Galnet Wiki


Horatio Benedict , Captain

3823 – 3933

Union Citizen. Race Affiliation Human Terran (Canadian Region)

The history of the Union is not short of heroes and individuals who achieve tremendous acomlishment. If one would have to list the Unions ten greatest heroes, the name Horatio Benedict would be high among that list. Followed by the entire crew roster of the USS Memphis .

In 3860, Captain H. Benedict and the USS Memphis (

Rule 49

the perhaps most famous rule out of the book :

Fifty One Rules of Klack and War

Rule 49 is perhaps the most famous "Terrans mad at your society - bad news for it's long term survival. Terrans mad at your enemies - good news for your society (as long as you don't make them mad at you as well.)"

No matter who quotes it , it always causes Terrans to frown and roll their eyes then they insist on telling everyone just how peaceful they are and that they are the most peaceful race there is. While every non Terran then feels compelled to list a few of those societies who did just that, making Terrans angry and had perished.

Klack and Saresii scholars even discovered the legend of human that turns into an angry green monster who gets stronger the angrier it gets.

Of course it also holds true to most Terran Colonists.

Even the little Mini Terrans and of course the Neo Vikings .

It should be mentioned that the 49th rule became the motto of the 9th fleet.
