Galnet Wiki

Galactic West

Defined direction in the M-0 Galaxy,

Old Terran Human (United Earth) way of describing directions and regions of the M-0 Galaxy.
They used the gravitational center between M-0 and Andromeda to  define the Northern direction and the Galactic Core as center and divided the M-0 Galaxy in the same geographical directions they used on Earth.


Most of the continuous space of Union region is Galactic West
Most of Galactic East is unexplored

The use of these galactic directions is not official and never was. However Humans find it easy to relate and it is still a popular way of
describing a direction or location to Human Terrans (and a few others)

[1] The terms : Up, Spin, Core and Down ward are also controversial especially since the terms up and down are hard to define in space without a center of gravitation as focal point.

Astrographers proposed to abandon the a M-0 centric terminology and replace it with a simple four symbol code dividing all Galaxies into 4 parts.
A new Navigation system centered on the gravitational center of the known galaxy (Great Attractor)

Upward would be M0-1
Spinward = M0-2
Downward = M0-3
Coreward = M0-4


