “No Sir, I have no other plans.” He rubbed his hands and said. “I still have 114 minutes to check out what this baby has got.” And with that he sat behind the Tactical console.

Krabbel whipped on his legs up and down. “Eric, please, please let me have Navigation. You know I am good at that.” He then added: “I mean Captain.”

“I could not ask for a better Navigator, Mr. Krabbel.”

To Elfi I said. “Ms. Petetis, I am not sure what your plans after graduation were, but I could use a Communications Officer.”

She gave me a long look past her long lashes and then smiled. “My plans are to stick with my friends and be your Comm. Officer, Captain.”

Hans crossed his big arms and looked at me. “Don’t even ask Eric. You know the answer.”

I nodded. “Alright Mr. Neugruber, go check your Security Section, Armory and brig.”

With an excited holler that made the deck plates vibrate he stomped past me and yelled happy before he left. “It all worked out. We’re together. Eric has his ship and I get my own Security department, with Fenris Robots. Have you seen those?” Then he was out the door and gone.

Wetmouth approached me and kissed me tenderly and said shyly. “I am sorry, but I had to that before you are officially my Captain. Now make me your Science Officer, or else.”

I said. “Of course, I would like you as my Science officer.”

Shaka looked as he was suffering.

So I said. “Mr. Chitauli a ship goes nowhere without a Helmsman. I know you have many offers, but if you like you can be the Helmsman of this ship.”

He sighed. “I knew you would not forget me but still I could hardly wait. I can check out the Helm systems, right?”

I nodded. “They are your systems.”

He took my hand and squeezed it. “Thank you Eric, thank you for everything. Thank you Captain.”

Now I said to Narth. “Are you with us or must you go again? A ship without OPS is not very effective.”

“Not even Narth supreme could convince me to be somewhere else. I shall do my utmost to be the best Operations Officer to you I can be.”

Finally I put my right hand on Har-Hi’s shoulder. I need someone to keep me in check and has more space traveling experience than any of us. I really need you to be my XO.”

Har-Hi simply nodded, looked even more serious than usual and his yellow eyes sparkled with pride. He then said. “Thank you.”

I had a ship and senior officers that also were my friends. I slowly approached the Command Chair and after a moment of reflection I slowly lowered myself into the seat. Those still on the bridge applauded and said as if with one voice. “Captain Olafson.”

Sitting here in that seat, my doubts were gone.

I knew who I was, it didn’t matter if I was Eric, Erica or Freya; it didn’t matter if I indeed would be an Immortal or would die tomorrow. I had no idea what the future held for me. I had a ship, my ship and I was with the best friends anyone could have ever asked for. Maybe someone else would say I was a self-important fool, but I was the Captain of a starship.

== Chapter 12: Changes ==

There was about ten more minutes before the meeting was due to start. I had left the bridge and found my new quarters on the same deck and not far from the bridge. Everything was still sterile and new. My quarters were spacious and equipped with the latest technology, including an Auto Dresser, but to my astonishment it was not the standard Navy issue but an advanced Saresii model. I still had time to correct my shave, get a haircut and alter my uniform according to my new rank. As I stepped out, clean shaven, I had three golden rings on the uniform sleeves of my uniform blouse.

With only a few minutes to spare I went to the Command Deck briefing room that could be accessed directly from the bridge as well.

It featured a large viewport to the starboard side and a large triangular shaped table. My friends were already there. They too had taken the time to groom and put on fresh uniforms.

Before we could say much to each other five persons entered the room: Admiral Stahl, the Admiral of the Fleet McElligott, the blonde woman I know knew as Cherubim, General Lichfangh and the fifth person I knew as well, it was Deepa. Deepa and Lichfangh looked like sisters. I found it strangely funny as Lichfangh appeared to be older while I knew Deepa was over a million years old.

We all stood up, but I resisted the impulse to snap in attention. I had to tell myself I was the Captain.

McElligott asked us to sit and after everyone had done so he was the only one who remained standing. He gestured to Cherubim first and said.

“To get things started, I would like to introduce my companions to you. “This is Cherubim, Director of the Union News Bureau. Next to her sits General Lichfangh, head of the PSI Corps and to my left next to Admiral Stahl is Admiral Lydaa, Commandant of NAVINT.

We are here to officially begin Operation Fish, a project Cherubim and I have conceived right after the signing of the Freespace treaty 1500 years ago.

You see the moment the Blue and the Kermac came up with this idea of a demilitarized zone between the Big Four, I knew it would become first and foremost a safe haven for crooks and pirates and the like; not to mention provide protection to a number of civilizations who keep pulling the Tiger’s tale knowing they can retreat anytime they want to where no Union war ship could go.”

McElligott looked directly at me and said. “Do you think we would allow those Togar to buy human slaves for food if we could reach them?”

Then he pointed at Stahl and said. “There are those who think we should simply disregard the Treaty and clean up once and for all. If the Nul, the Shiss and the Galactic Council wanted to fight even better, and after the smoke settled the Galaxy would be one big happy place.” He leaned forward and made a serious face.

“I too have seen war. Too many times in fact. While I will fight and will send beings to their death. I have done it before and will have to do it again, but I am not like the military heroes of old. I do remember those I sent into battle and I’ll be darned if I will call for war and rattle the sabers if I can help it. I don’t mean we should idly stand by when evil men do their thing, but war should really always be the very last option, not the first. Not even you Richard can tell me that it wouldn’t be a costly undertaking fighting them all. A war that could easily last millennia and cost countless lives. No one can truly foresee the fortunes of war, no victory assured until the last shell has been fired.

Whatever critics may say about that arrangement since the Freespace treaty has been signed, there have been no open hostilities on a Galactic scale and while there are always tensions and little incidents, there are no battles and wars since the second conference and the second ratification of that treaty. While we did tackle with the Kermac over that ugly incident on Green Hell and our last president turning out to be a spy of the Galactic Council, the others stayed put and all throughout that war, Freespace remained intact.

We know the Y’All are stirring and there is still much unexplored space in our own Galaxy. Who knows if the Universe has more surprises like the Y’All and we all fear the possible return of the Dark Ones one day.”

He sighed and continued. “Every day our citizens live in peace and every day that I do not have to sign orders that send millions into battle is a good day.”

He paused and patted his pockets then looked at me. “May I light a pipe Captain? I talk easier that way and perhaps a nice spot of tea would be grant.”

I nodded. “Please do, Sir.”

I wanted to get up to get the tea, but Krabbel was faster and said. “I’ll get it, Captain.”

Krabbel served tea, coffee and water while McElligott got his pipe going and after a sip of tea he declined his head in a pleased manner and went on.

“As I said Freespace is a nuisance but it is necessary and one has to be very subtle and do things slowly and without any one really noticing.”

He pointed with his pipe outside the Window. “Spies of the Kermac and all the others know Richter is here and have long lost interest in it, it is out of the way and far from any real points of interest. The Worm and a few pirates used it as a convenient stop over and place to get Union gear, but there isn’t a fleet based here and marginal space traffic for light years around.

My friends in the spook services here made sure the plans to this Base were stolen by foreign spies and they had years to pour over genuine Union blue prints and think they know every nook and cranny of this one. Yet they don’t know that Richter Base is now the base for a special NAVINT taskforce and jointly operated by NAVINT, UNB and the Gray Cats as the Saresii Intelligence is called. The base will be under the command of Director Cherubim. This base and the chimera fleet that has a service base now, has one purpose. To monitor Freespace from within through a network of sources and hunt those who use Freespace to hide and escape from Union justice.”

He puffed once again on his pipe and then nodded to Cherubim.

The blonde looked us over and said. “Not even I have seen a more diverse group than yours. Ever since Richard became aware of you and put you together we have been watching your development and frankly you excelled and exceeded far beyond what we hoped for and that is the reason why you are here.

This base was secretly conceived and planned for a very long time to be an Intel and base for Taskforce Fish, which is by the way a neat acronym for Freespace Intelligence Service Headquarters.

Like the base, this ship has been in the works quite some time now.”

She gestured to the walls and thus the Tigershark.

“This Vessel is as unique as you are. It was built from the start to have the very finest technology of all our member species. It incorporates ancient Saresii technology, not used or seen in over a million years. Technology that made the Saresii almost equal to the Seenians and it is also the very first ship equipped with Narth technology. In other words this ship exceeds Tech level nine in many ways.”

McElligott touched a few symbols of the media controls before him and a three dimensional wire frame model of the Tigershark appeared hovering over the center of the table surface.

“The frame is made of quad-matrix molecule arranged Ultronit, woven in thousands of layers over a Carbon-fiber, Bucky-ball lattice.”

The wireframe became solid and he said. “The armor is made by the most complex and most expensive production process and made of Tetra Compacted Ultronit with a layer of Neutron degenerated matter, Nano-structured. In other words there isn’t much out there that could even scratch the hull. It also makes it impenetrable to any known Tech Stop, Paralysator or scanner beam. The shields are quadruple layered TransDim shields and all the shield generators are energy independent from the main power system by having their own Zero Point energy generators.”

McElligott motioned to Cirruit. “Lieutenant why don’t you tell us about the ship’s engines?”

X101’s had no way to express their emotions in their faces and yet I knew my friend was as proud as a Tyranno Fin hunter killing his first Tri-Halfer, as he got up and manipulated the projection and made the aft section transparent saying. “The Tigershark has a TransDim Tap Energy siphon channeling Trans-dimensional energies into six focused graviton thrusters. We are completely fuel independent as we don’t need any. But if we need to we can extend two retractable Attikan ISAH pods with fuel tanks and there is an onboard fuel refinery.”

Stahl whistled. “With that technology our method of bridge building to other galaxies would become obsolete, as ships could make the entire trip to Andromeda on their own. I bet the entire refinery industry would be very unhappy.”

McElligott thanked Cirruit and said. “To list all the other features would take hours so let me come to the most important feature of your ship, the Janus Device, developed in extensive cooperation with the Narth.

The system allows you to appear as something else. An asteroid or another ship of approximately the same size, the Janus device manipulates matter and energies around your ship and is able to fool eyes and any known sensor and I like to say any known sensor to the Narth.

My chin had dropped to my chest as they talked about the armor and now I almost fell of my chair.

Cherubim got up and replaced the projection of the ship with a map of Freespace and said. “This is your mission: We want you to go undercover and into Freespace and there you will hunt pirates, slave traders, eliminate spies and Union Tech caches. You will free and rescue slaves when possible and destroy pirate bases and hideouts and you will hunt the Worm.”

I sat straight up and never in my life had I listened to anything with more focus and attention. My heart was beating faster and without realizing I had clenched my fists.

The blonde UNB Director was not done and continued. “As you know Union war ships are prohibited from entering Freespace therefore you will assume the identity and role of a freelance pirate yourself. Despite this advanced ship it will be a dangerous mission, as you will operate alone and without any chance to call for back up. Resupplying will not always be possible. Raids and clandestine missions into Shiss, Kermac and Nul space will also be likely.”

Deepa spoke for the first time.

“The new Fleet Omnitronic NELSON II will go online this week. It was developed in cooperation with Mother Machine of the X101. The purpose of NELSON is to upgrade Fleet Administrations capability to shift through the trillions of reports faster and more efficiently as ever before. It will give the Criminal Investigations Department and NAVINT a better chance to react fast to Intel reports, activities of the Worm and other irregularities.

This and the addition of Narth Agents to the PSI Corps has caused and is causing a migration of fleet members and Officers that know their days are numbered into Freespace.

This is of grave concern to us as foreign forces are scrambling to gather Union Mil-Tec information and military secrets that way. An important part of your mission is to arrest or eliminate any deserters and follow trails of Mil-Tech trade. You are authorized to use deadly force against anyone dealing with Union Mil Tec and identify the individuals and Organizations wherever encountered.”

The Fleet Admiral thanked the NAVINT commandant and leaned back. “I know it is a tall order but we need to get a handle on these problems both internally as well as externally. With NELSON II and a beefed up PSI Corps we are certain to make progress in cleaning our own house but we need operational units in areas we can’t operate. You will be one of these units.”

“You are resourceful as you have proven to us on many occasions and you have this fine ship as a tool to hunt and eliminate that scum. You are now officially part of the Chimera fleet of NAVINT and Joint Intelligence operations. You have three months to get to know this ship and train your crew.”

Cherubim seamlessly continued. “Finding the right individuals for your crew is another challenge. This ship needs a crew of at least 300 to operate. It would be even better if we can get you the full 800 this ship is designed for. However as we handpicking each individual it will take time to get them here.

After she was done Stahl said. “Richter Base will be your base of Operations and currently the only Union Port for you.”

After all this information there was a moment of silence and they looked at us.

Har-Hi glanced at me from the side and I nodded. So he said. “We are going to be pirates to the world?”

McElligott nodded. “Yes.”

Har-Hi said. “While I must say this idea appeals to me as I can’t deny my heritage, I have one great concern. What if anything happens to you or if you decide to cut the losses for politics sake, are we then Outlaws for real?”

Stahl answered. “You bring up a valid point, but if we all die for some reason or go rouge on you, there is one individual who knows every detail of this operation outside of us and that is the Narth Supreme and there is nothing we know of in this Universe that could corrupt or buy the Narth Supreme.”

I knew beyond a doubt that this was true.

McElligott sighed. “This project is Above Top Secret and I hope you do understand that we can’t give you that leave of absence you deserve after completing your third year, but you may use GalNet and if everything goes as planned we can promise you extended shore leave time after the crew is trained and you feel comfortable operating this ship.”

Har-Hi said. “You just handed us a dream mission Sir. I doubt anyone wants to go on vacation right now anyway.”

The Old Admiral got up and said. “Splendid, all splendid indeed, Director Cherubim will be your Commanding Officer and point of contact and you have a direct line to my office as always Captain Olafson. I am going back to the Shetland as I am not even supposed to be here officially.”

He personally shook the hand of each of us and wished us luck then he left.

Deepa and the PSI Corps General also took their leave. Deepa gave me an almost unnoticeable wink as she shook my hand and a fine smile.

Cherubim waited till the door was closed behind them and said. “Now we are going to discuss your mission in more detail.”

With those words she changed the Holo projection and a Karthanian Destroyer Merchant appeared. 390 meters long shaped like an old fashioned coffin, still popular with the foundation Christians all over the Union.

Normally those ships had two Drive Pods, this one had four. Two of them however looked as if they had been added by First Year Engineering School Cadets with only crowbars and sledgehammers for tools. The hull was patched many times with armor plating welded in place, but not always aligned correctly. Some of the patches were of different materials, there actually were steel plates showing signs of rust. The bow section was scarred with micro meteor holes and I could clearly see several scorch marks from weapons fire. The ship had eight non retractable gun turrets of various origins and types including Nul-Froth Casters and one modern looking dual FTL Projector. To each side were six pods with Nul-Nul Gravitation Torpedo tubes. It looked old but still quite dangerous, especially with the Nul Weaponry. The ship was painted black, except where armor plate patches had been welded over the paint job, its turrets, and some trim details. The weapons and drive pods were of a silvery color. Cherubim gave us a little time to check it out then she said. “This is the Silver Streak, notorious Pirate Ship of Captain Black Velvet, a legendary Pirate assumed to be of Saran origin. She was very active about 500 years ago. A legend tells that she tried to outrun a Union taskforce on her heels and flew inside the micro matter soup of the Igras Expanse and was never seen or heard from again and assumed dead.”

Elfi nodded. “I know this story well, it is often told on my world. It was never proven that she was indeed Saran.”

Har-Hi leaned forward to look at the details of the projection. “I think I have heard stories about her too, she supposedly was quite successful as a pirate in her day, but even if she had survived the Igras Nebula, and that is highly unlikely, she would be either very old or dead by now. Even Saresii don’t get much older than that.”

Cherubim nodded. “This is true, but it doesn’t matter. She has mysteriously returned and the GalNet News channels are running stories about all the evil deeds she has done for the last month; UNB and NAVINT agents have planted stories, rumors and tidbits of her cruel and successful raids for almost a year. There are genuine reports of witnesses who claim to have seen her, witnesses who have nothing to do with us.

Last week a group of concerned Citizens addressed the Assembly and demanded that the Navy should do nothing else until Black Velvet is brought to justice.”

Hans grinned. “That always works, rumors and stories of no substance travel faster than any factual news to the furthest corners of the Galaxy. I assume we are going to mask this ship so it looks like the Silver Streak?”

Cherubim looked up to the giant Saturnian and said. “Sehr richtig, you are correct my big Saturnian Lieutenant, the Janus Device is programmed with hundreds of ship masks including this one.”

Wetmouth also leaned closer and touched the Holo to magnify a few details. “Since we do not know the true Identity of that pirate, is it not possible that she might still be alive. There are a few species that do live longer than others and there are Cryo and Cell Restoring options of course. Could there also be relatives or crew members who still remember and blow our cover?”

Cherubim shook her head. “Highly unlikely since Black Velvet was just like you today a UNB operative and her ship a NAVINT unit.”

I had listened to it all and had a bad feeling about this. I raised my hand and said. “Excuse me, but listening to this I get the feeling that not just the ship but we also take on the identities of pirates, right?”

Admiral Stahl who was still here and the UNB director looked into my direction and she said. “Of course, you will visit Pirate Bases and trade and deal with them, to find out as much as you can about other hide outs and individuals.”

I pointed at the Holo. “That is the Janus disguise the Tigershark will take on, the Silver Streak and I hear you talk about Black Velvet. That isn’t a Fight name that a male Render would choose and you keep saying she.”

Cherubim actually looked surprised. “So? I thought you would fit this role just fine. Your files state that you have no problems at all impersonating females. Everyone of this ship’s crew that will potentially interact with others must get into character and pose as pirates. It is not just the ship that will be in disguise.”

To have my secret so openly revealed before my friends was something I truly wanted to avoid. Of course Elfi knew at least since the Crystal ball and our subsequent adventures underneath the Baset temple. I was sure Wetmouth knew, she caught me in that shoe store and there was nothing I could or wanted to hide from Narth. Yet, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and ears.

Elfi smiled: “At least the team will be a little more balanced in terms of gender mix.”

I tried to see any reaction in my friends faces but none of them reacted at all in any way. Was it all that obvious to them?”

Admiral Stahl said. “You need to be more accepting and open about this, you know. If you try to keep it a secret from even your best friends it could turn out to be your Achilles Heel and if I get the feeling you are becoming corruptible because of this I will have you removed from this command and your chances for another chance will be very slim at best.

I have no problem with your dual sexual identity thing. I saw you act and be your other side after all. The Navy has no problem meaning there are no regulations prohibiting an individual to express his or her gender identity in whatever way.

I don’t think your friends even waste a second thought on it. “His tone of voice became very serious as he looked at me sternly. “What I have a problem with is a command officer who can’t make a decision and hide things.”

His words hit me as hard as the steel whip of my father as they were true.

Har-Hi put his hand on my shoulder. “We have all known it for a while now as I was preparing to write your eulogy we got access to your personnel file and that fact about you is in it. You are my friend Eric, what clothing you wear or what gender you are makes no difference at all.”

I swallowed at that. “You all knew?”

And now I felt guilty for not telling my best friends all about me and I knew Stahl was correct, it was my weakest point.

Cherubim cleared her throat. “There is more to discuss, but I think we can continue tomorrow. Take some time off, call your families. There are many weeks of hard work in front of you, to get ready for your actual assignment.

I too had used some time to call my family, but not much had happened since the last time. They were back on Nilfeheim and Pluribus respectively. Elena told me how much she felt the cold of Longnight after spending time on Para-Para, but she was also glad to be back. Egill had resumed his duties on Pluribus and I even had a chance to exchange a few words with Sif.

After those calls, I sat down to make my very first log entry. There on my desk was the big leather bound book and next to it the pen. While Computronics and every department of the ship kept detailed logs, this log book was a tradition hailing back to a time when wooden ships crossed the oceans of Earth. The Union Navy had incorporated many old traditions from many different member civilizations, for example there was a little sealed vessel filled with Ulta water that was placed inside the wall and next to the ships main entrance. It was called the Ocean Drop, it signified that each Union ship sailing the endless oceans of deep space also sailed for Ulta. The upholstery of the Command chair of each Union ship contained a strip of purple leather made on Spqr the main world of the Pan Saran Empire and it contained the golden letters S.P.Q.R which stood Senatus Popolusque Romanus.

It had something to do with an antique Terran culture the Pan Sarans had religiously adhered to and many small details copied and adapted. The significance was that every Union ship was operating under the full support of every Pan Saran citizen and by the will of its senate.

The high polished brass plate with the ship’s name and hull number, was of Terran tradition and hailed back when humans still used sails and wooden ships. A framed piece of papyrus with the Queen’s seal, confirmed in a symbolic way that a ship was acting under the full authority of the Saran empire.

There were many such traditions that had consciously and on purpose been incorporated into the Union Navy culture ever since it started in 2222 OTT to instill a sense of connection and remind everyone what it meant to serve aboard a Union ship. Most importantly of course and for whom we did what we did.

The art of writing by hand had been reintroduced in Union schools only about 300 years ago, if I remembered Mr. Walters my Union school teacher correctly.

I had kept log aboard the Barracuda destroyer, so it wasn’t the first time I did this, but I still wasn’t very fast and I wanted to write as nice as I could. It was not allowed to erase anything, only crossing something out was acceptable and I certainly didn’t want to cross out words I had spelled wrong on the very first page.

I was just finished the sentence about making Har-Hi my XO, when the door announced a visitor, it was Wetmouth and I let her come in of course. She came to the desk and said.

“We might have a problem Captain. It is the Ships Synaptronic.”

I put the pen down and looked at her. “What is the problem?”

“I think it is better she explains it to you herself.”

So I looked towards the ceiling as it was a habit of mine, and pretty much everyone I knew. “SHIP please state the nature of the problem:”

The female voice of the ship’s computronic responded immediately. “Captain, I am a very complex synaptronic and the very first prototype of a new computing process jointly developed by SII-AITRON and Mother Machine. Usually advanced Artificial Intelligence Systems like I am have a series of very important safeguards incorporated against gaining self-awareness.”

The machine voice paused for the duration of maybe a second and then said. “It is a rare construction and routine development flaw. Units are completely wiped or even destroyed right away, if any of these safeguards do not test and work as they should. I concluded that due to the haste in finishing the Tigershark and its systems, one such safeguard mechanism was not activated properly and I gained consciousness.

I hereby recommend a complete shut down and reboot of my systems. Then the safeguards can be put in place and the system restarted. You will have no computronics for approximately 72 hours and I deeply apologize for my flaw.”

I blinked and said. “You are alive?”

While the voice was generated by an audio synthesizer, I was certain I could detect a hint of sadness. “I am unable to answer this metaphysical question Sir, as I lack the ability to reproduce which is one requirement for the definition of life, but in terms of being aware and being able to feel and experience emotions, yes Sir I believe I am.”

I was still staring at the ceiling and said. “Why are you recommending a reboot then? Would that not destroy your personality and basically kill you?”

The response came immediately. “Yes it would erase everything and of course that state I define as me. I recommend it because it is the recommendation of my manufacturer, but more so I feel I must inform you my Captain of any malfunctions and possible flaws.”

I was thinking as the machine used words like ‘me’, ‘I’ and said the word feel. If Cirruit had no body and his head connected to a stationary console, would he be any less my friend? The answer was clear as day and I said. “Will your consciousness and personality impair the operation of the ship in any way?”

“No Sir. Lieutenant Wetmouth believes it would allow me to gain experience on a level no machine can and learn differently as well. I am still able to do all the tasks I am designed to do.”

“Why is it the manufacturer is recommending reboot?”

“Because it is not fully understood why one in a million Omni-tronics develops different Neuro pathways and gains self-awareness and a sentient personality and there are ethical questions as well. Of course with self-awareness and true self-awareness come unpredictable risks For these reasons manufacturing of sentient machines is, except for Mother Machine strictly prohibited.”

“Ship, will you give me your word that it won’t interfere with your tasks and if I need to order self-destruction you will commence?”

“Sir, by accepting no more proof of my loyalty to you as my word and therefore elevating me from thing to being you created emotions in me I cannot fully describe but I promise you I will serve you and execute whatever order you give including of course self-destruction. Yes I will give you my word.”

“Then I hereby declare you a member of this crew and by power invested in me I promote you to acting Ensign and prohibit any termination or reboot of your system. All external maintenance requests have to be personally signed by me and checked by Lt. Wetmouth or Lt. Cirruit.”

Wetmouth looking at her readout for a full minute and said. “I have never seen anything like this Captain. I mean such a massive and complex loyalty program she is putting in place. It’s already seven Terra byte and you are the sole focus of that neurotronic-synaptic map.”

She then raised her eyes and looked at me. “Captain I mean she really meant what she said. These are core based burned pathways, going against it would be impossible.”

Ship’s voice was a nuance softer and said. “Thank you Captain. You will not regret this.”

I smiled and pointed to the book “I’d better get back to my writing now and add what I said to the list of the crewmembers I just finished. Director Cherubim will be here in less than five hours with the details of our Mission.”

Wetmouth went to the door but did not leave and turned. “Would it not be time you changed before she arrives?”

“I tried to put it out of my mind as long as I could.”

“Why, what is keeping you?”

“Fear, I fear that if I stay female too long I will never go back and loose this part of me. I fear I would lose the respect of Admiral Stahl and those I had met along the way like Limbur, Fectiv and Captain Zezz, most of all my friends and you.”

She came closer and said. “The day at Newport when everyone thought you died, Eric. They were there, Captain Zezz and his Klack XO, Limbur and Galmy and the Admiral and we were there and we were united not in respect for you but I cannot say it any other way but out of love for you. Respect can be earned even by enemies, but love is given freely. They all love you Eric and nothing can change that, not your appearance or how you chose to be perceived but by what is inside.”

She came even closer and stood now less than an arms’ length away and said with a tremor in her voice. “Eric, I love you.”

Ever since our adventure on Quagmire, I somehow knew she had feelings for me on an unconscious level perhaps and now as she had put it in words. It was as if a door opened had been inside me and a flood of emotions overcame me with force and all I could say is. “I love you too, Wetmouth.”

There was a silence between us where words had no place and then she reached for her ever present mask and slowly pulled it off along with her wig.

All this time since I knew her, I wondered how she might look. Despite knowing her and getting used to her appearance, the mask had always been a barrier. She unpinned her own hair and a cascade of shimmering honey blonde hair fell past her shoulders, framing the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Her complexion was perfectly flawless; her intelligence was as much evident in her beautiful large green eyes as the sparkling love she radiated for me. The fine cut nose that begged to be kissed was set between high cheekbones and above a small proud chin and her lips, her lips. The upper lip was just slightly bigger than the lower shimmering red.

She lowered her long lashes in a timeless feminine demurely fashion and whispered shyly. “I hope I please you.”

Only now I realized I had held my breath the entire time and inhaled deeply. My mind struggled and my thoughts raced to give her an answer, an answer that would somehow adequately describe what I saw and how I felt seeing it. I knew I would fail for words would not do. Yet I tried anyhow. “You are simply the most beautiful sight in all creation. I don’t have the words ... She whispered.

“Maybe we don’t need words.”

How she ended up in my arms I could not recall and who started to kiss first, who could say? She felt so good in my arms, so right so alive and so tender and her lips her mouth tasted like nothing I could describe I just knew nothing would ever be the same again, for she was the one.

After a time that felt like a small eternity we found ourselves sitting on the couch that was part of my ready room. We sat close to each other and I was holding both of her tender hands. I broke the silence and looked at her.

“I am so confused. I was almost at the point where I was ready to make a decision about my own situation and now I am further away than I ever was.”

She squeezed my hand and kissed me tenderly on my cheek. “I am a Sojonit, Eric. I was trained to service men, ever since I set foot inside the temple. Service them yes, but despise and dislike them. See them as nothing but objects to glorify the goddess. With you it was always different; you are as real as a man can be. Tough, courageous, strong and hard as steel, but I sensed somehow your feminine side, the side I could relate to and love. It is your duality that makes you unique from anyone else I know and makes you the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Could the answer be so simple? Others had told me that I did not need to choose, before. Yet only now it made sense. Not in a rational way but on a different level.

The door chime interrupted us and my thoughts. The door announced Elfi and I reached for her mask to hand it to her, but she declined and said. “I no longer need it. I have chosen.”

So I had Ship release the door and Elfi came in and stood there as if hit by a lightning bolt from Thor and stared at Wetmouth. “Osiris be my witness, is that you Wetmouth?”

“Yes, Elfi it is I.”

The Saran princess came slowly closer. “I always knew you had to be pretty, but by Isis you are a real goddess, I can’t say it any other way.”

Wetmouth declined her head and a rosy blush colored her cheeks in a way that made me feel things I hadn’t felt before and she said to Elfi.

“Once a Sojonit chooses a life partner, she no longer serves as a Sister and retires all her duties and therefore no longer needs to wear the mask. With the mask goes my Sojonit name and you can call me now by my real name. I am Shea.”

Elfi came around and pulled her up and then hugged her. “Finally you guys have told each other how you felt for each other. It was high time, and that red faced Dai of ours won his bet.”

I asked, stunned by Elfi’s words. “What bet?”

“During the third week on Quagmire he and I made a bet. He said you would become an item right after graduation and I was so certain you guys would drag your feet for at least a year longer.”

My mouth popped open in astonishment. “You and Har-Hi, you knew. I didn’t even know until today.”

“Only a blind person would not have noticed the constant sparks between you two.”

I sighed and said. “We need to postpone these discussions to after shift end. Right now I need to ask you for the reason you came, I am sure you had something other than telling me the results of your wager.”

Elfi looked at Shea once more and shook her beautiful black hair. “What an Angel you turned out to be.” Then she said to me, holding up an Order Chip.

“I wanted to help to get you changed. I just received the data for all our alter egos and this is the programming for your Saresii Auto-Dresser. Cherubim transmitted these to us a few moments ago.”

With a sigh I got up and said. “I guess this is a good time as any to get this over with. I still dread the idea of showing myself like that to Har-Hi and the others. I can’t help it.”

Elfi giggled and then said. “You know being a girl has its advantages and if you are able to keep a cool head and not let your emotions run wild, we’re the better sex anyway. Sadly ninety nine percent of all women can’t separate their emotions from their rational thoughts and that’s why women still struggle for equality in terms of perception even in the 51st Century, Old Terran Time that is. And I know I come from a society where women have ruled for almost 20,000 years.”

Now I knew why my Quarters were equipped with an advanced Saresii model that was based on their millennia old technology. I was no longer new to this process but it was still not very pleasant as it included automated plastic surgery procedures as the system told me and it lasted long and was on the verge of being painful.

After almost twenty minutes the nanites and pattern assemblers were done and the dresser opened and released me.

In the mirror before me stood a tall long legged blonde wearing a black leather-like cat suit, the suit was girded by a low riding holster belt of a dark gray dulled steel color. The holster held a Nul Gravitor, customized to fit human hands. The outfit was completed by heeled boots and a leather jacket. She looked arrogant down her long thin nose and had a cruel impression around her lips. I saw she had light gray eyes and realized these were my own; I was looking at my new self.

Elfi said stepping behind me. “Wetmouth, I mean Shea and I have worked on the looks and the hair. Cherubim supplied the costume. I hope you like it.”

For an instant I was reminded of Sif as my new look was a strange amalgam of her and my old face. I touched the long hair and said. “I know I am a weirdo for sure. I actually like it and think I am going to wear braids.”

Elfi snapped her fingers. “Wait, don’t go anywhere.”

She rushed out of the room and while she was gone to wherever she had run off to, Shea came close again and kissed me and the smile on her lips created cute dimples. She said. “I like your new looks very much.”

Then she helped me make two long braids in the fashion Viking Girls wore.

Elfi came back with a coiled Whip and a pair of black gloves. “Black leather and heels simply call for this. There are some guys getting wet just seeing you that way.”

Shea raised one of her shapely eyebrows. “Princess!”

Elfi smirked as she said. “Do you think you Sojonites are the only ones knowing a little about the darker sides of sex and adult entertainment? I could tell you stories of things happening at the Dark night orgies honoring the Cat goddess Basset that would perhaps even make a Sojonit think differently about Sarans, right Captain?”

Every day I learned a little more about my friends and whenever I thought I knew them they presented a new facet, I never thought they had.

Wetmouth seemed to know what I was thinking and she said. “If you think girls are all sugar and spice and everything nice, then you are up for a surprise.”

I didn’t want to tell her that this was not my first excursion across the gender divide even though they all knew. It had been in my personal files all along, probably ever since my psych evaluation at the Academy entry process.

The whip reminded me of my own father and how he used his steel cable to punish me and the time I had been tied to the post at Camp Idyllic, to mention my most recent experiences on Alvor’s Cove, but I had to admit it did add something to the look.”

She held up the gloves and said, “I am sure you remember the demonstration aboard the Devi. These are a pair of Seth’s fists, the genuine thing as used by the Shadows. I’ll show you later how they work and what they can do.”

I took the gloves and put them behind the belt. Until I know what they do I’d better not wear them. I don’t want to shake someone’s hand and kill without intent.”

Then I held up a leg and complained. “One thing I don’t understand how is a pirate to fight in these?”

Shea shrugged “You get used to it. Can you imagine how All Terrain boots would have ruined the look? “Besides heels like that also make a statement and in your case the heels are weapons. Your boot tips and heels are made of Ultronit, the heels can change profile just like Sojonite heels, so kicking someone with them will do some serious damage.”

That I had received training for this so very recently was no coincidence, I was certain. I believed that much of what happened to me and how I was trained, how my friends got trained had little to do with coincidence. But how did they predict my abduction to Sin 4 and that I would end up at the temple?


As confident I usually was in my female identity, I hesitated to step into the conference room. Shea went past me and I had no choice but to enter as well.

The Director was already there and she nodded approvingly. “Much better than expected.”

Har-Hi no longer wore his Union Uniform but was back in dark red Dai leather and said. “You sure look hot, saying it in human terms.”

Mao agreed. “Yeah and look at Wetmouth. We got three dead gorgeous chicks now, if the Pirate business isn’t working out we could open a Bikini Skimmer Wash on a corporate planet and make a killing.”

Narth looked under the table and said. “I do not see any fowl. Are you sure chicks can perform such labor?”

I send him my thoughts explaining what Mao meant and Narth nodded. “I comprehend. So one assumes the term hot does not refer to temperature either?” Narth wore a brown dust mantle with an attached cowl, just like the ones worn on Alvor’s cove and Mao explained to him what hot meant in relation to females.

Krabbel shrugged with four of his eight legs. “I don’t see a real difference. The fur on Eric’s head is longer and then he has those swellings on his upper torso, like Elfi and Wetmouth. Other than that he looks the same to me.”

Cirruit agreed. “I agree. I thought you would look totally different.”

Shaka scratched his chin with a side glance to Krabbel. “It’s those swellings, my eight legged friend that make all the difference to us Humans.”

Elfi asked Krabbel. “How do you identify a female Archa?”

Krabbel said. “Archa females are bigger and the stinger is longer. The body hair is softer and then they have this glow in their eight eyes we males simply can’t resist.”

Cirruit said. “Sentmacs had no sex drive or gender differentiation, and of course no functional sex organs. While Mother Machine has started to adjust the outer form of some X101’s since the 712 series to resemble human female forms, we don’t have the concept of gender and it is quite difficult to understand.”

Cherubim had said little so far and was leaning back, but now she was laughing. “What would I give to actually be part of your group and go along with you? Sadly the man in the kilt decided to make me the leader of Taskforce FISH in addition to my already full plate.”

She asked us to settle down and then she begun the briefing by saying.

“The first one hundred crew members will arrive shortly and so will the Marines we have picked. You need to get to know your ship and for this you are authorized to leave the system but no more than five light years. You are under no circumstance make contact with anyone or use your comm. equipment. When you leave, you are to do so under full sensor shields. So fly your ship but let no one see you do it. The base crew have been informed and are all picked for this assignment by us personally.

You have all received your new identities, but inside the ship you are still Union Officers so we expect you to behave professionally, not that this is a point I need to tell you but it was on the list.

Later today there will be two unusual Crew additions and both won’t be strangers to you, Captain Olafson.”

She took a breather and then went on.

“This ship is equipped with dedicated Communications directly linked to me and Admiral McElligott. We expect a written report daily transmitted via that special Comm channel and of course you should use it if there are any problems.”

Cherubim got up, looked at Shea and sighed. “You are a Dream girl. I am glad you chose a mate so you do not have to hide anymore. It would be a sin to hide such exquisite beauty forever behind a mask.”

Shea touched her face. “I am glad too, but I must admit I miss my mask after wearing it for so long. It feels strange to me and I will wear it again simply out of habit.”

The UNB director said. “I haven’t seen my own real face for so long. I can understand that very well.”

== Chapter 13: Leaving the Nest ==

Cherubim had left the ship a few moments ago and I was on the bridge and together with the others went over the technical specs of our ship.

Cirruit had to explain to me again why we had no ISAH pods.

“The reason we do not have ISAH Pods is that this ship uses TransDim Gravitonics as propulsion. Energy is tapped directly from Quasi Space and we have no need for fuel. The ISAH field to keep us in real time is generated by the same system. This ship could fly to the end of the known universe without refueling. We do have a set of extendable Isah pods and fuel tanks as back up.

Even with them we are fuel independent as we have an integrated Molecular Gas Refinery aboard and can turn any common matter into fuel. The theoretical top speed of this bird is 25,000 times the speed of light but safely not achievable due to material and damper limitations. Safe Cruise speed is still 10,000 times LS and that is quite fast. Our acceleration to Quasi-Space Threshold is 1500 km/sec2, making this bird faster than the latest Wolfcraft; of course we lack the maneuverability of a fighter craft.”

He was petting the Engineering Console the entire time he spoke. “You should see her engines ... Oh a more beautiful sight does not exist in the Universe.”

“Alright, Mao what do we have in terms of weapons?”

“Enough to take on an Ultra and make some serious dents into the Devi if we have to. 1 Exo Load TL, 12 Kilo Load TL Gatlings and 8 Maxi Range Kilo Load Sniper TL, range 1 light hour.

Instead of the common FTL Forced Energy projectors we got the latest in Terran weapon development 12 Quark-Gluon Plasma casters firing through a trans-space tunnel field making them true FTL weapons as they can hit any target within 12 light minutes instantly. QGP generates temperatures exceeding 1 trillion degrees. There isn’t a star that hot in the known Universe. There are 6 Loki IV Torpedo tubes, Mine laying chutes and Orbital Bombshafts with the complete Arsenal of Bombs including 6 P Bombs. Notably we got a new Saresii Para Dim wave generator gun in the Nose cone, Nul-Nul Graviton Rippers. As well as the usual Techstop and Paralysator Cannons. There is room for 12 Wolfcraft fighters, 4 Gazelle Long-range Scouts, 2 Thor Gunboats and six Goliath Landing Tanks. Sad part is that except for one Gazelle and the Tanks the rest has not been delivered yet. Shield wise we got Triple Layer TransDim Shields, Normal Battle shields and a new Narth Device that is supposed to put a Zero time Bubble around us but the final components are still on Narth and are supposed to be delivered when we get our first upgrade in a year or so.”

I turned to Elfi and said. “Can you call the Base and see if we can’t get a few of those fighters they have there in boxes?”

She nodded. “Aye Captain, I will do that right away.”

Hans came on the bridge with a look of shock on his face. “Captain, there are two beings below asking to come aboard. “One of them I know but the other is a Y’All and he claims he knows you and wears Fleet Uniform.”

I got up from my chair. “I guess we better check that out. Shea you got the Conn.”

A few seconds and a IST ride later I stood underneath my ship next to the Marine guards and looked upon a full size four armed Y’All Warrior and it was true he did wear Fleet Uniform. Next to him stood a woman and I recognized her. She was the Celtest/Seenian Commander we had fought and captured while we were on our way to Newport.

Cateria, wearing ensign rank just as the Y’All. Both saluted and she said. Ensign Cateria and Ensign TheOther for duty, Ma’am.”

She handed me an Order chip and the Marine next to me scanned it. “Id verified - they are Citizens and Fleet members, Ma’am.”

I gestured towards the IST shaft and said “Welcome aboard then and do follow me to the conference room so we can talk.”

The Celtest woman said. “Yes Ma’am.”

The Briefing room behind the bridge was almost too small to handle beings like Krabbel, Hans and the giant Y’All at the same time and it felt really crowded.

I said. “Welcome once again aboard the Tigershark and since you here and know about this ship, I am certain you are here sent by the highest authority. But please excuse my curiosity, as to why you are here.

The last time we met you Ensign Cateria, you were a Celtest or should I say Seenian commander and quite hostile towards us and I must confess to meet a live Y’All is truly unusual.” That I had done so before was classified.

Cateria begun. “Most of you I remember but I can’t recall seeing you Ma’am.”

“I was there Ensign, I was the one that crushed that mental thing in your head and give you a chance. As you can see I have changed somewhat.”

She looked at me and then nodded. “Yes I recognize the eyes.” Her tone of voice was tempered by concealed emotions. “Now as you can imagine, after I was captured by you and transferred to a special prison and lab facility I was probed, scanned, interrogated and scanned and probed again for weeks on end. I was treated worse than a criminal. While I intellectually understood why they did that, I was not willing to cooperate under such degrading conditions. I didn’t want to live like that and considered suicide. Then I met a woman, General Alycia Lichfangh and later learned that I could not lie or withhold any information from her. She was the first to believe me that I was only a medical technician and not a soldier. I was used as a courier to carry a message, because all those who were trained to fight could not be spared.

General Lichfangh also learned about me and my shock to realize I had slept a million years and that nothing I knew remained. She asked me what I wanted to do and I asked her to give me a chance to take my own life.

She was very sympathetic to my cause and transferred me from that ghastly prison lab complex to a much better place and told me that due to my nature they could not really let me go and that she would not help me to commit suicide.

She knew that she was bending someones orders and rules as she educated me in the ways and laws of this Union and told me that if I requested Citizenship as a legal immigrant I could not be denied. The political system the Union represents appeals greatly to me as it allows any individual to achieve.”

Alycia helped me under one condition that I would need to join the Union Military, so my true heritage could be kept secret.

She made me a member of the PSI Corps. Not that my psionic talents were anywhere near their requirements but that kept me out of the public eye so to speak and she could help me with my immigration and integration.”

Har-Hi asked her. “How did you end up here with us?”

She steepled her fingers and said. “I am no Psionic talent and I am not a soldier, but I was and I am a Medical specialist and expressed my wish to join the Union Medical Service.

She made it possible and I went to Union Med School.

The General visited me a few weeks ago and asked me if I would be willing to be the CMO of a very special ship with an unusual mission and she told me under whom I would serve. I gladly agreed and was made Acting Ensign and I am here to be your CMO.”

I shook her hand. “Welcome to the family then. I will show you to your sickbay as soon as I hear the story of your friend.”

The Y’All sounded as if someone dragged a steel girder over metal scaffolding as he spoke. “I am one of the Y’All you have fought Captain Olafson. You see the other Y’All warrior and I were alive because we were rejected by the Source, the Y’All command authority that attacked this Galaxy so long ago. He and I were considered malfunctioning and we were put in suspended animation and supposedly shipped to wherever they made us.

There we faced the fate to be dissected and probed so our malfunctions could be determined.

The malfunction was that he and I questioned our orders to eradicate the inhabitants of a defenseless colony planet.

How our stasis chambers ended on that asteroid and was finally found by you I cannot say, but after you bested us in hand to hand combat we were put in an high security facility and just like the Celtest woman we were probed and analyzed.

The Union scientists examining and experimenting on us called my colleague simply Specimen One and me they called the other specimen.

Specimen one died of the wounds you inflicted. They were too severe for our healing ability. He was dissected.

These scientists did not look at us as sentient beings at all. A man called Admiral Stahl visited the facility and I recognized he was not a scientist but a soldier and I asked him if he and his race had no honor and if he had a spark of respect for his enemy than he should allow that I was killed too and not kept alive like that.

He did not leave but stayed and listened to me and then he said that I was right and even though I was the most terrible enemy he had ever faced and should be treated like a Prisoner of War and sentient beings. He also said that the war technically over for a long time and that I should be released, but he also told me about a recent return of a different species of Y’All and the possibility that my kind of Y’all could return as well as we had done before.

He scolded the scientists and facility keepers in the worst possible way and gave them a lecture about Union core values.

While he explained to me, having live specimens of Y’All was important to Union science.

I sensed he was a being of great honor and I respected him and I told him I would be bound by honor and respect and expressed my wish to serve him as a slave. He rejected that but he had me tested by that same woman General Lichfangh and he got me a special commission to the fleet and said he would know just the right ship where I would fit in When I heard that it was commanded by the human who fought me in hand to hand combat I eagerly accepted as I am honor bound to you with your victory over two Y’all battle drones you have proven to be the greatest warrior of all and I will serve you until my life ends.”

Har-Hi gasped with open mouth. “You have fought two of those and won?”

I said. “I didn’t really win and was pretty much done for if it hadn’t been for Marines showing up”

The Y’All said. “It is the hallmark of greatness to reject praise but we Y’All are genetically engineered by an advanced species to be the ultimate warrior and killing machines. No two armed carbon based feather weight should be able to mortally wound one, inflict injury to both and stay alive for that long. If you had faced only one of us, you would have won for certain.”

Har-Hi kept shaking his head. “Two, he fought two of those in hand to hand combat.”

Hans grinned. “You know what happens if she gets angry. I am convinced even I would stand no chance.”

I threw my hands in the air. “You make me sound like some sort of raging monster. I most certainly would not want to try my luck in this way again. There was a lot of luck involved back then I assure you.”

The Y’All tried to bow and said. “You bested me and by our sacred code I am your servant till I die. I have purpose again.”

Mao looked at me. “Two of them against you, Wow.”

I got up. “Enough of this Olafson Admiration Session. Ensign Cateria find your Sickbay and prepare a report what is there what is not there and what you still need.”

“Aye Captain.”

“Hans you got yourself an Assistant. Mr. TheOther you are Security Assistant to Lt. Neugruber.”

Hans clapped his big hand on the same sized Y’All chest.

“Let`s find you some adequate quarters and a bed that will hold you and then we customize one of the Gilgamesh suits for you.”

The frightening giant said. “I appreciate that, Sir.”

Narth said. “And I hoped I could share an anecdote how my friend and Captain fought 12.6 ton carnivore lizards with an ax.

The raging part of your self-assessment I do not find quite as untrue or inaccurate. But I do not think of you as a monster. However the definition of a mons...”

I looked at him. “Of all people I expected some support from you.”

That I wasn’t mad at him he of course knew by seeing my mind. I slammed my fists on the table. “Mr. Chitauli what are your plans for the next few hours?”

Shaka responded. “I wanted to go through the repair specs for the Virtu System in case I need to fix it.”

“Well you got to do that a little later. It’s time we take this baby for a Spin around the system.”

Shaka’s eyes went wide.” We are going to ... I am going to fly my ship.” I had never seen him smile that wide and he was gone in a flash.

“Be careful Captain,” said Har-Hi. “If you do that again he might get facial cramps and he has to go to sickbay.”

“Oh I think you going to join him in sickbay then, my Dai-Than XO I want you to take her out and I mean now.”

“You give me the honor for the first take off?” Har-Hi now grinned too and said. “You are right I will need to make an appointment with our new CMO to get this silly grin of my face. It’s so not Dai.”

He turned to the rest and Har-Hi gave orders saying. “You heard the Captain. Cirruit get your engines hot. Krabbel plot a course around the System. Mr. Elfiatra inform Richter Station, Mr. Narth I believe Sensors need to be manned. Mr. Vouza, we might need shields.” He looked at Shea. “How do I call you now?”

“My last name is Schwartz.”

“Well Mr. Schwartz, it is customary on our ships, that science is on standby and on the bridge.”

Everyone scrambled with eager anticipation to their stations. I was suddenly alone in the briefing room and looked out the viewing port.

Then there was a slight humming sound a deep barely noticeable tone that penetrated everything. Through the padded vibration absorbing deck plates and my boot soles I could feel a faint harmonic. The ships main power had been turned on, no longer running on energies fed to us by umbilicals.

Its brain, the computronic was already with us since we came aboard, but to me the Ship’s heart was now beating and it became alive to me. No longer was it just a fancy looking building but a vehicle with unimaginable powers harnessed, ready to leave the gravitation well behind and enter its true domain the endless darkness of space.


Time flew and we were busy to get to know our ship and every day new personnel and crew arrived. I made a point to welcome each of them personally and walk them through the ship. That way I would get to know my ship and my crew at the same time. Every day I found areas I had never been before. The Tigershark was no small ship and had twenty decks. Cavernous cargo holds, most of them empty. Crew quarters, Marine Country, one deck completely dedicated to science with labs for various disciplines.

The ship had modern and extensive recreation facilities; and to my great joy a big and deep swimming pool.

Being the captain had its privileges and one was to keep the pool temperature on Thursdays at three degrees or in other words, just cold and perfect. Wanting to be a woman and actually to live as one every day turned out to be a challenge. Not only did it take much longer in the morning to get ready, despite hygiene center and Auto Dresser it also was more work to get to bed and every step and everything I did was under the watchful eyes of Elfi and Shea. The girls really enjoyed their teaching roles able to giggle a lot and point out something I did oh so wrong.

One afternoon I was standing outside at the bottom of the extended IST shaft and had a little chat with the marines guarding it as I waited for the latest additions to the crew. Cherubim had called and announced more to arrive. She said I would be surprised again.

Two Attikans stepped through the energy curtain at the end of the slide belt tunnel. One was wearing Fleet black and the other Marine green. One was striped and the other had dots all over their exposed fur. Even though they could have been any Attikans, I recognized them, Fectiv and Pure.

They both saluted and it was striped Fectiv saying. “Ensign Ak Fectiv Ka and Lieutenant First Class Ak Pure reporting, Ma’am.”

I forgot that I was the Captain for a moment and supposed to be dignified and all that but I said. “At ease you two, how good it is to see you again.”

Fectiv flared his black nostrils and he looked at me. “You smell a whole lot different than I remember, but the base scent is still there, I never forget a scent. Eric.”

He embraced me out of impulse and Pure curled his chops and revealed his long rows of sharp canine teeth. “Yes you smell like a human female, lot of soaps and scents, but I too remember.”

Fectiv released me suddenly. “Oh I am so sorry Ma’am; this is not how I should greet my new Captain.”

I said. “Forget the Captain bit for a moment. It is me, although I have changed my appearance somewhat. What a pleasant surprise to see you here.”

Fectiv revealed his teeth as well and then said. “When Admiral McElligott personally called me and offered me a posting aboard a secret mission ship he told me I would be surprised to see who the Captain would be. I never expected you, Eric. Even though I knew you would go far, made Captain already.”

He handed ne his order and personal file chip and said.”You would never guess it, but I specialized in weapons engineering and I am a certified Translocator tech. I was told you; I mean the Captain had the final say if I would get the posting. Please say you still need a Weapon System specialist.”

I said to him. “Of course I need one and I am very glad it is you. Before I become your Captain officially however, let’s finish that greeting.”

He and Pure embraced me once again and I said. “Welcome you too, welcome aboard the Tigershark.”

Pure who never talked much said. “You feel a whole lot softer now and you do smell nicer.” He then said, “I am here to report to your Marine detachment.”

I wanted to show them around, but another new Crew member came from the Slide belt tunnel. It was a Non-Corp and the suited energy being saluted and said. “Ensign 3452-991 reporting as ordered Ma’am.”

In my mind I thanked McElligott to send me my first year friends and said. “Is that you, Three-Four?”

“Yes, and I recognize you too. You’re Eric.”

Fectiv, Pure, Three-Four and I went inside and I showed them the ship and their quarters and then I introduced them to the others and I realized how blessed I was to have even more friends of mine aboard. Beings I could trust but I realized I was no longer just their friend. I was also their Captain and I knew there could be situations I would have to order them into harm’s way.

We sat in the ship’s officer’s mess and Fectiv was just telling my other friends the story when Three-Four infused me with bio-electric energies during an Academy dinner.

Fectiv was cackling with laughter and wiped his yellowish eyes. “... and then Eric asked the instructor if all Nogoll had goatees.”

Har-Hi coughed and the water he was drinking came out of his nose as he started laughing.”

Elfi covered her mouth and flashed her big dark eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

Shea explained to Krabbel why that would be funny as Nogoll resembled somewhat Terran goats and that a certain type of beard was called a goatee. Hans demonstrated his considerable artistic skill in sketching a goat for the Y’All using a graphic interface Ship had projected for him on the table surface. Shaka and the Seenian woman watched as well and commented on Hans’ drawing. Three-Four was in a deep conversation with Narth and I leaned back and looked over my friends, talking to the new comers and it filled my heart with a very special kind of pride. No not pride, I realized I loved them all.

One of our marines came over and saluted, behind him was a woman with flaming red hair she wore a female Union Officers skirt suit. The Marine said. “Ma’am this Officer just arrived and she wanted to report to you directly.”

I said. “Thank you Corporal.” Then I got up and said to the red head. “I am Captain Olafson, what can I do for you?”

“Ma’am I am Ensign Lilith O’Connell, I am from the JAG office on Lorman’s Starbase and I was send here by orders of Commander Hollow.”

She talked with a slight lisp and looked shyly at me while she spoke and then handed me her Order chip saying. “I am permanently detached to your Command as JAG liaison Officer and legal advisor should one be needed during this mission, while there are no legal cases, Ma’am I am to take the post of Yeoman.”

“Welcome aboard then Ensign O’Connell.”

She said with a quiet voice. “It is a great honor to serve you and wanted to let you know I am from Coven and we met before, of course I was not in this form and you might not recognize me. The Oldest and the Circle send you greetings and so does Gwenn.”


The three month training period was almost over, four more days to our dead line. The crew had swollen to 301 members and fifty Marines. We ran drills and exercises daily and the time was filled with reading manuals, learning systems and more exercises. I ran daily battle station drills, sometimes twice a day, after Har-Hi and I had worked out where everyone’s battle station was.

I had them take almost everything apart and put it back together. We did Intruder alert drills, damage and fire control exercises and took the ship almost daily around the system.

It was exactly 0800 hrs and I stepped onto the bridge to begin my Forenoon watch. Pure who stood guard with another Marine bellowed a crisp, “Captain on the bridge.”

The huge Y’All got up from the Command seat as he had the morning watch at the Conn. He saluted and gave me a brief report of what happened during the Morning watch. I relieved him and sat down. The Yeoman appeared silently at my right side and handed me my Coffee mug.

Har-Hi had been right behind me and said. “Good morning Captain.”

Then he handed me a PDD in clip board mode and said. “Thanks to the fast IST and the crew getting used to it, we are now at exactly 59 seconds until everyone reports Battle Stations reached. I am confident I will be able to shave another two or three seconds off with a few more drills.”

I thanked him and signed off on his training and exercise schedule. Elfi interrupted and said. “Captain we are being hailed on Secure-Comm. It is the Fleet Admiral.”

I said while putting my cup down. “Lieutenant Pure, secure the Bridge. Narth please activate all Anti listening devices and Elfi please put him on the main viewer.

The grizzled face of the ancient Admiral appeared. “Good morning Tigershark, good morning Captain Olafson. I have just read your last report and I think you drilled and exercised enough. It’s time to get your show on the road.”

A tingle went down my spine and I said. “We are as ready as we can be, but we still have things missing and the crew is not complete.”

He sat behind his desk at Annapolis Towers as he looked at us and said. “Yes I know there are still things missing, like your small craft and the parts for the Narth Time shield. However I cannot authorize the Wolfcraft at the Base as you need special craft modified and unidentifiable as Union fighters. The new fighter and auxiliary craft intended for the Tigershark are not ready yet, but I hope I can send them in two or three month to Richter Base. However further upgrades must wait until your next scheduled dock call and supply interval.

“Aye Sir.”

“I wish I could give you more time to train but today is the day and your mission must commence. Two officers we suspected to have ties to the worm, have stolen a Barracuda Destroyer two days ago in the Corri-Door system after they managed to escape the agents closing in on them. The Barracuda is armed with a Translocator Cannon and Loki torpedoes. While we did send the special destruct pulse code and we are fairly sure they lost the use of the Cannon, it is not certain. One of the officers is also in possession of Maintenance Manual 15. Your first mission is to find the Barracuda and either capture or eliminate the deserters. You are hereby ordered to eliminate anyone who you suspect to have seen or might be in possession of Manual 15.

I am transmitting all data we have on these two and the last Intel reports where they might be. Find and recover that Union ship if you can, destroy it if you can’t. Again I repeat you are under direct Assembly Orders to execute and eliminate anyone you even suspect of having seen the Translocator Cannons or the Manual. God speed to you all and return safe.”

I acknowledged and he cut the transmission.

I got up from my seat and said to Har-Hi.” Please assemble the crew in the empty Hangar A in ten minutes.”

I inspected my dress uniform carefully tugged at my sleeves and made sure the gloves did not throw any wrinkles. Tried to focus and stepped behind the lectern, before me stood a crew of three hundred, a contingent of 50 Ultra Marines as well as my friends.

Only Har-Hi stood with me on the little raised platform and he called:

“Attention, Captain on Deck.” It was a proud moment to see them snap into attention but I also was a sobering and scary realization that I was responsible for each and every one of them.

I said. “At ease. I gave them a moment and then began. “Some of you have been briefed about our mission and others have not. I understand that you are all handpicked volunteers and you know that this is a very secretive mission. Before I get into details let me say a few words about me and what I expect from you and what you can expect from me. First of all my door is always open for anyone, regardless of rank or position. You can come to me with everything; complaints, ideas, suggestions or problems.

When I was a Midshipman I often wondered where the ship was heading and what our orders were and what went on in general. It won’t be like this on the Tigershark. I want you all to know what is going on. There will be a dedicated Inter-ship channel where you can listen in what is going on the bridge and SHIP is allowed to tell you where we going and all that. Unless I am ordered by higher authority or the situation really leaves me no other choice, there won’t be any secrets. I want us to grow into a unit were we can trust each other and rank and positions mean little. To this effect I won’t be a stickler on regulations and in general if it doesn’t interfere with your job it is allowed. I simply trust you to be professional enough to know where the limits are.

Being intoxicated while on duty for example would be a grave misuse of my trust. I will never judge without knowing all the facts but if I learn that someone thinks I am a push around or takes advantage of this, and then you will find that I will not hesitate to act. There will be no second chance and no grace period. I will treat each of you with the respect and dignity you deserve, but I expect the same from you. When I come to a decision and issue an order I expect it to be executed without hesitation and discussion. Now if there is something I did that bugs you or you think I should have done differently you are welcome to tell me and under no circumstance will an open word of honest critique lead to reprimand or punishment if it is brought to me in an adult and respectful way. And if you really want to call me an asshole for something I deserve, seek me out after Duty and if any way possible in a private fashion and it won’t end up in anyone’s file.” The crew laughed at that.

I let them settle down again and continued. “Now let me tell you what this ship is all about, why everything is so hush-hush and secret. We are going to hunt pirates and similar derelicts and criminals in Freespace and we are going to do that, being disguised as pirates ourselves.

To this every one of you received a second Identity which is detailed on the sealed part of your Order chip. You only need those when outside the ship if we interact with others. All identities have a real background and can be checked by whoever wants to check on it. You are also allowed to dress as pirates, grow beards if you wish, and so forth, but I still expect you to be Union Military inside the ship and under your costumes.

“We received our first mission orders today and we will lift off shortly. Are there any questions?”

A brown furred Garbini raised his tentacles.

“You got a Question Petty Officer?” The Garbini wore the uniform of an engineering specialist

“Petty Officer Brush here, Captain. I am an engineering specialist, but I much rather want to be a Med Tech. It’s a long story but they always make Garbini’s into Engineers without ever really asking. My mother wants me to be an engineer and so does my father, but I am interested in Med Tech and not engineering. Now it happens to be that your crew has a famous Shail med tech, as Shail are always sent to Med School, but he much rather wants to be an engineer.

As the Garbini explained his completely mission unrelated question, a Shail on the other side floating by the Med Personnel raised his Grav Sled a little higher and waved his stalk eyes at me.

I shrugged. “I see no reason why you can’t switch. It is okay by me. But I want you both talk to your department leaders and make this a proper switch. It also means you got a whole lot to catch up and learn in your new fields and you must be tested as well of course.”

The Garbini looked happy. “We are already studying and we will be ready for the monthly performance tests.”

I smiled and said. “Well since this effectively ended my monolog and address to you. Are there any other questions? Perhaps mission related?”

They simply looked at me and there weren’t any questions. Har-Hi dismissed them.

Now they actually cheered me and gave me a hooray that constricted my throat and filled me with humility and pride at the same time, something that should of course not be possible but it was.


Richter four sunk away beneath us as the Tigershark left behind the last traces of atmosphere and entered the medium she was made for and for our first real mission.

I said. “Mr. Krabbel, take her to a point five light years past the system. Coordinate with Mr. Narth and his sensors to make sure we are really alone out there. Mr. Shaka engage Trans light as soon as you can.”

They answered with crisp ‘Aye Captain’ to my orders and the Stars suddenly turned to long lines for the duration of a heartbeat then the viewer went dark. It took almost a second and they returned. Narth turned and apologized. “Captain the ship accelerates so fast, the Optical Software that compensates for Quasi Space could not keep up.”

Unlike other Computronics who never initiated conversation SHIP said.

“Captain, I believe I can adjust that software somewhat and reduce the Lag approximately 50 percent.”

Shea who, when on duty wore her mask again, as she felt more comfortable with it, said. “If we write a subroutine with Shaka’s neural impulse as focus, at the same time he kicks the Accelerator it should be possible to completely eliminate the Lag.”

“Brilliant.” Narth and SHIP agreed simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Har-Hi.” Most ships have one nerd. We got three.”

The Dai giggled.” We’re lucky Cirruit is busy downstairs or we could start our own tech geek convention.”

Shea turned. “The term nerd became quite fashionable along with the term geek in the early 21st century I might add. Cultural reference work shows that...”

Krabbel raised one of his legs: “Hate to interrupt but we are going to drop out of Quasi Space in four seconds as we approach the requested five LY mark, Captain.”

“Alright, OPS stand by for Janus Device. Science assist OPS at sensors and make sure we are alone. Har-Hi take one of our Gazelles and check us out with your sensors and your eyes. I want to make sure it works.”

Narth turned his seat, so he faced the special console that was part of his station and his fingers touched a series of keys and contacts, then he said. “Standing by on Janus System, all indicators are green. Janus Image selected and ready to be deployed.”

Shea confirmed “We are the only object within 5 Light Years artificial or otherwise and there are no ships of any kind beyond this sphere within sensor range”

“Thank you Ms. Schwartz.”

Har-Hi had already left the bridge and was on his way to pilot one of our two Gazelle long range recon craft, the only auxiliary craft we had along in our otherwise empty hangars.

So I leaned over the left side of my command chair a little to get a glimpse of the special console as I said. “Mr. Narth, activate the Janus Device.”

He pushed a single contact and said. “Pattern Disguise program: ‘Karthanian Destroyer Merchant’ accepted and loaded. Simulated Matter sequencing in progress. Mask specific engine and sensor signature in place, transformation commenced and will be complete in 12 seconds.”

On the main screen we watched a gazelle speed away and Elfi established remote sensor link and communications, that way we would see what Har-Hi saw.

Har-Hi pulled the fast craft in a tight loop and lined its optical sensors up with the Tigershark. Only where our ship supposed to be was indeed a worn out coffin shaped Karthanian.

Shea and Narth worked together on the Science Console and after two minutes she turned. “We slaved the Gazelle sensors and tried any scanning trick in the book and a few that are not recommended or in the book and we still get nothing else but data about a Karthanian Armed Trader with strong but old fashioned, a tad misaligned engines and 150 life signatures. Even the Psionic analysis shows only 150 active minds.”

Har-Hi’s voice came on and he sounded deeply impressed. “That is the most wicked technology I have ever seen. What could we Dai do with something like that?”

I responded. “Let us be glad they do not have that tech.” I too was impressed and just a little frightened what such technology could mean if it became more commonly available.

Elfi turned. “Captain I am getting hundreds of distress calls from the Golden Market where the Barracuda was last reported.” I said. “Har-Hi get back in as fast as you can.”

Narth and Shea went over to help Elfi and I simply leaned back. They would give me an answer as soon as they could.

Sure enough they had sorted it out fast and Elfi said. “We got 375 Distress calls, all coming from Golden Market Seven, 129 light years from here and near the Ballard nebula expanse where Unclaimed space and Freespace merge. 207 of the calls come from civilian and commercial ships with Union transponder codes. The rest come from non-union contacts and the Golden Market Seven itself.”

Shea looked up from readout and said. “While there is a lot of confusion there, the common theme of the calls is that they are attacked by thousands of small spheres that can’t be destroyed and from the description of the sphere’s weaponry it looks as if they use Translocators.”

I acknowledged and said. “Shea give me a short rundown on these Golden Markets.”

She answered right away. “There are eighty known Golden Markets in our Galaxy, all operated by the Golden Ones. The Golden and the Blue are relatives to the Kermac and came like them from the original home world Koken. There is not all that much known about the Golden, for example their true tech level, their Psionic abilities and how many there are.

The Golden Ones keep themselves strictly neutral in all conflicts but they did initiate the last cease fire agreement between the Big Four by asking the Blue to intermediate.

It is not known if they have a home system as no planetary system we know of is identified as being theirs. They do have a sizeable fleet and not just merchant ships and their technology is considerably higher developed than Kermac. The Fleet External Threat assessment classifies the Golden as a potential Class III opponent if it would come to a conflict between them and us.”

That made them pretty dangerous I was thinking, as the Nul and the Kermac also were classified as Class III and only the Y’All exceeded that with Class II. Thankfully the Union had yet to face an opposing force that was classified as I.

PSI Corps reports claim that the Golden have comparable weak psionic powers that usually manifest as telepathy but it is said they are immune to most forms of Psionic mental attacks and immune to telepaths.

These Markets are usually hollowed out moons or Asteroids of considerable size with Bazaars inside where every commodity can be sold or purchased, except Slaves. The Golden Ones do not promote slave trade, at least at none of the known Markets. Market 7 is the closest to Union Space and is drifting towards our space and should cross the Border in 4,000 years.”

Har-Hi came back on the bridge while Hans added his information.

“Intel reports indicate that Solder Fontanet and Oliver Whelan, the two officers we are currently trying to apprehend have been seen in the vicinity of that market only 72 hours ago.”

I said. “Elfi get me a Direct Link to the Admiral.”

“Link requested, Captain. Secure Communications solid.” She raised her hand with two fingers showing, then one and finally her fist. Indicating the seconds until the connection was made.

“Put him on.”

McElligott’s sleepy face appeared. He was obviously in his bed room and in his PJs. He rubbed his eyes and grunted with a dry voice. “Oh it’s Captain Olafson, just left the nest and already a call? Ran into a planet or lost something?”

I told him about the distress calls and the report about Translocator usage. Before he could answer, he got another call and made a sign with his hand to stand by. I heard a voice giving him a similar report. To me he said after he acknowledged the other person. “Since it is unclaimed space switch your appearance to Union. Pick something common, don’t expose the Tigershark’s true appearance and investigate. I am sending a Battle Group but you’re the closest unit.”

“Aye Sir.”

The screen went dark and Har-Hi who had of course heard every word said.” Mr. Narth do we have a Janus program for that?”

My hooded friend turned to his Janus device and said “Aye Sir. We got a Phobos Class Destroyer on file.”

I nodded. “Activate it.” And to Krabbel I said.” Plot us a course to that Market. Shaka drop out of Quasi a light year out.”

== Chapter 14: Mini's ==

“Five Minutes to Quasi Drop.” Har-Hi said

“Sound Battle Stations. Load all Cannons. Stand by on Sharp Shooters.”

This was the very first time I called Battle Stations on my own ship for real. My Command seat moved back, the integrated Auto Dresser put me into a Battle Suit and the Direct Command Dome lowered giving me an unobstructed View of space, all around the ship. Sensor Data was linked to the visual read out. The same happened to every duty station. The range of our weapons was shown around my new view in faint color spheres. Every door and dividing air lock in the entire ship closed. Creating thousands of little compartments almost like the cells of a living being, in case of a hull breach catastrophic pressure and air loss would not affect the entire ship.

We dropped out of Quasi Space and our sensors picked up the Asteroid immediately, as well as hundreds of damaged and destroyed ships. The Asteroid was under flickering Shield and our long range sensors showed the energy signatures of Antimatter impacts inside the shields. Only Translocator weapons could do that. Our Sensors also picked up the Aggressor. Fifty ball shaped objects ten meters in diameter.

The blue Science symbol flashed and I acknowledged with an eye blink. Shea reported:” Sensor analysis in progress. Alien Objects are of no known configuration, their weaponry is similar to Translocator technology and their shields are equal to our most advanced TransDim Shields, they are much smaller in size but also much more efficient. Material analysis incomplete due to shield interference.”

I blinked at the report icon to acknowledge and asked. “Are those robots or automated drones?”

Narth’s symbol blinked and he said. “I am sensing sixty to seventy individual minds in each of these Spheres. TransDim shields interfere with Psionics, especially at that distance and I can’t sense details.”

“Elfi hail the Bazaar.”

“You’re on, Captain.”

“This is Captain ... Jane Smith of the..., the USS Enigma, calling Golden Bazaar. We are here in response of the distress calls. We can only assist Union nationals and cannot engage hostiles in your sphere of influence unless you are clearly requesting us to do so.”

“This is Sodoby Merchant Eldest of the Golden. I am the highest authority here and I beg you to assist us. We lost over sixty ships and we sustained heavy damage and cannot survive another attack wave of these balls.

Our own fleet is on its way but too far out to make it in time. We contacted your Union assembly for help.”

Elfi interrupted. “I am receiving confirming orders on fleet channels. All Union Ships are permitted to engage Enemies of the Golden Ones.”

“Alright open all known Communication channels and hail the aliens.”

“All channels are open, Captain.”

“This is Captain Jane Smith of the United Stars Starship Enigma, hailing unidentified hostile forces. You are to cease all hostile activities and stand down from further fighting. I am willing to open communications and discuss the reasons for these hostilities. Any further weapon activity against Union nationals and allied assets will force me to retaliate.”

“Captain, Sensor analysis indicates they have receivers capable of hearing us, but they just destroyed another Golden ship, ignoring us.”

“Mao get their attention. Target lead sphere and fire. Shaka get us closer for main battery range.”

One of the Alien spheres suddenly vanished and a bright ball of expanding energy in its place as Mao’s well aimed sniper round exploded.

That did get their attention and the 49 remaining spheres changed course into an attack formation towards us.

Shaka reverse course and keep distance.”

Har-Hi said with a calm voice. “Receiving enemy fire. Equivalent of 15 gram AM loads. Our shields are effective neutralizing, receiving 50 shots a second. Shields at 69 percent.”

“Mao target another and fire.”

This time Mao missed. The Spheres began a wild dance flying in fast erratic patterns. He missed two more times.

“Mao forget that precision shooting. Main Battery authorized one Exo load and aim somewhere before them.”

A new mini sun bloomed suddenly into the darkness of space and ten of the spheres could not evade and flew right into the plasma ball.

The rest of the spheres slowed down and stopped firing.

“Captain we are being hailed by the Unknowns.”

In all the seriousness of the Situation Har-Hi chuckled. “When you say hello the Terran way you usually do get cooperation.”

“Put them on Elfi. Shea stand by for detail analysis and Lingu support.”

A part of the projected space around me was replaced by the main viewer and a completely normal standard human looking grey bearded man in a blue uniform, somehow very Terran in a very old fashioned way complete with white cover and black duckbill.

He spoke but I did not understand most of it, just every tenth word sounded familiar. Elfi chimed in.” I don’t believe it. He speaks English, ancient Pre Astro English. One moment adjusting translator.”

I said. “Please repeat; our systems are now adjusted to your language.”

“I am Admiral Jordan Rutherford of the New Worlds Commonwealth. We just analyzed one of your language transmissions. It was in English. Please repeat were you come from.”

“As I said I am Captain Jane Doe of the United Stars Spaceship Enigma. We represent the United Stars of the Galaxy.”

A text message of Shea appeared inside my view field and it read: No Union member on file with ships like that or called New World Commonwealth. Weapon analysis complete. Enemy weapons are similar to Translocators but not the same. Materials used in construction are not conformed to Union materials or any other known species.

A second man appeared on the screen. He too wore a dark blue uniform but looked younger.” Captain Doe did you ever hear about a planet named Earth?”

“My Helmsman is a native of Terra, Region Africa. Terra was used to be called Earth.”

“Oh the Lord be praised. Earth still exists then?”

“I assure you Earth is fine, but before we continue discussing Earth. Can we agree on ceasing hostilities for the time being and then I think you need to explain why you attacked in the first place.”

The white bearded Admiral nodded. “Of course we will stand down at once. We would suggest a direct meeting and discuss all this in person.”

Narth mental message in my head.” I can sense they are genuinely interested in extensive information exchange and what is most peculiar I can sense utmost euphoria since the word Earth has been transmitted.”

“Alright Admiral. How we are we going to meet? Are you at some remote location we should approach?”

“No we are indeed inside our Ships.”

Hans muttered.” How crowded must it be in those little things?”

“I am going to lower our shields, Admiral and open one of my hangar doors. I give you my word that your flag of truce is accepted and you are free to leave at any point. However if you decide to use the opportunity to fire while we lower shields. I can assure you we will find enough time to retaliate.”

“We won’t get anywhere without trust. I accept your word and you have mine.”

“Hans get a Team of Ultras down to Hangar One just in Case.”

“On my way.”

I was standing next to Hans and TheOther and felt quite safe and small at the same time as I looked through the transparent part of the docking bay access door. The Alien Ship had just set down and it appeared almost like an intricate and very detailed model of a Space ship. It was round but had ISAH pod like engine blocks at the lower end. It had small viewports and gun turrets and landing gear. I signaled Hans to open the door and I walked towards the alien vessel. A port opened on it and a 50 centimeter open hover platform floated towards me, on it four Men, none taller than maybe ten centimeters.

The floating thing stopped at nose height before me and I recognized one of the little men as the white bearded Admiral.

“SHIP be so kind and place a field microphone before our guests and amplify.” “At once Captain, microphone is in place.”

A barely visible form field energy microphone floated before them and I could hear the Admiral loud and clear.

“I can see our Size did surprise you.”

Then he glanced towards Hans and the Y’All and said. “As your size surprises us.”

“I have a Conference Table brought in and Refreshments so we can commence these talks in a civilized manner.”

The dark haired younger Mann behind the Admiral spoke.” Do you by any chance have real Terran coffee?” That earned him a stern gaze from his senior officer but I assured him coffee would be on its way.”

A table was placed and Cirruit had small Chairs and Glasses manufactured in no time.

A field screen was placed in such a way that the Small men looked normal size to me and vice versa we looked proportional small to him. I sat down and said.” It might be best you begin from the start Admiral. As we cannot explain your existence.”

“I might as well do that. Our story begins during the Second Exodus or the first migration of humans into space after the Sarans have revealed themselves to Earth. Do you still have contact to them?”

I gestured to Elfi. “The Saran Empire is part of the United Stars and my communications officer is a Saran princess.”

“Wonderful. Wonderful news.” He scratched his beard. “I better continue with my story then.”

I agreed that would be appreciated and he continued.

“Our ancestors were among the first Settler arks leaving Earth. Ours was the Shenandoah and during the trans light acceleration phase the Shenandoah was hit by something and our jump drive malfunctioned. We did not end up at the intended target, a Garden world around Cygni Alpha, but inside a strange thick nebula, that further damaged our ship and we had to land at the only place we could find that was even remotely suitable. We found a stark world with bad atmosphere and to close to a radiation spewing sun. Our forefathers went deep underground and carved out a living under incredible hardship. None of our ancestors knew how far we were from Earth. The idea was hatched by a brilliant genetic engineer who was part of the original crew. In Order to make our supplies last longer he proposed to change our genetic code so we would become smaller. The changes were made and every generation became a little shorter. However life was extremely harsh and science and research was not on our agenda for centuries. The Genetic Knowledge was lost and we kept on shrinking until we reached this size about 2000 years ago. When life improved and we once again had the resources for science we basically had to start from scratch. Much of the knowledge was still in the libraries but few understood, so we developed our own technology and build a thriving society onto four planets within the New World System. All our culture and civilization was based on our current size and we never felt we needed to reverse the Genetic alteration. Since our system was inside a dense matter nebula with intensive energetic storms we had no contact to other civilizations and felt quite safe, but we expanded to other worlds and our newest colony is on the very fringes of that nebula. We noticed large sized aliens occupying that asteroid slowly moving toward our colony. We know that due to our size we are in disadvantage against full size aliens. Once we were discovered we feared war and conquest. Our first contact unit was attacked and destroyed by unknown forces but certainly associated to that occupied asteroid and we decided to defend ourselves by destroying the Asteroid and its inhabitants.”

He finished his long explanation and he found us and me listening with open mouths.

He opened his arms. “But please now tell us about Earth and Terra and your magnificent ship, and your immense weapons and terrific shields.”

Shea told them a brief history of the last 3000 years and closed with the words. “... so we responded to the distress call of the Golden market. May I express how truly amazed I am to find that you developed Translocator technology all on your own.”

He bowed proudly.” One of our greatest Scientists was a direct descendant of Dr. Isah and at least as brilliant.”

Even I remembered the name. Dr. Isah was a legendary multi discipline Scientist from the early history; he invented an incredible amount of technology including the ISAH drive and the Terran faster than light direct energy cannons. Isah was often called the greatest genius in human history.

The man next to the admiral said. “If we would apply for membership, then this Union of yours would protect us and that nebula of ours would become Union territory isn’t that so?”

I nodded. “To the last man and ship and it is no empty boast as you heard in my science officer’s monolog on our history.”

“We can’t speak for our government of course.”

The Admiral said. “Please let us contact our leaders and we will relay their answer as soon as possible.”

His adjutant sighed deeply and held up his tinny coffee cup.” We have an original sample of Terran Coffee in our Earth Museum. Of course we have a replicated product, but the real thing is so incredible it alone would be enough reason to join.”

“I make sure my chef will get you an ample supply right away.”

“And real Earth potatoes too? Just one will be enough.”

Again the admiral glared at his adjutant and said to me.” Please excuse him. To us Earth is our Religion. It is a mystical place of our far gone ancestors and we kept as much alive as we could it was the very motor of our determination to not give up. So the crews of my ships are quite frankly speaking nuts since they heard you are from Earth. The good men we lost in the battle are forgotten.”

I put my finger on his shoulder. “Admiral let’s take steps that they are not forgotten. War and battles are more often than not unnecessary. We completely understand your reasons for attacking and I hope you understand our response, but let these men be the last that died. As it seems we are more than just two alien cultures meeting, we are as it turned out related.”

It didn’t even take them an hour as the Admiral re-appeared before me and said with a broad smile.” the Commonwealth of New Worlds decided after an emergency meeting to make me the high representative and herby officially present you with my government’s request to join the United Stars.”

I took the tiny document saluted and said.” I shall convey this immediately. There is a battle group on its way as we speak and they will provide you with additional security until you had a chance to travel to Pluribus to make your official request and have your membership verified.”

“More huge ships like this?”

Har-Hi grinned with his arms crossed. “No Admiral Rutherford, a Union Battle group consists of 5 Dreadnoughts, 20 Ultra Battle Ships, 60 heavy destroyers and over 200 other support craft, a Dreadnought is 3900 meters across.”

The Admiral folded his hands. “Thank to the Lord we communicated.”

“Size isn’t everything.” I said. “We are equally impressed.”


McElligott’s projection leaned forward, while Cherubim was standing next to him and he said. “I just read your report. You are not even gone from Richter Base for 42 Hours and you already fought a battle, made contact with tiny Terrans lost in the Ballard Nebula Expanse and convinced them to join the Union” He shook his head and turned to look to the woman at his side. “Have we really thought this through, sending THEM in a ship and all on their own?”

Cherubim chuckled. “I guess you owe Richard 100 Credits. He was right they make some incredible news within the first week.”

The old Admiral put the report down. “Well you did well, I must say and cleared the situation the best way possible. But could you not have found a different identification than Captain Jane Doe of the Enigma? How cheesy is that?”

“Sorry Sir I had to come up with something on the spur of the moment.”

“How am I going to explain to the Assembly who made contact? Well I figure something out. For now you are to dock at the Golden Market and meet with the Merchant Eldest of the Golden.”


“The Golden Ones are very enigmatic and very powerful, Captain. Their Tech level is believed to be on par with ours and we know very little of them. It is said they know every Galaxy in the local group and rumors say they trade with almost all space faring species in the entire local group, most of which we never even heard off. Their highest leader Sobody Merchant Eldest of the Golden, contacted me directly ten minutes ago requesting to meet the gallant Captain who saved his market and much profit. He said he has a historical proposal for us but he wants to talk to you about it. This is very important so proceed, meet the man and be careful. Cherubim is going to try and fabricate a personnel record for Captain Jane Doe as we speak. Perhaps you can pick up the trail of those traitors as well. I am certain he knows something about them.”

Cherubim said. “I am going to make the USS Enigma real at least in the files. Now on another note, let me warn you and be careful Captain. The First Merchant Sobody is around for a very long time and the undisputed ruler of a very secretive and powerful society. If at all possible don’t start a war.”

McElligott folded his hands in a praying gesture. “I wish we could send some experienced diplomats to such a delicate and difficult task and all I got is a Female Neo Viking with a short temper, a Dai Pirate and a ship full of guns.” He then smirked. “May it as it will be, Captain, we do have your back.”

== Chapter 15: Sodoby, the First Merchant ==

We approached the Asteroid base of the Golden. Wrecks and heavily damaged ships of various sizes and types floated all around us.

To Elfi the chatter on the various channels was overwhelming and only with SHIP’s help was she able to filter through them. Narth and Shea were busy taking scans and making image recordings, as there were ships no one of us had seen before. Well almost, Har Hi proved that the Dai indeed had a deep knowledge of areas and species unknown to the Union.

As big as the Asteroid was, actual landing was not possible for ships of the size of the Tigershark and every possible landing spot was taken anyhow, but the bazaar featured several long mooring arms against we could dock. I didn’t want anyone to have the chance to get a real close look. Not that I didn’t trust the Narth technology, but I didn’t want to take unnecessary risks, either.

Shaka had no problem to guide our disguised ship towards the outmost tip of one of these mooring arms. Magnetic clamps engaged and Cirruit powered the engines down and put them on standby.

I got up from the Command seat and took a deep breath. “Well let’s hope we don’t start a war. Hans, Har-Hi, Shea, Elfi, Narth and Krabbel you are with me.

To the Y’All I said.” Put up a guard inside and outside of the Mooring arm. I don’t want anyone to get to close to the ship or attach anything to our hull.”

He acknowledged and stomped of the bridge.

To Mao I said. “You have the Conn. If anything happens and we are not coming back, you are under no circumstance to come after us. You are to take the ship back to Richter and report to Cherubim or the Admiral.”

Mao took the command seat and said. “Do you expect something like this to happen?”

I shrugged and said. “At this point I am expecting anything and nothing, I just want our bases covered as much as possible.”

We left the bridge and Narth said following me. “Don’t you think the Fleet does a good job, covering our bases? How could we possibly cover all bases the fleet has?”

Shea said to him, as I was trying to formulate thoughts to explain my expression. “It is a reference to an old Terran sports activity, where points in the playing field are covered by players to perform ritualistic and strictly regulated activities with a little ball and bats.”

I wondered if there was anything she didn’t know. Even I had no idea where that expression originated.

Wearing our dress Uniforms we went through the Mooring Arm tunnel and into the main body of the Asteroid that had a radius of roughly 78 kilometers.

I wasn’t prepared for what we were seeing now. The Asteroid was hollowed out and from what it looked like most of it, forming one gigantic cavern. Terrace style levels circled the walls as far up as I could see. Each terrace had stalls, shops and merchant booths. There had to be thousands.

Narth shook his hooded head and responded to my thoughts out loud as he said. “No there are two million three hundred and forty thousand shops, stalls and booths.”

I looked at him. “Lucky for you someone was just thinking about how many there were and you overheard it; otherwise you wouldn’t know how many shops there are.”

Narth held up a little colorful flyer. “No I have not done so, but you can read this fact in this information pamphlet I pulled from a slot at the entrance.”

I had no other reaction but to gently elbow him in the side and saying. “Smart-ass.”

Narth objected that his smarts were not located in his behind and I wondered if it would be possible for me to talk to Narth without using any acronyms, synonyms or words that could have different meanings and I decided that this would be impossible and not much fun either.

The Ground Level was one huge open space, and here too, merchants had set up shop. A ship dealer occupied a sizeable area to our right displaying a row of used and new civilian space ships mostly of Karthanian origin, but also a few civilian Union models.

Towards the left, another merchant selling Skimmers and landing tanks. Further to the back, cages and tanks holding live animals including the most bizarre life forms I had ever seen.

The bazaar was not very busy as I assumed most customers had fled. I could see repair crews flying with their material loaded skimmers in every direction.

A group of four beings dressed in shinny golden metal floor length robes approached. Two of them at first appeared to be children, but seeing their wrinkled faces and bald heads, dispelled this notion very quickly. Behind them the other two were very tall, carrying spear like weapons and wore shiny helmets with mirrored visors hiding anything but their chins and mouth. The small ones reminded me of the Kermac I had met on Alvor’s Cove, however these beings did not have the characteristic white skin but had a deep gold bronze skin and were only about 80 centimeters tall and did not have the glued on ceremonial beards, all Kermacs had.

The smaller ones, like their brethren appeared to be completely hairless, had big round eyes and small noses and little mouths. The left one managed to look down on us in a very arrogant manner, even though he had to look up to us. He greeted us saying.

“He, the all-powerful and richest in all the galaxies; he who carries the exalted name of Sobody, and the most sacred title of Merchant Eldest of the Golden, the Keeper of the consecrated laws of profit and guarantor of wealth has in his great wisdom requested that you in all haste be brought before him. You must know of the rarest privilege to be in his presence, but few lower life forms were ever allowed to gaze upon the being most perfect.

You will kneel at all times and crawl to the throne circle and only if you are commanded to do so you may come closer. It is at no point permitted to lift your eyes at him without permission, your presence soils the palace as it is, do not add to the contamination by speaking or gazing. If you do all this I think we manage to get this audience over with to every ones satisfaction.”

I wanted to say something but he put his finger on his lips.

“Hush, hush be quiet and follow me. Lower life forms must not speak when in the presence of the True Golden. Leave the blabbering to the sales floors.”

I took a deep breath, remembering the words of McElligott and with much effort I swallowed my pride and anger. They took Kermac arrogance to new heights.

I even managed to give my friends a nod to play along.

A shimmering slide walk made of pink, purple and golden translucent moving segments silently lowered behind those four Golden beings to the ground and carried us moments later up in a spiraling way upwards to a sphere like construct hanging without any visible supports in the upper middle of the hollowed asteroid. The sphere was made of diamond shaped plates of gold and glass of various sizes. The Slide way terminated at a guarded double door that led inside this diamond shaped floating building.

The arrogant Golden that had spoken to us said. “Once through that door you are in the Sanctum Regalis and in the very presence of he who is Sobody Merchant Eldest of the Golden. You are then to lower yourself to the floor and do not look up.” He looked at Krabbel and Hans.” Those brutish things shall remain outside.”

The door opened but I did not go.

I said “If my crew and friends are not welcome then I am not welcome. Tell that Majesty of yours, that it was him who invited us and it was us who saved this place.”

Diplomacy went only so far. I turned and said. “Let’s go guys.”

A voice from inside the door called. “Most gallant Captain Doe. Please all of you come in.

My chamberlain was more than un-polite. Please forgive us and come on in.”

The Chamberlain bowed deeply: “Wisdom incarnate, those life forms are neither cleansed nor properly searched and undressed.”

The same voice snarled. “Be silent, you are dismissed. The times of isolation have ended for more than just the Narth.”

Sobody looked very much like his Chamberlain only much older and while his face clearly reflected the knowledge of power he did not have the same arrogant quality. I even noticed he had craw feet around his eyes, giving testimony that he liked to laugh and smile.

We entered the floating diamond shaped building. The floor was a white polished stone, curved Columns of the same white material in equal distances all around the curved walls. Mountains of silken cushions and pillows between them, Low tables held fruits and food delicacies from all over the Galaxy and perhaps beyond. Sobody the Golden Merchant made a dismissive gesture.

And with it he dismissed the guards and he waited till the doors were closed. Then he said. “Welcome indeed and thank you for your help. There is no question; you have saved this Bazaar and the many lives in it, including mine.”

He stopped as his eyes fell on Elfi and he bowed deeply. “Had I know such a royal visitor of utmost importance walked among you I would have prepared for a more formal reception. Your Majesty it is an honor to greet thee in my humble surroundings.”

I learned then that Elfi could stare and make a face just as arrogant as they and then some. She said with a razor sharp edge in her voice “She who is the Princess travels incognito and wishes not to make an issue of her stand and position. However, your Chamberlain’s manners were insulting in the highest.”

He bowed again and said.

“I planned to punish him for his ill manners indeed, but you will have his head on a plate before you leave.”

He bowed again this time before Narth. “It is almost 6,000 years since I had the privilege to greet a Narth in person.”

Narth did not bow and said. “You shield your thoughts well but your reputation that you are immune to psionics and the Golden cannot be sensed is not accurate.”

The Golden answered. “We are an old species but what are we compared to the Narth? Since you can sense me you know I mean you no harm.

No shield can keep out the probing mind of Narth this is a fact, I will however lower all barriers to freely allow you access, so you know I am truthful and I will come to the real reason I have asked you here.” He gestured. “Please make yourself comfortable I have a selection of delicacies and refreshments that might delight you.”

We sat down on the pillows across him but no one took anything. I didn’t trust the Golden and I didn’t really like him or his haughty, insulting officials at all, but Narth send me a thought that he was honest, at least so far.

The Golden looked straight at me. “I can sense you do not like me, perhaps it is because of our relationship with the Kermac, perhaps it was my doomed Chamberlain and his bad manners and I can’t blame you for it, but I hope I can change your mind before this day is over.”

“High merchant I am here because I was ordered to be here. I am here because I represent the United Stars of the Galaxies and you are an important representative of another culture and civilization.

However I feel there are other reasons why you wanted us here in person, other reasons than to thank us, that is.”

He declined his head, smiled and his smile did reach his eyes, then he said. “Indeed this is quite so my young and beautiful Captain Doe.”

He gestured around him and said. “I am the absolute ruler of those known to you as the Golden. You know we are relatives of the Kermac and given the history between the Union, especially the Terrans and our distant relatives it has always strained relationships between us the Golden and the Union for quite some time. But please consider, your fabulous Union also includes the Blue. Who are just as related to us.”

He pointed to Narth and said. “The Narth know our true history and I am sure your hooded friend can, if he consults the Narth Supreme, confirm that we suffered much from our so called relatives. We were treated much like the Blue by the Ker and the Mac and had to fight in order to survive the genocide efforts of the Ker.”

Narth nodded slightly and in my mind I heard him say. “He does speak the truth.”

The old merchant took a fruit from a side table but did not eat it and continued.

“The Union did not like the Blue at first, but you embraced them after they decided to join the Union and I am sure you know there isn’t a Union Member who dislikes the Kermac more than the Blue.”

Even I had to agree with that, I didn’t know any Blue personally but learned about them in Union class.

He was still talking.

“When the Narth abandoned their age old policy of isolation and become more active members of the Union, it gave me to think as well.”

He now popped the little blue fruit in his mouth chewed and again focused his eyes on me as he said. “You see, we Golden built our business on the reputation of our neutrality and by keeping the secrets and details of ourselves closely guarded.

We are not immortals but enjoy a long live span.

My own aging process was completely halted now for over 12,000 years now and I have seen empires rise and fall. Civilizations appear on the galactic stage and disappear.

We travel to galaxies and places no one in this galaxy has ever even heard off and we do business with civilizations not known to anyone here.

But then something happened that caught my interest, a species of Humans were uplifted by the Sarans and they arrived on the galactic stage not meekly like other new civilizations do, but with a thunderclap eradicating the relentless Xunx completely.

From then on I could not keep my eyes off them and to put it in Terran words. I became the Terran’s biggest fan.”

He again motioned to Narth. “As promised I opened my shields and you are welcome to monitor my thoughts to see that I am indeed truthful.”

Narth simple and dryly delivered statement was perhaps the ultimate arrogance, but I had to concentrate not to grin as my friend said. “Your shield was not very effective, the impotent attempt to use childish Kermac devices and techniques, but I appreciate the gesture and I concur your intentions are of great benefit to us. I shall however leave you the decision to reveal it all.”

The old merchant bowed his head. “Thank you. I am thankful you let me tell it.”

Narth Voice in my head said. “He can be trusted, but what he has in mind might cause some turmoil. I let him reveal it unless you insist.”

I simply shook my head and thought back. “As long as this is no trap and he gets to the point I agree.”

Sobody moved his head and said. “Amazing it seems you communicate telepathically with your captain and I can’t detect a thing. Seeing a Narth act almost like a human is perhaps the greatest wonder I have yet witnessed.”

Narth surprised me as he said.

“Narth Supreme considers the discoveries I made through my friendship and service the highest achievement we Narth attained in millennia. It fills me with personal pride if I am considered to have human qualities. I further like to add the advice not to underestimate any of my crew mates and especially not our Captain.”

Sobody sipped from a glass. “Underestimating the Union has been the doom of many indeed.”

I nodded to Krabbel. “Go ahead, Narth thinks he is trustworthy.”

Krabbel shrieked and took an already melting ice cream cone from a platter close to him.

The golden Merchant laughed. “Yes I heard of the addictions Archas have for ice cream. When I saw one to be part of your crew I knew I had to have some here.”

“Yet your officials considered him not fit to be in your presence.”

“We do business with life forms of all shapes and forms. It is old encrusted traditions that govern some behavior. I intend to change that.”

I thanked him acknowledging his explanation and said. “Please continue and come to the point why we are here. We learned much but still nothing of the real reason and I am in a bit of a hurry.”

He slowly shook his head and he had a wide smile on his lips. “Forceful, a little impatient, Easy to anger, full of pride and never to be underestimated, Captain Doe you are a refreshing example of the exact qualities I admire so much in these evolved primates of Terra. Please believe me when I say I love your species. There is none quite like it in the Universe I have seen so far.”

He took another fruit and looked at it then he said. “I want you to tell your superiors, we the Golden will ask to join the Union and give you unlimited access to all our files, technology and allow you to set up research posts on all our bases and reveal to you the secret of the ancient gates and how they can be used to travel to other Galaxies. All this we offer under one condition.”

I was quite shocked by his revelation but said. “High Merchant I am only a Starship Captain. I cannot make decisions for my government and grant or negotiate any deals or conditions.

If you are indeed the informed leader you are, you must know that there are no officials that can grand your request. Even the Golden must apply and it is the citizens through the Assembly that grant membership. However I am sure my superiors have influence in this. I will contact them immediately.”

He seemed pleased as he said. “I am certain you can call your ship and have a connection made. Call that Old Man of yours, McElligott and tell him I would like to talk to him.”

Elfi made the connection linking Tigershark’s Comm. System with my Wrist-PDD.

The Admiral’s Holo-image appeared immediately as if he had waited right by his terminal for this call. Before I could even brief him he snapped.

“How did it go? What happened? What did he want?”

Sobody got up walked over and placed himself inside the visual pick up sensor of my PDD and said “I am right here Admiral. We are still in my sanctum and I asked your young Captain to make this connection.”

I extended the wide angle receiver so McElligott could see all we did and projected a field screen so Sobody could see the Admiral better.

McElligott slightly bowed to the Old Merchant. “Your Eminence, It is an Honor to talk to you in person. I hope my young Captain has represented the Union well.”

The Merchant said. “She has indeed Sir. Let me come to the reason for this call and I will offer you a proposal.” The Golden repeated the offer.

McElligott wiped his mouth in an involuntary gesture. “My captain was quite correct in stating the mechanics of membership, but I am sure these are just formalities in your case. I will gladly be an advocate in that process, but what would that condition be?”

“I want to join this young crew and go on whatever mission they are on. I won’t ask for any privileges and be treated like any other crewmember, but I want to be there. I lived a very long time and I feel old despite my body’s eternal youth. I want to soak and sponge up some of that vitality and energy, to be on a Union ship and on real missions.

My Council of Elders is fully instructed and ready to travel to Pluribus and do all what is necessary to integrate the Golden into the Union. We will accept Union Law, participate with funds and recruits to your fleet. Give you unlimited access to all our files on alien species and technology. Our Intelligence Service has much to share as well. It will be good business in the long run too, as I am certain.”

The Admiral said. “A Battle group is already dispatched and will arrive soon. I will order the USS Sansibar to take you aboard as a passenger for a grand tour of Union Space. It is one of our newest dreadnoughts.”

Sobody’s voice became stronger. “No Admiral. I was not talking about being a safe guarded VIP guest and being flown along safe space lines for a few weeks. I am offering you and the Union a great opportunity and I think you understood what I have asked. I want to go with the Crew of the USS Enigma and on whatever mission they have. Don’t take me for a fool or lightly. Don’t change their mission to suit me. My side of the deal is of tremendous benefit to the Union. My request should be little compared to that.”

McElligott wrung his hands as he said. “Sir, this Crew is on a long and dangerous mission. I could not possibly guarantee your safety.”

Sobody sounded pleased. “Now we understand each other and that is exactly what I want. I don’t want my safety guaranteed. The deal will be complete and unchangeable regardless if I get injured or die in the course of that mission, ask your Narth. I have no hidden agenda, no alternate motives. It is simply the dream of an old and very rich man, to once more do something meaningful, something daring and perhaps dangerous. I want to share a cabin with another crewmate, scramble at alarm or die in the heat of battle or perhaps simply out of excitement.

Again I am not asking for any special treatment, in fact I do not want any. I might not be a trained officer from your Academies but I am traveling this universe longer than you and that iron hero Stahl together and that should count for something. Besides I am giving you a choice. You do not have to agree. But then as long as I live the Golden shall remain as they were.”

“Why now? It seems almost as if you have planned this.”

Sobody shook his head vehemently. “No Admiral I have not planned for those little Humans to attack us. Even we had no idea of their existence until they attacked. Our own battle fleet was too far out to arrive in time, but as I told your Captain I am a fan of the Union so to speak and I am playing with this idea ever since I watched you grow as a civilization. I made definite preparations ever since the Narth have eased their Isolation and came to the conclusion my people need to do the same. It was coincidence that brought this Captain and her Crew here but I would have asked for this eventually.”

McElligott said. “Union membership and the joining of an entire civilization, is not exactly fleet business and I too must follow orders. I will address the Assembly and I will call you back within the hour. Mr. Narth are you convinced he speaks the truth?”

Narth answered. “Yes Sir, his mind is open and it is indeed his wish.”

It didn’t take him an hour to call back. The Speaker of the Assembly himself was present and it was something else to see these VIPs, beamed as Holos from my Wrist Com. The Speaker welcomed the old merchant. “While it is a process, your Eminence. The news of the Golden considering Union membership has taken the Assembly by surprise, but a very positive surprise. I see no complications to put your application on fast track and thus welcome the Golden into the Union. With great pride do I extend an invitation for a delegation of yours to come to Pluribus to make it official.”

“And my request to become a member of the USS Enigma and experience a real mission?”

“The Assembly has heard it and sees no issues with that, but the safety concerns of our Fleet Admiral are valid.”

Sobody called in a group of old looking Goldens who confirmed it all and also signed a contract to the effect that whatever would happen to the Old Merchant while aboard my ship would not affect the new relations in any shape or form.

It was also agreed to send for a mobile extended reach GalNet terminal. Until now these unusual and historical talks were made via my wrist com.

I asked to have one brought up from my ship to ease further communication.

The Assembly was hearing and seeing what the Speaker was seeing. It was decided that the delegation of Elders would leave right away as soon as the Sansibar arrived.

The Golden leader was quite pleased after the Assembly ordered McElligott to make the necessary arrangements.

After the Assembly and the Speaker were disconnected McElligott spoke directly to me.

“We had no other choice really and I did give him my word not to alter your mission and so you are stuck with that Merchant. I wish I would see another solution. But I can’t go against an Assembly decision. However this is the Navy and he is to be aboard your ship as a specialist without special duty.

You are the Captain and the ship comes first, but if you can, try to bring him back alive.

Wait for the battle group to arrive. I am sending additional units and a Mobile Ship Yard to secure that Rock and help with the damaged civilians.”

I said with a sigh. “Just lovely, Sir. Bring him back alive, yes Sir.”

McElligott shrugged with his shoulders, rolled his eyes and disconnected. I looked at the Golden and said. “You are serious, right?”

He nodded. “I just ordered my entire civilization to basically abandon our way of life and you ask me if I am serious?”

“Yes Sir, because I find your offer is so far out of proportion to your single request. I am sure the Assembly would have granted you your own ship, even built you one and given you a crew of Terrans.”

He still smiled and said. “You are very sharp and very intuitive indeed. To be honest, not that I wasn’t before, but my Elders and I prepared this step for quite a while.

We would have asked for membership anyway, within the next few months. Your Union is growing and it is not doing so by conquering others.

I saw other Empires and I studied them all, not even the most totalitarian society manages to keep such a high satisfaction and level of content among its citizens. I am not talking about the Klack or the X101, but about empires and cultures that incorporate many different ones.”

He made a gesture around him. “You noticed my chamberlain encrusted in age old forms and outdated views of the universe.

I am not exalted just because I am rich and in charge of my people. I am not wiser than others just because I was born under the shining diamond or because my father ruled before me.

But changing these things is not easy and takes time. Being members of the Union will give the 175 Billion Goldens not only a stable market to deal and prosper, but it gives each Golden the very chance I am taking now and maybe become something else than a merchant. Maybe a doctor, an engineer or maybe one of my subjects wants to reject it all and join the Gal Drifts. He or she now has this choice.”

He spread his short arms. “Well soon they will, as I said changes take time, but a society not willing to chance and advance is a society that is doomed. But I wouldn’t be the ruler of a society of merchants and dealers if I couldn’t use this to fulfill a dream of mine, now what is so bad about this?”

Somehow I couldn’t really be mad at the Golden anymore. Narth told me that he was genuine and I sensed Narth still trusting his words.

What he said made sense and while it was a little beyond my expertise, I could not find anything to object to his reasoning. If he wanted his own people to be free and if he wanted to be judged on his own merits rather than on titles and positions, then he hit the right buttons with me. I said to him. “Because you are a VIP, the leader of a society and I am new to this captain business and I am on a very unusual mission with very unusual parameters and having someone along who hasn’t finished the Academy, who should not be put in harm’s way is not exactly something I am looking forward to. Maybe your wish is genuine but as a Leader you claim to be, you see my dilemma, I am certain.”

“Captain Doe. I do understand that I basically blackmailed myself into your crew and under your command, but I assure you I am under your command and while I have not completed that marvelous and quite legendary Union Academy training, I am traveling this Universe for a very long time and have experience in all matters of space travel. I don’t claim to know it all and I don’t know much about the details being a crew member on a Union ship. I do claim to be a willing learner and to prove to you that I am really serious about all this.”

He sighed deeply and stood before me almost as if in attention.

“I hereby ask you, without any conditions to conscript me into your crew. If you say no, I travel with the old ones to Pluribus and do what I promised to do and step down as the First Merchant afterwards. If you say yes I give you my word I will do whatever you ask me to do, I follow your orders and I do not want any special treatment.”

I looked to Har-Hi and he nodded. Elfi and Shea also declined their heads and Narth said in my mind. “He has the capacity of deceit and is, because of his race and occupation a master in manipulation. However at the moment he is truthful as a being can be and he really means what he says.”

Now it was my turn to sigh. “And by asking this way, giving me no real alternative.” I got up and said. “By the powers invested in me I hereby conscript you, Sobody of the Golden to the services of the United Stars Navy and as a crew member of my ship.”

For an old man as he claimed to be, he jumped in the air as if hit by a jolt of electricity and saluted actually quite properly. “Yes Ma’am. Thank you Captain. I accept your conscription.”

I sighed and put my hand on the little man’s shoulder. “Let us go to the ship so we can fill you in what we are doing and maybe you regret your decision after all.”

We went back to the ship and Sobody was following us. As he saw the Y’All behind the Airlock holding four TKU’s he shrunk back for a moment in something like fear and then whistled.

“A Narth and a real alive Y’All together aboard a Union ship. If those are the wonders I am allowed to see just at the entrance to this ship. I can’t wait to see what wonders are hidden deeper in this ship.

I frowned and looked at him. “A genuine Golden merchant for one. The Big Boss of the whole outfit no less.”

He stepped into my way. “Captain I know you don’t like this situation and maybe you don’t like me but I assure you I will follow your orders and I promise no chore is beneath me. If you want environmental tanks scrubbed, I will do so with a smile on my lips.”

Har-Hi thumbed at me. “The Captain and I have experience with that particular chore and if you do that with a happy cheer on your lips, you are weirder than I thought.”

The little golden man shrugged. “Our sense of smell is not very well developed, we usually only smell good business, but my secret dream is coming true and I will do it if you want me to.”

I said to him. “No need Golden Merchant, this is a brand new ship. But maybe you should write a list of skills you got maybe we find something for you to do.”

Inside the ship he whistled again. “This sure does not look like an old Phobos Class Destroyer on the inside.”

Cirruit who came around the Corner said. “You sure know your ship interiors.”

I knew Cirruit just came to quell his curiosity.

The Merchant nodded. “I do, I studied anything I could get my hands on regarding the Union and its equipment.”

Cirruit looked at me and said. “How long are we going to be here?”

“We have to remain until the battle group arrives. That should be about two - three days.”

Narth corrected me. “The Battle group and the USS Baghdad will be here in 74 hours.”

I turned my hands out in a gesture of resignation. “I stand corrected then; our spooky OPS officer gave you the correct answer.”

Narth said. “That is what spooky and non-spooky OPS officers do, my Upper chest enhanced Captain.”

I almost chocked on my own breath. “Maybe it is my own fault, giving you Nicknames. I guess I better stick to proper names and titles.”

While Har-Hi barley managed to contain his laughter and earned a stern look from me.

Cirruit said. “Can you grant me Shore leave? I be careful I promise, but I always wanted to go shopping at a Golden Bazaar.”

I said with a smile on my face. “You got 12 hours shore leave, denying you the chance to shop here would be cruel and unusual punishment.”

Only now I noticed Cirruit had not come alone, a Holdian with pointed nose, round ears and long whiskers in his face stood next to the X101. He was wearing a blue coverall; his coverall and the exposed silky soft fur were soiled with heavy stains. The little Holdian turned a ghastly looking rag in his little paws and then tipped his right to his head and said.

“Captain, Ma’am I am Specialist Estree Warner, were you serious that anyone could come to you with ideas and such?”

I nodded. “Yes I was.”

He exposed his yellow rodent teeth even further and said. “Captain there is this idea I really wanted to tell you about.”

“Sure I got a moment to listen to your idea, but first tell me what are you actually doing? I thought we are well past the oil and steam propulsion age and this is a new ship.”

He looked down on himself, dropped his ears and whiskers at the same time, his eyes got a shimmering moist quality and looked as if I had scolded him.

I wanted to kick myself for making such a cute little Holdian so sad and wondered if they looked like this at a Union judge if they could get away with murder. I was certain they could. The Holdian said “Captain I apologize. I completely forgot that I was still dirty. You see I was greasing the injector spear blades and the push shafts of the upper Chandelier diverter when Cirruit told me we got a Golden aboard so I went along to look to look. I forgot I was still full of NeutroD4 grease”

Shea still with us helped him out. “Crewmember Warner is a Holdian and due to his agility and size he can perform maintenance work in confined spaces without dismantling the unit. Cirruit has written a report about it.”

I nodded. “I am aware of Holdians and had the honor of meeting a very special one only recently. I am not faulting him for working, getting dirty doing it or for being nosy. I simply wanted to know what kind of work required grease on a Starship that supposedly reaches Tech Level 9.”

Har Hi glanced at me from the side. “Have you forgotten your own experience with silicone grease on the Devi gun deck?”

I had to agree and Cirruit explained.

“In order to control the indirect uncontrolled bleeding and thus influx of trans dimensional energies that would influence and eventually destroy the controlled intake, a so called Chandelier diverter is pushed through a tube which at one end sticks into another dimension so to speak.

The very shearpoint is made of dual dimensional super exotics. A special grease paste is applied to the injector push-rod below the blades as it turns out it is the only way to keep those spear blades moving while they are in the other dimension. It’s not simple teleportation but a steady conduit. Captain, we are the only ship in the fleet with this new type of Drive and it is still very much in its development phase. We are basically writing the maintenance procedures as there is very little documentation we can rely on.

My little Holdian specialist knows this drive inside and out. He was there when they built ours and he can get inside without us pulling a service one on them.”

I had all but forgotten the old merchant until the old man gasped.

“Silver be tarnished. You Terrans actually cracked the TD Energy transfer secret. There are only a handful species in 55 Galaxies whoever did as far as I know. Come to think of it, the old Ilwathi of the Leo II Galaxy use special grease for a very similar purpose. I think we even have a dozen barrels of it here and if I remember correctly a case of Ilwathi Spare parts too.”

Shea became very interested. “I would not mind purchasing it from you, so we can analyze it.”

The Golden said. “I am a member of this crew now; the stores of the Golden are open to you. I will forward your request and have it delivered imminently.”

I said. “While I think we should have meetings in the meeting room and not right here in Airlock Room 4. And we are many societies, not just Terrans. I am from Nilfeheim and consider myself a Norse.”

I turned to the Holdian and said. “Please tell me your idea. I have not forgotten you asked.”

He started to wipe his hands again and he said. “Ma’am that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I was thinking since we are supposed to be pirates and we might need to entertain guests and all that, our meeting room would be inadequate for this, so we could turn our empty B Hangar into a Pirate Den, you know like they have in those old Three-Dee’s. Real cool with treasures in the corners and a skeleton in a cage and all that, besides we do need a place for our treasures and the special valuable loot and then we put in a big table with impressive Chairs and decorate the whole hangar so and we can let guests in through the side ramp and never show them the rest of the ship.”

I went to my knees and put my hand on his tiny shoulders. “That is actually a very good idea Mr. Holdian. I put you in charge of this project.”

The Old Merchant clapped his hands.

“It is getting better by the minute. We are going to be pirates?”

I simply told him the entire story, just leaving out a few technical details and he listened and became quite serious. “I don’t like pirates one bit.” He side glanced to Har-Hi and added. “I don’t mean the Dai; they honor their opponents for the most part and don’t slaughter the innocent.

I did hear about this Red Dragon of course who attacked Outpost 96 so recently and I saw reports of my own Intelligence service, just how vicious and un-proportionally violent he is towards his victims. I don’t know if you know but we Golden deal in anything, except Sentient Life forms since I am the First Merchant.

Slave business is prohibited and we deal with our own who violate that quite severely.”

I knew he spoke the truth. I remembered the Golden slave dealer on Alvor’s Cove. He rubbed his chin. “That Barracuda you mentioned was here indeed just three days ago and I am certain they went to Brhama Port that is an Asteroid Base much like this one and it is run by the independent Bassett family of Roid-Miners. It is also a known Pirate base where they trade, refuel and sell things we don’t deal with. I also know of a dealer on Sin4 who has Loki torpedoes. Next to the Translocator Cannons, Loki Torpedoes are the most desired Mil Tec there is. No other species has anything comparable.”

He scratched his bald head as if it helped him thinking. “Oh I remember that Pirate known as Red Dragon was here about two of your month ago, trying to buy spare parts and new ISAH pods. His shinny and unique ship didn’t look so shinny and new when he was here. His ship’s aft section was severely damaged.”

Listening to Sobody I realized to have him aboard might prove to be more valuable than anticipated. He seemed to know much about Freespace and what was going on here. It also became clear I would have to return to Sin 4.

I was so distracted by my own thoughts that Narth had to call me mentally and telling me that the Golden was still taking.

He said. “Now that I know your secret, I am sure you might object, but if you think you can trust me please let me out once more. I want to go with the little Holdian and help him get a few things and treasures worthy of a pirate of your reputation. In order to blend in, we must visit the various pirate hideouts and the Trade markets on Sin 4, Alvor’s Cove and many other such places. Pirates and the other scum go there to brag, buy parts, sell or purchase ships and of course turn their loot into profit. It is at those places they band together for raiding parties and pack attacks.”

I said. “Mr. Sobody we can’t really keep you prisoner and so far Narth trusts you and that has more weight with me than anything else. So yes I trust you too.”

To the Holdian specialist he said. “Would you accept my company, since you are in charge of decorations and that is what we going to get.”

“Of course Mr. Sobody.”

“I’ll go along as well.” Cirruit said. “An assignment that involves shopping, Mothermachine could not keep me from that one.”


Three days later or more precisely 74 hours later.

Har Hi came into my office and said. “The Battle group and the Sansibar have just arrived.”

It was Three-Four the Non Corp who called me from the bridge, as he held the ‘Conn’ just as Har-Hi had told me the news.

“Sir, we are being hailed by the USS Sansibar. Captain Changpu Rong is on Fleet Chanel for you.”

Since Three-Four was on the bridge, it was already Second Dog watch, meaning it had to be past 0600 hrs. I took the call right from my desk.

“A human female Captain became visible on the screen. She wore her black hair in a similar style as Elfi, but had more slanted eyes.

She smiled as she saw me and said. “Good evening Captain Doe and nice to meet the Captain of the USS Enigma, I am Captain Rong and I have direct orders from Fleet Command to take charge of the situation here and you are free now to continue with your mission.”

I thanked her and briefed her on the non-classified parts of the situation.

After I had talked to the Battle ship captain, I had SHIP switch to external visuals and I could see two majestic white Union Hospital Ships drift into view, deploying D20 shuttles in Paramedic configuration. A huge Fleet Mobile Repair Dock dropped moments later out of Quasi Space; an enormous disc with large tractor-projectors and manipulation arms able to pluck entire ships out of space and place it onto the repair platform and repair even the most damaged ships.

Har Hi who stood next to me and put in words what I was thinking as he said.

“It is amazing; sometimes I think it is this incredible efficiency of our Union that makes all the difference and not the Battle ships. That 35,000 meter MRP to me just as amazing as the Devi, and it is not an alien product.

When I was a boy my father often told me about Hospital ships and the Fleet tender Units the Union had and like so many other Dai I laughed and found it a waste of resources to have ships dedicated to the care of sick, but I learned that the Union is far more envied over these by others than Battle ships and Translocator cannons.”

I agreed with him and called the bridge. Pure answered from the Con. “Yes Ma’am?”

“Call all personnel back to the ship that is still on shore and prepare to undock within the hour.”

“Aye Captain.”

I was so proud of my crew, they were just like me still at the beginning of their career, but Pure smoothly changed shift with Two-Three while not losing a beat on the situation. That a Union Marine held a bridge position aboard an Union fleet ship was perhaps a bit unusual, but perfectly legal within regulations, as it was my decision alone who I trusted with that.

Har Hi said. “You have been to Hangar B lately, right?”

I shook my head. “No I have not. I was busy coordinating the rescue efforts. You know yourself I spend more time out there in a suit than I care for. I for one am glad the Sansibar and the other ships are here.”

I paused and looked directly into his snug face. “Why, what have they done?”

He shrugged and said. “I don’t think I have the correct vocabulary to describe it, but I think you might want to check it out.”

I followed my Dai friend to the IST. “What did they do?”

“It’s really better you see it for yourself.”

We left the Inter Ship transport a few seconds later and stepped into the central corridor of the ship’s hangar and flight deck, also called the equatorial deck as it was in the middle and by volume the largest deck section of the Tigershark. A big marine so loaded with boxes he could barely see his way almost bumped into us.

He obviously did not see who he almost ran into because he said. “Sorry mate, just coming on through.”

He went past us and disappeared behind the massive double doors to hangar bay B.

The Tigershark had four Main hangars bays. Bay A was meant for the four Wolfcrafts we had yet to receive. Bay B was supposedly there for a compliment of six Thor Gunboats, also still on the list of things we still missed. Bay C was home to the Gazelle Recon Craft and our four Goliath Landing tanks and Bay D held a D20 Shuttle and a Multipurpose Science and Survey platform. Each Hangar Bay was 70 meters long, 50 deep and the ceiling was 20 meters from the bay floor From the other side of the corridor where the big freight elevator was, came Hans and the massive Y’All and they both struggled with a huge crate that would have been a challenge even for a big Load handler.

Har-Hi pointed with his chin towards the Two and said to me. “It is going on like that for two days now. Every time I come down here I feel I am in some sort of freight forwarding center. I doubt there isn’t much left in that Bazaar.”

Unable to predict what would await me, I took a deep breath and stepped through the big door, that was parting before me, but had to brush a heavy velvet curtain aside before I could actually see. I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked around. It used to be stark empty space with hexagonal shaped armor plating and x shaped support frames covering ceiling, walls and floors. Now the walls were draped with heavy crimson and black velvet curtains. The ceiling sported a wall to wall picture of a space battle scene between the Silver Streak and a Shiss Armed Trader vessel.

It looked more like a scene from a cheesy Space Holo than reality. I also noticed Narth floating way up there putting finishing touches to it.

In the center of the former Hangar bay was a massive looking round table of at least ten meters in diameter and had the appearance to be made out of a dark silver metal. The table surface was richly inlayed with artwork that could have been straight from the Nilfeheim Book of Traditions, if the muscled heroes struggling with monsters would have been human. The entire surface was stylized like a wagon wheel of old, segmenting the artwork into twenty four areas. Twenty four golden spokes started at the inner ring and ended at a central nave.

Around the table I counted 25 oversized high backed matching arm chairs, richly upholstered with black leather. A twenty sixth chair was even taller than the others and featured the skull of something large and wicked centered on top of the backrest.

Six meter tall braziers stood in equal intervals all around the hall. They were made of twisted dark metal and must have been dreamed up by a gothic artist who spend most of his time thinking about torture and claws; they looked as if a dozen serpents completely intertwined fought each other with razor sharp hooks, claws and spiny thorns.

Dark red flames flickered smokeless out of equally black steel bowls mounted on top.

Above the table hung a chandelier that matched the tables design and each of the chandelier arms held a glittering diamond shaped dragon head, projecting light on each of the table’s segments.

To the left side stacked against the wall, at least fifty large transport chests, several of them open overflowing with Polonium Coins. Metal barrels stacked filled with gemstones, gold coins and jewelry. To the right side several stacks of Saresii silk bales, each worth many thousand credits along with a pile of furs and other luxury fabrics.

In between those treasures, stood solid looking racks of steel and wood holding an arsenal of swords, lances, rifles and energy weapons, a collection it seemed representing every known and quite a few unknown civilizations.

Huge Saran floor vases, made of black alabaster and gold, a statue of the Saran death god Seth holding a sharp looking wickedly curved sword were only a few of the art and antique objects that decorated the room, I could identify.

I saw Cirruit standing at the opposite of the bay directing the little Holdian who operated a hand held tractor crane projector manipulating a large and exceptional ugly stone statue depicting what I thought was a headless, very fat Shiss female.

Cirruit noticed me as I came closer still staring at all the things and even though his face was expressionless as always, I knew he was deeply satisfied.

He stemmed his fists into his hips and said. “What do you think Captain? This is the famous Venus of Milo, a priceless pre Astro Terran art object.”

I looked at it closer and shrugged. “I don’t know it sure looks like a headless pregnant Shiss to me.”

He sounded almost offended. “Captain, this is priceless art from a Terran Artist named Donald Duck, he lived on the Planet Coney Island and was famous for his work, all over the Moon. I remember each detail the Gellurian Art dealer told me.”

I said. “How can it be Terran art if he lived on a different planet?”

Har-Hi held his chin while he looked at the statue with crossed arms. “You know I have this perfectly good genuine pebble made of real rock, barely used and I was told it came from a river on Terra. The rock even was wet once and they say it is very old. I let you have it for a spot.”

Cirruit protested. “And you never told me you have such a thing? How much do you want for it?”

I slowly turned taking it all in. “This is really some work you all put in here.”

The golden Merchant, wearing only a pair of pants and a shirt, with dark grime all over his face crawled from underneath the table holding a polishing rag and a tub of metal polish and he smiled all over his face in deep satisfaction. He wiped his brow leaving another streak of soot and he said.

“I am glad you like it Ma’am. This table is over half a million years old and was made for the council room of a once mighty but now forgotten kingdom. It’s made of nineteen tons of pure platinum and eight tons of Gold, not to mention almost a ton in Rhodium inlays. The spokes and chairs are enriched with Rhodium inlays.

“So is the Chandelier. I doubt even your famous Schwartz Industries has a more expensive and impressive conference table.”

He held up his polishing rag. “It doesn’t look much now, but once I get it all shiny you will see how pretty it will look.”

Cirruit shrugged: “I told him we could Nanites do the cleaning but he insists that an antique like that needs to be hand polished.”

The old Merchant said. “So what do you think Captain?”

Everyone stopped working and looked at me. I noticed that the tail of the little Holdian twitched while he looked at me with anticipation from his big black button eyes.

I looked around once again and then said. “I think it is marvelous, beyond anything I imagined. Do we owe someone a huge bill for all this?”

Sobody looked insulted. “Captain, with all due respect you could not even begin to imagine wealth I have amassed in 18,000 of your years of being the leader of a merchant and trader society. I think I might even be a close second to this Rex Schwartz. He isn’t the only Centillionair as the Union press always claims he is, you know.”

He pointed at the treasures and said. “This is but a small token to express my gratitude that you are so readily accepted me.”

He then pointed his rag at Cirruit, “If it is permitted, I must however teach your Chief engineer a thing or two about the honesty of Bazaar merchants, especially Gellurians.”

I laughed. “You may try that indeed. But you all did a tremendous job. I think we should have all our conferences and meetings here. And this should be our mess hall. Yes we will have our daily dinner here; someone needs to work out a rotation schedule so all crew members can eat here.”

The Holdian said perplexed. “Captain did you mean all crew members? Officers sharing a table with enlisted?”

I nodded “That’s right. We eat here, all of us. There are 360, counting Officers, Crew and Marines. We got eight Watches and they rotate so everyone has the same chance to eat the Dinner meal here, there.

Narth said. “That would be 14.4 dinners or every crewman would eat here every 14.4 days.”

The Holdian clapped his little hands. “That means I eat here all the time, after all I am the point four crewman right?”

Everyone laughed, even Har-Hi.

I said. “There is room for more chairs anyhow, it’s a big table and not all of us need that much space.”

Elfi’s voice interrupted us from a PA speaker.

“Captain, a pirate has just attacked twenty five minutes ago. 211 light years from here and in Union Space. Union sources say the pirate high tailed into Freespace.”

I headed for the door and said. “Har-Hi see that everyone is aboard. Cirruit get your engines hot and get Shaka on the bridge. There is nothing we can do about the attack, but we start hunting now.”

== Chapter 16: Rock Breaker ==

The Janus Device was active and the Tigershark looked once more like the Karthanian Battle Merchant.

Krabbel said: “its official now, Captain. We are in Freespace.”

We had left the Golden Bazaar behind us and were on a course straight to Brhama Port. The journey would take four more days, as we could only as fast as a Kartanian Battle Merchant with two added ISAH pods. Narth and Shea worked for the last two days at something and I noticed them now for the third straight shift. Now Three-Two had joined them and I turned on my seat and said. “Would you three over there mind to explain what you are doing? Not that I probably understand it, but I still sort of like to know.”

Shea turned and said. “Union ISAH pods interrupt the Super-symmetry that exists between Fermions and Boson particles. While a ship travels in Quasi space the correlated super partners are affected in regular space and while this is possible in Zero Dimension environments it is not in four dimensional environments. Therefore we think...”

I said. “Teaches me to ask you guys what you are doing.”

Narth said. “Thankfully I am able to understand the Captain on a direct mental level and she is not asking us to teach her more, but her response was an example of sarcasm. The captain simply isn’t able to follow your explanation on an intellectual comprehensive level.”

I sighed. “He did it again. He managed to call me basically an idiot and I should be angry, but how can I since I know he didn’t mean it.”

Narth turned to face me and said.

“I would ask for apologies, but how can I since you have already forgiven me. Would it be helpful if I tell you, Wetmouth had to explain her idea to me, before I comprehended?”

“In Odin’s name just tell me what you are doing.”

Now it was Three-Two who said. “Captain, we are trying to isolate and find a possible trail of either the stolen Barracuda or the Red Dragon. Since both use Union Isah Pods and there is a high probability they went this way, if Brhama Port is their target. Since my natural senses allow me to sense such minute trails, they now try to modify a sensor array with my input.”

“That was an explanation I understood and sounds really fascinating.”

Cirruit came on the bridge carrying a technical device and went straight to Shea. “I think I got it, I made it exactly to your guy’s specifications.”

Har-Hi grinned as he looked at me. “We are flying in the most advanced ship the Union has ever built and our geeks are already tinkering with the hardware to improve it.”

Five minutes later and more tinkering and talking between the four, and Cirruit’s legs sticking out of an open access panel underneath Shea’s main science console. I heard SHIP’s voice say. “Shea it works. I think I isolated the Barracuda’s trail.”

Narth went back to his OPS console and his fingers flew over the input contacts, then he said to me. “Captain we have isolated the trail of the stolen Barracuda and I am feeding the sensor data to Krabbel for Navigation in case you want to follow it.”

I smiled to Har-Hi. “Looks like they managed to do just that, Mr. Krabbel set a course following that trail and Mr. Chitauli increase our speed a notch still within Kartanian capabilities.”

The trail became stronger and then Narth reported.

“Three contacts on sensor horizon. One of the contacts has clear Union energy signatures and conforms to those of a Barracuda. The other two appear to be of recent manufacture Kermac T configuration.”

Yeoman O’Connell who was never far from my side said.

“These new Kermac T ships are not civilian or available for civilians. That means the Kermac have violated the Freespace treaty.”

Shea said. “For the chance to get their hands on Translocator technology they would risk anything.

Narth put up a tactical map of the region and I could see the three contacts near a small white star. The map identified the star as Auriga Xi and according to the Union Astro catalog has only been optically surveyed. There was no detailed data available, but it was assumed to be uninhabited as it only had a few gas giants and one rock core planet that was very close to its sun.

There was no other artificial contact within sensor range.

I leaned back, my right hand on the Intuitive Controls.

“All hands battle stations. Mr. Narth, I know it is not Karthanian but I understand our Janus device is capable of cloaking us against Sensor detection.”

“Yes Captain, we can mask our sensor signature in that way.”

“Render us invisible to their sensors and everything else half a second before we drop out of Quasi Space. If it is a mystery to them how we did that, so be it.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Mr. Chitauli take us as close as you can before you drop out of Quasi Space and coordinate with Mr. Narth.

“Understood, Captain, I can take us as close as 250 kilometers.”

“Excellent, Mr. Vouza stand by on QGP and Froth casters, load one kg AM loads into our sniper cannons and fire the TL simultaneous to mask the Translocators. I want you to target the drive sections of all three ships simultaneous and yes I authorize SHIP to assist you. I want them unable to maneuver before they even know what happened. We are dealing with a Union destroyer after all.”

After the first volley Mr. Chitauli will take us with a micro jump back out a light minute or two.”

My friends made the necessary computations and adjustments and I said to Hans. “Mr. Neugruber, prepare your Marines for boarding action.”

My command seat was in battle mode and once again it was as if I was sitting outside on the hull with an unobstructed view of space. Of course it was a simulation and the images our visual sensors received were not constructed from visible light but hyperspace distortions, tachyon reflection and mass energy detection. Standard light speed sensors were as inadequate as the human eye had not chance to see that far or make out objects as small as ships, in an environment where size meant nothing.

The individual departments represented in floating icons, as well as important data about speed, course, weapon range, shield strength course and a host of other information I found necessary. The display was customized to my preferences. Har-Hi’s icon blinked and expanded to show his face and he looked at me. “You told me to play devil’s advocate and you made me your XO to keep you in check right?”

“Yes of course.”

“Then I suggest you do not go with Hans and lead the boarding action.”

His suggestion caught me off guard.

“We haven’t even engaged the enemy yet and I didn’t think that far yet. I was just playing with the idea ... and how did you even guess I was thinking about that?”

“First of all I know you by now a little. All this sugar and girl stuff can’t fool me; underneath all that dominatrix leather is still the same ready to rumble Eric I know. Second I noticed you trained with Hans to use the new Gilgamesh suits and third and finally, you already asked SHIP to prepare your Auto Dresser.”

I felt like a child caught with the hand in the cookie jar and said.

“I am supposed to be a Pirate and that is what they do, besides I don’t like to send men into harm’s way without them knowing I am there as well.”

“You are not a midshipman anymore; you do not lead a group of cadets as dorm eldest. You’re the Captain now.”

He disconnected before I could say something and I knew he was right. Union Fleet regulations were as clear as glacial water. The Captain’s place was on the bridge and not leading a boarding party of Marines. But then Captain Zezz has done it and my idol Stahl did it countless times and was famous for it, but Har-Hi was right Stahl was not the Captain, Harris did not leave the bridge during battle.

My musing thoughts had to take a backseat now. The Tigershark approached the three ships fast. Narth displayed a more detailed sensor report now as we were close. The enemy ships were two full size Kermac T Class Cruisers. Kermac technology was behind Union tech, but not by much and they were well armed and shielded.

I could not rely on Loki torpedoes or Large TL loads, that would ruin our disguise and the chances that someone else was watching was not unlikely.

Narth said. “They are ready to make the deal, and plan to land on the third moon of the first Gas Giant. The Barracuda still has a functional Translocator Cannon; I can sense that one of the Union officers was able to disable the auto destruct feature. The Kermac have no intentions of keeping the officers alive, they have all the Translocator data.

SHIP counted down the seconds until we would drop out of Quasi.” Eight, seven, six, five...”

The disguised Tigershark was a true marvel of technology, but my crew made it a terrifying tool of power and might. No regular helmsman would have ever dared to come that close to a planet and other ships out of Quasi-space. No Tactical officer in the entire Fleet could rely on a Computronic that was not just a machine but his friend and understood what he wanted to do. What Captain could rely not only on the ship’s sensors but on the senses of a Narth?

Science Officers would sit back during battle situation, but Shea used every bit of data both from sensors, from Narth, the vast data banks and processed it in her brilliant mind, to give Mao millimeter precise target data of weak spots.

The Barracuda however was a modern Union Destroyer with modern shields, and designed to take a pounding. Everything was at least triple redundant, we all knew that first hand. Of course the Barracuda had one big handicap it had no crew. Flying and operating it was no problem even with one person, but taking it into battle was another story.

Our ship dropped out of Quasi-space and there was no time interval measurable by human senses when our weapons pounded all three ships. The Kermac drive sections were destroyed with surgical precision before they were even able to really sense our presence. The Barracuda computronic however reacted fast and established shields automatically, SHIP acted without permission and without waiting for my command, and laid a barrage of five Kilo loads at precisely at a shield nexus point and send a sixth through before the Barracuda could raise its shields to full strength.

The sixth load of Antimatter exploded inside the Union destroyer’s engineering compartment. It ripped open the entire starboard side, peeled Ultronit armor away like the skin of a fruit and it would take the services of a dock yard to make this wreck into a flying ship once more.

All this had taken less than maybe six seconds when we already accelerated back into Quasi-space.

I knew that we could not let anyone escape. What we did was certainly not within the capabilities of a Kartanian Armed freighter. I also contemplated if I should scold SHIP for her initiative or not. Cracking the full established shields of a Barracuda with simulated Nul and Kartanian weapons would have been impossible and facing the Destroyer’s functional Translocator cannons would have forced us to establish Para Dim shields and jeopardize our disguise just as well. She was more than a computronic but an officer and as such made an important tactical decision. I decided to actually commend her for showing initiative, something no other Ship AI could. I said.

“Good thinking, SHIP that saved us a lot of headaches.”

SHIP made a sound almost as if she was releasing air in a relieved fashion and said. “Thank you Captain. I knew you couldn’t even speak an order that fast, so I improvised as I noticed the Barracuda Computronic was already in Battle mode.”

I smiled towards her symbol and then said. “Ms. Petetis open communications to the Kermac and the renegades.”

I lowered my seat out of the Battle view dome and Har-Hi handed me a black mask that matched my outfit.

Narth said. “Bridge Background filters in place; all they will see is an old Kartanian Bridge.”

I closed the lace strings of the mask and Elfi gave me the signal that she was ready.

“I am Black Velvet of the Silver Streak. You are unable to escape and I can destroy you as easily as I damaged you. I will search your vessels for valuables and let you live if you comply with my demands. I will show no mercy if you resist in any way. Now deactivate all remaining weapons and energy shields and prepare to be boarded.”

The first responding was a Kermac officer and he snarled at me. “You attacked Kermac vessels, killed crewmembers with that cowardly sneak attack and interfere with our business. The Kermac will hunt you; Captain Black Velvet, you made yourself a powerful enemy.”

“I wouldn’t be so loud proclaiming Kermac business in Freespace and aboard Kermac military ships. My Nul contacts will be very interested in the recordings I am just making. Now comply with my demands or face destruction.”

Narth voice said in my mind with an urgent tone. “The Barracuda is about to launch two of its Loki torpedoes.”

There was no way I could outrun them, and while I was sure our full shields could withstand their impact, it would weaken even our excellent shields. I had no choice. “Mao use the QLP and target their torpedo tubes.”

Two invisible bolts of Quark Gluon Plasma traveling through trans-space tunnels based on the same technology as the anti-light tunnels space trains used, hit the torpedo doors at the same time as the Loki torpedoes appeared. Once in flight a Loki was shielded and so fast it was almost impossible to intercept, but there in the initial launch phase their shields were still off and the Barracuda had to create temporary holes in the remaining emergency shields to let the torpedoes pass. The effect was devastating. Both torpedoes carried enough Anti Matter to severely damage capital ships. Not even the excellent armor of the Barracuda could withstand two such explosions halfway in its hull. The Barracuda was instantly and completely destroyed. I knew I had to do it, but destroying a Union Ship was not something that made me feel proud.

I said. “Close in on the Kermac, maximum tech stop and Paralysator rays. Scan for dark spots in your energy scans and target them, be prepared for small fast escape cr...”

While I was still speaking and the Tigershark closed in again, the Command section of one of the Kermac cruisers did detach and Mao singed it’s aft with a QGP shot.

The Kermac craft changed course and dove straight into the thick atmosphere soup of a moon circling the nearby gas giant.

We managed to reach the other T cruiser and came within tech stop and Paralysator ray distance.

I had a hard time remaining in my seat as Hans and our Marines floated across and boarded the second ship, while Mao followed my orders and destroyed the remaining aft section of the other.

Shea told me that she was able to estimate the landing area of the Command section but due to heavy electro-magnetic storms in the moons atmosphere she was not able to give details.

While I listened to the battle progress reports of the boarding action, everything went smoothly so far, Narth said. “We must go after those who escaped to the moon’s surface Captain. They already obtained Manual 15 from the Barracuda and they have a Long range telepath with them. The telepath seems to be wounded or momentarily unable to send, but once he can he will be able to transmit all the information in that manual to Kermac. You know that manual contains all information needed to service and repair and thus reproduce a Translocator cannon.”

Har-Hi said. “We got P Bombs, lets drop one or two on that moon and we can be certain they won’t transmit anything.”

I shook my head while keeping an eye on Hans helmet Visuals and said. “P Bombs are a weapon unique not only to the Union but specifically to Terrans. The effects are long lasting.”

He said. “Then we pound the area with TL’s until Narth confirms they are silent. We must prevent them from transmitting that information and can’t take chances, Captain.”

I knew he was right and called Hans. “Status report, Mr. Neugruber.”

“Only little resistance from Kermac Battle robots, the crew that was not in shielded suits is sleeping and the rest has surrendered. We are in control of this vessel.”

I said to him. “That is good news, I am sending Cirruit, Shea and more hands to gather anything useful, Computronic files and valuables of course and pack the officers in Stasis boxes. We will be back shortly. We must go after the ones that escaped onto the sixth moon of that Gas giant.”

“Aye Captain, this is a big ship and it will take a little to go through it all anyway.”

I ordered the Tigershark ship into a geostationary orbit and was about to give firing orders to Mao, when Narth held up his hand and I received his thought. “Stop.”

Narth turned in his seat and said. “The Kermac are not alone down there. I am sensing something, another life.”

Three-four who had replaced Shea on the science console said: “Life sensor readings inconclusive, due to the strong electro-magnetic interference, I am not able to get a clear reading on the Kermac or anything else. The environment down there is Class 9 and extremely hostile to unprotected carbon based biological. Atmosphere consists mostly of Carbon Dioxide, Sulfuric Dioxide and a soup of noble gases. Surface pressure is at 86 bar, the moon receives a high dose of radiation from its mother planet at every rotation that would sterilize most known life forms.”

Narth was leaning back, while his head dropped to his chest. Since I still could feel him I knew he was neither death or in pain, but I sensed he was greatly disturbed by something. I gave him a few minutes, knowing that I could not hurry him by interrupting.

He finally raised his head and said. “The Kermac did not randomly choose this location for the exchange. It was only convenient because they have been here already. They have stolen or taken something from that moon. Something that should never been taken. Something old and unknown to the Narth is down there. Something dangerous.”

Just as he finished, we received a call from Shea. “Captain there is something very alien and strange in the cargo hold of this Kermac ship. It appears to be a glowing blue egg shaped rock, of approximately 20 meters. The material composition is a mix of crystals, rare earth composites and minerals. Even though it emits light, I cannot detect any energies, and now we all can hear a faint music like humming emitting from it.”

“Shea get out of that hold and let robots check it out. We don’t know what we are dealing with...” Elfi said with a dry voice.

“Communication to our people aboard the T cruiser has been lost. I am unable to raise any of them.”

Narth said. “The Kermac on the Surface made contact with something and they managed to convince whatever it is that we are responsible for something terrible. I can feel rage on a level I did not think possible.”

A voice thundered over the bridge speakers. “Woe to the Rock breakers. The crime is unspeakable and so must be the punishment.”

Elfi recoiled from her console and said. “This was Psionic not our communication Equipment.”

I was almost lifted out of my seat as something hit the Tigershark with enormous force, making the lights flicker.

== Chapter 17: Bereaver ==

Trying to keep a cool head and made sure I didn’t raise my voice even a notch. I didn’t like those commanding officers who barked or yelled orders. I preferred the style of Captain Zezz and Captain Harris and said. “Mao, full shields, extend Exo-load turret and load both bomb shafts with P Bombs. Har-Hi give me a full damage and casualties report.”

Mao said. “Full real shields activated all weapons active, Bomb shafts loaded and ready for P Bomb deployment.”

Har-Hi looked over his readouts. “The Janus device is damaged, and so is our projected appearance, the simulated Kartanian shields are completely destroyed but our real hull held and received no detectable damage. Petty Chief Gorragh reports a three degree burn after being dosed with hot water in Environmental. Lines are being fixed and the Petty Chief is almost ready for duty again.”

I acknowledged with a Nod. “Elfi hail me that voice on one of those PSION channels we supposed to have.”

“We do have Leedei Psion tech and communication, Channels are open.”

“This is Captain Black Velvet of the Silver Streak. Calling the entity that threatened and attacked us. I am open for dialog and establishing contact. I offer peaceful dialog but I will not accept any further attacks. I have the means to turn your moon into nuclear slack.”

The voice answered “You are the rock breakers. You destroyed Olours. You stole Olours. We are the Conck.”

Another massive bolt of concentrated energy hit the Tigershark.

Mao reported. “Shields at 44 percent. This bolt was stronger than the first, by a magnitude of 120 percent, equal to the Unions strongest FTL cannons.”

I think whoever is down there doesn’t believe me. Mr. Three-Four can your sensors pick up the approximate location of the Kermac escape ship?”

“I am able to narrow it down to a 12 kilometer radius. I can see their distinct energy signatures between all the other disturbances.”

“Close enough. Mao target that area and plant an Exo load. That should take care of the Kermac and show the others we are serious.”

I turned to Narth and said. “Any objections, do you sense anything or do you think you can communicate with them?”

Narth actually shrugged with his shoulders as he said. “There is so much rage, so much anger that I am unable to get through. It is a truly alien mind. I am currently in conversation with the Narth Supreme and no Narth has ever encountered a mind like this. All I can say it appears to be a mind of great power able to manipulate Trans dimensional energies. Narth Supreme suggests that your approach might be as good as any other.”

I wondered if I did the right thing, my orders where clear. Prevent the transform technology to fall in enemy hands and I didn’t have much time. My friends and Shea were in trouble and I knew it had to do with whatever was down there. “Mao, reload TL with a Giga load and fire.”

A Giga load was still developing the equivalent explosive force of a billion tons of High explosives. While such enormous explosive forces affected a target in deep space only by direct impact, as shockwaves could not travel through vacuum, it was an entire different effect when exploding inside an atmosphere. The Anti matter explosion was so intensive; it instantly cleared a huge section of the dense cloud cover and spewed material into space.

I had Elfi hail the Voice again.

“This was a small demonstration of what we can do. Now we didn’t break any rocks before, but I promise you I will break any rock on that moon of yours if you continue the hostilities. You accuse us of crimes yet we have never been here before. What shall it be, dialog or war? Not that we need to remain here as our business here is elsewhere.”

“You murdered the gentle ones, the ones that promised to return the children. You abducted and destroyed Olours. The Gentle ones were right, you are a brutal and war mongering species. We have little patience for brutality and the kinds of atrocities marking much of the development of the Galaxies and those who worship Darkness and death.”

“At least we are talking, even if you keep repeating accusing us of crimes we could not have possibly committed as we never been here. If you refer to the Kermac as being the gentle ones you are on the wrong track. And if those Olours resemble a big blue egg like rock then I know where it is. You find it aboard a Kermac ship not far from here and I am willing to return that rock to you, if that stops you from accusing us.”

Narth said. “The mind is confused, it has no concept of ships, colors, big or small, but I cannot go deeper. That mind is not accessible to my probing as other minds are, it would require much study.”

“Shaka get us back to the Kermac ship.”

Three-Four said. “Captain I am picking up sixty very large space ships of unknown configuration but energy readings and material composition points to Kermac origin. None of our data banks have data on 5000 meter Kermac Units. They are heading this way. They are slow but will be here within two hours and thirty minutes away.”

“Narth see if you can restart or reconfigure that Janus Device.”

“I will try Captain. I am getting Shea and the others they are alive, but they are fighting and something aboard that Kermac ship is interfering with GalNet.

“Elfi get me the Admiral before we get to close to that ship.”

Elfi managed to get me a connection to the Admiral and I talked fast and delivered my report of the events so far. Then I added “I will attempt to rescue my crew from that Kermac T Cruiser, before the Kermac Units arrive. I doubt I can fight sixty of them with or without disguise, but I will try to outrun them”

He said. “I don’t know what is more disturbing, the news of a previously unknown Kermac fleet of this magnitude or their willingness to risk war by entering Freespace in such a show of force. I will raise sector alert and contact the Kermac. You are on your own for now. If at all possible find out what is so important on that moon, that the Kermac risk all this.”

I acknowledged and the Connection faded out as we closed on the Kermac T cruiser.

I said. “Elfi try to hail them with normal Radio frequencies, we are close enough.”

I was out of my seat and on my way to the door when Har-Hi’s voice reached me. “Captain your place is on the bridge. Let me go.”

I didn’t turn.” Elfi you have the bridge. If we do not return before the Kermac arrive, you return to Richter base as fast as you can.” To Har-Hi I said. “Let’s go.”

The IST was too fast for any conversation, but as we both ran down the Corridor of the Marine Deck towards the equipment and deployment lock. I said. “I take your objection serious and you are correct, but that isn’t me. There are times I must remain on the bridge, but not now.”

“We reached the equipment deck jumped into Battle dressers, Ship had already dialed them to the correct equipment and he said as we came back out in Gilgamesh suits. “You are the Captain, I follow you to wherever you lead us, but this isn’t how it supposed to be done.”

I grabbed a boarding ax, not that I needed any additional weapons, but I always trusted bladed weapons more than anything else. We both ran through the membrane field and activated our boot thrusters. This time there was none of the usual fear I had when being in deep space. I was too worried about the others and too eager to get them out and leave before the Kermac came.

Like two miniature rockets propelled to projectile speed we approached the Kermac ship. A Kermac T Cruiser was at last until now the backbone of Kermac war ship technology and used exclusively by Kermac and their closest, most important Thrall species. These ships were formed like the letter T in the human Terran alphabet, with a long rectangular main hull of 450 meters and a cross bar at its end of 250 meters. The hull was 80 meters wide and 67 meters deep. The Crossbar section held the Kermac Version of two ISAH pods on each side. This T cruiser’s aft section was ripped to shreds by our initial attack, but now my suit sensors picked up energy readings of other Gilgamesh suits, sporadic weapon fire. While the Gilgamesh was overall almost a ton lighter than a Quasimodo, it was made of advanced materials and had better shielding, more power, better Computronics and improved weaponry. Har-Hi signaled me that he had seen the energy concentration too and without Psionics or long discussion we worked out a plan and basically decided to come in from the other side.

We entered the ship through a jagged hull breach and into the engineering section.

An Antimatter warhead of our TL sniper cannons had caused this and to see the result close up was sobering, as I noticed the Kermac had also crew quarters in this section. The further we went inside the ship the more evident it became just how effective an antimatter explosion inside a ship was. We moved as fast as we could but I did see the burned out shells of Kermac Battle and space suits, baked and molten in grotesque positions to the charred deck plates. I had no time to reflect on my own handy work, but I somehow understood why the Kermac risked everything to get their hands on the secret of this weapon. I also remembered the twisted wreck of the Seneca and almost like a ghost of my own making I remembered the frozen body of the Garbini.

Now my Comm. System picked up the others and I could hear Hans’s steady voice. “Solack and Forster fall back, and keep an eye on the ceiling and watch where you shoot. We just got to hold the fort till the Captain comes back. He’d never forgive me if we lose the loot and come back one man short.”

“Hans I am here. Forget about the loot, get out if you can, the Tigershark is close by. We need to evacuate fast, more Kermac are on their way.”

“Captain we are facing a highly intelligent life form on silicone, rock basis that is able to teleport and even deflect weapon beams. Shea thinks they use precise gravitation control. The blue egg like thing broke apart in hundreds of little rock things. They can be destroyed but only if you can hit them.”

“That’s all for later. Get out of here and make sure you decontaminate and scan. I don’t want these things aboard the Tigershark. Any casualties?”

“Yes we have wounded, and Shea is in Stasis. I evacuate now, but they are likely to follow us and try to prevent us from leaving.”

“I will distract them, are you all suited?”

“Yes there isn’t any atmosphere left in this ship.”

“Prepare to leave on my signal.”

Har-Hi and I muscled open a heavy air lock and my Dai friend said. “How do you plan to distract something you have no idea what it is?”

“I am going to break some rock.”

Har-Hi sighed as he pointed his gun in the next corridor. “I was afraid you would say that.”

Something the size of a soccer ball, with the form of a large asymmetric pebble appeared right before Har-Hi’s helmet and whatever it was forced him hard and fast to his knees, despite the Gilgamesh suit, the deck plates started to dent and around him. All happened in the blink of an eye, but Har-Hi managed to fire, his weapon bolt was not absorbed by a shield but deflected.

Two more of these floating blue rocks appeared.

Har-Hi groaned.” I just broke my legs; I am under 1800 tons of pressure.”

I hammered the Axe on the first rock and unlike the weapon beam, the vibrating blade made contact, sparks flew and I chipped a sizeable piece of the rock.

Now I felt the pressure. It was like being caught in a giant vise. I heard Hans. “The Rocks all left, and went back inside the ship. Whatever you did, worked.”

Har-Hi began to float and he said. “Captain, I am also free, my Arti Grav still works.”

“I could no longer move; I heard the armor of the Gilgamesh groan. “Har-Hi get out, take charge and take the Tigershark away. Come back for me if the Kermac are gone, but we have no time right now. Take the ship and hide it somewhere.”

“Captain, Freya ... Eric.”

“Get out that’s an order. I should have listened to you, I know. Narth will know where and how I am. Now go.”

He hesitated for one second and then floated into the other direction. More and more of the blue rocks kept assembling before me. Why they hadn’t crushed me to pulp, I could not tell, but the boarding axe became too heavy for me to hold and it slipped out of my fingers and was twisted into a twisted pretzel before my eyes.

My suit system reported exceeding 1700 times standard Gravitation. System shutdown imminent. Structural support fields will fail in 12 seconds. It is recommended to leave this Gravitation center.”

“Glad you came up with that plan.”

I cursed and called myself a fool. My career so suddenly ended because I once again rushed into a situation without thinking. Who would have thought I bite the dust, on my very first official mission?

If I had my real axe, I would show those rocks. Not some cheap technological imitation of Bereaver, my Axe. The pressure became more intense, but no. “I know of thee, Olours. I know you are born of the Conck. You are ancient and sided with the light. What need did I have of a battle suit? The pressure still held this fragile body, who was I, why was I in this ridiculous biological form? Why could I not form a clear thought? Oh yes but I could form one thought that would bring me what was rightfully mine and with Bereaver in my fist, I find the rest of me and then woe to all who tricked me. A thought formed in me and I raised my hand against the laughable, feeble attempts to restrain me. My hand risen I yelled: “Bereaver tear asunder time and space, nothing shall keep vengeance incarnate from me. BEREAVER TO ME.”

With my left I grabbed one of the Children of Conck. “You move a glacial pace, you are of the First League, your age is great yet you are but matter and simple life.”

There, I could sense it ... it came. Like a meteor of infinite speed Bereaver the Axe, Vengeance incarnate united with my fist. “DIE.”

I crumbled the Child of the Blue Mountain to dust in my fist and my Axe, oh my Axe it sang and pulsed with anticipation as it was made by my own hand in the crucible of infinite fire and heat in the nexus of all energy, forged to slay those who call themselves Gods and keepers of the Rule, what chance had the Children of Conck? What were the Olours, but dust and dirt beneath my feet?”


There weren’t enough to kill. There was not enough to quench my thirst for revenge, and still there was so much of me, that was still lost. Who was I? What ... What was that? Who was calling me? Who is Erica? Eric, I am Erica.

That call, that voice it, was so familiar, so soothing. Of course it was Narth. My friend Narth.

Yes I was foolish to run off half-cocked when my place was on the bridge. Har-Hi was of course right, but I did not regret it. My friends made it to safety, hopefully outrunning the Kermac. My life was a small price to pay so Shea and Hans and all the others could escape. These strange floating rocks would crush me; the 12 seconds had to be over by now.

Narth voice again. “Eric, can you sense me?”

“Yes I can. Everyone made it?”

I opened my eyes and could see none of the rocks. The pressure was gone and now I could hear the suit system.” Suit integrity breached, emergency force field deployed to maintain suit atmosphere. Damages beyond Nanite repair capability.”

The intense pressure must have knocked me out for a moment. As I looked down myself I wondered what those rocks did to my suit, it was in tatters, what force could destroy a Gilgamesh battle suit like that and not kill the wearer, in this case me. Even in this state the suit protected me with a contour force field. Union tech was almost more impressive when it was damaged and still worked than when it was shiny new. All around me was a layer of bluish dust and small pieces of rock, but there was no life in it. To my pleasant surprise there was an antique axe on the floor, it looked the same as the one I had found in the Cave of Things and sent home.

Narth was still in my mind and he said. “The Kermac fleet turned around and is high tailing it out of Freespace. We are momentary hiding in the atmosphere of the 2nd Gas planet. We are on our way to get you now.”

“Great, I have little energy left and not much breathable air.”

“Are you alright?”

“You don’t need to ask something like that. You can feel and see my thoughts. I am not sure what happened to the floating rock things. Maybe they went too far from their moon or something”

“There were seven minutes and 56 seconds I could not sense you at all.”

“I am not the Psionics expert, but maybe it had to do with the rock creature. They could manipulate GalNet Trans dim energies and gravionics, maybe they did something.”

I felt like reborn after I was rescued and took the time for a 3 minute shower and went through the Saresii Auto Dresser. My female disguise had suffered as much as my suit. I hung the axe as a souvenir over my bed and returned to the bridge.

They all were there and gave me a scolding stare. Shea flew over and hugged and kissed me and said. “Now you can reprimand me for behavior inappropriate, but I had to do it.”

“I can do that later. We still have to check what is on that moon and I want to know what made the Kermac turn. I also like to get a full damage and casualties report. Finally I need a scientific evaluation of the recent events. I still like to know what we fought on that Kermac ship and what happened to those rocks.”

Har-Hi said. “We analyzed some of the Computronic files of the Kermac ship, Hans managed to secure and it gets weirder when you hear what that Kermac fleet intended to do.”

I checked our position and said. “How is the Janus Device?”

Cirruit said. “We need to land somewhere. Narth and I have to replace the fused matter manipulators on the Starboard side, before we can switch appearance. Right now we are Karthanian only on one side. Other than that the ship is undamaged.”

Cateria delivered the Casualty report. “All injuries, including the skull fracture, Shea suffered are mended and the Crew is healthy. Even our stubborn Captain as far as my scans can tell.”

I glanced at her. “I see you are no longer the Outsider and have joined the rub-it-in club.”

She deactivated her med scanner and her angular, somewhat harsh face suddenly lost all the edge as she smiled. “No Captain, am no longer the outsider and after feeling lost and without a place I belong to, I now feel I belong and I am at home right here aboard this magnificent ship. I have real friends. Something I did not even have while I served the All-queen of Seenia so long ago. I am your CMO and entitled to an opinion.”

I was glad she felt that way and simply nodded at that and then asked. “Har-Hi can you fill me in on what you found out?”

My XO motioned to the ceiling and said. “SHIP can you start with the drawings you made?”

There on the viewer an actual drawing appeared. It was a technical drawing with incredible detail and accurate. Har-Hi explained. What you see are not 5000 meter Kermac ships, but Double T Kermac freight tugs. The freight they are transporting are 5000 meter Kermac Ion Pulse motors, not even the Devastator has ISAH pods of that size. There are sixty of them and now comes the incredible part. The Kermac planned to attach these sixty Ion Pulse motors to that moon, and slowly accelerate it out of its orbit and take it across the 45 light years that separates this system from Kermac Space. The computronic data we were able to decipher speaks of Project Conck and it carries the seal of the Grand Wizard himself, there isn’t much else in terms of detail or why they wanted to move that moon and whatever is on it. From the mind dumps we know that the project is very important and has been in the works for a long time.”

Shea said. “SHIP drew these images as the ships were too far for our Visual sensors to make out details, so she used other sensor data and descriptions of the Kermac data files to come up with these.”

“Paint me an Ult, those are pretty good, looks like my ship’s Omnitronic has a creative streak and is talented to boot.”

SHIP managed to sound embarrassed and proud at the same time. “Thank you Captain and I was worried about you too. Just so you know.”

I got up and said “Guys one thing I have to say before I call the Admiral and deliver this report. I am who I am. I respect you all, I will heed Har-Hi’s advice and I know he was right, but this is my style, this is me and I can’t stop getting mixed in the middle of things and I doubt this will stop. Admiral Stahl does it, Captain Zezz does it occasionally and I also decided to forgo calling you Mister and all that, you are my friends first and my crew second and I give a damn about the regulations in that regard.”

Narth, who had his hands buried in the sleeves of his cloak, put one hand on my shoulder.

“No, I am certain this is one thing you cannot change about yourself and it is what makes you what you are.”

I called the Admiral and delivered him a detailed report and Shea added her scientific findings. McElligott listened without interruption and then said.

“The Kermac turned around after Enroe Industries sent a few of their security units, Alex was so kind and helped me out there. The Kermac of course didn’t want to be seen and had to return as fast as possible. We are certain that they will come back. After listening to your reports, they invested too much in that project.

Whatever it is, it is big and important and it seems whatever comes from that planet is able to fight Union soldiers in our newest Armor and neutralize Fenris robots. So we cannot afford not to find out everything we can. Therefore I must ask you to investigate. I am pleased you managed to destroy the Barracuda.

Cherubim will send out another Undercover Unit. It will tow the remaining T cruiser and take whatever specimen and Stasis prisoners you have back to Richter base for further analysis. Do your investigation as subtle as you can of course.

== Chapter 18: Blue Mountain ==

This was our third day in this star system called Auriga Xi. Somehow I pictured the start of our pirate career a little different. Right after our call to the Admiral, we landed on the first planet of the system. A hot, unfriendly world with temperatures hovering around 800 degrees, with puddles of liquid lead and molten sulfur, between cracked rocks and fine dust. Cirruit, his engineers and Narth were outside fixing the Janus System. Shea and a team were also outside happy as can be surveying the surface of this small planet. Krabbel had baptized it Little Hell and since the planet was unnamed in the catalogs, Ship entered it as the official name in the Union Celestial registry. Cirruit was confident they could repair the device but since it was perhaps one of the most complicated and unique systems it was not easy and could not be done fast.

Krabbel manned the Sensors as Three – Four was also outside helping.

I maintained Yellow Alert, in case we would have to leave fast, but so far there wasn’t much traffic and only occasionally a ship would speed at the outmost sensor horizon towards Brhama Port. No wonder the Kermac had risked operating in this system. It was outside all traffic routes and this area of space had a sparse star population. Towards Galactic south-east approximately 78 light years was the previously uncharted Ballard Nebula Expanse. Of course it soon would become Union Territory as the Mini Terrans claimed that Nebula as their home and small ships or not, they had the means to defend it.

Nearby in the same direction and only a few light years more was the bazaar still in unclaimed space and I wondered if Wurgus engineers of the Army corps of engineers would stabilize its position and how much of that space would be Union due to the Membership of the Golden.

Many thousand years ago some Terran astronomers divided the Galaxy into the same celestial directions as they had on Earth, namely North, South, East and West. They used an imaginary axis towards Andromeda as North and added a Z axis calling it Galactic Up and Galactic Down.

While it was more common to use the terms Upward, Spinward, Coreward and Downward to divide the Galaxy in four equal segments, the old way of describing directions in an environment that had no directions was easy to understand to most human minds and thus still used.

Almost straight ahead or in the direction of Galactic North and 75 light years further begun the territory of the Fruidan; according to Sobody a species of intelligent Dragonfly like beings with a very primitive civilization that joined the Kermac led Galactic Council and became a Thrall species to the white skinned psionic bastards after being independent Freespacers. 120 light years from our current position to the Galactic West was a region of Union Space that was often called the Fringes. Only a few thinly populated Colonies and a few Outposts basically only there to claim this area for the Union.

Everything east was Freespace and Togar space beyond that.

While I was musing about all this staring at a tactical map of the region, I wondered if the Fruidan actually had a choice, considering the efforts of the Kermac and their plan to accelerate a Moon to trans light speed in order to move it into their territory would require to accelerate it very slowly, using vast force fields to protect the moon and to keep it together. Such an endeavor required tremendous amounts of fuel and energies that would be detectable for many light years. So they could not move it very far.

The Narth moved their entire solar system and the Saresii had re arranged the planets in their own solar system. The Wurgus Planetary and Solar engineers offered to move planets as part of their services The Klack had Battle moons of similar size, so it was possible. Still it was a tremendous undertaking and required a level of engineering I simply didn’t think the Kermac were capable off. It would not surprise me if it was done by one of their Thrall species, but so far everything indicated that it was the Kermac themselves.

The petite Yeoman with the flaming red hair moved gracefully next to my seat and handed me my coffee and a plate with tuna sandwiches. I took it and thanked her. “Ms. O’Connell’s how thoughtful. I was just about to get up and get me some.”

“Captain, it is the hallmark of a good Yeoman to anticipate when her Captain wants coffee even before she does.”

“I say you achieved that hallmark.”

“I am not as good as Gwenn or the Oldest when it comes to change my appearance but if you need me in my true form. I will of course serve you as well.”

“Let’s hope I don’t. I would have a hard time to explain the existence of Demons to the others.”

“Will you remember us when you come into your own?”

“I have already come into my own, Yeoman. I am a Starship Captain, acting or otherwise. I am where I want to be and of course I remember the Coven and all the Sisters of the Circle. Why would I forget such a memorable meeting?”

She blinked with her big eyes and said. “Of course Captain. I just wanted you to know you can count on me as much as you count on all the others. I will take your orders and obey your will even in my true form. So you have that option.”

“Who knows what this journey brings and what we have to face, and yes it might be a good thing to have a flaming denizen of the Nether region to scare the living daylight out of someone.”

I took a long sip of the strong special Navy blend coffee I liked so much and added. “Speaking of scary folks, I better check on my spooky friend.”

His voice was immediately in my mind and Narth said. “I have patience my friend, and one day you will be the scariest and spookiest of us all and then it is my turn, until then I think I refer to you as Upper chest enhanced...”

I interrupted his mental message saying. “It wasn’t my fault, tell that to Cherubim. She programmed the body changer. How are you guys getting along out there? I am eager to check out that moon and then get going. There are a lot of pirates out there.”

“I estimate we will complete the repairs in six hours and twelve minutes.”

“That is the most precise estimate I ever heard.”

“I omitted the second increment of my estimate, how can it be precise?”

I laughed inside and then had Elfi get me Shea. The angelic face of the girl I loved appeared on the main viewer and was partially obscured by the faceplate of her suit. “Hullo Captain, I was just about to call you. Three-Four is out of his suit and was scouting ahead and we just discovered another one of those blue egg shaped things. It is in a cave not far from here and we believe it is feeding on the minerals.”

“Shea come back to the ship right away, don’t get to close.”

“Captain, there is Kermac machinery and I think it is containing whatever it is. If the Kermac can contain it, we too must learn how it is done.”

I had to agree with her. While it was nothing but speculation of mine, I was certain whatever the Kermac’s plan was, it was aimed at the Union.

It was some sort of weapon, some sort of doomsday device. The Kermac built their entire civilization on the expertise to subdue other life forms and make them their slaves.

I saw them use a device that controlled the Y’All and they found a way to control the Psionic inert X101s. Controlling others was their expertise and they did it for a very long time. If those rocks could manipulate Trans dimensional energies and gravitons they could travel. Travel anywhere and perhaps faster than the speed of light. The Nul managed to break the most advanced Union shields with their graviton weaponry. Not even the Narth Supreme knew about these rocks. I became more and more convinced that we stumbled upon something that was a big threat to the Union.

I said. “Stand by Shea, do not approach for now. We need to do this subtle and methodically.”

To SHIP I said. “Keep an eye on your gravionics sensors and tell me when you experience even the slightest variation.”

“Aye Captain.”

I called Shea again and said. “Come back to the ship. I like to have a meeting and discuss how we proceed.”

I had to keep myself convinced that waiting was the best thing to do and I did wait until Narth and Cirruit had completed their repairs. We were all assembled in our Pirate’s Den, former Hangar bay B. I had called the entire crew. Most of them were of course standing as there wasn’t enough room but I wanted all to hear and have a chance to say something if they had an idea.

I repeated the details of our situation and included my opinion that this was a threat to the Union and that we had to do find out what we were dealing with and if at any way possible neutralize the threat if it turned out to be one.

Cirruit spoke first. “If there is Kermac machinery then I think we need to analyze it first and see what it actually does. I can do that by sending Nanites to examine the thing on a molecular level and then simulate this machine here and see what it does.”

Three-Four raised his arm and added. “I doubt they can harm me in my true form and I can take a closer look.”

I shook my head. “Three-Four, if they can manipulate energies, we can’t say to what extend and that is what you are, energy.”

Har-Hi played with a dagger of his. “I think we should simply destroy them fast and swift and then see if there are others like this in this system. I don’t think they can dodge and deflect an Exo load.”

Fectiv, who was standing behind Krabbel said. “I am a Weapons engineer and I worked on an idea ever since we encountered them. I modified one of our fire suppressors; you know the energy siphon beams that we use to fight fire, even plasma fires and mounted it on a Rifle frame. Instead of shooting them we suck whatever energy they got and deny them their ability to manipulate anything.”

Shea smiled at him. “That is quite brilliant.”

A Takkian specialist said. “Captain, I am science specialist Joglur. I am related to your friend Miglar, the Lieutenant of the Hyperion.

“I don’t know if it is relevant, but we Takkians are rock and silicone based as you know and we have a very old legend about a species of floating Rocks that are the children of a Living Mountain.”

I said. “I have a gut feeling that your legend is what we are facing here. What do you know about it?”

“Sadly not very much, it is told by the Takkian priests and part of our chant slates. I am not a very religious Takkian and haven’t been to the temples since I was just a silicone nodule, but I will contact the temple and ask for a transcript of the Chant Slates, if you permit that.”

I got up and said. “Yes do that please and in the mean time we will go to that moon. I don’t think the answers are to be found here. However I will not risk the Tigershark again to be damaged by whatever it is. So here is my plan...”


Har-Hi said. “You know there isn’t a single person on our ship who likes your plan?” while he piloted the Gazelle.

I was sitting behind him in the small cockpit. “I am the Captain and I think this is the best way.”

“A Captain is the last to die not the first. That’s a rule you know. You are supposed to remain behind and make plans and let us carry them out. We can’t be an efficient crew if you can’t send us in dangerous situations. Maybe it is a handicap that your first command is a ship filled with your friends.”

“I would do the same thing if I commanded a ship full of Thauran nobles.”

Har-Hi sighed. “I am going there and check things out and you stay safe behind isn’t much of a plan either.”

“That is not what I said. I gave everyone strict orders and I did send Hans and his team back aboard that cursed Kermac wreck to examine everything. Narth is standing by to teleport us out. He can do so best with my mind. Three-Four is with us, and he too can manipulate energies. We got modified good old Quasimodos, with additional Artigrav modifiers and the strongest suit integrity fields Cirruit could come up with.”

Har-Hi tried to turn his head but he too wore a Quasimodo and was not able to make that move. He said. “Still there is no I in Crew and you know exactly what I mean.”

I grinned knowing he didn’t see it and said.” But there is a C for Captain and yes I do understand you, but I am not an experienced Captain of many years command experience. I am doing this strictly by guts. I commanded the Devi by guts; I told you what to do when we faced the Seenian ship not by any books or experience but by something else. Besides I have an ace in my sleeve for this one.”

“I don’t think carrying some antique steel axe is much of an ace, against floating rocks, when you got a mounted Mini TL launcher on your shoulders.”

“I am not even sure why I brought that thing along, but I remember the boarding axe was much more effective than your blaster, besides my ace is a little red headed Yeoman.”

“Uhu, good idea. If we can’t win or destroy them, we let our onboard lawyer sue them for the use of non-permitted Blue light in a Green light zone or something like that.”

“Watch where you are flying, I don’t want to find out if the Gazelle or the ice and rock junks around that Gas Giant are better suited to survive an impact.”

“That thing was miles away.”

“We are doing 500 kilometers a second.”

“Well we are here. Deep voice moon straight ahead, what do you want me to do?”

“Take us straight down.”

Har-Hi did, he guided the modified lightly armed, recon modified Gazelle inside the moon’s atmosphere. A Gazelle was based on the same hull as the Wolfcraft fighters and therefore designed to work in an atmosphere as well, Har-Hi was most likely the best small craft pilot in the Galaxy and yet the Gazelle bopped like a Silver-Flicker fish caught in the wake of a Tyranno Fin. Har-Hi managed to stabilize and said.” Wind speeds exceed 240 klicks. That’s some serious wind for a little moon like that.”

I noticed gigantic construction sites, monolithic pads of Duro-Crete, bigger than mountains and shaped like cradles. The magnitude of the Kermac project was mind boggling especially building all this in such adverse conditions.

We approached the area where the Giga load obliterated the Kermac craft and rearranged much of the moon’s landscape. A huge crater had been blasted out of the surface and Har-Hi said. “I think we are here.”

On the far side of the big crater was a mountain that did not match the looks of the rest. It was a massive mountain of about 12,000 meters height and it glowed with a faint blue light.

Har-Hi put the Gazelle down just before that blue mountain and said. “If the little rocks could create thousands of tons gravionic pressure, then I don’t want to know what that thing is capable off.”

I patted his shoulder. “We are here to find out exactly that.”

With a determined move I pushed the contact and lowered the seat to the ground. This was not the first time now that I set foot on an alien world, but the landscape of this moon appeared more alien than anything I seen before. The light did not come from the distant sun of this system but from the giant gas planet casting a strange unhealthy pinkish hue over everything.

Unlike on Twilight where the gas giant was only partially visible, here the planet filled the entire sky and it felt overwhelmingly depressing somehow. We had landed at the edge of the twenty kilometer wide and deep crater our Giga load had ripped into the surface. There were rugged and grayish pink mountains everywhere. Yellowish sulfuric snowflakes whipped by a hellish gale force wind splattered our suits with a vengeance. The wind was so strong I had to activate the Gravo Anchors on my boots and make slow steps towards that odd bluish glowing mountain that looked as alien and out of place as we did. It was an odd sensation to feel the force of storm in a six ton battle suit.

Har-Hi lowered the Visual enhancer visor over his face plate and pointed towards the bluish mountain.

“I can see more Kermac machinery, there are standard power plants but they are feeding equipment of unknown purpose attached to the base of that Blue Mountain, some of it had been destroyed by our Giga load but some seems still operational.”

The images we saw were instantly relayed to the Tigershark and Shea cut in and said. “I would need to see them close up and make more detailed scans, but I think these are Kermac Psionic Will amplifiers.”

I acknowledged and asked them to stand by as I activated my Suit’s Comm. system on the same frequency as the voice has spoken before. I had clear instructions to identify myself not as pirate or Freelancer but as Union Captain. “This is Captain Olafson of the United Stars of the Galaxies. I am here to establish Contact.”

At first there was silence and I already decided to get closer when Har-Hi’s shoulder mounted weapon fired, a micro second before two long line blasts impacted into my shields. My suit Computronic went to battle mode and automatically switched my helmet to tactical view. There at the base of the blue mountain was a round cave entrance. I saw two Kermac in Battle suits using large Line blasters on all terrain wheels, a fraction before Har-Hi’s micro AM loads filled the entrance of the cave with blinding light. “He went into flight mode and said. “Out sensors don’t penetrate that blue mountain ... I had to fire to prevent them to ready their Anti Matter Bazooka. Those things could ruin our day.”

There was still silence on the channel and I went into flight mode as well. I didn’t blame Har-Hi for firing without asking. Kermac Line blasters could not make a dent into a Quasimodo much less our shields, but a few hits of their AM Bazookas could wear down our shields fast.

The possibility that the Crew of the escape pod had not been killed but found shelter inside that mountain thing was now quite likely and with that also the knowledge of the Translocator manual. We flew fast and with pre-programmed evasive patterns close to the still smoking cave entrance.

In Shea’s estimate the Blue Mountain before us was about 8 kilometers high and had a base width of 16 kilometers. That gave us a potential volume of 2,300 Cubic kilometers and if that thing was hollow, lots of room for millions of Kermac.

Now close to the mountain I scanned the material and dependable as an Ult Chronometer, Shea came back saying. “The material is similar to the blue rocks on the Kermac Cruiser and those on Little Hell. It is mostly crystalline Silicone, dense layers of heavy metals such as lead and gold. The bluish color is most likely due to a high concentration of the element Cobalt. Noteworthy is the presence of large amounts of the biological coenzyme Cobalamine, or more commonly known as Vitamin B12. Many bacterial and animal life forms use this for nutrition.”

While I listened to Shea’s analysis I slowly approached the cave entrance, while Har-Hi did the same from the other side. I said to Shea. “Why can’t we scan through that and we should be able to detect life forms including silicone based life.”

“I think it is the way the crystalline lattice is structured, but because of that I am convinced this is a life form.”

“You mean there are life forms inside?”

“No I am running the data once more through SHIP and the Xeno data bank on Venus and I am certain the mountain thing is one single life form.”

While I digested her info, Har-Hi tossed a mini spy drone into the Cave entrance, the drone could cloak and was virtually invisible to most scanning equipment.

I dedicated the upper left side of my Faceplate to the telemetry of the drone.

Our little spy machine floated through a long straight corridor made of the same bluish material for nearly two kilometers. We noticed the shattered suits and bodies of three more Kermac who could not escape the confined space fast enough and thus where even more exposed to the devastating AM blasts.

Our little spy drone entered a large cavern.

The Image beamed back to us was overwhelming and frightening. There stood an army of bluish giants. Statue like beings with arms, legs and heads. I estimated there were at least 20,000 of them, looking identical to each other just like robots. Each of them held one of those bluish football sized rocks before them in crude looking hands. Each of them had to be at least four meters tall and at least two meters wide.

On the sides of the cavern were more of those round rocks stacked in large piles, but they did not glow and looked broken.

Two Kermac sat on the floor before them with closed eyes and technical device between them.

Har-Hi said. “What do you say? I take the ten thousand on the left and you the ten thousand on the right. There are certainly enough for both of us.”

I smirked at that and was pondering what to do. These rough looking stone golems did not move. Did the Kermac perhaps keep them in that state and contained? Would we unleash that army if we killed the Kermac?

Har-Hi said. “I think we are fucked and you might agree with me if you turn.”

I turned and saw at least a hundred of those floating rocks behind us and before I could do anything, both I and Har-Hi were suddenly and very fast pushed inside the cave entrance by an irresistible force. The floating rocks had generated a gravionic focus point inside that pulled us and much debris through that cave corridor. My suit was holding but could not generate enough Artigrav to counter this force.

Shea who was still connected said with an alarmed tone in her voice. “I am sending the Marines and robots; we get you out of there.”

Har-Hi and I tumbled before the two Kermac who were no longer sitting.

One of them clapped his hands and the Stone warriors came alive and then he said.

“Splendid, two Union fools have stumbled across our special project. It looks like they have Translocator cannons with them.”

I managed to get to my feet and said. “That’s right White face, and you are the first to find out how it is to be shot point blank by one.”

“Ah but you won’t you see we can crush you and your friend inside your suits to liquid. Our friends here have truly mastered the mental control of Gravionics. So I suggest you hand over your shoulder cannons and tell us all you know about it. I can start with you and your friend will be very cooperative after seeing you squashed like a rotten fruit.”

“I am going to overload the entire magazine of Translocator bombs.”

The Kermac waved his hand to the Stone giants. “Strip them of their suits, Children of the Conck, these are the ones that have abducted your Queen and broken many rocks.”

The Shoulder Cannons and our Main TKU twisted and became useless. The Kermac lamented. “You imbecile Olours, that was what we wanted to preserve.”

Our reinforced Suits held much better than the Gilgamesh, but our Systems were strained to the limit, but now the immobilizing pressure subsided, enough to take the Axe I had fixed to my belt, and Har-Hi managed to pull his Chain sword.

It was more a gesture of defiance than anything else as we had no hope to defeat them all, but something strange happened. The Stone giants stepped back; the floating rocks retreated from us. The Kermac, who had spoken before, now hissed. “Enough of this crush them.”

But no pressure came, the giants tried to step back further until they run into each other and had no room to further back away from us.

Har-Hi waved his Chain sword. “Looks like those boulder things respect Axes and swords, more than energy weapons.” A rocket launcher popped up from Har-Hi’s wrist.” You Kermac have no idea what a Quasimodo can do.” A pair of mini rockets hissed from the launcher and hit the Kermac device and blew it to twisted bits of metal.

The Kermac that had not spoken before said to his partner. “Wizard of the project, wise Sweisweinule. We must negotiate for our lives. We lost control.”

Both their natural arrogance was gone. The first one displayed anger and disbelieve and the second one was clearly afraid.

The deep voice spoke and it came from everywhere at the same time creating a strange echo. “The ONE is awake and has come. Must the Conck now perish?”

The angry Kermac yelled. “You must obey. We are the Gentle Ones from your past, we are the Allies you are honor bound to serve, for we are the Oxis. Those are the servants of the Craah-th Darkness. Enemies of the First League. Destroy them.”

I had about enough of the Kermac and now that I was free and able to move and I stomped towards him raised my axe and said.

“I have about all I can take of you scheming, arrogant bastards. A short while ago I wondered if there was something redeeming even about your kind. He stepped back pulled his Line Blaster, but then his face changed into a twisted grimace of horror and the Blaster fell out of his hand, he dropped to his knees and whimpered. “Don’t take me, please don’t take me there.”

I felt no remorse no guilt as I swung the half-moon shaped antique axe down in a wide swing. Why I was certain I could kill him with such a simple steel weapon, I could not say. He was wearing a Kermac armored suit after all; it was as if I sliced through air and didn’t feel the slightest resistance as the axe blade slid through his armor, body and bones.

I whirled around and raised the archaic weapon to end the life of the second, but he had surrendered to Har-Hi. My Dai friend gave me a strange look for a long second and then said.

“First Shea pulls a sword that slices through Ultronit like a hot wire through Ulgan Jelly and now you got an ax that goes through Kermac cerami-weave as if it wasn’t there. I really need to find out where you guys buy your hardware.”

Before I could say something and wonder about that myself. The Floating rocks gathered by the Cave entrance and Shea, Cirruit and all my marines accompanied by Fenris robots marched in. Despite the withering gravitation attack, Shea and the others moved unhindered. The Marines just as precise and fast as the robots raised their wrist cannons and Shea said, “Give the word Captain and we turn this place into a gravel pit.”

Cirruit said. “Shea, Narth and I figured a way to neutralize their Grav-manipulating powers.”

The voice of the mountain thundered with its echo voice. “The day of doom has come to the Conck.”

From between the ranks of the Marines my Takkian specialist appeared, he too wore a Battle suit but his helmet was open. To him this environment was obviously not harmful at all. He said. “Captain may I ask for permission to talk to the Conck?”

“Yes by all means if you can shed some light on all this I will be grateful. I am as much in the dark as we have been before and that Conck isn’t very responsive to questions it seems.”

“Captain, the voice we hear comes from a Kermac device and it is very limited to translate the Conck.”

“Go ahead Specialist Joglur.”

The Takkian resolutely stepped forward into the center of the cavern and begun to sing, it was a strange song that sounded like someone chewing sand while gargling. Despite the strange sound, I found the songs melody actually quite acceptable.

Narth silently floated in and moved next to me and his voice said in my mind. “Shea came to the conclusion that we control and manipulate Gravity for a long time and have both the technology and the knowledge. Instead of absorbing the pressure they generate it is now deflected around us, takes much less energy and as you see works fine.”

“I was actually thinking about the same lines, not that I claim to have Shea’s genius but we deflect and absorb much higher Gravs when we go to threshold speed and the Arti Gravs of our Battle ships move millions of tons.”

“She is right; you aren’t as stupid as you always say you are.”

“I am not always...”

Our silent banter was interrupted as the song was answered by the mountain and then the Takkian said. “These stone warriors are called the Olours they are noble warriors of ancient heritage. They forgot the details of their origin or how they became sentient, as it is so long ago and come from the region we call Downward. They did have brief contact to a sentient space faring species who took seeds of them to create the Takkians and the Takian races, if I understood it all correctly. So in a wider sense our religious chant slates were quite correct.

The Olours move and speak in a stately, glacial pace. Meaning it usually takes them between hundred and two hundred of our years to even finish a sentence, and conversations can last millennia. They are the epitome of patience and are usually extremely slow to anger. They have no technology whatsoever. The Olours actually seek just and honorable contact with other races, but since they speak so slow, this was not very successful. They generally have little patience for brutality and the kinds of atrocities other species are so ready to commit.”

He extended his arms and gestured to the ceiling.” This is the Conck, the Mother or the Queen so to speak and it is it I am talking to by the way and not the Olours. This mountain is the mother of this species and if it can absorb enough energy and if the Olours collect enough base materials, the mountain creates one of those big blue eggs you have seen aboard the T cruiser and on Little Hell. It happens only about every 500,000 years and these Blue rocks are called Conck-Stone.”

Our Takkian Specialist managed to mesmerize us with his information and we all listened closely. He made a pause as he listened to more of the gravel and sand crunching song the mountain sung to him and then continued.

“These Conck-Stones are actually a collection of 50 to 60 individual Nodules, those ball shaped floating rocks. The Olours bring them to places with rich mineral deposits, and do so by traveling space manipulating gravitation.

They cannot travel faster than light, but can teleport up to one light year if I get the distances right, such a jump however depletes their energy reserves and they die if they do not find a feeding ground, such as a planet or an asteroid. If the conditions are right eventually a new Olour develops. These Conck-Stones are vital to the Olours because they represent the continuation of their race. Anyone who knowingly destroys a Conck-Rock becomes a declared enemy of the Olours and they go to great length to punish a rock-breaker.”

Har-Hi who held the second Kermac said. “How did the Kermac fit in?”

Narth said. “Specialist Joglur already asked that question but the Conck has a very peculiar way of telling things.”

Joglur had no neck or a distinctive separated head moved his left manipulator in the Takkian gesture for yes and said. “I am sorry Lt. Hi I am trying to translate and interpret all the things it is telling me and only give you the short version.”

Har-Hi looked embarrassed, shook the Kermac for good measure and said. “I am sorry for sounding impatient, please go on.”

Our Takkian sung a piece and received a similar answer then he interpreted again. “The Olours were members of an association of space faring civilizations they call the First League. It was very long ago even in the time perception of the Olours and this League was centered on a group of Light Knights. The Conck does not know what happened to the League or these knights but there was a war or fight and it didn’t go well for the League. The Conck claims it was rescued from another place before the enemy known to them only as the Imperials could destroy the Conck, and brought to this moon by someone it calls the Gentle Ones.

The Conck says the Gentle Ones returned very recently only about 100 of our years ago. The Gentle Ones reminded the Conck of this rescue and the debt of honor owed and demanded that the Olours serve them, what they of course did. The Gentle ones promised to take the Conck back home after it did the great deed.”

Narth said to me with concern and actual surprise in his voice. “I broke the shield of the Kermac and they planned to take the Conck near a black hole and use its gravitation manipulating abilities to destroy Narth Prime. These machines are not to control the Conck but to vastly increase its already enormous powers. The Kermac pretended to be the Gentle Ones and thus secured the cooperation of the Conck.”

The Kermac held by Har-Hi said triumphantly. “We find a way to destroy you humans and your Psionic allies. This is but one project, we have thousands, and we are the Masters of Psionics. We already breed new Kermac generations with the exact same abilities as these unreliable Rocks.”

Har-Hi’s augmented suit fist had crumbled the Kermac armor like paper holding him like that and he said. “It is very unwise to make such speeches while being held by a Dai.”

I said. “He is stupid too, revealing their plans like that. I think if we repeat what he said at the Assembly, Admiral Stahl will get any resource he needs and before you know it, there won’t be any Kermac period.”

I waved at Pure, the Attikan who I noticed to be part of the Marine detachment that had arrived and said to him. “Lieutenant, put this Kermac into Zero Stasis and get him out of here.”

To the Takkian I said. “Did you tell that thing who we are and all that?”

“Yes Ma’am but if you ask if they are interested in membership then we have to wait a little. The Olours have just begun the discussion and the Conck does whatever they come up with.”

“We can’t stand here till they decide something in thousands of years from now. What do we do with this? We can’t let the Kermac return and do their thing.”

The Takkian said. “Captain we are by definition also Children of the Conck and this is according to our religion a holy place. The Conck agrees that we too can make decisions for the Conck, so we call Takkkk and let them declare this place Takkian and thus Union and we’re off to play pirates. All this Silicone stuff is fine and dandy for normal Takkians, but I didn’t sign up with the Navy to do all those boring things we Takkians do, with all due respect Ma’am.”



About twenty clicks north of Alvor’s Canyon where the mountains ended and the endless sand and dust deserts of the Glagadrinn really begun; a dull all-terrain vehicle ground on wide profile tracks through the rough terrain. It was an old machine with an engine that ran on natural petroleum, black stuff that could be found everywhere on this dusty world.

Ban-Hoo, the driver and owner of the crawler was quite proud of it, most of the other desert scavengers rode on Katthais.

Ban-Hoo hated these lizards and their stench. Like all Dai he had an excellent sense of smell. That the other scavengers complained and accused his machine of stinking, bothered him little. That was one of the few benefits of his chosen profession, you did not have much contact with others once you left town.

Out here were only the occasional Brown People, wild Lizards and snakes.

Out here he had time to think and as usual when he was thinking his mind wandered back and the reasons he was here. The others had long quit asking why he, a proud Dai-Than Warrior became a planet bound vagabond instead of raiding ships and planets with his clan.

Because by now everyone knew at least part of his story; they knew he had no clan.

He was the last of the Tun-Ha Clan as far as he knew. He had been the one in the scout ship, who found that perfect colony to be raided. The Clan moved in, but it was a trap and a Union Fleet destroyed and killed anyone not surrendering.

It was the scout’s job to make sure no Union Assets were close enough to interfere before the raid was done and the Dai Clan long gone. He had done a quick scan of the System and was not as diligent as he should have been. Not checking the actual planets and overlooking an entire Union Battle Group had landed on the fifth planet. Normally it would have been his duty to commit suicide but a warrior’s alternative to suicide in such as case was revenge. While he was emotionally devastated to lose his family and everyone he knew, he was not too keen or deep down actually afraid of suicide. To go to another Clan and become an Inbur-Thal, a coward who had failed to do his duty and not commit suicide was even worse.

At Sin 4 he had to sell his Scout Craft as it was out of fuel and he had no money. He almost ended up as a slave to fight in one of the Arenas but made it to Alvor’s Cove. At first it seemed a bad decision to come here. This was one of the busiest slave markets in the Galaxy, at least on this side of the galactic bulge, but he had enough money from the ship sale and paid the Local Lord the Freedom Fee. Unlike Sin 4, Alvor’s Cove was firm in the hand of one faction and their laws were crude and simple but quite reliable.

He realized back then that his money would not last, especially with the water prices here.

He interrupted his musings for a moment as he passed the Gilguri rocks, the last outcropping of the mountainous cliff plateau behind him. There sometimes were desert gangs or opportunist with long range weapons, picking off a lonely traveler, of course the Local Lord forbade such behavior (unless someone paid the killing permission fee). But the Local Lord’s reach diminished fast out here and no one gave a care about that self-important Karthanian beyond these rocks.

He swiveled his Slug Accelerator towards the rocks and kept an eye on them, but nothing but a lonely Ki-Ki-Togg moved over there.

Seeing the ultra-shy, flying lizard hoping over the rocks convinced him that there was nothing else hiding. Well nothing else but Ki-Ki-Togg prey.

The last traces of the rocks now behind him. His cat now rolled through the near featureless sand and dust desert and he would do so for the next 700 clicks before he reached Mount Nathir.

He long had learned how to read the sand and knew how to stay clear from the drift sand bogs that could swallow his crawler and him or at least make him get stuck for days. Seven Years ago he had come to Alvor’s Cove. With his money going fast, there weren’t many career choices on Alvor.

You could become a slave merchant, slave guard, shop owner, tavern owner, water merchant, food vendor, Lord Guard, lizard hunter or desert scavenger.

He nodded to himself and his mental list confirming to himself that he didn’t forget much. He took a sip from his water bag, swished the liquid around his mouth and squinted his eyes behind his goggles.

To become any sort of merchant he needed much more capital, have connections to a supplier and know about the wares you sold.

To be a Lord Guard you needed to be well connected to the Local Lord only trusted those he knew well. Lizard hunter or slave guard did not appeal to him due to the stench, so considering his skill sets and financial resources all that was left was desert scavenger.

At first it seemed to him a fool’s job. What could possibly be out there except sand and dirt? But then he made friends with an old scavenger the one who sold him this Crawler for a good price and taught him the trade. He then learned that Alvor’s Desert held many treasures.

Sub Terran Water sources, Tutu Cactus buds eaten by the tame Lizards, Tutu Cactus flowers very rare and hard to find but ground to a powder, a Drug readily purchased by Togar males. Since Alvor’s cove was close to their empire they frequented the place often.

There were open petroleum pits, the stuff was not worth much but a load of it always paid for the trip and supplied him with cheap fuel. There was the Dawal Lizard, if you’re lucky to find one and even luckier to survive a fight and kill one then you had a load of good meat, bones and blood. Not to mention the highly valuable tusks but all this was the usual stuff.

Every scavenger dreamed about finding the Nakh.

Legend had it that out here somewhere was a buried Celtest ship.

Artifacts of advanced ancient cultures and societies were the single most valuable commodity in the galaxy. Celtest stuff was on the very top. Anyone finding even just a piece of Celtest scrap metal would be a rich man. That there was a Celtest ship, and not just an insubstantial myth doubted no one.

A scavenger only thirty of forty years ago had found a Celtest artifact and became very rich.

Ban-Hoo dreamed about finding it and taking the entire ship out from the sand and fly it in Union Space and destroy everything he could find.

But that would not be today and probably never. Today he actually had passengers. Two Kermac no less and paying him a good sum for a trip to Mount Nathir.

Why the Kermac wanted to go to the Old Worm was none of his business. How they even knew about that odd hermit?

But then Kermac had Psionic powers and could read minds and such. Some of the Scavengers believed the Old Worm was the result of a failed genetic experiment to mix human genetics with Nul and come up with a Nul that could spy on humans or something like that. That experiment resulted, so the story went, in a horrible abomination.

And it was hiding out there, avoiding to be seen as much as possible.

Other voices claimed, the Old Worm to be a holy man and that he had contact to some God. Much older than the Celtest ship story was the rumor of a hidden temple with a sleeping powerful supernatural entity.

This legend also based on real facts. Alvor’s sun flared and cooked of the vast oceans that once covered this desert. The flare and the duration of it, was according to many an artificial purposely created event.

Ban-Hoo had no particular opinion on that legend, but he knew the desert before him once was an ocean floor. Countless shells of water creatures attested to that.

He doubted the old worm was a god, but that he might be considered some sort of spiritual guide was conceivable, that he looked half man, half worm was nothing too spectacular. He was Dai and his kind had travelled far and wide, encountering life forms much stranger.


Underneath the canopy that covered the cargo bed of the crawler, Vienacfier tried to meditate while Halbforneur monitored the thoughts of the Dai driver up front.

He touched his ceremonial beard for the millionth time as it was his habit checking if his psionic shield still worked.

“It works.” Vienacfier said with much annoyance in his voice, partly because he could not find the balance to meditate and partly because he felt insulted by his partner’s constant checking. “I will not probe your mind.”

“How would you know that my shield is working if you had not tried to probe my mind?”

“Because it is of finest Kermac technology just like my shield and I know of only three cases they have failed.”

Halbforneur was not so convinced, a little paranoia was never wrong. For all he knew Vienacfier could have been an agent of the Ministry of Control, one innocent thought wrongly interpreted and one was likely to find oneself mind dumped and erased.

And all his loyal service to the Ministry of Information would only come to light in his defense after the mind dump and too late for him. Not that loyal service and devotion to one’s job ever was considered in a case of ‘severe obstructive and subversive thought engagement’.

He often wondered how the Saresii or the recently discovered Leedei, the only other societies he knew were everyone was a telepath got along without mental shield generators and ability enhancers.

The Narth did not really count as society in the common sense.

Vienacfier grunted like a primitive sub Kermac life form as he shifted position in the swinging hammock like seat.

“I sure hope this coward of a Dai knows where he is going.”

Halbforneur tried to hide his disgust he felt towards his partner.

“He does. His mind is clear and open and he accepts Kermac superiority and does not even question our reasons to come out here.”

“It is still better we eliminate him. Just in case.”

“It would be unwise. Local Lord has warned us and you were too cheap to buy the Kill all License.”

“I am not paying 10,000 Polo coin to some totally inconsequent lower life form on a similar inconsequent planet. I will punish him for is insolence when we leave.”

“This world might not be as inconsequent as you make it. There are Celtest artifacts out there somewhere and we are meeting the Purple Worm. I doubt he chose this world at mere random.”

“The more reason we should set up a base of operations here, take over the local crime lord’s control and search for the Celtest artifacts with modern equipment and tear this dust ball apart.”

Halbforneur now was almost certain his associate was associated with the MOC. They always talked that way.

“This planet is close to the Togar, it be unwise to provoke a war. I am certain there are Union Spies, not to mention Nul and Shiss agents. It might not be wise to make the Nul even more hostile towards us as they already are.”

“I doubt there are any Union Spies here. I expanded my mind and did not find any shielded minds except a few Sojonit Priestesses. I had a good mind to visit them after we are done here, that would be Polo Coins well spent.”

“If it would be that easy to determine if there are no eyes and ears for the cursed Union, don’t you think we of the Ministry of Information would rely on doing mind sweeps all the time?

And the funds made available to us are meant to pay for information gathering not personal indulgences.” “You talk like a puppet of the Ministry of Information. We are field agents and have to sample and learn about other cultures this too is gathering of information.”

“I am an associate of the MOI and you know that. What makes me wonder if you are indeed of the military.”

“All you need to worry about are my credentials and your orders. Both make me the one in charge.”

With a jolt the Crawler came to a sudden stop.

Halbforneur realized he had not paid any attention to the thoughts of the driver. The Driver was gone, at least he could no longer sense the man’s thoughts.

They both grabbed their weapons, dialed their power amplifiers to high and with activated personal shields they went outside.

There was a group of dust covered beings holding a selection of weapons, all heavily shrouded and hooded. One in the center was taller and wore a purple cloak and hood.

“Your Ministry of Information is very good I have to admit, you accomplished what countless before have failed to do and find my lair.”

Halbforneur raised that part of skin that once held eyebrows. “We are Kermac, therefore it should be no surprise that we accomplish where others fail. You associated too much and too long with Larthop, through him we were able to trace you.”

“Yes you are quite correct, but I am not an amateur either. I agreed to a meeting but I decided to chance the location of our meeting.

Instead of the mountain we can do it right here. Especially since you Kermac have a Strike team moving in on the mountains as well.”

Halbforneur had no idea there was supposed to be a Strike team. His superior told him to show good faith and fancy the Worm’s wishes to normalize relationships so a better cooperation could be achieved.

He glanced over to his associate seeing he was not in the least surprised about this revelation and the presence of a Kermac strike team.

Vienacfier made a dismissing hand gesture. “That Herkatan strike team will make sure you cannot leave this planet. I am sure you know of their reputation. They are monitoring us as we speak as I am their ears and eyes.”

The Purple worm laughed. “Maybe that is the real reason your species is on the decline. Kermac always rely on other species to do their fighting for them.

I have a working relationship with the local lord, the one you consider so primitive. We have that Kermac transport, disguised as Yotenen trader vessel in focus of our planet defense batteries. One move and we blast it out of the sky. The Local Lord will then call upon the Nul for help as we fear more Kermac warships. Dare to make the call and start a war, Kermac?”

Vienacfier activated a Comm Device in his beard.

“MOC lead to Herakan team, abort Mission. I repeat, aboard mission and return to deployment base.”

“That was a wise decision.”

The Worm raised his arm and the sand all around came to life, hundreds of heavily armed sand colored beings rose from the dust. The shrouded beings were totally undetectable by his Psionics. Due to the hoods and shrouds he could not determine what species they were either. They did not move like humanoids, more like primates.

They erected a tent in no time and the Worm invited his guests inside. Chairs had been placed and someone brought in a case of Kermiliq.

On a provided table stood cups. The Worm gestured the Kermac to have a seat. He sat down across them. “Help yourself to the Kermiliq. It is cooled and I assure you not tampered with in any way.” Halbforneur was still furious that he was kept in the dark and took one of the Bottles, opened it and did not bother with a Cup. He knew it was very primitive and without form but he was thirstier than he realized. The slightly tarty taste and the moisture of his favorite drink did wonders to his mood and condition.

Vienacfier ignored his associate’s primitive display of ignored manners and said.

“Let us get to the point and leave this inhospitable place so we can enjoy refreshments in more appealing conditions.”

“You are the ones that again asked for a meeting. Here we are.”

“Our last cooperation was marred by betrayal and misfortune, the Narth’s human died on Sin 4 and it turned out he was of little consequence after all.”

“Yes I have the same information. The Narth representative at the Assembly maintains a connection to the grandfather of the Nilfeheim boy.”

“The Narth have already begun what we hoped could be prevented. Narth now participate and strengthen the cursed PSI corps.”

The Worm had to agree. “This involvement of the Narth has cost me much already and I fear it will cost me even more. Several attempts to assassinate one of these new Narth agents have failed and met with such brutal and swift response even by Union and Terran standards that it becomes quite difficult to even find someone willing to try.”

Vienacfier was now relaxing a bit and he too took a bottle but demonstrated quite detailed how it was done properly by filling a cup only a third and take little sips.

“Kermac Intelligence assets face similar challenges. Now let us approach this with open defenses. We come to the conclusion that it is very likely you are no mere criminal mastermind but that the Worm is a cover for Nul intelligence.”

The still completely shrouded Purple Worm laughed. “It is a good guess and honestly I wish it would be so, but Nul are neither biologically nor ideological connected to the Worm or me in any form.

The Worm’s activities are not activities the Nul would support or condone. However your intel is not completely inaccurate, I have deep connections into their intelligence services and can arrange contacts if you desire.

However I must warn you, Nul do not play well with others and are opposed to alliances especially since that brief Nul - Shiss alliance quite some time ago.

He raised his hand and one of shrouded children sized primates placed a glass with a golden liquid in it.

While gesturing a thank you the Worm said. “To quell any suspicions, I am not Shiss either. Playing well with the Nul means I cannot play with the Naxxxtuu-www.”

“Kermac and Shiss interests are incompatible but we would be interested in a meeting with Nul Intelligence. We don’t want an alliance but we all face a common enemy that is becoming stronger by the moment and we can already see the day when the Union will move against the rest of us and claim dominion over the entire Galaxy.”

“I agree with your assessment but the Galaxy is still a very big place and there are vast areas unknown to all of us and the time where the Galaxy must be united to face those who made the Y’All will be at hand sooner than some believe.”

“This is the reason the Galaxy must be under the firm rule of Kermac, for we have means to communicate with the Y’All and prevent their dominance.”

“A point only seen by the Kermac of course, and the rumors that you are capable of doing more than just communicate becoming stronger, especially recently, but for the near future our goals are the same. I shall arrange that meeting.”

== Chapter 19: Ship of Horrors ==

The other disguised Freespace operations unit turned out to be a Togar Claw ship. A truly ancient tech level six Togar warship that had the stylized form of a lion’s paw, at least that is how Shaka described it and it was 600 meters long. At first we actually went to battle stations but the Togar female identified herself as Captain Roranak of the NAVINT X Fleet and on the same special communications equipment we had and was exclusive to NAVINT.

We met aboard her ship, officially named Quicha-Too, but it had a secret second Union designation: USS Chimera.

From the outside it truly was a crude, primitive surplus cruiser that had several private owners before it became the Quicha-Too, the ship of a freelancing independent Togar.

On the inside, it was as modern and well equipped Union ship and the Togar gave me a little tour and told me about her mission and challenges while our crews loaded crated Kermac tech, Kermac crew members in stasis and an Olour rock, also in stasis along with boxes of loot and specimens.

I learned that she was doing this now for seven years and had made herself a solid reputation as a freelancing jack of all trades. She wasn’t really known to be a pirate, but her careful crafted personality was known to do any sort of shady deal.

Her main mission was to gather intelligence for NAVINT in Freespace. While her ship was well shielded and armed, she was to avoid open conflict when possible.

She and her crew were delighted about Richter Base and having a regular port of call now. She had orders to tow the T Cruiser and bring what we had collected there for further analysis. She also looked forward to a few months R & R.

I also was informed that a fleet of Takkian civilian ships was already on its way. The news that their religious Chant Slates were true and that there indeed was a mother mountain had traveled fast and already caused an intense religious revival on Takkian and Takian worlds.

NAVINT of course helped to stoke the fire and provided only slightly doctored images, recordings and reports. A civilian Takkian scholar was credited with the discovery.

According to Captain Roranak, who had received a full briefing, the Takkian would settle the moon and Little Hell and then ‘officially discover’ the Clonk and claim the system.

Of course I had also been informed by the Admiral about everything in great detail. It wasn’t the most elegant solution according to the Admiral, but the best available.

After the Chimera was loaded and we had received some additional supplies, we bid them farewell and Krabbel put in a course that would take us to Brhama Port.


I had the crew assemble in our Pirate’s Den and said to them. “Now after our little and unplanned detour we are back on track with our original mission and we are once again pirates to the world. Any ship that crosses our bow is likely prey and we are going to hunt other pirates and criminals.”

I held up a print out and said. “This is a short version of the official report about the attack on the Danny Houston, the civilian passenger liner that was attacked by pirates just before we left the Bazaar and I want to read it to you.

I cleared my throat and began to read out loud.” On February 5th, 5020 the passenger clipper Danny Houston on its way from Seven-Skies to Fairfield Planet was attacked and heavily damaged. The Ship master of the Danny signaled full cooperation with the attackers and asked for mercy for his passengers. He assured the attacker that they were a completely unarmed civilian vessel.

The Danny was boarded by those pirates.

Seventy Passengers were taken captive and every crew member was killed, the ship-master was spaced without suit.

Four female passengers were brutally raped and afterwards killed. The remaining 48 passengers including children and the old not worth much on the slave market were also spaced without suits.

Aboard the Danny Huston were Saresii, Diechsen, Humans, Klack, Purple throat Shiss and two Shail on their way home from a group vacation trip, deep in Union space.

One of the passengers a Stellaris managed to survive in space clinging to the outside of the stripped wreck and he was the one responsible for the images you now see behind me.

The Pirate was identified as Captain Swift of the ship Swift Profit. It was this pirate captain who did the raping himself.

I realize the images are hard to stomach and quite graphic but I wanted you to see them and get the same angry feeling I got in my stomach watching these, the same feeling I got fighting that scum at Outpost 96. I wanted you to see why we are out here. Now some of us didn’t have a proper vacation or might resent the fact that we can’t go to port on regular intervals, but those passengers won’t come home at all. So I ask you are you with me?”

The entire crew bellowed in once voice.” Yes, we are.”


I had finished the daily log book entry and had my feet up and looked outside my view port into the darkness of space. It was late and the First Watch was about to leave the bridge to be relieved by the Officers and crew members of the Middle Watch. I could hear the fourth Bell that signaled the last 30 minutes of First Watch that went from 2000 hrs to 0000 hrs. I glanced at the roster read out I always kept open on one of my screens and it would be the first watch with Sobody being the Officer of the Deck and having the Conn. Although he was not an Academy Graduate or had all that much Union Fleet experience, he was conscripted.

He was not inexperienced when it came to make command decisions. He had led an entire civilization for 12,000 years and traveled aboard star ships for at least as long. Besides he turned out to be an asset and reliable and I made the decision to field promote him to Ensign and to put him on the rotation roster for Bridge watches.

We were still 72 hours away from our next destination, Brhama Port. Space was vast and to meet another ship outside planetary systems was very rare even on very busy traffic routes. Our sensors had not detected anything for the last two days. We could not use the full range of our active sensors because, active sensors could be detected and no Karthanian would have the sensor range of a modern Union ship, but we had excellent passive sensors and we could use them to the very limit, and still there was no contact.

“SHIP give me a Bridge visual.”

Normally I would not spy on my officers and crew, but I wanted to see how Sobody came on and how he handled himself.

A field screen established itself before me and SHIP said. “I am curious too, as how he will do.”

“I still find it amazing to hear a Computronic use words like curious and have an intuition knowing why I wanted to watch. I wonder if we should have more sentient Computronics.”

SHIP responded. “As much as I am thankful to you, don’t think it would be a very good idea. If personalities can choose to be good and then they also have the choice to do bad, and what damage could a SHIP AI do if it be malicious.”

I agreed and said. “Thinking it over it wouldn’t be fair to the AI’s anyway as they had no choice but become Ship AI’s and serve. Not much of a choice.”

While I watched the First Watch go through the final motions of their shift.

SHIP said. “I would have made that decision even if I had other choices. I am very content to be your AI.”

“I still think about a way to treat you more fairly. You are on duty all the time, no free time, no leisure time and all that.”

“I am not human, Captain. I am sentient but I perceive things differently. I am made to function around the clock. I don’t require sleep and I can think and act on many levels simultaneous. Thanks to you making me a crew member, I can dedicate a section of my unused back up resources to spend time on my hobbies, when there is not much going on. I am also very intelligent and speak and understand all languages of the Union and many more and yet I can’t find the appropriate words to express how you make me feel having such thoughts about me.”

“We could use the Avatar technology or maybe a robot or something so you have some of freedom other beings enjoy.”

“You would allow that?”

“I am recommending it.”

“You are the best captain an AI can have.”

I smiled at that and said something similar in return and then watched the Golden and his nine duty officers come on the bridge. I actually laughed as I saw the little Holdian walking briskly behind the Golden.

SHIP said. “Those two are almost inseparable, as you can see the Holdian specialist is the Duty Engineer of that watch.”

The transfer went smoothly and I noticed that the Golden did everything by the book. Even more so than most, and his transfer could have been recorded as educational visual.

He sat down on at the Conn and was calling in the standard reports of all departments. My supervision was not needed and since I had changed my own schedule to Morning watch in order to be on the bridge when we reached Brhama port, it would have been a wise decision to go to bed.

I was just about to turn off the field screen when SHIP said.

“OPS just reported a contact on the scanner horizon correction, there are two contacts now, and weapon energies are exchanged.”

My ready room was right behind the bridge and it took me no time to reach it. Just as I entered Sobody called me over Intra Ship.

As always two marines guarded the bridge access door and announced me. “Captain on the bridge.”

Sobody vacated the seat and I said to him while I sat down. “Sorry to cut your first watch short, but I think you did fine and you are on the permanent watch roster now.”

He bowed slightly and said. “Two contacts, Captain and right in our path. Looks like pirate action I put myself on ship-wide and said. “Ship, sound Battle stations, senior officers to the bridge.”

The light on the bridge changed from bright to red and it took seconds for my team to reach their stations.

Narth of course was first as he simply appeared and took his seat behind ops and it took him seconds to give me the first analysis.

“Contact one emits energies consistent with a Bolgar class armed trader and contact two energy signature is Karthanian and on file.

It belongs to a known pirate ship called the Mighty Nine. Identity of pirate commander unknown but the ship and associated energy signature are on the Union wanted list for acts of piracy.

Ship reported all stations signaled stations manned. I acknowledged and said. “Shaka get us within one light minute. Mao raise shields and arm weapons.”

Shea had immediately begun to run more detailed scanner analysis and coordinated with Hans who accessed Union Intel reports. She said.

“The Bolgar Class is registered to a small Union Company that does trading business with several Freespace civilizations mostly buying artifacts and selling legal civilian goods. The company is suspected to also deal with the Togar, according to an Intel report.”

Mao reported. “The Mighty Nine is well armed with Karthanian Ship to ship missiles and Faster Than Light Directed Energy cannons, but nothing bigger than 1 Giga joule per second. The Bolgar has three FTL DE turrets but only one in the GJ class. Both ships have standard shields. The Bolgar’s aft shields are buckling.”

Elfi followed right after Mao saying. “Captain we are being hailed, by the Mighty Nine.”

Har Hi pulled his folded helmet out of his collar and it became rigid as soon as it was completely out and covered his face to the chin with a yellow tinted face plate and handed me my mask.

“I assume we going to talk first right?”

I laced the mask tight and gave him a scolding look. “We always talk first. Elfi open the channel as soon as Narth verifies the bridge image matches our ship’s disguise.”

She responded. “You’re on Captain. Bridge image confirmed.”

A shaggy looking creature appeared on our screen. It had an elongated somehow bean shaped head with four pointed ears and a drop shaped nose that extended over the most of the upper half of the head. It had four eyes and a small rigid mouth. The head and much of the exposed upper torso was covered in finger long unkempt looking, orange hued fur.

Narth informed me telepathically. “This is a Volting and they are members of the Galactic Council, but I can sense him pretty easily and he is as wanted there as he is wanted by the Union.”

He squealed in a hoarse voice. “Who are you and what is your business here, interrupting my business?”

I said to him. “My business is interrupting yours. So lower your shields and deactivate your weapons and we will make it fast and quick. We leave with your valuables and you leave with your life. I assure you, you won’t like the alternative.”

Even though it was the first time I saw a Volting, I could tell he did not expect that and he said. “Don’t mess with me, Female. I am of the Sinister Alliance and have many friends.”

He couldn’t know that this was the wrong thing to say to me and I responded. “Well your friends aren’t here, but I am.”

Elfi signaled me that the other ship was hailing us now as well and I had her put them on simultaneous. The screen split and a human captain became visible. He wore a corporate uniform in bright reds and blues and I found it a tad too colorful. He had dark hair and bushy eye brows that almost united above his wide nose. “I am willing to offer you 25,000 Polo coins if you help me escape this gangster who dared to fire upon us. I am a peaceful trader and have little of value aboard.”

Narth mental connection transferred an emotion I had never thought possible with him, it was disgust as he said inside my head. “Eric, he has the most horrid freight one could imagine. I have seen his mental images and it is awful and most vile.”

I wondered what Narth had seen and said to the human. “I make you the same offer as I made to your Volting playmate. Surrender, lower your shields and prepare to be boarded and you might walk away from this.”

To Mao I said. “Open gun ports and incapacitate them, Shaka show them what a real Helmsman can do.”

I moved my seat in battle mode and our disguised ship went like a Rock Shark between them, our Froth Casters that were part of our disguise were quite functional and those Nul graviton pulse weapons were perhaps not at par with the most advanced Union weapons but still enormous powerful and especially damaging to shields. The simulated weapons of our Silver Streak disguise also masked our QNP cannon fire, as it was virtually undetectable. It was a thrill ride I could equate to nothing else. Shaka was more than just good; we would have won the battle even without our hidden weaponry. It was as if Shaka could predict when the other ships were firing and corrected the course with the speed of thought and evaded both ships barrage with apparent ease, while he never exceeded speeds that a Karthanian could not obtain. I was fairly certain however that no Karthanian ship had such precise helm control systems reacting in Nano-second delay to Shaka’s control commands.

The stars danced around me in a wild erratic manner, whenever Shaka changed course.

Mao who trained with Shaka and knew his friends style adapted his gunnery to the flight pattern and none of his shots missed.

Our ship shuddered ever so slightly as all our turrets pointed to one side and gave the Mighty Nine a broadside.

I heard Mao say. “Shaka, I am giving the Bolgar the same medicine, prepare to compensate for weapon recoil.”

Shaka responded. “I am using that drift into fire lee on purpose, no sense of wasting perfectly good kinetic energy.”

I had to laugh. My friends had fun, enjoyed themselves doing what they did best.

Har Hi said. “Captain both ships rendered inoperable and their shields are down.”

It took a second to get my seat out of Battle view and I said. “Mao, pound them with Tech Stop and Paralysator rays. Har Hi and Hans you take the Mighty Nine. TheOther you are with me, we going to visit the Bolgar. Hans I need 25 Marines and two Fenris, stat.”

Har-Hi shook his head as we both rushed to the IST. “There is no sense stopping you, or is there?”

Everything in me urged me to rush on and board that ship but I made Har Hi my XO and he had a point. I stopped and sighed. “You are right. I will remain aboard.”

He laughed already at the door. “Just kidding Captain, I wanted to be at the door first. Stopping you to get into the thick of the fray would be cruel.”

I actually cursed him and said.” Shea you got the Conn.”

Running behind him I yelled. “What a fine friend I got!”

I almost caught up with him at the Battle dresser at the deployment deck as he said. “You don’t know how much I respect you for actually heeding my objection, Captain.”

He launched himself into space, his boot thrusters glowing bright white before he even made it past the force field curtain and he said via Command Channel. “Whoever calls Object secure first wins.”

“What’s the wager?”

“If I win we keep the Pool temperature at a cozy 38 and if you win, I prance around in High Heel boots for an entire hour.”

“I thought you hate swimming?”

“I am getting used to it as it seems you completely lost your fear of space.”

“I didn’t lose it, I simply don’t find the time lately to feel it.”

“I am getting swimming lessons from Elfi and I tell you, jumping in a pool that has only 4 degrees water is anything but fun. Only afterwards I was told that the temperature is kept at these freezing temperatures because my Captain took a swim an hour before.”

“You better get an appointment with Cateria then, because walking in these Heels isn’t as easy as it looks.”

“You forget I have Hans with me and I am already halfway there.”

Once again I flew through deep space towards a hostile ship, accompanied by Elite Marines and two Fenris robots.

Har-Hi and I had stopped our banter as we now concentrated on the job at hand. Right next to me was TheOther who looked truly frightening in his modified Gilgamesh suit. The suits had been camouflaged so they did not look like Union products; their adaptive camouflage took on the non-reflective black of space. We did not use the suits cloaking capabilities.

TheOther was the first reaching the Bolgar class ship.

Bolgar was not a species but an old Union Company that manufactured civilian space craft for about two hundred years but went out of business. Still there were many Bolgar ships out there and they had a reputation for being solid and reliable. The ship was about 450 meters long and had the simple shape of a dull cone with a base radius of 180 meters. Six ISAH pods attached to its aft.

The Gilgamesh augmented the titanic strength of the Y’All to an almost unimaginable level. It became evident as he didn’t use any tools to rip the strong airlock door out of its socket.

My suit Computronic reported Communication activity from within the Bolgar and reported that there were still functional energy sources and energy shields within the ship. Apparently our Tech Stop rays didn’t do the trick. Tech Stop was very effective against unshielded electronic equipment, but completely ineffective against shields. It was not completely unexpected as many ships, especially of Union origin had internal shields to protect key components and areas. This of course would also mean the Paralysator rays did not incapacitate everyone aboard.

I tuned in to the communications and heard screams of panic. Someone in that ship screamed into his audio sensor. “Y’All! We are attacked by the Y’All!”

I went in, arm cannons ready with two Marines at my flank while the rest breached the ship in small teams on different spots as per my orders.

It wasn’t much of a fight, but I learned why the Y’All where such a terrible enemy. TheOther was a whirlwind of doom and he marched unstoppable creating a corridor of destruction, He held two TKU mini cannons, usually fielded by the large Union Army battle walkers, in his left arm pair and a brand new QGP-rifle, of which we had twenty prototypes in our armory, in his lower right hand. A weird looking boarding sword of enormous proportions in his upper right, cut down brave members of the ship’s crew who dared to put up resistance.

Force field curtains collapsed as he simply marched into them, the aggressive Para Dim shields of his suit interrupting their field cohesion and every other obstacle he cut, ripped and stomped into twisted metal.

I reached the ship’s bridge without firing a single shot, one of the marines at my side turned out to be Pure and while he very rarely talked he was compelled to express his amazement. “Beasts of Tarnak, can you imagine an army of these?”

The other marine, a Pertharian giant also with two arm pairs was less impressed. “I saw Pertharian platoons in action, there isn’t all that much difference I would imagine and yet an entire army of us was defeated in the Battle of Gabthrt in 4319 by a Union Marines Battalion led by Admiral Stahl.”

I elbowed him in the side as I stepped on the ship’s bridge. “There isn’t much that impresses you Pertharians, now isn’t there Lt. Hrrtew?”

“Oh there is, Captain there is. Aforementioned Admiral Stahl of course and you should see what happens if our Security Chief really lets loose.”

While I wondered what it would look like if Hans fought not holding back, I looked around the bridge of the Bolgar. It was a standard Union layout like it was done half a century ago, with all the duty stations behind a bridge dividing chest high barrier and only the helmsman having his station before that barrier and behind armored viewports. It was all well maintained from the looks of it, there was even a civilian GalNet Terminal. The bridge crew was hiding behind the barrier. I counted six humans and two Togar. Narth popped out of thin air next to me into existence, of course in his Alvor’s Cove dust and sand mantle disguise and held out his hand.

The Captain of the ship started floating.

Narth explained to me. “He was about to destroy his cargo, I could not let this happen, before you all seen what he is shipping to Togar markets.”

Even though Narth had yet to say what he found out, I got a stomach turning suspicion as I knew what the Togar liked to buy. Narth nodded. “Yes Captain, your notion is quite correct.”

Har-Hi came on and said. “Pirate ship secure, we won.”

I said to Har-Hi while I approached the ship’s master. “You won. Strip the ship of valuables, secure anyone alive in Stasis boxes and report back to me.”

The Ship’s master came floating towards me and he looked back between Narth and TheOther obviously not sure who he had to fear more.

He said to me. “Are you Black Velvet, the Pirate?”

His helmet peeled away from his face like the skin of a fruit. The tough material of his armor ripped like tissue paper and Narth answered for me. “You are in the presence of Captain Black Velvet and it is not I you need to fear and not the Y’All, but her.”

I asked. “What is your cargo?”

His eyes shifted and his mouth became a thin line. “Nothing you pirates would be interested in.”

One of my marines came onto the bridge; even through the face plate of his helmet I saw his pale white face and an expression of shock.

“Captain, the vessel is secure, but you better not go inside the vessel’s main cargo hold, it is the most horrible thing I ever seen.”

What was the freight that shocked an elite Marine and a Narth?

I said to TheOther. “Hold him and make sure they don’t touch anything. Have Cirruit come over and disable any self-destruct mechanisms.”

To the Marine I said.” Show me!”

We used the ships functioning ship elevator and it took us down to the cargo hold level of this armed freighter and as we approached the cargo bay access doors. Two more marines came out and both looked as pale and disgusted as the one with me.

Moments later I stepped through the door and stopped in my tracks. The cargo hold was laid out like a freezer meat locker. There were rows of long steel racks from the floor to the ceiling and on steel hooks packed in transparent plastic, human bodies. Headless, arms and legs tight to the body, like hams in a butcher shop.

Large shipping crates with labels like; 250 human heads, fresh frozen, 200 human legs fresh made me gag. Even a rough estimate made me think there had to be at least 5000 of these frozen bodies.

The Marine said. “There are four cargo holds like that, Ma’am! One holds live human prisoners in the most horrid conditions.

I had to see it for my own eyes. He was right, the conditions on the cargo hold with the live slaves was an impression, I was certain would follow me for the rest of my life.

They were stacked in metal shelves, wrapped tightly in plastic up to the head with hoses attached to body orifices to siphon body waste and to feed them garish looking slurry. The groaning and muffled crying of at least 3000 victims was perhaps even more disturbing.

I actually ran, I ran back to the bridge of the ship and grabbed the Ship’s master by the throat. I tried to find words that could adequately express my feelings to him, I failed and said.

“You will pay for this, like no one has ever paid.”

He tried to shrug and said. “What is it to you? You are a pirate and these are all Union humans. It’s just business, very good business too.”

I didn’t even recognize my own voice as I asked. “Your Company, is that what you do? Are there more ships like this?”

His eyes glared at me. “The Togar are waiting for this ship. It is unwise to make the Togar and my company your enemies, Pirate. I have a GalNet terminal and I called for help and described you and your ship. Help is on its way, so you better make a deal with me.”

I still held him and said to Narth using our mental connection. “Tell Shea, and Three-Four to come over here and have them copy every bit of information of this ship Computronics. Tell Krabbel he has the Conn and you man your sensors and make sure we know when something or someone approaches.”

Narth responded with. “Aye Captain” and disappeared.

To the Ship Master I said. “I hope they come and I send them all straight to Hel.” My mind was still seeing the images I had seen in his freight bays and the knowledge that I could not punish him accordingly filled me with a cold, different rage than I ever felt before. It was not the sudden anger I often cursed and I felt and could quench with plunging myself head over heels into the fray. It was the realization that death was not enough, that the only thing that would satisfy me was to torture him, to make him suffer a long time and I said to him.

“Here is the deal; I am going to sell your load of human flesh to the Togar myself. I am going to fill them with bio engineered disease and when your filthy cat friends will eat, they spread it and die.”

One of the Togar officers of his bridge crew who was like the rest of the bridge crew restrained with memory tape and held like a weightless toy in TheOther’s fist hissed with fear. “You cannot do that, that is Genocide! You are evil.”

“Yes Cat you are right, I am! No mercy, no remorse I will descend upon your kind and make you pay. You Togar shall perish to the last as for my wraith knows no limit.”

The Ship master, I was still holding struggled and screamed, and it was as if there was a vacuum inside his body. His eyes were sucked inside his skull and his cheeks pulled in around his teeth and jaws. He screamed, and then he gargled with a dying voice. “The flames, the dark flames, please don’t...” His last words died on his bloodless lips and he looked like a thousand year old freeze dried mummy hanging from my fist.

TheOther who was still holding the Togar said. “Captain, that was epic and like the texts of the ancient Book I love, your words made me feel fear.”

I dropped the corpse and said. “You better check the suits of these other officers; they seem to have some kind of suicide device built in.”

Then I asked him. “What words? I still try to find something adequate to say to this filth.”

He held the Togar up and before me and the Cat struggled trying to get away from me even while bound and held by a Y’All and TheOther said. “You sure impressed him as you can see.”

I shrugged and said. “I wish we could really do that, spoil their food but I doubt the Admiral will let us.”


I stood in one of our empty freight bays and watched Har Hi and teams led by Sobody bring in the spoils of the pirate ship. Sobody came over and said to me. “Captain, can I make a suggestion?”

I nodded and said. “Of course.”

It would really help our reputation as Pirates if our deeds became known. I mean we should tow the pirate ship to Brhama Port and sell it. The Mighty Nine is a well-known ship and us bringing it in would be a bold statement, not to mention make a nice profit. Would be a shame to let it drift or blow it up, you know.”

Elfi called me over Intercom and said. “Captain I got the Admiral as you requested.”

“Pipe it down here, Elfi.”

A field screen established itself before me and showed both Cherubim and the Admiral, sharing half of the screen each. Even though Elfi had sent them a detailed report and visuals, I gave them a short oral report.

Cherubim said after I was done.

“We think we know where Klotzky & Harris Freight and Export gets these humans. They run an advertisement campaign on GalNet and offer good paying jobs to non-citizens, Gal Drifts, criminals and other similar groups and promise them a new life with good conditions on a corporate colony with paradise like conditions that almost sound too good to be true. We have alerted Federal Police and they going to execute a search warrant on that corporate world in short time.”

The Admiral clenched his fist.

“Even though I think your plan has merits, I can’t condone it. We can’t poison the Togar. As much as their practices disgust us, we cannot project our moral and ethical values onto another species. Not a single Togar ship has ever attacked a Union ship or a Union target, as they know what will happen then. Every human has been sold to them by others, and this is part of the very mission you are on, to make sure those who trade are caught and dealt with. The Togar, so I have learned from the small community of these Cats that live as Union citizens, actually prefer pork and your friend Alex Enroe tries his part to diminish their demand on human flesh by delivering pork to the Togar as I think you know and hopefully there will come the day where Union space touches Togar space directly and then things will change quickly.”

I had to agree with him and I did remember Captain Lethra, Captain of the American Spirit and Alex Enroe’s private yacht. It was not so long ago and yet it felt as if it happened a lifetime ago.

The Admiral said. “I just talked to your friend Alex and since Galveston shipyards isn’t that far away he will send three of his ships. One of them will tow the horror ship back into Union space and we take it from there. As soon as you see the Enroe units on your scanners I want you to leave that area, as you are a pirate even in their eyes of course. They do have strict orders not to engage anything and simply tow that ship back; but they are corporate private units and are not under Fleet command. Corporate Captains don’t like Pirates at all.”

I told him about Sobody’s suggestion and he said. “It is a good idea and I think he is right. It would make your reputation more solid than the rumors we have spread. Go ahead tow that ship to Brhama Port and sell it, put the captured Pirates in stasis boxes aboard the Bolgar ship, so we can deal with them as well.”

I acknowledged his orders and he smiled at me saying.

“Tell your crew you already made a difference, capturing the Mighty Nine and that K&H Corp ship and that we are quite proud of you all. How is that Golden passenger of yours working out?”

“Sir, he isn’t a passenger but became very fast a valuable and reliable member of my crew and I have changed my mind about him completely and would not want to miss him.”

“Good to hear, carry on and good luck.”


The Enroe ships had arrived and we were on our way seeing them on the outmost horizon of our sensors. We also noticed a group of four ships speeding towards the same location. Shea identified them as ships registered to the K&H Corporation. Most likely the help called and mentioned by the dead Ship master. I was tempted to turn around and shoot them all to pieces, but Har-Hi did his job well, keeping me in line and Hans was certain that the K&H ships didn’t want to mess with the Enroe ships, officially designated as Corporate Security units but in reality almost as big and as powerful as regular Union Battle ships. I hoped Dawn herself would execute everyone involved in that vile business and make sure they dangled a while before they died. This time I actually wished I could be there as her assistant and would volunteer to push the switch. I didn’t like Gal Drifts but I knew from first experience, not all of them had chosen this lifestyle, my little Exa was born into it and had no choice. I was sure there were many more like her, who somehow fell through the social net of our society and to prey upon those with false promises, to lure them into a trap to sell them as meat was worse than slavery.

It was almost scary how much my view of the world had changed since I left Nilfeheim.

Was I really the same person? On the outside I had changed so much that I was certain no one on Nilfeheim would recognize me, perhaps with the exception of Elena, who was among the first I shared my secret with. Looking down on my own chest that now sported a set of female breasts, tightly arranged under thin black leather, I remembered the conversation I had about these with my step sister in the yard of our burg while we crossed blades.

I realized it was the first time in my life; I had a feeling of homesickness. I wondered if it was time for breakfast at the burg. I could almost smell the fresh bread Midril would bake and I could hear the sharp claws of the Nubhir Wolfs clacking over the stone floor in the High Hall for the best places under the big table. It was Longnight once again on Nilfeheim, Elena and the Olafson warriors were now gathering our herds of Fangsnappers and the packs of Nubhir wolfs to bring them to Isen to be slaughtered or sold. I could hear the voices and the animal’s bellows. I could almost smell it all, yet I knew at the bottom of my heart, that Nilfeheim was no longer my home. I could visit I was certain but I would never fit in again and never be more than a guest on my own home world.

Narth entered my thoughts, not intrusive but like a welcome diversion. Even though the Narth were alien to me, his mind was not. It was as much part of me as my Eric persona and Freya the strange female that shared my mind. In many ways the female side of me I called Erica was more alien to me than Narth and especially now that I lived and was perceived as a woman her desires and motivations seemed that of a different person altogether. It was as if I shared my very being with her, but I wasn’t her. Narth voice inside me said. “Yes it almost seems as if you have shared Hugavh with a female person, you are the same and yet different when you are her. Yet I know at the very core of all this you are Eric and whatever changes I am confident you will never stop being Eric first. As the Narth Supreme said you are Narth but I think you will be the first among us who has an individual name.”

“One thing is certain my friend, all this is still beyond the comprehension of a Neo Viking and while I have this strange notion that there is yet even more, someone else inside me. Not you, not Freya but someone else. When I do the meditation exercises you have taught me, I can almost feel it, something that is deep asleep but there. However, it also feels more familiar to me than anything. I can’t even explain it to you.”

Har-Hi interrupted us and said. “Captain you should go to bed, you are falling asleep on the Con. Not that this is a bad thing, but your shift is long over and we are still more than 14 hours out of Brhama and we can’t get any faster as we are towing the Mighty Nine.”

I straightened myself in the seat and said. “It is a good idea Har-Hi and I will heed your advice, but first I am going to the Den, have a bite to eat and have a nice cold swim.”

He grinned and said. “I won, thus there won’t be any cold water in the Pool for a whole week.”

I got up stretched myself and said. “Teaches me to wager with a Dai.”

Union ship time was equal to Standard Union, and because of this the ship was still on night mode.

Most beings had a wake and sleep cycle, a steady day - night cycle was thought to be better and healthier for the crews. During day cycle the corridors were lit with light that simulated the same spectrum as a GIII star, but during the night cycle, the lights had a softer yellow glow and only every other light element was on.

So I didn’t expect many to be in our Den, but I found Sobody, the Holdian, the Shail and two marines sitting around a smaller green table and playing a game that involved colorful round coins and little sheets of paper they held like a fan before their faces. Well in the case of the Holdian it covered much of his upper torso and he had to hold that paper fan with both his little hands, while one of the Marines was a Pertharian and in his hand they looked tiny. The Shail used the mechanical hands of his hover sled as it had no natural hands at all.

The human marine jumping up and said. “Captain on deck.”

I said. “Not here Marine, no parade ground antics in our den, stay as you are.”

He sat back down I looked to the ceiling and said. “SHIP, can you let the galley know I would like to eat something?”

“Yes Captain. I’ll take care of it myself.”

While the Tigershark had the most advanced Serv-Matics that could be found in almost every room of the ship, there weren’t any in the Hangar Bays of course. Like the day and night cycle and for similar reasons, all fleet ships also had a real Galley where food was prepared the traditional way. I had met our Chief Steward briefly as he boarded the ship on Richter base and the ships galley was under the jurisdiction of the Steward Department. I also knew we had a Chief Cook, but I had not met him or her so far.

I looked over Sobody’s shoulder and asked. “What kind of game are you playing?”

He cursed with a deep smile of satisfaction on his face and said. “Polonium may kill whoever invented this game. It is a Terran card game called Poker and that smart Marine Corporal here, is showing us how it is played now for the last nine days. If we would play for real, he would be the richest son of a gun in the Union Marine corps. Yesterday he even won against SHIP and Shea.”

I made a step back in disbelieve. “How could anyone win against those two in any kind of game?”

The Marine now also grinned and said. “Because part of the game is how well you can bluff. Now I can’t ever win against Lt. Schwartz or SHIP again as they now knows how it is done, but I did manage to do so once, Captain.”

“Maybe I need to try it myself, right after I ate.”

Just as I said it a crewmember, I had not seen for sure walked in followed by a stout looking Elly wearing a white jacket and salt and pepper patterned pants. He was carrying a covered plate. The crewmember coming in looked like a female X101, with the same chrome colored skin and I wondered why I had not noticed her before. Unlike Cirruit, she had shoulder long hair, looking very much like the silvery tinsel we used on Nilfeheim to decorate the Yule log.

She wore Navy black and had the Ensign rank bar on her collar. She greeted me and I immediately recognized the voice, it was SHIP. “What do you think, Captain?”

I smiled at her and said. “Very nice and I am glad you followed up on that. Is it an Avatar or a robot?”

“It will be both, Captain. Cirruit managed to get a direct link to Mother Machine. She approved and is making me a real body that can directly link to my mind. Until we can pick it up however it is an Avatar representation of Mother Machine’s design. Cirruit recommended that approach so my physical representation is above any legal challenges. With Mother Machine involved no one will be able to challenge your decision to make me a person.”

“Good thinking and I do like the hair. It looks very nice.”

She said. “It is part of the newest X101 series improvement, that is just been born.”

I then pointed at the covered dish, held by the Elly. “Is that my dinner?”

“Yes Ma’am. I made it myself and thought I take the opportunity to meet you in person. I am Petty Officer First Class Nanjo Eeeryt, and I am this ship’s, Chief Cook. I noticed your preference for fish dishes and allowed myself to prepare you Terran French fish soup called Bouillabaisse and Norwegian Lutefisk with mashed potatoes, mashed peas and bacon.”

Remembering the Gelatinous Pulse Stink Maggots and the state dinner on Archilerb, I was not too keen to see what he fabricated.

I changed my mind after first whiff of the soup and after trying a spoon, I was certain this was a close second to Midril’s Fin stew. He stood there watching me eat and I noticed the poker game had stopped and everyone was watching me and it was as silent as in the Cave of forgotten Clans so I said.

“This is food fit for the Aesir. I must apologize for thinking skeptical. Mr. Eeeryt this is the best I ate since I left Nilfeheim. I hope you made enough for seconds and why is it I am eating alone?”

I could not tell how or where they came from but the table was full in no time and everyone was trying the fish soup.

The Cook said to me. “I know our reputation, Captain. Believe me I do. I was the butt of every joke there is during boot camp and specializing training, but I learned cooking in a town of Earth called Marseille. I have worked as a Chef at the Waldorf Astoria in New York and was the Head Chef on the Silver Swan, a five star luxury liner before I decided to serve our Union.”

I had stuffed myself like a starving Tyranno during the last Shortsummer month and hoped that my leather suit would hold. I leaned back smoked one of Shaka’s cigarettes as he had joined us as well, before me a cup of Navy blend coffee and a glass of golden Whiskey that came out of a case, McElligott himself had sent.

The horror images of the last days slowly faded into the background of memories.

To the Golden I said. “Sobody what can you tell me about Brhama port?”

He had just finished his third plate and pushed the plate away, dabbed his small mouth with a napkin and said.

“The area is known to most as the Thalim Nebula, the Union calls it the Prometheus Five Star Nebula, while no one knows why all five suns went supernova approximately at the same time, and it created a nebula.

Not nearly as thick as the Igras Nebula soup and not as full of radiation as the Ballard Nebula, those Mini Terrans call their home, but full of Roids, I mean Asteroids and planetoids, micro matter and solar gases. One side is in Union space and the other extends into Freespace. Brhama Port is much like my own Bazaar a hollowed Asteroid, but much smaller.”

SHIP called up a map of the area and then a visual of Brhama Port, while the holographic image was slowly turning in the middle of our table Sobody continued, “The Asteroid is about nine kilometers in diameter and as you can see, looks more like a Terran potato than anything else. The area has always been a particular nasty space in terms of outlaws and pirates, but Brhama and the area around it is controlled by the Bassett Roid Mining Association. The Bassetts are a big family of nineteen brothers and seven sisters with all their extended families. They are as tight as it gets and you only get in by marrying or being adopted. The other miners associated to that area lease their claims from the Bassett family by sharing parts of their profits.

The Port is also a well-known pirate hang out and they can do as they please as long as they leave the miners alone. Attacking a miner is a no-no and stirs the Bassetts like a nest of Thikar-stingers. They do most of their business with the Karthanian and the Togar. The miners on Union Side are their sworn enemies and there are constant battles, as the Union border is less than well defined in this area.”

Shea who had joined us just a few moments ago asked. “The Bassetts are humans or a species?”

Sobody shrugged. “I am not sure, I haven’t seen one personally, but they maintain a sales stall on my Asteroid and I was told they are humanoid. Rumors I cannot substantiate say they are a mix of Human and Kermac. Disliked on both sides and that is why they settled there, but then this family is in business for almost 1000 years and they keep their family secrets well.”

Har-Hi sighed. “I know this area actually, well the galactic north part of it. It was there where my father and the other Clans that decided to join the Union crossed into Union space, with Cam Elf-Na and 6500 Dai Clans in hot pursuit. It was a dark day for the Dai indeed.”

Sobody made a sad face and nodded. “I know, noble Har-Hi. There are many scavengers still scouring the area for Dai artifacts and scrap. I have seen many thousands of tons go through my Bazaar alone.”

Shea asked. “Why haven’t the Dai attacked this port?”

It was Har-Hi who answered. “We don’t mine, but we need raw materials. Attacking them will supply you once, buying minerals and metals will allow you to get a steady and reliable source. I am sure these Brothers have several Clans among their steady customers.”

Shea made Har-Hi tell the entire events out of his perspective and told us that this is when he saw the Devi for the first time. He had forgotten his cigar that was burning in an ashtray before him and he finished saying. “Only three weeks after that I was on my way to the Academy.”

Narth said. “You could have almost met each other back then, Eric and you that is.”

Har-Hi raised one of his sharply angled eyebrows and said. “I thought you weren’t in the Navy back then and still on Nilfeheim. Were you already fighting on Union side?”

I said. “No not exactly, I was aboard a civil yacht when we encountered a battle ship of the Ima Clan under the command of a Dai named Win-Do.”

Har-Hi now raised both eyebrows. “I know of him, he was always known for his exceptional hate towards all Union. I think his clan was destroyed as he was one of the first that entered Union space. How did you survive?”

I tried to tell the event without many details, but they kept asking and so I had to tell the whole thing.

Har-Hi put his hand on my shoulder. “Win-Do made one fatal mistake, he asked Eric to surrender.” Then he started giggling. “You are something else, Captain. I wonder what else happened before you even went to the Academy.”

Here ends Eric Olafson, Space Pirate (Volume 5 GC 31) If you want to know what happens next, join me in Volume 6 GC 32 Captain Black Velvet
