Galnet Wiki

Horus Men

Saran legend about a group of men transformed into brid / human amalgams by the god Horus himself.

The discovery of mummies with wings underneath the Sphinx on Earth seem to substantiate this legend. The mummies are considered to be about 16,000 years old and this date seems to be the same time when Sarans first visited Earth. No such mummies have been discovered on any of the old Saran worlds. Some crystallized DNA was recovered but was not enough to make a detailed determination as of the origin of those mummies or their connection to that legend.

In that legend, Horus rewards 24 devout followers with the ability to transform into bird like creatures, capable of flight and with other seemingly supernatural powers. The legend also tells of an uprising of man against the gods and the killing of these man / bird creatures. In Saran legend this is called the Era of Ammit the Devourer .
