Galnet Wiki

Death Cults associated to the Necro King

associated to the Necro King

aka Necros

throughout the known Galaxy there is an ancient death cult. Led by an immortal [1] being, the Necro King .

The cult has many forms, sub cults and names.  It exists in almost all known space-faring societies that have contact with theGalactic society pool.

It is much older than the Union and has been known to exist by the Saresii of the First Age of Knowledge.[2]

While almost all civilizations and cultures developed a death cult independently at one stage or another in their own society, and some are still practiced, once the society makes the Ascent they merge with one of the galaxy-wide cults. 

The Necro Cult is the largest and considered a dangerous organization by Union law enforcement.

However it is classified as a religion and only certain practices, not the religion itself is illegal.

It has been illegal in the Kermac society and still managed to exist.

The Shiss  All White was a follower and there is a small but dedicated group of Nul ( the Black Nul )

[1] Immortal in terms of Aging. Not indestructible

[2] Where it thought to have originated. See -->Necro King
