Galnet Wiki
Ongloran Federationss

Ongloran Federation

a multi-species society that existed about 10,000 years before the Union

Not much is known about the Ongloran Federation, as  it was located in the region known as Freespace and very little archeological and scholastic research has been done on Unio Side.

Only after the Jooltar, the Karthanians and the Togar joined the Union; and of course the disolution of the Freespace Treaty some research has been started.

It is generally accepted that a long-range expedition or something similar of theAttikan Commonwealth had reached theM-0 Galaxy ( Some Attikan Scholars believe it was not an expedition but an exiled prince or emperor who fled with a substantial fleet)

DNA similarities of the Jooltar and a Large Magellan Species (the Jorizet ) support the notion.

The visitors from the LMC with no ways to return founded the Ongloran Federation by forming some sort of cooperation with a local sentient species (The Onglorans ).

This Federation expanded to about 130 systems and four or five member species and was said to be a quite successful civilization.

Why the Ongloran Federation suddenly disappeared after existing for about 1000 years is not known. Some say it was the lack of communicationand it simply became to big to be governed by a central government. Other say there was a war against the ack then also growing Oghr Empire.

Yet others believe it was an internal war. There are dozens of loal legends claiming to know the real reason.

No one remembers who the Ongloran were, how they looked like or where they planet of origin was.

In 5052, a fact finding expedition dispatched in the region is seking to find answers to this questions.
