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Union member 

Species: Maltyrian Human sub species, Genetic altered during Second Exodus TL 8 AL 9 , Carbon based , NiOx Consumers , BaPhy 1LDLS consumers , Bipedal, Standard Grav

Union Colony / Human Sub Species - Sentient Species - Union Member Species

Human colonists leaving earth during the Second Exodus received (if they so wished) ) some genetic tailoring to better adapt them to their chosen new world. Most groups left in two, three and sometimes even five or six Colonist Ark ships. Especially to the more desirable locations like New Sweden, Midgard, Eden, Gaea and Terra Two; however Garden worlds were rare and those groups who left due to political or religious reasons accepted less than perfect worlds to remain among their own. One such group was the American Atheist Association, adamant to deny anyone with any type of supernatural faith or religion any part in their society.

The Group, on purpose chose a world further than any other colonist group and even had the range of their single Colonist Ark extended. The world was known to the Sarans as Maltyr and had been surveyed only superficially. It was far beyond the expected expansion of United Earth and neither the Sarans nor any other known civilization claimed that world or the space around it.

Malty is a Class 3 A Garden world, with vast Tundra covered continent , short cool summers and long very cold winters.

The Maltyr settlers included a group of Genetic scientists who did not want to be shackled by ethical or religious boundaries and started experimenting.

Their creations were successes at first, but it led to nightmarish conditions where creatures that had very little to do with humans, some deformed and failed experiments roamed the planet , some of the creatures lacked all inhibitions and control was lost. Scientists killed and knowledge lost.

A small
