Galnet Wiki

Medamon Class Space Station

--See also: Medimon

In the family of pre-fabricated Space Stations, the Medamon is the mid-sized station. Before The Bridge project, space stations were usually built at the spot they were needed and the design varied greatly; due to local taste, Construction Company and individual designers. The Bridge project however needed 800 stations and to give the project a reasonable speed it was decided to manufacture these stations in factory style and tow them into place. They were manufactured in the Threshold System and later in the dedicated Station Factory System of Montserrat, where most Union Space Stations are built to this day. Medamon Stations come in three Prefab Sizes.

The pre-fabricated Space Stations sizes are:

  • Gigamon Plus
  • Gigamon (I, II & III) 20-50 km Diameter/Length
  • Medamon (I,II & III) 10 -15 km Diam/length
  • Minimon (I,II &III) 8,000 m (length Diam)
  • Micromon 1000 m