Galnet Wiki

Translocator Gatlings.

Translocator Cannons utilize a higher spatial medium to transfer bombs (loads) at the point of explosion to pre determined target coordinates, bypassing regular/standard space.

The process of loading and trans-spatial displacement has mechanical components (conveying, breech closing etc. that take time) Union Engineers came up with a system of Rotary TL's (commonly known as Gatling Translocators) 

Several translocator gatlings are mounted on a turn table and chain or conveyor fed with translocator loads.

This allows the loading aspect to be continuous and separated from the firing process and thus increase fire rate.

While this could be used with any size load, it is considered to dangerous with the big loads and is only used with loads up to Mini size,(most commonly used in the micro load size)

Translocator Gatlings were primarily developed for Wolfcraft Fighters
