Galnet Wiki

Galactic North

Old term associated with Astro navigation.

Dividing the galaxy into six directions : North, South , West, East , Up and Down was used by United
Earth Astrogators and cartographers even after 2220. It used Eart as a Universe centric view point and simply extended the celestial view points of Earth onto the entire#
Galaxy and even universe. Constellations that meant something only looking into the Earth sky , lost their meaning even standing on the surface of the Moon or Mars.
For some reason not entirely clear, the terms : Galactic North, Galactic South, Galactic West and Galactic East have returned into the language of Commanding officers, talking to their
Navigators. This is in part explained to the fact that Admiral Stahl and als McElligott often still use these terms.
Language scholars believe that the COs picked by Stahl often emulate their mentor and hero and injected the terms into Command school and thus these rather incorrect terms returned to be used.
In 3999 an astrographic scholar of the Astrographic Society and experts created the so called "Stahl Map of the Galaxy" It was a joke and tounge in cheek work and meant as a homage to the Eternal Warrior.
The map made only for friends was distributed among the AS and eventually leaked to the media.
Among other things the Scholar (a Blue) used the Galaxy core as zero point instead of Earth (Not knowing that Stahl was from Earth)but he used the old directional terms.
From that point almost every CO used these terms and it was found that the mind of most planet bound beings found it easier to relate to Galactic North than to the official : Upward
In 4099 the Unites Stars Navy reintroduced these terms officially into theit maps and charts and thus Union navy Language.
The terms never replaced the standard galactic centered XYZ coordinate sysyem.
However the Union Spatial Coordination system was revised in 5000 and the new 0,0,0 coordinates were placed at the center of the gravitational anoamlity called the Great Attractor.
