Galnet Wiki
John Vilnis

John Vilnis
Everything appears to be back to normal. The latest chapter arrived in my inbox and was great to read so that part is working. As to pledges, yeah that's always going to be strained for some people but what would be nice is to see the Eric saga in print like the original one was but New and Improved. :P Thanks for sharing your thoughts and worries Vanessa.

Dear John,

I am so glad that things are back to normal. As to the pledge issue, I will not make a difference between my patrons. I am sure there is some sort of horizon I have to cross in terms of numbers or something, to get a publishing contract with a print version. (My dream)
But until then there won't be printed issues...Oh hey, I just got an idea. I could offer printed versions as a Tier gift or something.  There is Lulu and they can print books on demand. Hmm, I think you got me an idea...I need to figure out how to do it and keep it affordable.

