Galnet Wiki

Whispering Statue of the Blessed Light‏‎

Old Netlorsstat

 Ancient Statue presumed of UNI origin on planet Netlor in Freespace .

The statue is 71 meters tall and according to the latest Union material scans it is made of solid gold with a molecular thin layer of Mono-neutronioum ( gold stabilized)

The statue is the center of believe of the Church of the Golden whispering Spirit of the Universe .

No actual physical research is allowed due to the Free Space treaty. And because it is now the object of a Religious group.

The Statue has a transparent head with colourful facets that are "light activated" via  a sun light beam that is created when the local sun aligns with a hole in the 12 kilometer distant mountains.[1]

There is a smaller version of the Starue in a secret cave underneath the Cave that opens a Transspatial Gateway whenever the statue above recieves the light of the sun (twice a year)

[1]It should be noted that the Wurgus are certain the star system was manipulated to give Netlor a perfect orbit and the Sun had been stabilised (and not by the Wurgus)

Classified- Work Group Olympus Info: The gauntlets / gloves of the Dark One have been placed in a cache underneath the Statue.
