Galnet Wiki

Zulu Nations

Six former independent Earth colonies - Union Member #9

Star Systems: Imbasa , Inkanyezi

Species: Terran Human

During the Second Exodus , a large group of Bantu (Ethnic group of Africa ) left Earth to settle their own world (2109 OTT ) and independent from United Earth . They vowed to adhere to their traditions and were at first very Anti Earth.

The Colony grew quickly and expanded to six planets in the Cascadia neighborhood (Upward Sector - 1002 LY from Pluribus ). The Zulu Nations ( the six colonies) arrived bringing TL 3 with them and managed to reach TL 4 completley on their own in only about 100 years. 

The Zulu Nations join the newly formed Union in 2222 OTT

In 2223 OTT the Zulu Nations accept the Zulu King (of Earth) as their King and the King of all Zulu.

The six Colonies are :

  1. Lapho
  1. Laphaya
  1. Khona
  1. Ihlathi
  1. Utshani
  1. Isihlabathi

The Zingela  were the Zulu Nations warriors and operated a 20 ship fleet before joining the Union. The 28th Fleet is named Zingela in their honor and carries the Zulu shield in the Fleet logo.
